As Different as Night and Day

By galacticturtle

316K 10K 4.9K

Solangelo fanfic because Sonlangelo is life. This takes place after the three days in the infirmary. There ar... More

Holy Hades!
My Little Sunshine!!!
Will's Sweater is the Best
Keep the Sweater It's Complimentary and Mandatory
Confessions at the Athena Cabin
Confessions at the Aphrodite Cabin
Will is a Buffoon
Super Sized Mcshizzle is Back! (And already having difficulties)
Seeing Ghosts
All Hail the Great and Powerful Nico!
Will Is A Buffoon-Again
Author's Note
Guess what guys?
I am terrible
JEESH Thank You sosososososo much
Sorry guys


3.7K 139 82
By galacticturtle

It was two years after the whole kidnap-the-camp-and-shove-them-in-closets fiasco. Chiron had returned and there had been this huge war all in a matter of months. Camp Jupiter came to our rescue. We had been dwindling on supplies and the monsters lit our strawberry fields in fire so everything smelt like smoldering fruit. We had been reduced to throwing plates at them. Luckily and sadly there were only 213 Camp Half Blood deaths. Nico had to help with the rituals so I barely saw him for the past week. Camp Jupiter came in and practically annihilated the threat. Not one monster escaped. There were 127 Camp Jupiter Deaths.

Nico and I fought side by side eventually flinging teacups at them. Wyatt wanted to dash into battle but was prohibited because of his age. He was sent to help in the infirmary where he brought everyone medical supplies and gave the patients stickers. A small Demeter girl came into the infirmary badly wounded. She was twice his age. He ran to her and refused to let go of her hand. She later died. Her name was Ashley and she was Wyatt's sister. Even when she had the sheets pulled over her head, he would pull out their hand finding a small cut and gently smooth a bandage over it and give it a kiss muttering "All better." A few days later a small Hephaestus girl came into the infirmary with a twisted ankle. Wyatt also refused to leave her side, claiming the she was his one true love. She about a year younger than him and looked at him adoringly. I later found out that her name was Violet and her big brother, Bryan, had died trying to help Ashley.

At this moment, I was lying on my bed with Nico snuggled against me sleeping peacefully. I smiled down at him and his adorableness and gently brushed my lips against his forehead. He was mine and that may sound selfish but I don't care. Nico was mine and I was his. He was given the chance to drop my heart and stomp on it but he didn't and instead kept it and treasured it. He started to become restless and I pulled him closer to me. Still asleep, he tried to push away. I sighed with frustration, knowing that the nightmares had come around again and there was no way that he was going to get any sleep. I squeezed him one last time before slightly loosening my grip on him so that it wasn't so much a hug as me draping my arms around him. I let my thoughts drift around and eventually fell asleep.

I once again woke with the sun and watched Nico as the sunlight touched the tip of his nose. It slowly spread out to cover his face and I smiled lovingly as he crinkled his nose and tossed in attempt to avoid the blinding light and I lifted his chin up with my finger and planted a kiss on his nose. His eyes opened, blinking a couple of times then focusing on me. I still had a smile on my face and he looked up at me with his gorgeous brown eyes and an irritated look on his face. "Morning!" I chirped. He just narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "What time is it?"
"Oh about 6"
"I'm going back to sleep"
"Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-oomph" he had effectively shut me up with a jab to the stomach and I decided to mess with him. He had turned around so that he was giving me his back and my arms were wrapped around his waist. His shirt had pulled up a little, exposing a fractions for his stomach. I knew for a fact that he was ticklish and so I started swirling a finger lightly on his bare skin, tracing random patterns.

He squirmed and flipped back over to face me. I lifted his chin with a finger and gently rubbed my nose against his own. His eyes fluttered and I smirked. I slowly trailed my lips across his, just a brush really and he sighed. I had to attempt to contain my laughter when he bit his lip after I had pulled away. I knew I was being mean so I kissed his forehead and then the bridge of his nose and then the tip and finally I planted a meaningful and deep kiss on his lips.

He had gotten used to my sprinkling of affection by now and responded immediately. I loved my life as it was now. I ran my fingers through his tangled hair and smiled against his lips as he played with the bottom of my shirt.

When we eventually decided to get out of bed, it was about eight. I smiled at Nico again and he gave me a smirk knowing that I was completely under his control today. We were taking turns at picking out activities to do together and last time I had made him help out while I was watching Wyatt who very desperately wanted to play with Violet, the Hephaestus girl. I was worried because he kept giving me a scary look that probably meant revenge for my teasing.

What did my death boy have in store?

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