The Sinz of Prinz

由 Elect0sharkus

73.1K 2.9K 1.9K

"You never realize what you miss until it's gone." That one line is something that goes through my head every... 更多

Who am I?
Where Demons Tread
The Hunt's Guests
First Impressions...Right?
All in a Day
Two Identical Souls
It's Worse in Person
The Chains Are Set
Blast to the Past
The Past Meets the Future
The Prinz and the Prince
Living Nightmare
To Call an Angel
The Twin Cinders
Her True Companions
Holy Blade, Damned Sinners
A Friend's Wake
To End the War
A Terrible Night
The Final Two
Freed from the Night
Eugen's Epiphany
Pissed off Hunter
Fragility of a Future Girl
The Cake isn't a Lie
Hipper Helper
Monarchy Malarkey
Entertaining a Prinz
Ghosts of the Future
Oil and Blood
Mechanical Miracle
Man and Machine
Angel of "Mercy"
Android Assault
To Be Duped
Science and Subject
Washing Away the Anger
Oh Hunter
Timeless Duet
The Three (Faded) Heroes
Fell from Grace (+18)
Other End of the Rope
Dusk Before the Rapture
Final Confessions
The Eventide
Of Heaven and Hell
To the End
For Their Sake

Trailer(Bonus Content)

1.5K 25 16
由 Elect0sharkus

A warning to those that are just starting this story: Certain events are given light spoilers through this "Trailer", and so if you wish to remain fully in the dark, please skip this chapter.

For those that don't care, or those that have read it before, enjoy.

This was made by X3lNaga




A small light is seen that came from a recently lit lighter, the small flame stands out in the very dark

The small flame lightens to see a gloved hand and a cigar, the hand closes the small flame to the cigar and then put out

Whoever lit the the cigar drew a breath on it

"Well, it's been a while since I did one of these... Nothing like the present to try something out" Said a slightly distorted and hoarse feminine voice, the voice was unrecognisable

"Log 1: Designation 'Great Shark'"


An explosion is seen and the surroundings lighten up to see multiple figures and a broken door on the downward stairs

One of them starts walking down the stairs and the rest of the group follows her

But unseen to them, a strange foot entered into view and starts going down the stairs as well, exiting out of view


"This goes to my few allies who still exist out there..."


A chipped yet beautiful katana is stabbed to the ground in a cliff with a white ribbon dancing to its handle due to the wind and the sun going down on the horizon


"... And it also goes to the ones who managed to find this recording device"

"First, I would like to say congratulations. This isn't the easiest place to find and I know you put an effort into finding it..."

"... But now, we get to the serious things"


The five figures from earlier is seen, now revealed as five very pale women

One of them stops when she thought she heard something "Hm"

"What's wrong?" The one who lead the four of them asks

"I think, I heard something behind us..."


"This war against the sirens started well when we weren't designated as much of a threat."


"... It sounds like gentle tapping"

When the rest heard her answer, they all stopped moving and listened






"We were able to fight back and defeat them on multiple occasions simply because they weren't trying... But you already knew that"


The tapping was getting louder and louder, meaning whatever it was, it's getting closer

They aimed their weapons on the hallway where the tapping came from


"After the destruction of Orochi, they finally acknowledge the threat we pose, and they attacked full force... Wiping all but a handful I know as per this recording"


The tapping suddenly stopped, everyone one of them is scared to what's to come, normally they wouldn't but something is wrong with that tapping noise that scares them to the core

"Keep your weapons ready..." The one leading them said to the rest of the group

"I-I can't... I gotta get out of here!" One of the group exclaimed in fear as she started running down the hall heading straight towards the door


"I'll be brutally honest, we aren't winning this war"


The woman that ran turned down the hallway, disappearing out of sight

When the rest of the group turned the hallway readying to grab the coward, but they arrived too late

"You can't give into your... F-Fear..." The leader stuttered when she saw a gory sight

"H-Holy shit!" One of the members of the group exclaimed in both surprise and horror

The coward was hanging on the wall with a sword on her mouth, her eyes wide in clear horror with splashed yellow blood on the wall behind her


"The sirens are patrolling everywhere, and I know for a fact that they all have good means of destroying us with little problem if it weren't for Akashi's experimentations"


"Everyone stick together! We'll move slowly!" The leader orders the rest of the group which they complied and also brighten their lights to see better

But little did they know, their assailant was hanging above them


"Our lives has been destroyed, and the only things we had left were the people on our back... Heh, what a load of shit"


They all turned around and saw the absence of a girl

"Oh no..." The leader said in horror

"Hold on... There's something over there" One member of the group said as she shined her lights at that direction to see bloodstains on the wall trailing all the way to the end of the hallway


"The sirens hit us first, levelling cities and killing untold amounts of people, and we fought back with all we had... It wasn't enough"


The group when down the hall, and as they arrived, the leader shined her lights down it

"..." The leader was silent as she backs up and has to hold down her vomit from what she saw


"We were losing people left and right. First to go was the destroyers, and poor Nimi was the last to go as she watched her sisters perish right in front of her..."

"Then the U-boats, who were fishes out of the water and blasted to ash... it became a mad dash to fight and survive"


A body of one of the members of the group is seen obviously dead, her head has been cut off in the middle with her brain exposed, her body torn apart, and judging by the marks, she struggled a lot

"She's dead... No no no no no no..." One of the members still alive said in horror

"We need to get the hell out of here now!" Another one of the members said, but they looked at the leader of their group for her approval, and she nodded in agreement

They then started to make their way to the entrance, fast


"Gneisenau, Scharnhost, Leipzig, Nünburg, Spee... They all fell soon after"

"Deutschland wasn't the same afterwards, she lashed out to anyone that dared to speak to her, and it took all we had so she couldn't scuttle herself to go with Spee"


"There it is! We're almost out!" One of them shouts as she runs ahead of the group but the leader notices something

"Stop! Don't get out yet!" The leader shouts a warning


"Then it all crumbled, we ran and were found, one or two would die... Until it was just me and Bismarck..."

"We both watched our sisters die in front of us, and each time we had to comfort one another... Then it all came crashing down when they found us one more time"


"Why?! We're almost out of this hell hole!" The one who ran ahead asks back

"THEY'RE RIGHT ABOVE YOU!!" The leader shouts back an answer


A dust cloud was kicked up, blocking the vision of the rest of the group


"We took down so many of them in our rage, the fear flashed through them as we tore them apart limb from screaming, bloody limb..."

"Then Bismarck received a horrible injury that she had no chance of recovering from... Just like in the damn strait, she was leaking a lot of blood and oil from herself and her rigging"

"Her last words?... 'Live for us, and make sure Ironblood is remembered not by our code, but our valor and glory by fighting an impossible foe'"


The dust settled down eventually, to reveal the figure of their assailant who was standing on top of the member of the group that ran ahead, her head is crushed like a grape as her neck stump squirted out blood continuously


"For those still alive... I have no one left to cherish. My sister is dead, my friends are dead... My country is dead... I'm the last bit of Ironblood still standing"

"And that's why I'm making this log to tell you what happened before I... Disappeared"


A figure is seen while light shining behind her, but due to the light her facial features cannot be seen properly

The figure is seen unsheathing two swords from her hips


"I've been working on a machine of mine in secret, and I'm testing it now today... And with it, I hope a new world could become of this time"

"Confusing isn't it? Time is never a simple matter... And that's what I'll be manipulating to create a better future for all of us"


Suddenly, an ear piercing shriek is rang everywhere

"That..." A female that could be recognized as Kawakaze trailed off as she recognize who the voice that screamed

"Lady Shinano!" A female that was with Kawakaze exclaimed as she runs away


"With this audio log, I'm hoping you understand that the memories you have of me might be different-"


"That one is a damn fake, don't listen to her at all" A blond haired woman who can be identified as Bismarck said


"-or maybe you'll have no memories of me at all..."


A figure is seen putting on a jacket and sweater and then put some mask on making her unidentifiable before she could be identified

She then runs towards the door only to stop as she see multiple guns pointed at her

A blond woman then walks out of the crowd and looked at the figure with her cold blue eyes, this woman is recognized as Bismarck

"So we have a fake ship amongst us? I'll admit, you had everyone fooled, and possibly would have had more time had not the real one herself showed up"

Bismarck then points her gun towards the figure with her eyes glared at her


"... That's if the log survives the butterfly effect of messing with time of course"

"Now then, my test is about to start and I'm about to leave..."


A figure holding two swords is seen, her face covered in shadows as light shines behind her

A few whirs is heard as two mechanical arms holding two more swords appear behind the figure


"... There's nothing left for me here anyways"


A woman who can be recognized as one of the members of the pale women group is seen

Then suddenly, a sword impales her, and then another one, and another one, and then another one, before all four swords suddenly goes outward slicing her body and a fountain of blood is made

Right in front of her is a figure from earlier, her face still covered in shadows


"Well, it was a fun ride wasn't it everyone?"


The figure covered in shadows suddenly lunges forward with her swords

The last thing that the leader of the pale women group is their assailant's bright amber eyes


"This is KMS Prinz Eugen, signing out one last time" The figure said as pure white light blinded everything, revealing the figure's face for a moment to reavel Eugen

Before everything suddenly turned to black


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