Marvelous Marvel x Reader IOP...

By Phoenixflash

74.7K 1.7K 376

Your favorite rookie heros, mutants, avengers, guardians, and even our very own S.H.E.I.L.D. Are all yours! ... More

Old request page
1- Movie Date (Nova x Readerx Harry)
2- Like BAM! (Peter x Reader)
3- Master and Servant (Danny x reader)
4- More than a mission (Danny x Reader)
5- Shy (Danny x reader)
6- Bake n' Study (Spidermanx water!Readerx Nova)
7- Eight Years Later... (Peter x older! Reader)
9- Pepper's Intern (slight!Tonyx Reader x Steve)
10- Love Potion (Bruce x Scorcerist!reader
11- Be Mine (Sam x Reader x Danny)
12- Superhero (Luke x Reader)
13- Rescue (Ava x Male!reader)
14- Peter x Death!Reader
15- Dinner and a show (Danny x reader)
16- Meet the Parents: Daddy!Steve x Mommy!Reader
18- Online (Thor x Reader)
19- Picture This (Bucky x Reader)
20- Unkiss Me Part I (Nova x Superpowers!Reader)
21- It's the Tech (Steve x Reader)
22- You and me~ Part I (Nova x reader)

17- Cendrillon (Prince!Steve x Reader)

1.7K 44 17
By Phoenixflash

This will have three parts! Also this is based of Vocaloid's Cendrillon and Cinderella.

"Oh, _________! Could you make my favorite tea for me?"

"Yes, step sister." You replied, reaching for the top cupboard for a teacup.

"___________, get my rose bonnet, it's on the coat hanger."

"Of course, step sister." You set the teacup down and tossed the tea container next to it, hoping to get back to it later. You stumbled out of the kitchen towards the stair well where the coat hanger stood. You caught yourself, holding onto the rood, but from your weight on its unexpected thin three legs, the coat hanger toppled over, knocking the drawer with the daisy vase.

The glass covered the floor like snow, the pieces washed over the floor like ocean waves.

"__________, look at the mess you made! You stupid fool!" Your stepmother scolded. You hurried to grab the duster so you could clean up the glass.

"I honestly don't understand why her father loves her." One of your step sisters complained.

"She can't do anything right." The other frowned.

You finished scooping the pieces and lifted the stand and hanger back into place.

"Get me my tea, ________!"

"Where's my bonnet, _________!"

They returned to their squabbling. You sighed and handed the bonnet to one sister and returned to the kitchen to finish the tea.

Once you added honey and quickly stirred it on the way, with a spoon, whipping it out and quickly handing the tea to your step sister.

"Yuck! It's too sweet now!"

"You crushed the rose petals!" They complained, your step mother rolled her eyes and flapped her fan. She turned the nob on the door and swung the door open.

"Now, _________. Your sisters and I are going out today." She explains, your sister shutting up and pulling out their own fans, falling in line with her.

"Oh, could I come this time?" You asked, dusting your hands off on your apron. Your step mother looks you up and down, grabbing broom from the nearby closet and tossing it to you.

"No, the manor is still such a mess, that even you are disgusting. Why don't you be a dear and clean it up for us?"

"But-" She shut her fan against her palm.

"_________, we'll be back soon." She smirked, turning and walking through the door way down the stairs. Your step sisters too closed their fans and brushed their curly locks over their shoulders. You sighed in defeat; it had always been like this... but not today! You were going out today, feeling a surge of confidence; you're going out to the village. You through the broom to the side and removed your apron, hanging it on the stair handle. And scooping your basket, with a mini (favorite color) pouch of little money you had saved up.

You were finally going out, and no one was going to stop you!


You skipped through the thick evergreen, of course it takes a forest to get to the village market unless you took a coach, which your step family took. You honestly dreamed of adventure outside of the manor, but with squabbling, lazy step sisters and a selfish, cruel step mother you couldn't really get any where.

As you were continuing on your way, you heard something that sounded like a horse hooves, turning you realized it was two of men riding on horse back. They approached and you scurried off the path towards an oak to avoid being squashed.

The men on their beautifully brushed stallion held the reins, tugging to slow their steads.

"Shit." A man with a slight beard and mustache cursed, beating his hand against his saddle.

"Language." The other coughed. you squinted to get a better look at the men.

"We lost them again." The man who cursed grumbled. The blonde one hops off his horse and touches the ground, touching what looks like a foot print.

"Please tell me you found something." The one who cursed jumped off his horse towards his comrade.

"Looks like they got on something and escaped. The tracks stop there and then theres coach wheels from here." The blonde points out, standing up, You try to get a closer look.

"Then we missed them!" Blonde's comrade kicked, causing the dirt to swell into a cloud of dust.

"Tony, we'll head back and--"


You accidentally stepped on a twig. Both men scanned for the source of the sound.

"They're here." Tony whispered, taking hold of the butt of his sword. You stayed still, unsure what to make of the men.

"Tony..." The other stared at his friend who was making his way towards your oak tree.

"P-Please don't hurt me!" You cried with your hands held in front of you.

"Whoa, its a girl." Tony steps back. his friend approaches you, holding his hand out.

"Miss, what are you doing here?" You take The blond's gloved hand and he pulls you up, back on the path.

"Oh, I'm on the way to the village market." You replied proudly. The two look at each other in confusion.

"If your heading towards the village its in the other direction." Tony explained, pointed back where you came from. You blushed in embarrassment.

"Whoops, I'm so sorry, its been a while since I'm been outside of my manor."

"Its all right, but if you would like we could escort you to the market. I'm Grant and this is my friend Tony we wouldn't mind taking you there, plus there are plenty of crooks around." Grant offered, Tony held in a laugh with a cough.

"I-I would really like that, thank you so much!" You beamed, "I'm--"

"But 'Grant'..." Tony began as 'Grant' glared at him.

"It'll be short, plus we could grab a drink."

"Well shes a pretty girl and I can't turn down a drink," Tony sighed, "let's go." Grant lifted you on to his horse and then he climbed on.

"Ready?" You nodded "Hold on tight." You held on to Grant's torso, Tony rode from behind.


"We're here." Tony announced, getting off his horse to help you from Grant's stead. Grant jumped down.

"Thank you so much, I would have been in those woods forever if it weren't for you guys." You bowed your held in gratitude.

"Your welcome, sweet heart." Tony takes your hand and kissed the back of it, " remember Tony Stark, send me a gram if you want to get together sometime."Grant rolled his eyes.

"Don't mind him." He says, "do know the way back now?"

"Yes, I do."

"Good, ready to get going Tony?" Grant climbs on to his horse.

"All right, back to work."

"See you later!" Tony winks and both men ride off, back into the forest.

I giggled to myself. Two very handsome men had just escorted me to the village!


"Well she was cute, what do you think, Grant? Do you think she'll go out with me?" Tony asked his friend who slapped the reins of his horse to move ahed of his friend.

"We need to focus on the issue ahead of us. No distractions, if the Hydra gang gets their hands on--"

"Yeah, yeah. Gosh you could be such a party pooper."

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