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i couldn't figure out a name for this chapter sorry😭😭 but the lovely zebrachickk suggested writing a sequel to the 'grown up' chapter and it was too adorable not to!! Thank you for all the ideas too I will deffo include them in here and some of my future chapters ☺️☺️
he might be babied a bit more in this chapter than the grown up one but he has also regressed a bit since staying with the couple.

harry age 29

 picture him looking like live on tour harry

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picture him looking like live on tour harry

With a break from tour Harry has been staying at Jeff and Glenne's for around two weeks now, it was arranged as Harry is somewhat incapable of living alone. He's way too forgetful and can neglect certain needs like his hygiene so it's a much better idea to have someone always staying with him. Due to the couple helping him with almost everything Harry has regressed slightly but is also somewhat resisting help too, it can get very confusing for Jeff and Glenne.

"Harry....please not the crocs"Glenne tries her hardest not to groan as Harry goes to pick his shoes for the day, it was Jeff's idea to get him some Crocs since he isn't the best at tying shoes and Harry has fallen completely in love with the shoes.

please not the crocs"Glenne tries her hardest not to groan as Harry goes to pick his shoes for the day, it was Jeff's idea to get him some Crocs since he isn't the best at tying shoes and Harry has fallen completely in love with the shoes

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the crocs in question lmao i love

"B-but i like them!! Please GiGi!"Harry pouts as Glenne shakes her head holding out some Vans and telling Harry to sit on the floor so she can help him into them.

"I don't think they'll quite go with the fit bubba, Julia is gonna be there remember?"Glenne teases slightly as Harry blushes, let's be honest Glenne is telling the truth since the boy is wearing his bright green Pleasing hoodie and the pink Crocs don't quite match.

"Fine!! But not changing my outfit cause of Julia...just friends Gi"Harry reminds Glenne as she nods smirking.

Harry is going on a day out with Glenne and a few of her friends, all of them love Harry tagging along as he has similar interests to most of them and he loves a shopping trip since Glenne likes to spoil him. However the point of the teasing is his slight crush on one of Glenne's closest friends Julia...Harry admitting this to Jeff and making him promise to keep it a secret.
Of course Jeff didn't and Glenne soon found out and made sure to tease Harry relentlessly and maybe even told Julia. (Harry doesn't know this and would probably throw a massive meltdown if he did).
A whole chat was had about crushes and how some people might not have the same feelings back to kind of ease the idea into Harry's mind that Julia might not like him back...she obviously finds him adorable and yes she does find him attractive however she knows he isn't in the correct mindset to date.
She's heard about his previous dating experiences and how he's not had the best luck and also how Jeff and Glenne have basically told him to focus on himself and caring for him before trying to date since Kendall literally had to remind him to wash and put on deodorant.

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