birthday blues

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a couple of people requested a birthday chapter so everyone who requested it I've kinda mixed all your requests into one and kinda added a little twist, i hope everyone enjoys!!❤️❤️ i will be doing some other requests for people too in later chapters so don't worry if i haven't done yours yet💗

"Who's waking him up then this morning?"Jeff says as Glenne climbs out of bed, shivering and grabbing her robe from the back of the door.

"I did it yesterday so I guess it's your turn today, plus I need a shower this morning and so does H so I'll get him sorted after I've had mine"She says wondering into the bathroom.

"Remember to check his diaper right away babe! I found he'd soaked it through yesterday so god knows what he's done today, hope it's not a leak"Glenne adds quickly as Jeff nods climbing out of bed himself and grabbing his boxers that he threw on the floor in the middle of the night, also throwing a hoodie on because the house is weirdly cold first thing in a morning.

Harry's room is next door to the couple, on the purpose that he's prone to bad dreams and often needs a diaper change during the night so it's easier for him to be closer to Jeff and Glenne. Even if it means sometimes a visitor in bed with them at night some days.

(Harry's room but without the candles as he cannot be trusted with them in this story😂)

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(Harry's room but without the candles as he cannot be trusted with them in this story😂)

"Hersh!"Jeff says as he pushes the door open to Harry's room, finding the younger boy still sprawled in bed, his back to the door but his loud snores indicate that he's still sleeping.

He obviously hears Jeff because Jeff can hear his breathing even but Harry doesn't make any attempt to move, Jeff deciding to take a more gentle approach so sits himself down on Harry's bed.

"Time to wake up little oneee!"Jeff coos laying next to Harry as the younger boy groans.

"Nooo Jeffy!! Wanna sleep pwease"Harry murmurs rolling over so he's facing Jeff, burying his face in his neck.

"You can't sleep all day angel! It's party day today remember, gotta make you look all handsome"Jeff says patting Harry's diaper for a second before realising how damp it is and instead rubbing his lower back.

"Party wif'Glenne Glenne"Harry says cracking his eyes open slightly, his face mere inches away from Jeff but he's not uncomfortable, Harry doesn't know the word personal space let alone the meaning.

Harry and Glenne's birthdays were both very close so the pair have had a joined birthday party the past two years, this year is no change and with Harry's birthday the following Monday they decided this particular weekend was the perfect choice. It was only going to be a small gathering to not overwhelm Harry but the younger boy was still excited and every night when Jeff and Glenne tucked him in bed he continually asked how many days till his party.

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