'deal' (emunene and ruikasa οΏ½...

By vensxx_

101K 2.2K 15.7K

Cover art by me btw 😈😈 IM FAMOUS. 🐺🐺🐺πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ okay so if you have looked at my other fanfics they are all ex... More

author's note
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extra thing ig
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it's been a year daddy
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ao3 account
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sorry for the small chapters
. 25 . (LAST CHAPTER!!)
announcement omg
Announcement (again) (because nobody reads dealio)

. 17 .

2.7K 66 588
By vensxx_

Thank you for like 6k reads omg 😭😭

I dont ship ruinene but what if when they were little they pretended to get married and when Rui tried to kiss nene she said ew gross and stomped on his foot then Rui ran away and cried

Tsukasa cleared his throat and struck a pose.

"Is everyone ready for my special Pegasus flip into the foam pit?" He yelled.

"Hey, put an M at the beginning of Pegasus—"

"Here I go...3, 2, 1!"

Tsukasa bounced on the trampoline before the foam pit but didn't move.

He slowly stopped bouncing.

"Never mind I just remembered I can't— I mean...I-I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM," Tsukasa stated unconvincingly, and ran away like a school girl rejected by her crush.

"What an idiot," snorted Nene.

"In that case, I'll go!" Volunteered Emu.

She bounced on the trampoline several times, before doing a canon ball and landing in the foam pit.

Even though the move was simple, Nene clapped anyway to make Emu smile.

"Ooh, Nene chan, Nene chan! Do you want to have a go?" Emu asked excitedly as she crawled out of the foam pit.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt," Nene said, approaching the trampoline.

Like the others, she bounced on it a couple times, and then jumped into the pit.

Since she had gone straight in, Nene had gone deeper than the others and sank into the foam blocks, so far her head went under.

"Oh no!! Nene chan is drowning!!" She heard Emu exclaim.

Nene fought her way through the foam and back up to surface, and out of the pit.

"Oh, she's okay," Emu said, breathing a sigh of relief.

"I'm back," they all turned to see Tsukasa returning, "what do you think about getting lunch at the place next to this one?" He suggested.

"The restaurant?" Rui asked.

"I guess that's a good idea. So far the only places we have eaten out here are cafés and stuff," said Nene.

"Okay...but just five more minutes here? Our session doesn't expire until one o'clock..!" Emu whined.


The group exited the building, and went straight into the one next to it.

They walked in, and a waitress greeted them, "hello, table for four?"

Tsukasa nodded and the lady led them to a table near a window.

She placed down some waters and walked away.

"So—" Rui began.

But then a man behind them stumbled backwards into their table, and knocked Nene's water onto her.

"Hey, what the hell?" She said to the man, only for him to stumble away again.

Another man then came in, and helped the first man to his feet.

"You guys should be careful. There's something not right about this place," the second man told them before leaving.

"What does he mean?" Tsukasa asked.

"Maybe this place is haunted!" Emu said.

The waitress came back to their table, "what would you guys like to drink?" she asked.

"Orange juice," Tsukasa and Nene said in unison.

"Hey, I said that," they said.

"Jinx!" They both yelled.

"Double jinx!"

"Triple jinx!"

"Quadruple jinx!"

Ah crap, what came after quadruple jinx?

"Fiveduple jinx!" Said Tsukasa, "haha, another win for the Pegasus!!"

"Hey, fiveduple jinx is not a thing!—"

"Uh, Nene, Tsukasa kun, can we order?" Rui asked.

"Oh yeah, of course," Nene and Tsukasa said in unison again, and she shot him a glare.

"I'll just get a coke," Rui said.

"Can I get uhmmmm...Mountain Dew?" Emu said.

The waitress nodded, writing down their requests and left again.

Until their drinks arrived, they talked about stuff like shows, what comes after quadruple jinx, and capybaras.

The waitress came back and set down their drinks.

"Oh good, that jumping was making me thirsty," Tsukasa said, starting to down the juice in one gulp.

Nene only took big sip.

The orange juice tasted awful.

"Blegh. That's terrible. How did you finish that all?" She asked Tsukasa.

"Yuck. I don't know. Is this even orange juice?" Tsukasa questioned.

"I mean...I guess let's just order," Rui said.

Nene looked at the menu, "what about, like, chicken wings?" She suggested.

The other nodded, and she set the menu down.

They continued to talk for another ten minutes, until Tsukasa stood up.

Tsukasa didn't look very well. "I'll be right back," he mumbled.

Tsukasa walked away from their table.

"Do you think he's going to the bathroom?" Nene said.

"I'm not sure," Emu said, shaking her head,

"Tsukasa kun looked like he was going to throw up. I think something is wrong with him," Rui said worriedly.

"Do you suppose it was the orange juice?"Nene suggested.

"Probably. What exactly did it taste like?" Rui asked.

"I don't know...it's hard to explain," Nene said, rubbing her temples.

"Well you had some too, didn't you Nene chan? Do you feel yucky?" Emu said.

"I did have some, but not nearly as much as Tsukasa. He drank the whole thing," Nene sighed.


The three turned their heads in the direction of the unmistakable laughter.

"You don't recognize me!?? I'm Tsukasa Tenma!!! World star!! FLYING PEGASUS!!"

They turned to see Tsukasa, standing on a chair and flapping his arms next to a very concerned, confused couple.

"Sir...please go away..." they said.

"Huh!? Ugh. You guys still don't know who I am? Once you see me on TV you'll regret this day."

Tsukasa hopped off the chair and went to go yell at some other people.

"So..are we going to do something? Because I'm gonna pretend like I don't know him," Nene said.

Rui smelled Nene's cup.

"Do you think Tsukasa kun's drink was spiked with alcohol?" Rui asked.

"I think your right, that would explain his extra idiotic behaviour," Nene said.

Rui stood up.

"Huh— ah yes! Purple guy!!" Tsukasa said, turning to Rui who had approached him after he got sent off by the next group of people he yelled at.

"Surely purple guy recognizes me, no?"

"It's concerning that you don't remember my name...anyway, Tsukasa kun, we should probably get out of here," Rui said.

"What? Why? I'm not finished signing autographs for my fans!" Tsukasa protested.

Tsukasa kun ran away, supposedly going to terrorize another table. Rui ran shortly after him.

Nene and Emu looked at each other.

"Do you think we should help chase him down?" Said Emu.

"I KNOW IM INCREDIBLE BUT LET GO OF ME CRAZY PURPLE MAN!!....ooh you smell kind of like pink marshmallows..."

"We should probably do something before staff gets too angry," Nene said.

Emu and Nene got up and went to the source of the commotion.

There were several staff members, telling Tsukasa to leave the restaurant, and Rui trying to keep him off of a table.

"We're very sorry for our friend's behaviour, but, he ordered orange juice and now he seems to be drunk? Did you mix up our orders?" Nene asked one of the staff members.

The staff member shook his head, "I don't think it's that easy to confuse orange juice and alcohol. I'd say some sick person is going around and spiking drinks."

"Oh...so then I hope you understand...we should call the police," Nene said.

He nodded, then turned to Rui, "you should get your friend out of here. We'll deal with whoever is putting alcohol in harmless drinks."

Emu looked at Nene again, "is this what that one guy meant when he said something isn't right about this place?" She asked.

"Probably. That guy who spilled my water was most likely another victim," Nene agreed.

They then ran over to Rui to help him get control of Tsukasa.

"UNHAND ME AT ONCE!! CRAZY FANS!!" Tsukasa yelled as the others latched onto him.

The three of them struggled as they all hauled him towards the door.

"I can't believe this is happening...famous star like me...being kidnapped.." Tsukasa said, dramatically placing the back of his hand on his forehead.

They called Shosuke telling him to come pick them up, it was probably best not to call an Uber. Who knows what Tsukasa might do next.


The three let out a sigh as they layed Tsukasa down on a couch.

He had gotten sleepy, but not entirely knocked out yet.

"Hey...purple guy...aren't you my director? Like umm... Errrrrr ree..." he looked at Emu, "and you...um.. pinkie pie cosplayer..."

Tsukasa soon fell asleep.

Nene sighed.

"That's that problem done," she said, yawning.

"I got it on camera," smirked Emu.

"Really? We can add this to Tsukasa kun's collection of silly accidents," laughed Rui.

The three giggled and Tsukasa began snoring loudly.

Emu whipped out her phone and played the video.

"I can't wait to show him this when he wakes up," murmured Nene.

For the rest of the day, the group decided to just hang around their suite until Tsukasa woke up.


Tsukasa didn't wake up until around dinner time.

"Eeeyah..." Tsukasa sat up, yawned and stretched.

"Oh your finally awake," said Nene.

"Er...my head hurts," Tsukasa complained, clutching his hair.

"Do you want to know why?" Rui asked, "Emu kun, show him the video."

Emu Rui and Nene all shared mischievous glance.

"Oh god, I'm scared," Tsukasa said as Emu pulled up the video.

The video started from the point where Tsukasa was dancing on the chair.

Tsukasa groaned and fell back into the couch as the video ended.

"I can't watch. How many times am I going to humiliate myself on this trip?"

Suddenly Tsukasa sat up.

"Wait...the fact I can't remember this..my head...was I drunk?" Tsukasa asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

They all nodded.

"But how!? I only remember ordering orange juice..." Tsukasa questioned.

"You drink got spiked," shrugged Nene.

"Oh. Now everything's clicking. The guy at the beginning giving us the warning..." Recalled Tsukasa.

"Well, do you wanna order some dinner?" Asked Rui.

Everyone nodded.

"What do you guys want to do tomorrow?" Nene asked.

"Let's run around the suite!" Suggested Emu.

"What," Tsukasa asked, turning to her.

"We need to take advantage of this huge place. After all we won't be the ones cleaning it in the end," Emu said with a wink.

"We can build forts and stuff..." Emu said.

"It's a good idea. After all, tomorrow is rainy," said Rui who had put down the phone.

They all agreed on being absolute idiots tomorrow and waited for their food to arrive.


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