Cold All the Way Through, But...

By thecowgirlbookworm

15K 303 113

Anastasia Dalian was not expecting to have to deal with an unwanted suitor on the return trip from unsuccessf... More

The Launch
Some Minor Rule Breaking
An Incident
Breakfast and Society Tea
Dinner and a Question
An Afternoon Promenade
Waiting in the Cold
Bridge and the Brig
The Morning Session
AN: Switch
The Afternoon Session
An Afternoon Caller
A Private Rail Car
The Funeral
A Few Frazzled Days
One Night
A Questioning
An Interview
An Attack
A Letter
A Ball
A Trip
Spreading the News
Hair of the Dog
The Business of Pleasure
A Joke
Settling Things
A Happy Occasion
The Party
Renewing Acquaintances
A Warning
A New Launch
The Duchess
A Favor
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
Almost to the Race
The Regatta
First Voyage
Awkward Conversations
The Tour
A Picnic
The Opera
An Ultimatum
The Costume Ball
The Birthday Party
White Camellias
Wedding Plans
Four Days Late
A French Letter
Opening Arguments
The Kidnappers' Testimony
A Red Dress and a Golden Necklace
The First Anniversary
Oscar's Gift
The Wedding Portrait
The Stag Night
The Morning After
The Wedding Night
The Wedding Breakfast
Shipboard Antics
A Slight Discomfort
Uncle Will and Aunt Anna
The Brightest Jewel in My Crown
Until We Meet Again
An Attack of Memory
An Unlikely Friend
An Abomination
Those Who Should Never Will
A Moonlight Swim
A Greedy Man
A Siren and a Scotsman
Purple Hyacinths
The Great White Hurricane
There's Nothing a Best Friend Won't Do
Cheering Up
Breaking Point
A Trip to Town
Groveling on His Knees
The Spell is Broken
Christmas Visitors
Heading Home
Modern Major General
Unwelcome News
A Turkish Bath
Dinner With the Captain
Old Friends
A Quiet Sort of Grief
Captain Rogers
A Storm
A Look of Adoration
The Second Anniversary
A Surprise
Another Trick
Crossing Together
Stealing Up to Newport
Finally, A Proposal
Before the Storm
Whispers on the Wind
Alfred Arrives
The Wave Breaks
A Long Time Coming
Fair Winds and Following Seas
Another Time, Perhaps
Dragged Kicking and Screaming
Live Bait
Rule Britannia
The Talk
An Agreement
An Early Christmas Gift
Mrs. Moody
A Public Confrontation
A Raider's Early Demise
A Court Martial
The Leave Taking
The Perfect Target
Drowning in Despair
Fitting Together
Tea With the Lightollers
A White Feather
A Mutual Friend
An Interrupted Afternoon Tea
Back in New York
Leave's End
Off to London
Yet Another Inquiry
Lord Mersey
Letters and Tricks

The Wedding

100 3 0
By thecowgirlbookworm

I sat before my vanity, dressed in a stylish morning suit and twisting a lock of hair around my finger. Everything had fallen into place over the last few days. The bridesmaid dresses had been delivered and everyone was enchanted by them. The flowers had been installed in the church last night, and were being placed at the Fifth Avenue house for the reception this morning. My gown and Will's uniform had been delivered to the church, two anterooms having been surrendered to become dressing rooms for us. Some of the guests had already made their way down, mainly the men who had taken Will off before he could even catch a look at me.

Charles had escorted me to my room the night before, ensuring that there was no chance of Will visiting. He had tugged at my hair like an annoying brother, "You'll have him every night after this, and besides, we can't have bad luck on the wedding day." I had batted at his hand, making him laugh. "You've had enough bad luck as it is." In the end I had called Rigel to join me, and had spent a good portion of the night wrapping my fingers through his hair. He had been taken down in the morning though, to be washed and brushed out to attend the reception. I had been treated similarly, being scrubbed within an inch of my life. And now Louise had dressed me, leaving me waiting to go to the church.

"Miss Anastasia, the carriage is ready." Peggy, clutching a handkerchief that was already spotted, spoke up from the hallway. "Will you be coming? Miss Vanderbilt is waiting."

I shook my head, "Of course, Peggy." I stood, grabbing my forget-me-not hat. I did stop, embracing her. "You're going to be there, right?"

Her voice was rather thick. "Of course Miss, we all are. But you need time there to change." She pulled back, fluttering her hands. "Off with you now, we've still got plenty to do here before we head over." She brought her handkerchief up and mopped at here face. "And then you'll be Mrs. Murdoch when you come back."

"I'll still be Miss Anastasia." I couldn't help but sniff. "You know that, right?" She clutched the cambric square to her eyes, waving me away. It seemed every floor I made my way down contained someone dabbing at their eyes, the maids with stained apron corners and the footmen with marks on their cuffs. It was far better than Liz who had not only one but two handkerchiefs in her purse as she held onto a third. I smiled at her, "It's a bit excessive."

"Oh hush." She waved it like a flag. "It's your wedding day." And didn't I know it, the carriage had been decked out with so many flowers and swags of ribbon to that the polished wood was barely visible on the outside. The inside was little better, the cushions had been changed out for ivory ones and more flowers had been placed in the corners. Event he curtains had been changed out to white ones. I felt a little out of place in my green suit, although Liz's bridesmaid dress did suit her and our surrounding marvelously. The portrait spread in the Times had featured her as well, along with the other monied bridesmaids. I had admired the portrait, especially the way Will and I had appeared so well matched in it, but seeing the dress in its glory was another thing entirely.

At least there wasn't a ticker tape parade for us as we pulled up to the church.

Instead there were some of the men waiting outside the entrance, obviously waiting for us. I could Samuel talking good-naturedly with Abe, Oscar and Ezekiel sharing a cigarette that Oscar quickly stamped out as he saw the carriage pulling up. I motioned for Liz to step out first, having to collect my skirt and ensure that I didn't trip over the ruffle at the bottom. I smiled to see Oscar standing at the foot of the carriage, his hand already gently gripping mine to guide me out. But it wasn't his voice that cut through the morning air. "Ah, there really is nothing like a wedding."

I didn't need to see the man to know who he was, but I still looked aside to catch the sight of Henry Reichster, dressed in his finest tails and top hat. I gripped Oscar's hand a little tighter. "You're not allowed to be near me."

"Oh, my apologies Miss Dalian. I forgot this was the church you attend. My congratulations on your wedding day though." He tipped his hat, "And my condolences on your wedding night, it's sure to be terribly boring for you. I could have shown you so much better."

"Bastard!" Samuel shouted, and Oscar jerked me aside as Will's father came barreling in with clenched fists. Abe was there in an instant, his arms around Samuel's chest as he held him back. Samuel still struggled towards Henry. "I'll kill ye fer what ye've done ta her."

"Annie, get inside." Ezekiel was by my side, gently shoving. "Oscar, get here away."

"There's no reason to try and be a hero, young Vanderbilt." Henry laughed, "Soon you won't be able to enjoy her unspoiled either." At that point Ezekiel lunger towards him, screaming obscenities and spitting in his face. Oscar gripped my arm tighter, hustling me up to where Liz was waiting on the steps.

"The wrong father died that night!" Abe's loud voice made me turn, and I could see him with his hands around Henry's neck. It looked like he was resisting the urge to squeeze the life from him, settling instead for practically throwing the man into the street.

There was a great deal of honking from a car that had come busting up, and Henry barely avoided being clipped by a fender as it surged past him. The brakes squealed slightly as it lurched to a stop, and the door of the cab opened without waiting for the driver. Mother, her hair brilliant with diamond pins, stood on the running board. Her voice carried over to us, "Leave, now. You will not ruin this day." I could see her lips purse. "Or I shall call the police and have you removed." Henry, seeing that Abe and Samuel were both eying him, dusted himself off and continued on. Mother looked to the men. "Thank you gentlemen, now, shall we move onto a happier occasion?"

"Yes," Oscar gave my arm a squeeze, "Let's not let him get the satisfaction of ruining it." I nodded, letting him hand me over to Liz who took me into the dressing room. It was hardly recognizable as the reverend's office, his bookcases being draped in fabric and the furniture having been moved to allow for the vanity, chairs and mirror that took up the majority of the space. Flower arrangements were in every corner, peach roses and garlands of forget-me-nots draped over the edges. My bouquet had been placed on the vanity, wrapped in ivory silk and tied with a ribbon. The underthings for the gown were hung over a dressing screen, and Cindy was waiting.

She smiled as she saw me. "Let's get you ready." Liz helped me with getting my suit off, folding it as she put it aside. Some of the other bridesmaids began to arrive slowly, and I gratefully ducked behind the screen when I was down to my chemise and stockings. I sat, rolling down my stockings before replacing them with the new ones, and then quickly slipped into my new chemise. I brushed my fingers over the embroidery and ribbon work around the neckline, and admired the flounces of lace around the legs of the drawers. I heard Mother come in at one point while Cindy was lacing my corset, the other bridesmaids simpering to her.

"Yes, yes." She sounded rather exhausted, "If you all wouldn't mind waiting out in the vestibule, I'd like to help my daughter finish dressing." There was a general sound of people leaving, and the door shutting. Mother didn't say anything as she helped me into the crinoline and petticoats, the skirts and the bodice. Cindy was kneeling and clasping the pearls to the skirt as she clasped her pearls around my neck. I felt her slip something into my hand. "Here."

I brought it up, examining the old handkerchief. I could see a monogram picked out in green silk, GRD. Gareth Raymond Dalian. "Wasn't this Father's?"

"Something old." Her eyes were bright as she took it from me and tucked it down the front of the bodice to rest between my breasts. "And something of his, so he can be with you today."

My voice was a whisper. "Thank you." Cindy drew me over to the vanity, draping my shoulders in a cloth as she applied the powder to my face. It was only once the gold net was in my hair that she brought the veil and its combs over, tucking them behind my ears. The orange blossoms on them bobbed as she draped the veil over my shoulder, having me hold it while she arranged the train. It was only the work of a moment though, and soon I was fully arrayed in my veil, gloves and bouquet. She circled me with a critical eye. "Don't sit." She opened the door a crack, "Mr. Hunt, she's ready."

Paul, in a fine pair of tails, stepped through. "Oh, this is truly one of my best." He sighed as he took in the sight, "The pearls, they just set her to glowing." He circled me, nothing but praise falling from his lips. Mother's pearls made him pause, "Oh Ruth, those are perfect."

"I was always going to let her wear them." Mother came and stood by him, looking at me. "Oh, my dear." Paul immediately had a handkerchief in her hands, and she quickly brought it up to her eyes.

"Come now, it's going to start soon." Paul took her by the elbow, but she shook her head.

"A moment, please." Her voice was still quavering, but she stepped over to me, kissing my cheek. "I am so happy for you, my darling, and your Father is too. I just know it."

I threw my arms around her, rather difficult given the sleeves. "Oh Mother, thank you for everything."

"Now, now." Cindy gently tugged me back, "If you start crying now you'll never stop." She joined Paul and Mother, taking his other arm. "No more crying, this is a happy occasion. And I believe Samuel is waiting for you, Mrs. Dalian." And then they were out the door, leaving me alone. I couldn't pace much, not with the veil and the train, so I found myself looking through the lace curtains out the window. Cars and carriages were disgorging their passengers, not only the society folk but men from the offices and the servants from the dock house and Fifth Avenue. Mr. Rigby was escorting Peggy, clutching a new handkerchief that she was doing her best to dampen.

They soon slowed to a trickle, and I could hear the organ begin playing. I knew the procession was starting, Samuel escorting both Mother and Jeanie to their seats, James and the other various men Will had asked to fill out the ranks of his groomsmen taking the arms of the bridesmaids. I hoped he appreciated that I had altered the order a bit so he could escort Liz, and knowing Charles he did not care a bit that he came down the aisle on his own, after Will. I could feel my breath coming faster, nervousness building inside me. It was happening now, less than an hour from now and I'd be Mrs. Murdoch. And then, oh then-

"Anastasia?" Abe's voice came from the door, "It's time." I stepped out after grabbing my bouquet, looking at him. He looked quite well put together in his formal Dalian Shipping uniform, although he was quickly wiping at his eyes. "I'm sorry, you're just so-"

"It's alright." I pulled his hand away, taking his arm. Cindy was behind me, arranging the train and veil properly before scuttling out a side door to her seat. I looked up at him. "I can do this, right Abe?"

"I've never known you to doubt yourself." Abe leaned down and kissed my cheek. "But I'll be right beside you, you know that."

Will hadn't slept a wink the night before. Well, he must have, but it felt like he hadn't. He'd endured the teasing from Charles after he came back from escorting Ana up, that he should head up himself since he wasn't going to get much sleep after the wedding. They'd shared a cigar, and Will had made sure that Charles had shown him the braid patterned gold bands for the wedding. He'd almost punched Charles in Oscar's car that morning when he had joked that he might have misplaced them. Saying that he was on edge when he was getting dressed was a bit of an understatement. When the others had come in after seeing Ana to her room, and they had mentioned that that damn Reichster had been the first to greet her, he'd started for the door.

Abe had caught him, "Ruth almost ran him over, he's gone." Will had been startled by the older man's strength as he had gently pushed him back. "Now, you know what you need to do."

Getting his Reserves uniform on had been simple, and far too quick. He'd started pacing the room, unable to run his hands through his hair in case he ruined the slightly pomaded look that Reggie had insisted on. It truly wasn't much, just enough to make his hair shine a bit more, but it was frustrating. Instead he kept flipping the clasp of the sword hilt over the brass rivet on the scabbard that could secure it. Charles, lounging in a chair, looked over. "It's a damn shame there's no whiskey here, you need it." Will merely grunted, and Charles shook his head. "I can understand being nervous the first time Will, but this is your second wedding. You're an old hand."

"My wedding with Ada wasn't like this!" Will had flung his arm out, taking in the whole spectacle it had become. "It wasn't in the papers and the highlight of the summer season." His first wedding has been rather plain, only the priest and a married pair of friends they'd been staying with in attendance. Ada had just worn a simple white dress, with lace around the neck, and they'd simply celebrated after with a hearty meal. It had been simple, but wonderful. But now, now there were hundreds of people in this church, waiting for him to come out and proclaim himself.

"No," Samuel walked over, patting his shoulder. "It wasna, but that don't change what's going on here. It's fer yer girl, it's what's expected fer her."

Will kept his voice low, only letting his father hear him. "But Da, what if this is all a joke? What if she leaves me up there, and I've been nothin' but a fool?"

"Boy," Samuel smacked the side of his head, gently. "Do ye really think she'd be doin' all this just to leave? How many times has she said she love ye, how many times have ye said it to her? Relax, lad, she'll come to ye." Relaxation had been the farthest thing from Will's mind though as Samuel stepped out to escort Ruth and his mother, and he had followed behind them. He tried to keep his pace measured, his sword gently smacking against his leg. But then he was up at the altar, Charles beside him, and all he could do was wait.

Wait and pray.

Relief only came when the music shifted, the crowd in the pews rising with it. It seemed to take an eternity for the door to open, for the flower girls, Abe's girls, to come tripping out and scattering their burden. It was enough for Will to appreciate the roses and other flowers, held together with ivory ribbon, that decorated the pews. Enough for him to think about the way the light was streaming through the windows. For his heart to lodge itself firmly in his throat and refuse to leave.

And then she was there.

She was smiling shyly as she held onto Abe's arm, her hands hidden in the massive bouquet of peach colored roses and forget-me-nots that overflowed down her arms. Pearls gleamed everywhere on her, and Will knew he had seen the dress before, but seeing her coming towards him was something else entirely. The way her skirts gently brushed the rose petals aside, her veil catching them as it dragged behind. He stood a little straighter as Abe stopped, pressing a kiss to her cheek before nodding to him. Will nodded back, extending a hand to her. Her movements were as graceful as a ballerina's as she accepted it and passed her bouquet to Liz so that she could take both of his hands.

"You look handsome." She whispered as the priest began, her eyes downcast but glancing up to him.

Will's tongue felt rather thick as he fumbled for the words he'd thought up last night. "You're like a goddess, you know." God that sounded foolish. She squeezed his hand tightly turning to listen to the reverend. Will tried to keep his focus on the man, but it was hard to think about the heavy bonds of marriage and the responsibility they were assuming when her hand was warm in his and she would glance over now and then, her smile growing. Will was so absorbed in Ana, Ana standing next to him and ready to swear her life to him, that it took him a moment to realize the reverend had asked him something. He swallowed, "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I asked if you hand the rings." Reverend Johnson gave him an indulgent grin. "Do you, Mr. Murdoch?"

He felt Charles slip them into his hand. He held up the two gold bands, "Yes, I do."

"Then repeat after me." The priest had them face each other, and Will found himself vaguely worried that the man would hear his heart hammering its way out of his chest. "I take you."

Will found himself staring into Ana's deep brown eyes, shining with emotion as he spoke. "I take you, Anastasia Victoria Dalian, to be my lawfully wedded wife. I swear to be faithful, honest and true to you, to care for you in sickness and in health, whether rich or poor, to share our joys and our sorrows together." He waited as Ana removed the glove on her left hand, handing it off to Liz as he took it into his own. He slipped the slimmer band over her finger, sliding it right up against her engagement ring. Part of him wondered if she would ever take it off to see the engraving he'd had placed on the inside, My Harbor-WMM. He knew she'd placed on his as well, My Jolly Sailor Bold-AVD. "With this ring, I swear myself to you."

Her voice was much lighter as she repeated the vows, her fingers much more nimble as she slipped the larger band over his finger. She didn't take her eyes from his as she finished. "With this ring, I swear myself to you." Truth be told, they'd filled out the license earlier this week so this was simply a formality at this point, but it didn't feel as if they were truly married until she had placed the ring on his finger.

"Then, in the sight of God and by the laws of the State of New York, I declare you to be man and wife." There was a general sigh from the pews as the reverend pronounced it, "You may kiss your bride, Mr. Murdoch."

Will hardly waited for his permission, one hand slipping around Ana's waist and the other on her cheek as he swept her into his arms. The way she seemed to fold herself into him was maddening, and it took everything he had to not slip his tongue in her mouth and taste her. He kept it chaste, though he did keep his arm around her waist as they turned to the applauding crowd. Her bouquet was back in her hands, her glove tucked in the ribbon as they made their way back down the aisle. Will could hardly think for the happiness he was feeling, the joy in his heart as he heard Ana laugh, her eyes bright as a few tears snuck out.

He stopped before the doors to outside, brushing the tears on his bride's face aside. "None of that now, wife."

"I'm terribly sorry, husband." She caught his hand, kissing it before pulling her other glove back on. "It's only that I'm so happy." And then the doors were open, the bright light of day streaming in as they made their way down the steps of the church, pelted with rice from some of the wedding guests as they made their way to the carriage. Even the horses seemed to get the spirit of the moment, their bobbing heads setting the feathers on the headstalls to dancing. It was rather complicated to get her dress inside, and it took up the vast majority of the other bench, but then Ana was in his arms and he pressed his head to her shoulder. She was here, they were together, she was his and he was hers.

A few tears escaped his eyes as he held her close.

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