By LunaticEclipsed

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all the old chapters of my old book A Demon's Legacy. Please go read the rewrite More

A Note Before Reading
1. The Oracion Seis
2. Into the Cave
3. Nirvana Unleashed
4. The Dark Side
5. Free Falling
7. Begrudgingly Agreeing to Save the World
8. Free
9. What Friends Are For
10. Icecream and Rainbows
11. Cherry Blossoms
12. Gone
13. A Whole New World
14. Different
15. It's Britney B*tch
16. Mission Success
17. No Pressure
18. Ice Boy and Demon Girl
19. Shot Through the Heart
20. Checkmate
21. Le Petit Prince
22. The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyways
23. I Start A Forest Fire
24. I Put Out The Fire, Only To Light A Metaphoric One
25. You Can't Kiss It Better
26. The S-Class Trials
27. Those Who Extinguish Life
28. Hellfire, Dark Fire
29. Everyone Has A Vice, Mine Just So Happens To Be Murder
30. The Calm Before the Storm
31. Acnologia
32. Seven Years
33. Dancing Queen
34. Trouble In The Tub
35. As The Sun Sinks Down
36. Early Mornings
37. Late Nights
38. Game Plan
39. Up On The Mountaintop
40. Father Dearest
41. Three Months
42. The Blooming Capital
43. Sky Labyrinth
44. Hidden
45. Y/n v.s. Jura
46. Absinthe Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
47. Chariots
48. Mira v.s. Jenny
49. Hatred At Nightfall
50. Pandemonium
51. Naval Battle
52. The Dragons of Days Past
53. The Dragons of Days Past- Uh... Present?
54. Why Did I Think Naming Chapters Was A Good Idea?
55. Let The Night Begin
56. Away
57. Tempest
58. I'm Running Late To Work, Chapter Title Later
59. Stormy Nights

6. You Scratch My Back, I Stab Yours

83 3 31
By LunaticEclipsed

I love Cobra so much, he's probably one of my favourite dragon slayers. Would any of you want to have him as a love interest?

Natsu glared at Cobra who looked back at him with a cocky smirk. He knew that these people were supposed to be good but honestly, this was getting ridiculous. He'd only managed to land one hit on the dark mage during their entire fight and his patience was beginning to wear thin.

"Psst, hey Natsu," Happy whispered into his ear. "I've got an idea on how we can beat this guy,"

"Really buddy?" Natsu grinned. "That's awesome!"

Happy leaned in close and Natsu snickered at the cat's words, his grin turning to a sinister smirk.

"You do realize that if he can hear your thoughts he can hear you whispering right?"

Natsu started at the new voice, eyes widening in surprise. He craned his head around to see y/n standing atop of one of the city's many towers, arms crossed. "How long have you been here for?"

Y/n groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. He had to be the most oblivious person she'd ever met. "I've been here for about fifteen minutes now,"

"And you didn't think to help out?" he exclaimed. "That's just mean!"

"I gave you advice just now didn't I? That's helping,"

"Why not join the fight?" Natsu demanded.

She merely shrugged in response.

"I know why she's hanging back," Happy stated with a coy smirk.

Y/n raised an eyebrow, fixing the cat with a skeptic look. "Really? And why is that?"

"Her magic is too weak and she knows that she'd be useless in this fight,"

She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Bitch I'd knock you on your ass in a second flat,"

Natsu blinked. "Wait, y/n, what magic do you use?"

"Who knows?" she shrugged. "The stories are never able to agree. Guess it depends on which you'd like to believe; shadows, summoning, guns..."

Natsu threw his arms up in the air. "Why can't you ever just answer a question?"

"You're in the middle of a fight or did you forget?" Cobra asked, looking at the pink-haired mage incredulously. "Not to worry though, this'll be sure to remind you,"

Natsu and Happy turned back in time to see Cobra rear back, letting out a loud cry he sent a flood of poison in their direction. "Poison Dragon's Roar!"

Y/n reacted before either of them had a chance. She threw herself into the air, grabbing them both and pulling them behind her.

"Y/n!" Natsu screamed, his eyes wide as he watched her take the blunt force of the attack head-on.

Cobra let out an amused huff and crossed his arms. "Damn, I didn't think she had the guts to pull that off... It's a shame it had to end this way, she was pretty cute,"

Natsu glared at the poison dragon, his hands clenched into fists. He gasped as the cloud of poison left over from the attack slowly began to dissipate, revealing a figure standing on a building between them.

"Poison dragon huh?" y/n asked, sucking in the last of the deadly fog. She wiped her lips with the back of her hand and turned to Cobra with a smirk. "Haven't heard of that one before,"

Cobra stared at her with wide eyes. "But how?"

That attack was strong enough to wipe her off the face of the earth. Yet there she stood with hardly a scratch on her.

"Doesn't matter," he decided. "Ingesting that much poison? You can't have more than a minute left,"

"Wouldn't be so sure about that," Y/n grinned, lunging at him with impressive speed.

He blocked her attacks with ease. She was quicker than Natsu, more agile, but he heard her all the same. Cobra knocked her back but y/n gracefully twisted around in mid-air. She landed on Cubellios using the snake as a launchpad to dive at Cobra once again.

She drew her hand back and it was enveloped in a familiar black and red mist. She grinned at his stunned expression and took advantage of his momentary shock, slamming her fist into his face.

"What the hell?" He snarled. "What kind of magic is that?"

She only laughed in response, landing on a roof with a dramatic bow. "It's what I'm known for, I am a thief after all,"

Cobra grit his teeth and growled.

"It doesn't matter," he stated. "You'll be dead by the end of this, one way or another,"

He leaned to the side, dodging a fire dragon iron fist. He'd heard Natsu's thoughts grow more and more impatient with every second that passed by. The kid was itching to move, he craved action. Cobra had figured it was only a matter of time.

Natsu let out a startled cry as Cobra knocked him back. Happy steadied them an areal roll or two later, hovering mid-air beside y/n.

"Don't worry," he told her. "I've got a plan,"

"You're going to attack from the left while thinking about attacking from the right," Cobra said, his eyes closed. He looked up at them with an arrogant smirk. "It's not gonna work,"

Y/n's palm met her face for what must've been the hundredth time that day. "Please tell me you weren't actually planning on doing that,"

Natsu sweatdropped. "Uh, no! I have a different plan,"

He shut his eyes for a moment and started humming quietly.

She exchanged a glance with Cobra.

Why do I even try?

He smirked, shrugging his shoulders at her. Before returning his gaze to the Salamander. "Flooding your brain with thoughts, that's an interesting approach. It can be confusing to have multiple going at once,"

He turned his gaze back to y/n and licked his lips, looking her up and down. "Some of 'em ain't half bad,"

"Should I be concerned?" she asked, taking a step back from the weight of his gaze.

"But it's gonna take a lot more than that pal," Cobra stated, locking eyes with Natsu, ignoring y/n completely. "You're too dumb,"

"You're not playing fair!" Natsu shouted and threw his arms up like a child having a tantrum. "My brain's getting sick of this, I say it's time we attack him head-on!"

"Aye, sir!"

Cobra simply leaned out of the way, dodging every blow with graceful ease. He smirked, eyes closed which only served to enrage the fire dragon slayer even more. His eyes widened when Natsu's movement's changed without warning. All of a sudden Natsu was landing blow after blow, shocking not only Cobra but y/n as well.

"You got lucky," Cobra growled and shook his head as if to clear it of fuzz. "I'd like to see it happen again,"

He spun around, catching y/n's fist with ease, throwing her back against one of the buildings. "You're gonna need to try harder than that sweetheart,"

She lay there, winded, before climbing back to her feet.

"Water dragon rapids fist!" she exclaimed, throwing herself at him once again.

Cobra dodged it with a condescending scoff. "Seriously? You didn't really think-"

"Fire dragon roar!"

He dodged the attack, only to be hit head-on with an iron dragon club. Cobra grit his teeth, moving back to glare at the two mages before him. This was going to be harder than he thought.

It was time he got serious.


Natsu wiped his brow. His breathing was laboured and everything hurt.

"He can't take another blow like that..." Happy murmured, looking down at his friend, worry evident in his eyes.

"How do you like my poison dragon breath?" Cobra chuckled. "Right now it's flooding your body with viruses, every passing second is bringing you closer to death,"

Y/n shot Natsu a concerned glance. She'd forgotten that the poison would affect him. God, how could she have been so stupid?

"You might as well give up now," Cobra smirked with a nonchalant shrug. "The battle was over the moment my attacks hit you,"

"Quit blabbin' already!" Natsu roared, flying at Cobra, hands engulfed in flames. "Fire dragon wing attack!"

"Didn't I tell you I can hear your movements?"

"You gotta do as I said and turn off your brain!" Happy exclaimed.

"Shouldn't be too hard right?" y/n piped up. "Doubt you use it much anyway,"

"That's so uncalled for! What'd I ever do to you?!"

"What haven't you done?"

Natsu pointed at y/n threateningly. "Don't make me come down there!"

"Oh no I'm so scared," she said her voice void of emotion.

"If you're done with your lovers' quarrel can we get back to fighting?" Cobra asked watching the two bicker with a bored look on his face. "That's if two older generations like yourselves can handle it,"

Natsu blinked. "I'm an older generation?"

"How dense can you be?" y/n asked him, before muttering to herself: "Every time I think he's peaked he just keeps going,"

"That's right, I'm part of a new wave of dragon slayers," stated Cobra, chuckling slightly at y/n's words. "A dragon lacrama was implanted in my body making me infinitely more powerful than those who can before me,"

"This must be what Gramps was telling us about," Natsu growled, eyes narrowed.

"He's no different than Laxus!" Happy exclaimed. "He's not a real dragon slayer he just stole his power,"

"A real dragon slayer?" Cobra echoed condescendingly. "There's no such thing! The only beings capable of mastering dragon slayer magic are the dragons themselves!"

Y/n watched him curiously, where could he be going with this?

"Humans could never learn such magic in this day and age," he stated a smirk growing larger by the second. "Because the dragons have been extinct for centuries! If they ever existed at all,"

Y/n didn't need to be able to hear thoughts to know that Cobra had flipped a switch in the fire dragon slayer.

"That's a filthy lie!" Natsu spat, lunging at Cobra, his fist ablaze. "Igneel's not extinct no way, I saw him with my very own eyes!"

"Get real pyro," Cobra said, dodging the blow effortlessly he prepared his own attack. This was it. This one attack and he'd end the pink-haired pain in his ass for good. "If he's real then how come no one but you's ever seen him?"

Natsu's hands clenched into fists at his sides. "You don't know what you're talking about!"

"Poison dragon's quick fang!"

The attack cleared, showing y/n before Natsu, a smug smirk on her face. Cobra saw red.

"I'm sick of you getting in my way!" With a fierce snarl, he grabbed her by the leg and flung her to the ground.

Y/n let out a shriek of agony as Cobra's sharp claws ripped into her leg, tearing through flesh and muscle. She gasped, blood shooting from her mouth as she slammed into the side a building. The wall was dented significantly and she could feel shards stabbing into her back. She slid off the side of the building with a groan, landing in a bloody heap on the ground.

She didn't get up again.

"Y/n!" Natsu screamed, staring at her limp form. He turned to Cobra, his eyes filled with rage. "You'll pay for that,"

"Somehow I doubt that," He smirked. "Why're you so upset anyway? It's not like you knew her. She's a killer and a crook,"

Natsu paused for a moment. He didn't know why he cared so much, but he did. And at that moment that was all that mattered.

Cobra leered at the other dragon slayer, a sadistic light in his eye. "I can hear it, the poison making its way through your body. Looks like you're gonna rot away reak soon, just like your dragon,"

It was quiet for a moment as the pink-haired mage tried to catch his breath. His breath was laboured and his body sluggish. He couldn't go on for much longer.

"Happy," he growled, turning to look at his exhausted exceed. "I want you to drop me right on top of him,"

"What!? Have you completely lost it?! I thought you just said you could barely move!"

"That's why I have to finish this now," Natsu let out a shaky breath. "We've gotta hurry!"

Happy nodded. "What are you planning to do?"

Natsu didn't reply. "Let me go,"

Happy did as he was told, watching nervously as his best friend dropped through the air.

"You're going for a wide-spread attack because you don't think I'll be able to dodge it," Cobra stated with a cocky smirk. "Guess again,"

Happy gasped in shock as Cobra appeared behind Natsu.

"You can't hit me if I'm right behind you!" He chuckled menacingly. "I'll finish this quickly by crushing your thick skull!"

"Natsu!" Happy cried, tears welling in his eyes as he watched unable to move, unable to help. He felt completely and utterly useless.

Cobra grabbed hold of Natsu's collar and raised his other hand, poised to strike. "Tell y/n and your dragon hi when you get to the other side!"

"No!" Natsu roared.

Happy had to clutch his ears to try to block it out but it could only do so much. His head throbbed and he felt almost dazed in a sense. The cry was almost in-human and ear-splitting in every sense of the word. It rang out over all of Nirvana and into the forest below, chilling all who heard it to the very bone.

"My ears!" Cobra cried out in pain, grabbing his head as he fell back, crashing hard on the ground.

Happy swooped down, catching Natsu. He stared at the incapacitated dark wizard with wide eyes. "You've got a serious set of pipes on ya!"

"Oh yeah," Natsu chuckled. "I totally planned on bustin' out his eardrums, sure fooled him!"

"It was pure dumb luck and you know it," Happy sweatdropped. A wave of tiredness washed over him and his eyelids suddenly felt like they weighed ten pounds.

"You okay buddy?" Natsu asked as they started to float down to the ground.

"I don't feel so good," he replied tiredly.

"It's because of his poison," Natsu muttered as they crashed to the ground. He let out a sickened groan, sinking down even further as Nirvana shook with another step. "Now I can't... Even move..."

He looked up at the sound of approaching footsteps.

Cobra stood before him, breathing heavily. His once pristine white cloak now filthy and torn. He had a crazed look in his eyes and his clawed hands were clenched at his sides.

"I swear I'll put an end to you," he growled. "For the honour of the Six Demons!"

"No, you're wrong," Natsu muttered. "No way pal,"

"I hear it loud and clear," Cobra announced, staring down at him with contempt. "The bell tolling on the old generation- it's over, your kind is done!"

He chuckled darkly a red mist enveloping his hand. "Time for the new dragon slayers!"

Natsu flinched and shut his eyes tight, waiting for the final blow to be struck. But it never came. He blinked opened his eyes to see Cobra before him, a shocked look on his face, his coat quickly becoming stained crimson. Natsu could see the residual magic energy from the attack floating away.

"That's enough Cobra," Brain said. He watched as his guildmate fell to his knees with a string of pained grunts and whimpers. "You can stand down,"

"Brain, why?" Cobra asked, his eyes wide in shock. "Are you mad?"

"You've performed extraordinarily well, but it's time for you to rest,"

If there was one thing Cobra had learned from all the thoughts he'd heard it was that people lied. They lied a lot. They would say things they didn't mean, to protect themselves, others or to achieve their own selfish goals. He'd never once thought Brain was one of those people. But he was wrong.

What good is a false dragon slayer to me? Especially one that can be so easily beaten by one of the official guilds? You're pathetic.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did you hear that?" Brain aloud a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. He threw his head back with a booming laugh.

"How dare you?" Cobra snarled through bared teeth. He fell forwards onto his hands and knees, his eyesight becoming blurred by his tears. "You traitor!"

All I ever wanted, my only prayer, was to someday hear the voice of my one true friend...

With one last glance at Cubellios and the still painful memories of the past fresh in his mind, Cobra slumped to the ground and his world went black.

2,770 words

Omg thank you so much for 60 reads and 20 votes! This story's only been up a couple of days and I'm absolutely blown away! I wrote this for fun, I wasn't really expecting people to read it, let alone enjoy it.

Thank you all so very much for reading.

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