✔After Transmigrating, the Bo...

By prince05026

77.1K 1.1K 13

Author(s) Come Seven Months 月七兮 Year ; 2020 COMPLETED Shen Tingshuang is a ten thousand-year-old ginseng spir... More



900 12 0
By prince05026

Inside Sword Fairy crew.

After Shen Xuan entered the group, she

discovered that although Zhang Qing was a great

director, he was very strict in filming, which could

be said to lean more to overly critical.

Once the shoot was not good, he would yell at the

actors/actresses, and his temper would be terribly

grumpy. Everyone in this crew has been scolded.

Shen Xuan herself was scolded every day, and she

couldn't count how many times she was scolded.

Once, after Zhang Qing was anxious, he said,

"Some people, think that as they have a backing

they dont need to work hard. In my crew, if the

acting is not good, just get the f*ck out!"

Shen Xuan still maintained her smiling face while

apologizing, but when she returned to her room,

her face was pulled down.

She would tolerate Zhang Qing for the time being,

after she became famous in the future, who would

care who Zhang Qing was.


When she got up in the morning, Shen Tingshuang

resumed picking fruits. By early morning, all the

fruits in the shop were sold out.

The fruits packing finished at 2 o'clock in the

morning. Shao Feng got up at 7 o'clock in the

morning and saw the soaring number of new

orders. He immediately got up and washed his face

with cold water.

Shao Feng's mother has woken up and made

breakfast:"Are there many orders today?"

A dozen people packed for a whole day yesterday,

and Shao Feng's mother thought that there would

be not much today.

Shao Feng:"No less than yesterday."

When Shao Feng's mother heard this, she took a

sip and drank a few mouthfuls of soy milk:"Then I

will start."

"The villagers who helped with packing yesterday

took the initiative to come over again today. Shao

Feng left a few efficient people, as he didn't want

any gossiping instead of working.

When other villagers heard that Shao Feng was

hiring workers, they all came to help.

Shao Feng asked them to pack one for a test and

then let them stay if they did it well.


Shen Tingshuang delivered two batches of fruits to

Super Mall, and then started picking the fruits that

needed to be sent away from a certain treasure


At first, Shao Feng was worried that Shen

Tingshuang would not have enough time, but later

discovered that Shen Tingshuang was picking

fruits very quickly.

Nearly a dozen of them had not finished packing

one load of fruits, but Shen Tingshuang's second

car has arrived.

Shen Tingshuangs fruit was quickly sold and got

many reviews. Many food review bloggers have

also posted fruit reviews on Weibo.

Tiantian who loves to eat food was a food blogger

who loves to critics. There was almost no delicious

food on the market that he has not approved.

Some people said that he has a golden tongue, he

can taste every little flaw. He also sent a review for

the fruits.

[Tiantian who loves food: Todays evaluation is

fruit, lets watch the video directly.]

This time, as usual, the evaluation was sent out via


When the video was played, a man in his thirties

was in the middle of the screen. He looked

ordinary, but it was this man that made countless

food-making people feel scared.

"A lot of people recently asked me to test this


Speaking of which, the screens were all mentions

or private messages from netizens.

Without exception, he was asked to evaluate the

fruits of Xin Yuan Shan.

"Its just fruit, but as fans have requested, then I

reluctantly review it. I have checked, Xin Yuan

Shan's fruit can only be purchased through Super

Mall and online, but"

The video is here, and a picture is inserted. It is a

photo of Shen Tingshuangs certain treasure store

with fruits out of stock.

"Online, these fruits have been in a state of being

out of stock for a long time. According to netizens,

if you want to eat fruits, you can also buy them in

Xin Yuan Shan. I am a food blogger! A food blogger

with more than 5 million fans! Most of the food I

evaluated is sent by people on their own initiative.

Something like this that I need to buy myself is the

first one!"

Tianxian who loves food showed an angry

expression, and then said:"Okay, I wont talk

anymore nonsense. In short, when I went to Xin

Yuanshan to buy, I found that the online store just

restocked the shelf, so I quickly ordered a kiwi. You

ask me why I dont buy more, because the store

owner restricts the purchase!"

Speaking of this, Tiantian who loves food, rolled his

eyes, and made a speechless expression:"The fruit

I bought yesterday has arrived. Let's unpack it


Tiantian took the courier from under the table

every day:"This box is pretty good, it's not

damaged..." He cut open the outermost layer of the

courier with a knife."

Take out the kiwi fruit wrapped in plastic paper:

"Its wrapped in paper, its pretty good."

There were not many fruits inside, just 200 grams

of kiwi fruit. When Tiantian take out the kiwi fruit,

he was obviously stunned in front of the camera:

"This seller is quite conscientious. The kiwi fruit I

have chosen are very large and undamaged. I just

don't know how it tastes."

Tiantian who loves food picked up a kiwi in front of

the camera:"Look, it's all this big, and it smells

pretty good at the moment."

Tiantian peeled the skin of the kiwi,"Well, the

flesh looks good, crystal clear, and the kiwi

fragrance is also very good. I haven't picked out

any shortcomings so far, so I will try it."

Tiantian bit the kiwi and yelled:"Wow, wow, this

fruit! It's so delicious! Sweet, soft, melts in the

mouth, and juicy!"

Well, just one bite after another, Tiantian who

loves food ate the remaining few kiwis then found:

"F*ck it, no more?"

He gave a unsatisfactory look:"This kiwi is really

delicious. If you want to talk about the

shortcomings, why do you want to limit the

purchase? Ah, ah, it is not enough."

"I am not happy, today's evaluation is over!" The

video screen turned black directly, and then a line

of red letters appeared [Tiantian who loves food

kneels begging the store for unlimited purchases.]

There is a small line at the bottom, [Don't find me

these days. I'm going to Xin Yuan Shan to queue for


The fans originally wanted to see how Tiantian

who loves food criticized the fruit, but after

watching the video, it didn't seem to be the case?

[Ahhhhhhhhhh, I know it]

[I wanted to eat the fruit from Xin Yuan Shan, but I

couldn't buy it. I didn't grab it twice in a row. I

planned complain about the fruits together with

Tiantian, but I ended up praising instead.]


Tiantian who loves food has many fans and this

evaluation has been circulated many times in the

food circle.

Shen Tingshuang's followers also rose up to 2


At five o'clock, Shen Tingshuang started live


[Screw powder! I'm coming.]

[Are you making snail noodles today?]

Shen Tingshuang greeted,"Today I will make tofu

skins in snail noodles for everyone."

She was standing in a field of soybeans, picked

some soybeans, washed them, and put them in the

grinding machine.

After squeezing the pulp, Shen Tingshuang boiled

the soy milk, skimmed the top foam, and then

lowered the heat. Because it will taste better, Shen

Tingshuang cooked the soy milk with a wood


[It feels like Ah Shuang made cooking tofu skins

look so simple.]

[I will try it later, I like tofu skins and peanuts in

snail noodles the most.]


Waiting for the time for the surface of the soy juice

to condense into a skin like layer made of bean,

Shen Tingshuang chatted with netizens.

"I also like to eat snail noodles. If you make it

yourself, you can put more tofu skins."

[Miss Sister, I like to eat your fruit, when will it be


"Wait for a while, a lot of goods has been shipped

in the past few days." Shao Feng and Old Du were

still packing them up.

[Ah Shuang, when can I buy fruits without


"This is a bit difficult." The purchase restriction

was to complete the task. If there was no task in

the future, Shen Tingshuang probably won't sell

fruit at all, except when she was short of money of


During the chat, the first layer of tofu skin was

formed; Shen Tingshuang slowly picked them up,

and then dried them on the pole next to her. Tofu

skins can be dried in the drying room or using

special equipment.

Shen Tingshuang hung it directly in the kitchen.

She planned to build a drying room behind the

courtyard in the near future.

After drying this tofu skins Shen Tingshuang said,

"This is the end of today's live broadcast. As usual I

will draw ten winners for the lottery."

After ending the live broadcast Shen Tingshuang

continued to pick out the solidified tofu skins and

stayed busy until the evening.


"Please the host produces 50 kinds of vegetables

within 67 hours." At five o'clock in the morning, the

task was released again.

With previous experience, Shen Tingshuang asked

first:"Do the cabbage I planted before count?"

The system's answer was a bit hesitant:"Yes."

"Huh, so kind." Shen Tingshuang still remembered

at the beginning the task was difficult and time

was tight. Every day she felt like she was on the

verge of failing to complete the task. Today's task

included the vegetables she has planted before

and there were three full days left.

There was no more reply from the system.

Shen Tingshuang didn't want to care about this

system anymore.


Lu Minghui found that Shen Tingshuang provided

a little less fruit and he couldn't figure out Shen

Tingshuang's trajectory at all.

After Lu Minghui left, Shen Tingshuang carried a

large bag of fruits and vegetables to find Shao


After packing for two days in a row until the early

morning, Shao Feng was indeed a little tired. Shen

Tingshuang was waiting for him downstairs and he

immediately got up:"More than half of packages

are done. Today we will work harder and it should

be finished."

"No, I haven't paid you the postage yet." Shen

Tingshuang asked Shao Feng to report this as Shao

Feng did not establish this express delivery point

just for fun. Since she moved to Xin Yuan Shan,

Shao Feng has been helping herself, so there was

no need to default on such expenses.

Shao Feng:"This is not in a hurry."

Shen Tingshuang,"I'll advance you one hundred

thousand for the expense so tell me when it's used


Shao Fengs price for Shen Tingshuang was a super

VIP, which was settled on a monthly basis,

regardless of whether it was inside or outside the

province the price stayed 5 yuan per item:"Not so


"It's okay, put the rest as deposit." Shen

Tingshuang transferred the payment to Shao Feng.

There was still a task to do, so Shen Tingshuang

returns directly to Xin Yuan Shan.

Shao Feng looked at his own warehouse. Next, he

wanted to build a larger warehouse next to it to

store express delivery.


Fifty kinds of vegetables were not difficult at all for

Shen Tingshuang. She only needed to grow ten

more kinds of vegetables. In addition, the spiritual

veins were restored quite a bit so the task was

already complete by 12 noon.

"It's a bit weird to be so relaxed." Shen Tingshuang

lied under the grape vines.

System:"..."It always felt that the host was a little

bit flat.

"Ah Shuang, someone is looking for you below."

"Ok." Now, Zhizhi and its little friends have

become Shen Tingshuang's messengers.

Shen Tingshuang ran down the mountain. The

license plate that she had applied for before

arrived. She took the license plate back to the

courtyard and installed it by herself.

Looking at the black X car, Shen Tingshuang

thought about whether to take a walk around the

city today.

So Shen Tingshuang put down the screwdriver, sat

in the new car driver's seat and drove to City B.


In her impression, the original owner liked to hang

around major shopping malls in City B, and

occasionally go to the shopping alley around


After comparing the mall and shopping streets in

her memory, Shen Tingshuang decided to go to the

shopping alley.

Following the memory of the original owner, she

drove the car outside a certain university, found

the underground parking lot and parked the car.

The shopping alley is very lively. There were many

college students nearby. Here, you can feel the

vitality of youth, and Shen Tingshuang, the ten

thousand-year-old ginseng spirit, felt that she was

young again.

However, what interests Shen Tingshuang most

was the variety of snacks here.

Fried milk, stinky tofu, roasted pig's trotters, etc,

Shen Ting Shuang bought a portion of each.

Fried Milk here

Although the tofu was smelly, it tasted very

fragrant. Shen Tingshuang intended to make soy

beans into stinky tofu after returning home.

Stinky Tofu here

There were many smaller alleys here. If someone

was not familiar with the road, they might walk

into a dead end.

Shen Tingshuang hugged a roasted pig's trotters.

The smell was too fragrant so she didn't pay

attention to the road.

Roasted Pig Trotters here

There was a lot of rubbish and dirty water on this

alley and there were fewer and fewer merchants.

Shen Tingshuang walked a few steps and found

that it was not right. She was about to return,

when she heard:"Boy, kneel down and call me


(TN: This sounds a bit weird, but was commonly

used in many Chinese novels I have read. Someone

may refer to themselves as Dad to another person

when they feel superior or they want the other

person to obey their words.)

"Huh."Is this a fight?

Shen Tingshuang suddenly became excited. When

she was a ginseng spirit, there would a plot like this

in the stories told by humans, but she didn't expect

to see it with her own eyes today.

Holding the roasted pig's trotters and fried yogurt,

she jumped onto the side wall above, and walked

deeper into the alley.

There were five men in black suits surrounding

one person.

The surrounded person snorted coldly. Shen

Tingshuang paused while biting of the pig's

trotters. The sound seemed familiar, and she

looked closer.

The besieged person was Qin Yueze?

"Aren't you usually very good? Today you were so

quickly caught by our brother. You think if we

ruined your face can you still be an actor?" The

man took out a knife.

Shen Tingshuang held the trotters in her right

hand, thinking about how to help this BUG, her

current spiritual vein was restored by 25%, and it

should not be a problem to deal with these five


When she was about to jump off the wall, Qin

Yueze moved. He started to fight five versus one,

but he didn't fall into disadvantage for quite some


Leaning against the wall next to him, Qin Yueze

kicked these men who were instructed by Fei Rui

into flying more than one meter away. If it were

not for standing on the fence, Shen Tingshuang

would want to jump up and clap her hands in


"Go back and tell him that it's better to use less of

these methods next."

The man in the lead was helped by the remaining

four people to stand up. He cast a look at the

people around him. Shen Tingshunag saw

everyone surrounded Qin Yueze again, forming a


Shen Tingshuang watched with gusto but saw the

man in the lead picked up a knife and preparing to

attack from behind.

Seeing that he was about to succeed, Shen

Tingshuang quickly threw the pig's trotters in her

right hand and hit the man's hand.

"Ouch!"the man screamed.

The fight fell into stand still while everyone turned

their heads and saw a beautiful girl squatting on

top of the fence next to them. She was holding a

bag in her left hand and holding food in her right


Seeing everyone looking at her, Shen Tingshuang

showed a smile, and waved her right hand:"My

hand slipped, I'm sorry, you continue."

The man who was hit glanced at his hand. He

suspected that his bones were broken:"Damn,

come down, apologize and have some fun with

brother, I will..."

Before he finished speaking, the calmness around

Qin Yueze who was next to him dispersed, and he

beat these people to the ground in an instant.

The screams were endless for a while.

"Brother, spare my life."

"Spare us, we will never dare anymore."

Qin Yueze was usually has an indifferent

expression but he looked a little angry at this time.

There was a strong breath of rage around him. The

five men shivered toward the corner and shrank


Qin Yueze walked to Shen Tingshuang and looked


Shen Tingshuang and Qin Yueze looked at each

other, she shook the bag in her left hand:"I invite

you to eat trotters, it's delicious."

The rage in Qin Yueze's eyes slowly dissipated:


Shen Tingshuang jumped off the fence:"My house

was too far, so let's change to another place."

After leaving the alley, Qin Yueze put on a mask

and his sweater hood on his head. In a shopping

alley with many people, he looked alike to college

students coming and going, but still a bit more eyecatching.

Especially standing next to Shen Tingshuang, the

two attracted the attention of many passersby.

Shen Tingshuang found another shop with a lot of

queues and bought two trotters:"There is a milk

tea shop over there. Would you like a drink?"

What she was observing just now, almost all

college students would hold a cup of milk tea.


Shen Tingshuang found a milk tea shop,"I saw a lot

of people holding this milk tea."

Qin Yueze nodded slightly and followed Shen

Tingshuang into the milk tea shop.

Knowing that Qin Yueze was a celebrity, Shen

Tingshuang was worried about him being

recognized by others. Compared with just now,

too many people could stare closely her so she

asked the staff of the milk tea shop carefully:"Is

there a private room here?"

"There is a room with partition on the second floor.

You can go up."

"Is there anything you want to drink?" Shen

Tingshuang looked at Qin Yueze.

Qin Yueze:"Anything is okay."

When he entered the milk tea shop, the staff here

have been whispering. After Qin Yueze finished

speaking, the cold and pleasant voice almost made

several staff members scream.

"I want two cups of brown sugar pearl milk tea,

thank you." Shen Tingshuang placed the order and

pulled Qin Yueze's sleeve upstairs.

As he was wearing a mask, Shen Tingshuang could

not see Qin Yueze's smile.

There were already some people sitting upstairs.

The milk tea shop was playing music, if someone

didn't listen carefully, they would not hear what

other people were talking about.

Shen Tingshuang found the innermost position,

and sat down opposite Qin Yueze. Some time later

the waiter brought their milk teas.

Shen Tingshuang handed Qin Yueze a copy of the

trotters she bought:"Try it."

There was only one door curtain as partition here.

Qin Yueze never took off his mask after sitting

down. He looked at the pig's trotter in front of him

with a moment of hesitation in his eyes.

He looked up again and saw that Shen Tingshuang

had opened another bag, took out the disposable

glove inside, took a pig's trotter and bit it down.

The pig's trotter was just roasted and still hot, and

the outer skin was a little crispy. The meat inside

was very soft.

The outside was crispy and the inside tender,"This

one is better than the previous one."

The scent of pig's trotters quickly permeated this

small private room. Qin Yueze took some gloves in

a spirited manner, picked a small piece of trotter,

and fed it into his mouth. The trotter was a bit

greasy to him, but he thought it was delicious.

"This milk tea is delicious too!" The sweet taste

could make people feel better in an instant,

especially the black pearls inside, they were soft

and waxy.

Qin Yueze took a sip of the hot milk tea, feeling as

if something was slowly melting away in his heart.

From beginning to end, Shen Tingshuang didn't ask

what happened just now.

Shen Tingshuang finished eating a trotter:"Thank

you for what happened before." She heard the

customer who bought the fruit said that when

Wang Qing slandered her before, Qin Yueze sent a

Weibo to support her.

"It's just the truth."

Before he finished drinking the milk tea, Qin

Yueze's phone rang. Today he was filming near the

university. After a scene was over, someone led

him to the alley just now.

After Qin Yueze hung up the phone, Shen

Tingshuang said:"If you have something to do you

can go first."It's just a pity that she didn't bring any

fruit, otherwise she could give Qin Yueze a few


Qin Yueze saw Shen Tingshuang's somewhat

regretful eyes, and Qin Yueze, who was about to

get up, said,"Give me your phone."

Shen Tingshuang handed her phone to Qin Yueze.

Qin Yueze typed something and handed it back to

Shen Tingshuang:"I have added my phone number

and WeChat. You can find me if you have


"Okay." Shen Tingshuang was happy. With this

contact information, she could ask the BUG for his

address in the future and send him fruit!

Qin Yueze also smiled when she saw Shen

Tingshuang's smile:"Then I will go first."

Shen Tingshuang finished her milk tea, trotters

and roasted yogurt, then left the milk tea shop.


Back in the car, Shen Tingshuang tweeted.

[Ah Shuang who farms: There is no live broadcast

today, but there are foods. [image][image][image]]

She took photos of all the food she ate in the

shopping alley and posted them on Weibo.


After Qin Yueze arrived back to the crew, he found

that Xiaoyue was anxious. Qin Yueze was suddenly

gone and everyone couldn't find him. When Qin

Yueze came back, he was relieved.

After filming, Xiaoyue came over to ask about

what happened, when suddenly Qin Yueze said:

"Has the prize last time arrived yet?"

Xiaoyue:"?" Am I still your good assistant?

Unfortunately Qin Yueze did not intend to give up

this topic. In the end, Xiaoyue gave Qin Yueze half

of the fruit. There was no other way, who made

Qin Yueze gave the correct answer at that time.


After Shen Xuan was scolded again by Zhang Qing,

Shen Xuan's assistant sent a message to Fu Letian.

The next day, Fu Letian came to the crew to visit

the shoot. For this Sword Fairy, Fu Group is one of

the sponsors.

Therefore, Fu Letian visiting the shoot was

welcomed by Zhang Qing.

Fu Letian prepared a luxurious lunch for the crew,

no matter if it was the staff or the actors, he let

everyone receive one.

Knowing the relationship between Fu Letian and

Shen Xuan, Zhang Qing adjusted Shen Xuan's

scene into later in the day to let them have some

time alone.

Fu Letian saw that Shen Xuan was very happy. She

also thanked him for letting herself into Zhang

Qing's crew. She said she would work hard and live

up to everyone's expectations.

This made Fu Letian feel even more distressed.

After leaving the crew, Fu Letian began to pay a lot

of money for multiple hot searches, broke the

news that Shen Xuan was doing her best on the

crew, and then he praised Shen Xuan a lot. He also

said how serious Shen Xuan was in the crew, how

kind she was, and how cooperating she was with

what the crew members instructed.

These hot searches were searched every other day

and Shen Xuan's exposure has increased a lot.

The drama was not even released, but Shen Xuan's

fans have exceeded 30 million.

The popularity of"Sword Fairy" on the Internet

has also increased a lot due to Shen Xuan's hot

searches. There were almost always people

discussing this drama on Weibo.

Zhang Qing's attitude towards Shen Xuan was also

better. Because of Fu Letian's care, the Shen

family's recent business was also good.

Shen Tiande praised Shen Xuan highly every day

when he came home, the atmosphere of the entire

Shen family was very good.


In addition to Shen Xuan, Qin Yueze also has a hot

search every once in a while.

Unlike Shen Xuan's hot search, Qin Yueze's hot

search was on the list for real and not a bought


At the beginning, he gave up Zhang Qing's fairy

tale drama, and chose another criminal

investigation drama The Answer.

Qin Yueze has a lot of fans, as well as black fans. A

lot of paparazzi would find ways to take sneak

photos from the crew. It was just that the crew

kept secrets and enforced strict rules, very few

people were able to take photos. Even if they were

photos taken by paparazzi, fans resisted such

sneak shots, and in the end nothing went hot.

But even so, Qin Yueze can also be searched for

various reasons.

The discussion of The Answer was also



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