holidaying with friends 2!

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throwback to the last chapter
They're all having a nice time, Harry still snoozing away and it's almost like it's just the three of them together- that's until Xander wonders outside spotting Jeff and Glenne, glancing over to the sofa at Harry before pausing when he notices the dummy in his mouth and the diaper hanging over his shorts, Harry still fast asleep and oblivious.

"Oh fuck"Jeff murmurs as Xander frowns confusedly, trying to make sense of what he's seeing right now.

"Is he-is he into this? Like you know a kink"Xander manages to stutter out.

"No no! Much different than that to be honest, come over here and we'll both tell you"Glenne says standing up as Jeff follows after her, the three of the then sitting on lounger's that are opposite Harry who's still fast asleep.

"So basically Harry struggles with his bladder hence as you can see the diaper, it's been happening since even before One Direction but I think the stress and everything made it a whole lot worse so diapers work best for him"Jeff explains.

"And the pacifier, as you know he's a Mummy's boy and he gets homesick fairly easily, having that comforts him in a way me or Jeff can' we can give him all the cuddles in the world which we do but we can't give him a sense of home like that does"Glenne says.

"So he's like got an overactive bladder? S'that all"Xander says not really grasping it.

"Sort of, he's gonna hate me for this but he also struggles with caring for himself, mainly me or Glenne change him because he's incapable of it, it's something that really gets him down to be fair"Jeff says.

"Will he be upset with me now I've found out, for reference I'm not younger brother is quite similar to Harry other than the fact my brother is autistic and you know struggles a little with day to day life, getting dressed and caring for himself...I see Harry as a little brother to myself"Xander says.

"When he wakes up he's obviously gonna be mortified when he sees you so give him time to calm down, maybe leave it to me and Jeff for a bit and then gently approach him...let him know everything's okay and you're there"Glenne says.

"I can't imagine how he's gonna react, Kendall told me about the little crush he has on me...I hate to say this but I probably can't see myself dating him especially not like this, I mean I feel like I'd ruin his innocence"Xander says.

"It's more so a huge crush, when you couldn't come to Glenne's surprise birthday party he nearly burst into tears on the spot because he'd picked out a special shirt he thought you'd like, was clinging to me like a little puppy the whole night"Jeff says as Xander chuckles.

"Should I go back inside or...?"Xander says.

"Best to stay out here, we mays well rip the band aid off straight away"Jeff says as Xander nods relaxing in his chair and taking in the sun.

Harry stirs minutes later, rolling over onto his tummy and whining as the dummy falls from his mouth and bounces on the floor, his hand reaching out for it.

"Babes it's dirty now, give it to me"Glenne says quick in rushing over and grabbing the pacifier out of Harry's hand.

"M'wan Glenny!"Harry whines.

"You don't honey....dummy is for sleepy times okay?"Glenne says brushing Harry's hair off his sweaty face, the humid weather taking its toll on everyone.

"Sleepy times now?"Harry says crawling into Glenne's lap as she laughs patting Harry's bum and waiting for him to wake up fully, the little laid lifting his head up moments later and glancing around the pool, pausing when he spots Xander.

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