Harry and the Assistant

By hsdiaries

95.2K 1.4K 227

Christina Donaldson had been working as a personal assistant to many artist for years, but nothing could prep... More

Chapter 1: Christina & Harry
Chapter 2: Dessert and Drinks
Chapter 3: Hurricane Harry
Chapter 4: The Library
Chapter 6: Madison Square Garden
Chapter 7: James
Chapter 8: LA
Chapter 9: Until I Looked Like This
Chapter 10: The Rule Breaker
Chapter 11: Fate
Chapter 12: Everything Is Going to Be Okay.
Chapter 13: Camille
Chapter 14: Okay, Maybe
Chapter 15: Jeopardy
Chapter 16: Not In Any Rush
Chapter 17: You and Me
Chapter 18: Enough
Chapter 19: Jeff
Chapter 20: The Highs and Lows
Chapter 21: Civil Human Beings
Chapter 22: British Man
Chapter 23: The Morning After
Chapter 24: The End
sneak peek : upcoming book
house of stone : coming soon

Chapter 5: The Itinerary

4.4K 76 28
By hsdiaries

AN: thank you for the reads so far! don't forget to vote :)

The next few days were incredibly busy for Harry in all senses. Interviews, fittings, rehearsals, and at night, tending to different women.

Harry usually warned me with a quick red dancing girl emoji, which always made me laugh.

I kept to myself most nights only stepping out to grab my food order or something quickly from the kitchen. I didn't expect tonight to be any different so I was incredibly surprised when I found Harry by himself in the living room, realizing he hadn't sent me the emoji tonight.

"No special one night only guest today?" I said as I opened up the door grabbing my Postmates order.

He laughed, "Hey, some had a second night encore."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes and laugh a bit. I walked over and sat next to him on the couch, "You hungry, I think I ordered way more curry than I can eat."

"Does it have meat?"

"No, I got tofu." I smiled at him, shoving him softly, "Don't even say it."

We both laughed remembering our fight earlier that week.

"Christina! Try it!"

"Harold. No!"

We were in the dressing room for one of his interviews, and he kept attempting to feed me tofu.

"I swear they flavored it so good it taste just like chicken."

I made a face, "It's not even the taste, it's the texture! It's like...squishy."

He laughed and cut the piece even smaller than he already had, "Look, it's like a half of a half of a half. Come on!"

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, "Okay." I kept my eyes closed and opened my mouth, closing it once I felt him place the tofu in my mouth.

I chewed it slowly and raised my eyebrows, opening one eye, "That...it's not bad actually."

He rolled his eyes sticking the fork in the rest and handing it to me, "I told you."

I took it off with my fingers and popped it in my mouth, "Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

"Sure I'll take some."

"Let me get plates." I got up and made my way to the kitchen.

"So we both have the day off tomorrow, what do you want to do?" He looked over the couch at me in the kitchen.

"Harry you don't have to do something with me me. I can handle wandering around myself." I said as I made my way back.

"I know I don't have to, I want to. I told you, I don't get to do much of the touristy stuff when I come."

I sat next to him and started taking out the food, he reached over helping me, "Okay then, umm, you choose something. Show me whatever it is you like to do."

I smiled at him and he nodded, "Alright, I'll figure it out. Just wake up early though okay?"

"You mean I can't even sleep in on my day off?" I said raising an eyebrow at him.

"I wanna take you to Central Park, and that's the least busiest time." He smiled small.

"Okay fine boss man, I'll wake up early." I chuckled.

He shook his head and sat back on the couch once he served himself rice and curry. I served myself and sat back in the corner of the couch so I could face him. As we ate he pulled out his phone.

"Okay, tell me everything you would do if you had all the time in the city." He smiled, clicking through his phone.

"Umm, well, Times Square, the Statue of Liberty, the 9/11 memorial, go to the top of the tower, umm, oh, oh! Go see a Broadway show, and then there is this diner, where they sing while you eat and they have milkshakes and fries." I wiggled my eyebrows at the last part and he laughed.

"Do you know what it's called?" He said and I shook my head, "I'll figure it out. So is that all?"

"Well obviously and eat some hot dogs and pizza." I smiled.

"Obviously." He smirked playfully and I rolled my eyes.

"So, anyways. Are you ready for your first show? It's only two days away!" I smiled big, "Cause, I'm excited."

He laughed and shook his head, "Just wait until you work through a show day, you won't be excited anymore. But, yeah, I am."

"Is it really that bad?"

"It's just, busy. Like making sure everything is done before we have to head to MSG. Oh wait, it's going to be your first night at MSG too. You have to watch the show then. I'll make sure of it."

I shook my head, "No, I don't want to get in trouble."

"You won't, it's not like I need your assistance while I'm performing. You can stand in the back with Jeff. You'll be fine." He smiled and I did too.

"Okay, that's exciting. Thanks Harry."

He nodded and my phone began ringing. I peeked over and it was my dad, "Umm, sorry. I have to take this."

I placed my food down and got up quickly answering my phone heading into the hallway, "Hey dad. Everything okay?"

"I keep loosing count." He said softly.

"For what dad?" I leaned against the wall massaging the bridge of my nose.

"My pills."

"Umm, hold on." I brought my phone in front of me and looked through my notes, opening up the one marked dad. I kept scrolling until I found what I was looking for, "Which ones daddy?"

"The pink bottle."

"There is 50 after you take one today. I promise. I checked before I left."

"50. Okay. 50. Sweetie?"

"Yes dad."

"Are you pos—dad, yes. Please."

"Okay." He said quietly.

"Take it and go straight to bed. Okay?"

"I will. Love you."

"I love you too, dad." We hung up and I knew he would  stay up all night counting the pills until he was sure.

I quickly found our neighbors contact texting them.

C: I have a feeling my dad is going to stay up counting his pills, can you please check on him before you all go to bed later?

M: will do :)

I took a deep breath, locking my phone and walking about out to the living room.

"Everything okay?" Harry asked and I faked a small smile.

"Yeah, just my dad checking up on me, he gets lonely without me there."

"You sure?" He asked once more and I nodded.

"Promise." And I felt so much relief when he didn't pry anymore.

We were up and out of the house by six the next morning. I was in a big oversized sweater and leggings my hair up in a ponytail. I did my usually brow and mascara, not bothering for anything else. I packed a small bag with my things and my Kindle which he suggested bringing.

When I met him in the living room he was in grey sweats, a white shirt and purple sweater over it. He had a backpack on his shoulder. His hair was messily tied back and somehow, he was still, handsome.

I'm pretty sure calling your boss handsome isn't appropriate Christina.

I rolled my eyes at myself, and took a deep breath, "I'm ready when you are."

He smiled and we made our way out of the loft. We made a quick stop for coffee along the way and then continued to the park. Once we arrived, he checked his phone to make sure we were at the right entrance. As we walked I laughed at myself, for even think Bryant Park could possibly be Central Park.

"It just goes on and on doesn't it?" I said softly and he chuckled.

"Yup, come on, this way." I followed him through the park until we reached a giant span of grassy area. We walked into it, still slightly wet from the morning dew. When we got further enough in, he stopped and took off the backpack, taking out two folded up blankets, "Hopefully they are thick enough to keep the wet grass out."

We placed our coffees down and I helped him open up the blankets before we both sat down on them. He pulled out a book from his bag.

"It's crazy how empty it is, well besides the runners." I smiled.

"Yeah, this is my favorite thing to do before it gets to crazy. So, now that you know, you are sworn to secrecy." He chuckled and I nodded.

"Sounds fair enough." I crossed my legs in front of me taking in the span of the park and the buildings that peeked high over the trees. The sun rising, slowly reflecting light on them. It was like a scene from a movie playing out before my eyes, but no number of visual effects or lenses could possible capture this in its true beauty.

"Someone is in awe." He said softly.

"We don't have this in LA. I mean yeah the buildings and parks, but, it just doesn't have this...magic almost?" I shrugged and shook my head laughing, "I must sound crazy."

"You don't Christy, I get what you mean." I turned and he was smiling at me. I looked away quickly and placed my Kindle between my legs.

I turned my body around, so I could lay on my stomach and turned on my Kindle, "So what's the plan for the rest of the day?"

"Oh right, I almost forgot!" He pulled his phone out and soon after mine went off. I opened his message which contained a shared note from the notes app titled "The Itinerary".

"What's this?"

"Well you have to open it to know Christina." He said matter of factly and I laughed it.

I opened up the notes app and everything was organized by the days off, and what we would be tentatively doing each day. For today, he had Central Park, breakfast at Sarahbeth's, home to rest then Wicked at 8pm. I peeked up at him.

"Harry, this is sweet." I smiled.

"And the diner is called Ellen's Stardust Diner. Now I can't promise everything, because work is work for me, but I'll try. You've been an amazing assistant so far, so it's the least I can do. I figured you would like seeing it written out like this."

He chuckled and I laughed slightly, "Yeah, I do actually."

"Thanks Harry."

"Mhm." He said before laying back and reading his book.

We had to leave for the show in twenty minutes and my attempt to curl my hair like most nights was a failure. I accepted defeat and just pinned my hair back so that the small curls that remained looked fuller.

I had added a simple wing to my usual make up and it made the small flecks of gold in my eyes pop.

"Christy, we are going to be late." Harry called out.

"I'm coming. Just five more minutes." I applied some chapstick and perfume before looking in the mirror and taking a deep breath. I had settled on a simple black dress with some sheer tights and pearls.

You look like you are going to a funeral.

I groaned quietly and bit my lip. I knew Harry was just my boss, and we had built a nice friendship through the process. Yet, I still couldn't help but feel inferior every time I was next to him. Especially seeing the women he brought home nightly, all tall, lanky and beautiful.

"Oh Christy." He sang out and I laughed slightly.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming." I walked out of the room, slipping my jacket over my arm. He was in the living room waiting, I felt slight relief that he had also opted for all black and I couldn't help but smile when he smiled at me.

"You look lovely." He said reaching for his coat.

"Thank you, so do you." I smiled.

"I got us a car cause it's pretty chilly out. Should be downstairs already."

"Okay, let's go then." I smiled and we made our way.

We arrived at the theatre and made our way down to the third row where our seats were. I had my hand over my mouth the entire time. It was like no matter how much I looked at everything I couldn't get enough of it. If it weren't for the few people who had recognized Harry and were whispering about him, I might have cried.

We took our seats, he turned and looked at me laughing softly, "You breathing?"

I chuckled and lowered my hand, "Barely. Thank you, Harry." I looked at him smiling so big, before biting my smile back and facing the stage again.

When intermission came around I wiped my eyes quickly having cried after almost everything.

"How are you liking it?" He smiled at me and I turned to face him.

"How do you think?" I joked pointing to my eyes.

He laughed, and nodded, "Well I'm glad. I would offer you a drink, but I'm thinking too many people have noticed me already."

"It's fine. I'm just going to run to the restroom really quickly." He nodded and I got up running off the restroom before intermission was over.

On the way back, I had five minutes left and noticed how short the line at the bar was so I quickly got us each a green drink they were selling and made my way back in.

"Here you go. I don't know what's in it, but it's green." I laughed a bit and he chuckled taking a sip.

"Ooo, and also very strong." He coughed a bit.

"It'll be a fun rest of the show then." I winked and he laughed.

By the time they were singing "For Good" I wasn't even attempting to hide my tears anymore. Harry reached over and squeezed my arm softly, and I mouthed "thank you" to him.

The show ended and everyone stood clapping for the actors and actresses. We started our exit, people saying hi to Harry as we walked out. He allowed a few selfies as we made our way through the exit.

We walked over to the car and I looked down the street then back at him biting my lip, "Let's walk?"

"Time Square?" He smiled softly and I nodded eagerly, "Alright, this is probably dangerous, but let's try."

I stuck my hands in my coat and we made our way down to where I could see the shine of Time Square. The moment we hit the end of the street I could easily see why it was crazy for him. It was packed with so many people, so busy, loud and bright. I grabbed his arm to stop him from walking further in, taking it in. I took a deep breath and turned to him, "I would be a horrible assistant if I took you in that. I saw it, I can always come back, let's go back to the car."

"You sure. It's right there." He said pointing at it with his chin.

"I know, but, I also don't want to have my boss killed before his first show at MSG." We both laughed and turned back to where we had left the car waiting for us.

When we were back at the loft, I placed my coat on the kitchen chair, lingering back a bit.

"Was it a good day off?" He asked, unbuttoning his shirt.

"Yeah, it was perfect. Thanks again Harry." I smiled softly.

"Of course. Now back to reality tomorrow."

"First show. I'm excited. So, we have to be up at 7am for the meeting on the phone with Jeff at 7:30. So let's get some rest." I said yawning softly, causing Harry to yawn as well.

"Sounds good, night Miss Christina."

"Night sir Harold." I smiled turning to make my way toward the room for the night.

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