Dragon Family

By Thepinksky18

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It's a book where I'll write about Big brother Lui, Big brother Free and Little brother Dante πŸ‰ I absolutely... More

An unexpected visit
again " sleep "
the Dragon Family
The Voice
It will be fine
Pictures + tiny stories
Hugs + The Voice (2)
Wings AU + Protective Lui
The Avenging Shadows
A close call
A necessary author note
Sickness (2)
French + opinions
Gift / Game
An unexpected visitor (2)
Oops + Dare
Happy Birthday!

Sickness moments

383 9 0
By Thepinksky18

With Lui : 

" Raid Luinor with a burst finish ! Lui Shirasagi is the winner ", the robot said in an automated way. Lui looked at Dante picking up pieces of his bey, annoyed. 

" What's wrong with you ? Dragon can't last ten secondes : don't tell me you've weakened ! "  

" This isn't true ! " the blond disagreed, but even his protest sounded weak, " Dragon's never been as strong as he's now ! "

" Then prove it to me ! "

" Not now, I don't feel good... " And just after that, he left the room the most quickly he could, with a slight cough. 

If he wasn't suspicious before, he certainly was now : Dante has never refused a battle just because he wasn't in a mood ! But he let him go, hoping he would cool off...


He didn't see the blond for the entire day, even for the lunch. He doesn't ignore me, right ? Evening is when he finally saw the dragon tamer.

Around 7.15 pm, Lui poured the sauce in a pan and stirred it : although he did not have the level of the best chefs, the frozen ogre still knew how to cook some basic recipes. While he was cutting vegetables and meat, he heard someone running down in the corridor. He immediately switched the hob off and ran out of the kitchen.

" Dante ! " he called when he saw a blue and yellow blur disappear behind the corner of the upper floor. 

" Dante ! Stop your nonsense and come down ! " He went upstairs too and walked to the young Blader's bedroom. But while walking next to the bathroom's door, he heard the only other person on the island except him. Now more worried than annoyed, he opened the door and came in. 

" H-Hey Lui ", Dante raised miserably his head but immediately placed above the toilet to avoid vomiting on the floor. The older approached him and rubbed his back : his jacket had been threw on-the-fly and the back of his shirt was wet by sweat.

 The two stayed like that for about ten minutes, one too busy above the toilet and the other trying to bring as much comfort as he could. Finally, the dragon tamer seemed to have stopped.

" Is it okay if you move ? " the fire-haired Blader asked while frowning. The blond took a moment to calm his breathing, then took a deep and long breathing. 

" I think..." 

He helped him get up and slowly lifted him into his arms. It will be faster... Then he brought him to his room.

" I must have eaten something my stomache didn't like ", the blond thinks looking at the frozen ogre from his cocoon under the duvets.

" Careful, I might be offended ", he joked. 


With Free :

Dante rubbed his temples, trying to get rid of the pain that had been bothering him since the beginning of the morning: as soon as he woke up, he had a very unpleasant headache and it hasn't left him since. And his medicine box was empty, so he couldn't take anything to relieve his head.

He stirred without much interest the little food he had taken, and finally gave up. But suddenly he had a flash of memory.

" Kris surely have some in her office ! "

He left the table and left the cafeteria. Then he went upstairs and stopped at the door of the office of the director of BC Sol. He knocked three times, but got no answer. The blond pushed the door and entered: it was empty. 

" Kris isn't here. "

He jumped and turned around: lying on the sofa on the left, the former world champion looked at him with his grey eyes. 

" Ah! It doesn't matter then..." the blond lowered his head with disappointment.

Free leaned his head to the side as he watched the younger one: his eyes were covered with a veil of fatigue, and his face had a slight reddish tinge, in addition to a small layer of sweat. He got up from the couch and approached him, noticing how he raised his head towards him with a confused look. Then he put his hand on his forehead. 

" You have a fever ", he announced in a relaxed manner, as if he were announcing the weather of the day.

" Right? I just wanted something to relieve my headache..."

" You'd better go rest in your room ", advised Free by putting his hand on his shoulder, " I'll bring you your medicine, okay? "

" Ok ! " even his happiness seemed used up, " Thank you Free ! And my room is the 153. "

And he went out of the office, towards the dormitories. The former world champion went to the desk, pulled the second drawer to the left and took a small tablet pad. Then he came out of the room. He stopped at the door with the number given by the dragon tamer and knocked, only entering when he heard a permit to return. Dante's room was filled with photos of different places on the planet, and books stacked on the ground. His bey and launcher were on his desk and his clothes were hanging from his chair.

Typical of someone as dynamic as him..." Free thought and smiled.

" Here for your headache... " He gave the medecine to the blond who took off his usual outfit to put on his pajamas.

" Thanks Free ! " 

And he went back to the office, where Kris had come back and tapped on her computer. Maybe last month's reports... The director of BC Sol looked up when she heard the door close.

" Ah Free ! I've wondered where you left..." 

" I was gone to give Dante a medecine. " Her best friend answered lying on the couch.

" A medecine ? Why ? " The rose-haired girl asked.

" He had a headache and he will get some rest for the entire day." 

And he closed his eyes to try to go back to sleep. Behind her computer, Kris smiles discreetly: her friend really had a soft side for the new Blader...


When they're not physically present :

" Hello? Who is it? " Tango picked up the phone.

" It's Lui Shirosagi and Free de la Hoya. We wanted to make sure Dante was okay, because we heard he got sick." 

Tango raised his eyebrows when he heard the answer: it was the last thing he expected! 

" He's in his bedroom, I'll bring him." 

The coach of the Victoires went up the stairs and went to his nephew's room. Then he opened the door and entered inside: Dante was almost completely hidden under the covers, just the top of his hair sticking out, and he was coughing weakly. His uncle approached the bed and sat right next to his legs. 

" Dante, there's someone who would like to talk you..." He gave him the phone. The blond came out from under the duvets: his eyes were half open and his whole face was covered with sweat. He grabbed the phone that was reaching for him and placed it near his ear. 

" Hello ? "

" Hey Dante ", the frozen ogre softly called, " Are you okay ? "

" Lui ! " The dragon tamer recognized the voice and smiled.

" And Free is here too..." He announced. Then he heard a new voice.

" Hi Dante ", the former world champion said.

" Free ! You're here too ! " 

" Valt told us you got sick just before you returned to Spain ", Lui asked subtly.

" Yeah, but Tango said it was a cold, nothing wrong. He said that in two weeks I could go back to Spain ", replied the blond looking at his uncle who nodded.

" Well, I will extend my visit to Spain until your return ", said Lui. 

" In the meantime, rest well ", declared Free, although there is some sort of order, " We will wait for you to train."

" Thanks ! " 

The two Bladers went off to let the younger one rest. Dante returned the phone to his uncle, who smiled at him and left his room.

The dragon tamer lay on his side and looked at a picture on his desk: it was a picture of him with Free and Lui eating churros. It was during an outing they had done three months ago: Dante had practically dragged his two brothers to an amusement park because he had heard about a new roller coaster. 

Lui and he were on the verge of vomiting while Free loved the ride! 

But the three of them had a really good time: it was one of the best days of his life! 

Smiling at the memory of that memorable day, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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