Rubatosis { Crowley Eusford x...

Por Asherluna145

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Rubatosis (Noun) The unsettling awareness of your own Heartbeat. Once he was turned in to an vampire He ne... Más

Prologue: The Wolf And The Sheep
Chapter 1: The End Is Where We Begin
Chapter 2: Contract
Chapter 3: First Group Mission
Chapter 4: Hello
Chapter 5: Monsters
Chapter 6: Reunion
Chapter 7: The Monsters Under Our Noses
Chapter 8: A Faded Memory
Chapter 9: Where Are You Hiding Her!?
Chapter 10: The Pain And Torture
Chapter 11: Astraphobia
Chapter 12: (Y/n) , Your Back!
Chapter 13: Roses Have Thorns
Chapter 14: Lost Memories
Chapter 15: Consequences
Chapter 16: Mission
Chapter 17: Who Is The Puppet Master?
Chapter 19: A Demons Lullaby
Chapter 20: Sweet Blood
Chapter 21: The Fallens Song
Chapter 22: The Ring From The Past
Chapter 23: Our Beginning
Chapter 24: The Promise
Chapter 25: Your Leaving But I Hope You'll Come Back
Chapter 26: Missing Him
Chapter 27: Lambs To Slaughter
Chapter 28: A Breath Of Air
Chapter 29: Sacrifices

Chapter 18: A Sword Of Justice

359 10 11
Por Asherluna145

Yuu turned his head to the side and gasped very lightly " is there something wrong?" Shinoa asks concerned. " uh no, it's just getting really cloudy " " it's the perfect weather to launch an attack "Shinoa commented.

" yea let's get on with it!" Yuu smirks. " so, guren?" I ask as I walked up next to him " well the vampires are definitely ready to ambush us, I'll have to rethink our strategy " guren said "'what are you talking about I mean we are going to save them arnt we? " Yuu spoke up " are you saying that we run into something we know is a trap?" Narumi asked " yea if we have to" Yuu replied.

" even one shut up" guren said. I bit the in side of my lip as my nerves got to me a little. " ok, we'll snipe and see how they react " guren says " we're just going to teast the waters huh?" I ask " that we are, there are three nobles inside, they are powerful. Named Chess Bell Horn skuld and Crowley Eusford" my eyes widened at the sound of his name

" Crowleys here?' I ask myself " if it looks like our enemies are to strong for us to defeat we'll leave the hostages" " what give up? There's now way I'm letting them hang there like that" Yuu yelled " Yuu listen, if they are to strong we will all die and there will be none left" I said " that doesn't matte-" " hey you got to calm down, what is our top priority in this mission?"

" we can't let any more troops die that makes freeing the hostages our 2nd concern, moving forward Im going to need all of you " guren said " yoichi I want you to snipe ok?" I said as I turned to him " yes!" " let's show them what you learned from me " shinya spoke
" hey I got a view on a vampire he's got his back to me , I don't think he's noticed yet" " then take the damn shot" guren orders " fly true for me gekkouin!" Yoichi spoke as he let his arrows go.

" what is this thing? " I ask more to myself then to anyone else. I examine the weird bird like creature but the throw it to the wall it broke like glass and shined like glitter " how strange " I said

" I-I failed to hit the target " yoichi said "  usually a noble can't dodge an attack like that" shinya said "which means he's a powerful vampire it's no wonder 9 of our strongest teams couldn't handle him. We don't stand a chance " " he's right, I recognize this guy we faced him before, he's also the one that helped (y/n) calm down" yoichi said I looked over to him at the sound of my name. " hey give me that" Yuu yelled taking the binocular from guren.

I stood up dusting off my pants " are you ok lord Crowley?" " what was that thing, some weird  exploding bird?" Chess asks " it appears that we have some visitors " I said

" yoichis right that guy is bad news" " I see we'll then I highly doubt that we could beat him by Force " " so then what?" Yuu asked. " if Crowleys here then we don't stand a chance.. but I wanna know more about me, I wanna know more about us I can't just leave when there's answers right in front of me' I think to my self as I block out all  Conversations.

" we'll put on a big show so they think that we are the main unit " " I'm not against killing the blood suckers but I don't see how we stand a chance with them waiting around for us like this " I bit my lip " I'm not leaving him behind, I can't leave Crowley. Because he's got answers for me' I think to myself.

" how odd there is no 2nd wave" " we could have some fun and hunt them down " chess suggests " I bet that's what our enemies are hoping for we'll be patient and let them come to us" I say " they must of realized that they don't stand a chance against us and left" horn spoke " humans have a bad habit to making bad decisions, especially if it's against their orders " " huh? Wait what do you mean lord Crowley?" " they been commanded to destroy us there is little chance that they are going to back out now. They are loyal even in the face of certain death " horn said " or there is something else, maybe they have a secret agenda " I said as I huffed through my nose and turned around jumping down from the rubble " ferid is going to want to know all about this " I said " I don't like lord ferid he's always trying to seem so mysterious, it annoying " chess said " for once I have to agree with you chess" horn spoke " he can be a little much, but you have to admit there's never a dull moment when he's around " I chuckled " alright lady's this is our new for of attack, we'll capture the commander since he's the one that's going to have the most info got it?" " yes" " ok" " also one more thing" I said " yes my lord " horn speaks " if (y/n) is in this I want her captured as well, of course don't harm the little raven to much" I laughed " as you wish my lord " " Oo I can't wait to see (y/n) again!" Chess spoke happily.

" listen up, shinya and me will attack Crowley Eusford and his comrades well you all free the hostages " guren said. I nodded in understanding " we will do a hit and run strategy but that will only give you all 5 minutes after that we have to  retreat and join the people at the airport " guren said " we attack in 7 minutes everyone take your positions " guren spoke walking away.

" ok team I want you all to set a timer for 5 minutes once that timer goes off we have to retreat no matter what's going on, do you understand, Yuu" I said glaring at him " huh? " " this is an order no matter how many we saved we have to leave " " but-" " no buts Yuu! Please just just listen to me, please Yuu" I begged " fine I will it a simple job all we have to do is save them " I smiled and mouthed thank you. A loud  explosion filled my ears. " that must be the  Signal turn your timers on now and we'll go!" I yell as we all set them and went off.

" thorn lend me your thorns!" I yell out as black thorns came out of the ground beneath the crosses cutting all the rope around people. " ahh!" I yelled out cutting a vampire in half " that's the last of them I think" I said to myself. " (y/n)! Are we going to try and help them?" Mitsuba asked. I looked at the ground frozen " are we going to let guren die? Let's go and help them ! " Yuu yelled. I checked my watch " we have 3 minutes. Let's go do this!" I yell as I ran over to the door. " what are you doing (y/n)!? Guren and shinya are on the 4th floor! " Yuu yelled " hush just follow me!" I yell they followed me.

I pointed up " they are right above us, Mitsuba use your demon to brake the ceiling and Yuu will go up first!" I spoke as she did what I said blue filled my vision and Yuu jumped up and let out a battle cry. I jumped up after him grabbing the back of his uniform and flung him behind me blocking Crowleys attack with my sword. " thorn! Do it now!" I yelled as thorns wrapped around my hips pulling me back away from Crowley. Yoichi jumped up and shot some arrows but were easily dodged by Crowley. " go! " Mitsuba yelled out slamming her axe into the ground.

Blue flames wrapped around Crowleys feet. " die!" Yelled Yuu but stoped as Crowley put guren between him and Yuu. I ran up behind Yuu and yelled " thorned rose bushes " tall rose bushes formed around Crowley , the thorns tryed to attack hm but were easily nocked away " hmm? That was impressive, (y/n) " Crowley spoke smiling at me " fan out ahura-koan!" Yuu yelled out as katanas laced with red fire appeared behind him and the swords went attacking Crowley but chess and horn blocked it from even hitting Crowley.

" shit" I spoke under my breath. " Yuu! Come on!" I yelled running past him attacking chess Yuu ran up behind me but a wip wraped around my ankle fling me up " (y/n)!" Yuu yelled but chess attacked him. I was then slammed into the ground. Coughing up blood from the impact.

" it's been a long time, (y/n) " horn said. I ignored her and got up running toward the others " huh?" Was I heard. " regroup or they will pick us off one by one " shinoa yelled. Before I could get even close to my team chess pounced on me. I was slammed back into the ground with chess on top of me. I let out a Yelp like some hurt animal " It's so nice to see you again (y/n)-chan" chess spoke happily. I struggled against her hold wanting to get up.

" let go we're not leaving them here!" Yuu yelled out almost breaking away from Kimizuki. " stop it!" " what the hell are you doing follow your orders and retreat-" " ok I think that's enough out of you"Crowley spoke throwing guren to to the wall. Crowley walked up behind chess, chess removed her self from me. Crowley gently grabbed my upper arm pulling me up. His arm wrapped around my waist trapping me against his body. " (y/n)! Guren!" Yuu yelled out. " hey wait arnt you that weird kid from Shinjuku the one that freaked out and almost killed a bunch of our troops" Crowley spoke looking at Yuu.

" please my lord my I have permission to kill him?" Horn asked. My eyes widened as I yelled at her " don't you dare touch him!" " hmm, im afraid not I bet ferid would want him alive " Crowley spoke.

"keep me covered guys I'm going back in" Yuu said " don't you dare" shinya grabbed Yuu's shoulder. " what?" " we have to get out of here " " like hell we are!" Yuu yelled out running back in to fight the vampires. " someone stop him that's a Direct order!" Shinya yelled as Yuu tried to run away. Kimizuki and yoichi ran over to stop him. As I heard the sound helicopters I looked out the window " damnit they got back up in bound" I spoke under my breath. " come on guys-" Yuu yelled out but the alarm went off. " do you hear that Yuu! The alarm it went off it's time for you to go!" I yelled out " no (y/n). Tell me your joking, they have you and guren" Yuu spoke " that doesn't matter " shook my head " follow your orders, leave well you still can" I whimpered. " your both apart of my family, I can't just leave you!" Yuu yelled.

" that doesn't matter Yuu . I'm not apart of your family anymore just leave god damn you before they can capture you!" I yell back " please Yuu, follow you orders that I gave yo-" " ok that's enough form you, or would you like me to bite you to silence you? Hmm?" Crowley spoke

" what would you like us to do now lord Crowley?" Horn asked " hmm let's see, ferid would probably reward us if we capture them and keep them alive. Besides it's no fun if we just let them go" Crowley spoke

" I wouldn't leave them damit " Shinya came up behind kimizuki and grabbed Yuu . " we're reteating right now!" Shinya said walking away also pulling Yuu with him. " that's an order move!" " oh I love playing chase " chess spoke well starting to run " no leave them alone!" I yelled struggling against Crowley. My eyes widened as I saw hot lava come out of nowhere

" it must be goshi!' I thought " what's this , it's hot" chess said " it must be magic " horn reply's " an illusionary spell" Crowley spoke as he throw me over with guren on the ground. I let out a grunt.

" one strong enough to affect a nobles brain. Humans arnt supposed to control spells like this. I wounder who's been teaching you all these new magic tricks " Crowley said pulling his sword out nocking away small knives. " ah and there's more of you I see" Crowley said as he swang his blade behind him knocking it into goshi's pipe well he was protecting sayuri.

Mito ran up behind Crowley attacking him with punches and kicks but Crowley caught her leg. She groaned in shock. Crowley then threw mito over to someone as they ran. " what do you think your doing get out of here now!" " not without you " " we wouldn't leave you behind " " I'm as good at dead retreat!" Guren yelled

" I thought I told you to shut up" Crowley said as he pushed his boot into gurens abdomen making guren to yell in pain. " leave him alone!" I yelled " guren " mito yells " stay back! " guren yelled Crowley kicks him. " no your hurting him " I yelled looking up at Crowley.

Crowley looks down at me with a blank stare. " he'll slaughter every one of you, lead them goshi!" Crowley again kicks guren as I grab Crowleys ankle " please stop it I'll do anything!!" I yell you at Crowley. " sir I can't " " complete the mission-" " stop it Crowley!" I yelled out desperately.

" he's killing him!" Sayuri yells out trying to run over but goshi grabs her arm . Goshi slams down his pipe and yells " blast it" the illusion goes hay wire.

Crowley turns toward them also shaking me off of his foot. He slash's the illusion making it go away.  once the illusion is gone there was a big hole where the windows were " oh super impressive lord Crowley " chess compliments " nows not the time to start flaunting over him chess" horn says.

" your friends left you behind " Crowley says as he turns guren over with his foot. " I guess they don't like me very much " guren speaks "  seems to be quite the opposite of you ask me" Crowley says he then looks over to me " but that doesn't matter anymore " Crowley said as he grabs my wrist pulling me up " your mine now" Crowley smirks. " get him bound nice and tight will you, I'll be dealing with little (y/n) here" " k" " yes sir"

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