baby boys

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this was requested by whenhazzametboo so thank you!! 💗💗

Harry- 6 month old headspace
Louis- 3 year old headspace
Niall- Daddy
Liam- Papa

Niall and Liam were proud 'fathers' of adult babies Harry and Louis. Louis the older one out of the pair in a toddler headspace, just about potty trained but still needs a bit of help but takes pride in being a big boy and a big brother to Harry.

When the boys first started ageplay Harry was the same age as Louis in his headspace but he struggled and slipped various times into a younger headspace so after a long chat they all decided it would be best for Harry to be in a baby headspace. In diapers full time and no words spoken when he's down, speaking in babbles and noises.

"Oop-little one here is falling to sleep, I'm gonna take him upstairs to bed Li"Niall says looking down at Harry in his arms who's half asleep, a grip on Niall's t-shirt as he gazes up at Niall with his eyes half open.

"Alright I don't think me and Lou are gonna be long are we bubba? Wanna say night to Hazzy Bear?"Liam says.

"Uh'huh! Gimme'im Daddy!"Louis says holding his arms out for Harry, loving to hold his baby brother.

"Not tonight baby he's a little bit clingy, maybe give him a kissy while he's in Daddy's arms"Niall says bending down so Louis can see Harry.

Louis adorably leaning over and pressing a slightly sloppy peck to Harry's pouty lips, not exactly getting the reaction he wanted when Harry who's in a bit of a clingy mood wails and fusses in Niall's arms.

"Shhh baby it was only Boo giving you a kissy, we'll go up to bed now...oh you're so sleepy!"Niall coos softly as Liam sets about comforting Louis who's now upset.

"H..Ha..Hawwy n-n-no w-wike B-Boo?!"Louis says his bottom lip wobbling.

"Of course he does! He loves his BooBear!! Baby Hazza is just a little bit tired know how long he kept me and Daddy awake last night?"Liam says lifting the feathery haired boy onto his lap and kissing his head.

"Na'uh? Hawwy na-naughty?"Louis says curiously, placing his thumb in his mouth.

"I wouldn't say naughty, I don't think he was feeling very good so he was very clingy to me and Daddy, didn't want to sleep in his own crib at all!"Liam says.

"B-baby H-Hawwy i-i-icky?"Louis says his eyes clouding over with tears once more at the thought of his brother being ill, he hates to see him sad or poorly.

"No baby boy he's fine now! He's just feeling a little clingy I shouldn't be getting upset! Are you getting tired sweetie?"Liam asks Louis who nods burying his face into Liam's neck.

"I thought so, let's get you up to wanting Papa to read you a story tonight?"Liam says lifting Louis onto his hip.

"f'course papa!"Louis says with a gasp as Liam chuckles.

"Silly Papa! Boo never goes without a story does he?"Liam says as Louis shakes his head, him and Liam entering the bathroom to get ready for bed.

"Oh deary me! Are we having another clingy night tonight?"Niall coos as he sits on the rocking chair with a crying Harry in his arms, the attempts to lay him down in his crib had been futile and Harry has cried and cried, not even his beloved dummy calming him down.

Harry glances up at Niall, continuing to cry. His face red and frowned, the dummy that he spat out hanging on his chest by a clip.

"Boo's fast he being fussy again?"Liam says with a frown as he enters Harry's nursery, seeing Harry pitifully crying in Niall's arms.

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