The Stranger on the Train

By Just_writing_a_bit

734K 25.3K 7K

Y/n is on her way to New York to start a new life there. On the train she meets a blonde woman and her daught... More

Chapter 1: Dolphins
Chapter 2: Drawings
Chapter 3: Goodbye for now
Chapter 4: New York
Chapter 5: First day
Chapter 6: See you again
Chapter 7: Park
Chapter 8: Second job
Chapter 9: Walks and talks
Chapter 10: Gossip
Chapter 11: I'm famous
Chapter 12: Dinner
Chapter 13: Second job and apartment
Chapter 14: Moving day
Chapter 15: Emergency
Chapter 16: Little dolphin
Chapter 17: Good morning
Chapter 18: Casual Thursday
Chapter 19: Saturday night
Chapter 20: Movies and storm
Chapter 21: Another morning
Chapter 22: Important talk
Chaper 23: First date
Chapter 24: Fancy restaurant
Chapter 25: Marvel
Chapter 26: Little waitress
Chapter 27: Hot
Chapter 28: Lotion and water guns
Chapter 29: Movies
Chapter 30: Taking care
Chapter 31: Is it my fault?
Chapter 32: Second date
Chapter 33: Will you be my girlfriend?
Chapter 34: Questions
Chapter 35: Gold digger
Chapter 36: Lizzie
Chapter 37: Girls night
Chapter 38: Boat date
Chapter 39: New opportunities and costumes
Chapter 40: Halloween
Chapter 41: Aquarium
Chapter 42: Tourist things
Chapter 43: First time*
Chapter 44: Florence
Chapter 45: Warm enough*
Chapter 46: Holiday plans
Chapter 47: Scarlett's birthday
Chapter 48: Cooking with Flo
Chapter 49: Thanksgiving and jealousy
Chapter 50: Spa Day
Chapter 51: Full relaxation
Chapter 52: Swimming lesson
Chapter 53: Cookies and skates
Chapter 54: Future plans
Chapter 55: Birthday
Chapter 56: Trust
Chapter 57: School problems
Chapter 58: Train and family meeting
Chapter 59: Christmas morning
Chapter 60: Grave
Chapter 62: Back home
Chapter 63: New Year
Chapter 64: The new job
Chapter 65: Night out
Chapter 66: New apartment
Chapter 67: Snow
Chapter 68: Sick
Chapter 69: Cloud 9
Chapter 70: Pleasure
Chapter 71: Furniture shopping
Chapter 72: Goodbye
Chapter 73: Zoo
Chapter 74: Valentine's Day
Chapter 75: Snow day
Chapter 76: Winter break
Chapter 77: Just keep swimming
Chapter 78: Rumors
Chapter 79: Rose's birthday
Chapter 80: Surprise
Chapter 81: Poor baby
Chapter 82: You're not her mother!
Chapter 83: Black Widow and L.A.
Chapter 84: Anniversary
Chapter 85: Skinny dipping and more
Chapter 86: Horse back riding
Chapter 87: Beach Day
Chapter 88: Bachelorette and flower girl
Chapter 89: Venue and puzzle pieces
Chapter 90: Lizzie's wedding
Chapter 91: Red carpet
Chapter 92: Strawberries and loose teeth
Chapter 93: Florida
Chapter 94: I will always protect you
Chapter 95: Welcome to the mile high club
Chapter 96: London
Chapter 97: Lost
Chapter 98: Camping
Chapter 99: Finally diving in the ocean
Chapter 100: One plus one equals love
Book 2 is out now!

Chapter 61: Exes and Stars

6.2K 239 38
By Just_writing_a_bit

Pov y/n

We walk in silence as I guide her towards the inside of the town. I show her around and she listens to me as I tell her about how I met up with friends at certain spots after school to stroll through the city or how I accidentally ran into a sign because I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.

She smiles when I show her my school and the spot where my parents took a picture of me on my first day of school and she recalls my mom showing her that picture.

Since Christmas was yesterday, most of the shops are still closed but a few cafés are open and we decide to go to one to drink some coffee and tea.
We choose a seat at a window that overlooks the nearby park and after we ordered, my eyes stay on Scarlett. She's looking out the window at the moment, a soft smile on her lips.
When she turns to look at me, she raises her eyebrows a little in question.

"Everything okay?" She asks and I nod, a little smile tugging on my lips.

"I just like looking at you, you are so beautiful." I say and realize that it must sound very cheesy but I don't really care. Her smile widens and she takes my hands, squeezing them a bit in thanks.

"I really like your hometown, it's sweet and so nice and definitely less busy than New York." She chuckles a bit at her own words. "It has more character and seems so calm."

I laugh a little at her description.
"I would highly worry if some random town was as busy as New York. But don't be fooled by it's calmness now, when it's not the holidays, it can be quite full and there's happening a lot." I nod to emphasize my words. Scarlett laughs and I can't help but to smile at that sound.

"You mean like children running over the street to get to school and grannies scolding them? Or the teenagers who walk to school, knowing fully well they are too late and the parents of younger children who shake their heads at the teenager's behavior?" She teases and I stifle a laugh.

"Pretty much, yeah." I agree and she grins.
"In summer we had band competitions in the park. They were only school bands and mostly not really good but it was always fun to watch." I point out and Scarlett laughs again, but not in a condescending way, more like adoring how I try to convince her that there are things happening here.
Our drinks come and she lets go of my hands to take a sip and seems surprised.

"The coffee is really good." She says and I roll my eyes playfully.

"Duh. What did you expect?" I ask and giggle when she swats my hand away as I try to steal the cookie that came with her coffee.

"Well, I didn't expect it to be bad, just not as good as it is. Almost as good as yours." She says and takes another sip and I lower my cup, looking at her almost offended.

"I said almost, babe." She laughs and I narrow my eyes a little, sending her a warning glare that just makes her laugh even more and I also can't keep a straight face and chuckle a bit.

It feels so good to hear her laugh this much. It's not that she didn't laugh before, it just seems more freely now. Maybe because the stress with Christmas and work and everything stayed home or maybe because she doesn't need to worry about paparazzi here.

Either way, I am more than happy to see her this joyful and hope to be able to make her laugh for as long as we're together, which hopefully will be for a long while.

We sip on our drinks while watching the outside and chatting lightly. We share glances in between and joke a little around. I pay for the both of us, feeling happy about it and Scarlett seems to be happy that I'm happy.
Just as we're coming back from a little stroll through the park, I hear someone calling my name.

I know this voice.

"Long time no see." She says and I turn around and give a little smile to my ex-girlfriend.
Megan nods and returns my smile. I notice that her hair is a lighter shade of brown now than it was three years ago.

"It has been indeed." I agree friendly. Scarlett moves a little next to me and I side glance at her, she eyes Megan a little skeptically. Megan seems to notice it and turns her attention to Scarlett, her eyes suddenly shining with recognition.

"Oh my god, aren't you Scarlett Johansson?" She asks, suddenly excited. Scarlett smiles but I can tell that it is a fake smile and only a mask.

"I am." She confirms and nods. Megan's eyes grow bigger.

"What are you doing here?" She asks but when I raise an eyebrow, she looks down at Scar's and mine intertwined hands and seems to understand.

"Are you two together?" She asks, sounding impressed and I'm not sure if I should be offended by her tone.

"We are." I say, deciding to see how it'll turn out before I come to a false solution. Megan nods and looks between us.

"A huge step up from me I'd say." She jokes and I fake a smile, feeling a little awkward.

I also notice Scarlett tensing up a little bit next to me, now knowing that she is face to face with my ex-girlfriend.
Her look becomes a little more hostile but I gently squeeze her hand, trying to tell her she has nothing to worry about.

"We will head home now, nice to see you again." I lie about the second part but don't want any drama right now.

"It was, we should call and catch up more." Megan suggests and I simply nod before leading Scarlett away. She glances back for a few seconds, seeming a bit angry but I lean over and kiss her cheek.

"I got a new phone number two years back, she can't call me anymore." I say and Scarlett seems to relax a bit but plays it off by smiling at me, this time it is a real smile.

"Besides, who could compete with you?" I add, making her blush a bit.

" long were you guys together?" She asks, trying to make it sound casual but I can hear a bit suspicion in her voice.

"For about a year. We met in college and started dating after a year or so. But after my Dad died, she became a bit...distant, said she couldn't really handle this. Whatever that meant." I shrug and Scar looks at me, raising her eyebrows.

"She left you, after your dad died?" She asks clear dislike in her voice. I hum and nod.

"I think a month after his funeral." I recollect and feel a little knot forming again but I take a deep breath, not in the mood to cry again.

"That's just an ass move." Scar scoffs a bit and shakes her head.

"It was. I kinda hoped she would be there for me during that time but she wasn't. I don't know why but she wasn't good at handling my grieving. Whenever it overcame me, she was lost and just left me to cry. She always refused to visit Dad's grave with me. It hurt me, especially since I started to push down the grief, so she wouldn't have to handle me crying but it didn't seem to work out." I tell Scar and she stops me. I look at her in surprise and she looks angry.

"You pushed your feelings down, so she would be 'more comfortable' around you and she still left you?" She asks, bewilderment in her voice. I nod and bite my lip. Her hands come up to cup my face.

"You never ever have to push your feelings down when you're with me, okay? I love you so much and I value you and every single feeling you have and I won't leave you for being sad about someone passing away." She says, her voice serious but with a loving tone in it.

I smile a little, my heart suddenly feeling a bit lighter.
I never fully realized that Megan's behavior had such an effect on me but apparently it does.
Well, did.
Because just the fact that Scarlett went to my Dad's grave with me and hold me while I was crying, was enough for me to know she wouldn't push me away because of it. Hearing it was the last thing I needed to be assured.

"Thank you, that means a lot to me." I almost whisper and she smiles before leaning her forehead against mine.

"I truly mean it and I now appreciate even more that you took me to your father's grave with you." She replies and I feel my heart flutter a little.

I lean in and for a few moments, our lips dance together. It's very meaningful, as if this kiss seals the promise that she won't push me away for whatever I'm feeling and that I also won't ever do that to her.

We slowly start to stroll back home, both being in thought. Our hands stay intertwined and I already don't want to imagine anymore, how it would be if I couldn't hold her hand.

When we enter the house, we already hear giggling and my heart fills with joy. We get out of our shoes and coats and follow the sounds, to find Bennet, Marla and Rose in the kitchen, preparing lunch together.
They are in their own little world. Rose is on Bennett's back, holding a wooden spoon in one hand, while she holds onto his shoulders with the other. Marla has a wooden spoon as well and they have a heated duel, that makes all of them laugh.

When Marla pokes Bennett's stomach, he makes gagging noises and slowly kneels down, having a safe hold on Rose, who yells something about Marla being unfair. She gets off Bennett and starts to attack Marla. Their duel continues as they move around the kitchen.

"You stabbed my horse and now I will avenge him!" Rose exclaims.

Marla laughs and dodges the attack before fleeing.
As soon as she notices us, she runs towards us, hiding behind me.
I laugh when Rose comes running and they chase around me a few seconds, before Rose taps Marla's spoon and she drops it as if it was hit out of her hand. She goes down on her knees as Rose stands up in front of her, the wooden spoon pointing to Marla's chest.

"I surrender. Please, spare my life." Marla begs and for a second Rose thinks about it before graciously lowering the spoon.

"Alright, you shall live." She decides and Marla bows a little, making Rose grin proudly and Scarlett and me laugh.

"So, I gather you had a great time?" I ask and help Marla up. Bennett also gets up and they both smile widely while Rose beams at me.

"It was so cool! I skated on the ice while they held my hands and it was so funny when Bennett slipped. He has a funny way of cursing." She tells us and I shoot a glare in his direction but he just smiles innocently and when Rose continues, I get why.

"He said 'Fudge cookie that was not smart'" She quotes and giggles at the memory. I send a softer smile to Bennett and he nods, telling me silently he told me so.

"Sounds very exciting." Scarlett agrees and holds Rose, when she leans against her.

"It was!" She confirms.

"We were out until half an hour ago or so and when we got home, we were hungry, so we decided that sandwiches would be nice. Do you want some?" Marla tells and offers.

I nod and look over at Scarlett, who also nods, her hands resting on Rose's stomach as her arms are laying over her shoulders and upper body.
I move to help Bennett and Marla with the sandwiches, while Rose watches us and plays with a hand of her mom, adding new details to the story about what they did today.

I smile at my siblings in thanks, appreciating so much that they spend so much time with Rose and make her have so much fun.

While we eat the sandwiches, I can tell that Rose gets a little tired, probably exhausted form the exciting past few hours. So, Scarlett takes her upstairs for a little nap.
Bennett asks if we want to watch a movie and Marla and I agree immediately.

A smug smile appears on his lips when he suggests a Marvel movie, he really loves them.
To his surprise, I agree easily and when I tell him, I already watched some, he is impressed. Of course, he knows in which ones Scarlett is and puts the second Captain America movie on. I stare at my girlfriend on screen, admiring everything she does and sometimes I hear the twins snickering but I don't care.

When a pair of hands lays itself on my shoulders, I look up to see Scarlett's amused face. My face heats up as if I was caught doing something bad, when I just watched one of her movies.
She bends down and kisses me on the lips before coming around and sitting down next to me.

She silently tells me that Rose is asleep now and cuddles into me, watching with us.
Whenever I have a question, Bennett and Scar are quick to answer them and I smile to myself.
Every time, Natasha can be seen, a grin tugs on my lips and I feel Scarlett looking at me from time to time. She sometimes doesn't do anything but other times, she kisses my cheek or jaw, or lets her fingertips brush over my cheek.

When the movie ends, Ben and Scar continue to talk about Marvel and now I can see the excitement in his eyes over Scarlett being here. So far, he hid it very well but now it shows and it makes me smile. I listen a little, still cuddling with Scarlett.

After a few more minutes, Rose joins us, still a little sleepy from her nap and cuddles into my other side. I comb my hands through her hair and she plays with my hoodie strings.
When the Marvel conversation is over, we think about how to spend the afternoon and Scar says she wants to go on a run.
Marla offers to go with her, since she also needs to practice for a soccer game in a week.

For a moment I'm not sure, how Scar thinks about it but she agrees easily and the two are off. Rose also wants to go outside again and I smile at how much she loves being in the woods here and how excited she is to maybe see another deer. So, we also get ready and leave the house together with the two runners, before our ways part and they take off while Ben, Rose and I go on a little walk.

We don't spot a dear but Rose is still excited and when she sees a tree laying on the ground, she wants to walk on it. I allow it, as long as I am with her and she willingly gives me her hand for stabilization. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Bennett taking a few pictures of us.

Eventually Rose has enough of the forest and we go back home, where we find Marla and Scarlett chatting. Both of them have towels around their hair and wear different clothes, indicating that they showered after their run. Rose tells Scar about the walk as we settle on the sofa again.

Just as we're talking about dinner, my Mom comes back home and gets involved into the decision. When Scarlett offers to cook mac and cheese, Rose cheers and tells the others how great it is and that they will never eat a better one. With a few chuckles, the others agree and Scarlett leaves with a little laugh, joking about how there's no pressure on her now.

The rest of us decides to play some boardgames and between games, I check in on Scarlett, who seems happy and comfortable in our kitchen, which makes me really happy. She assures me that she doesn't mind cooking and kisses me softly.

My family approves of Rose's promise that the mac and cheese is great and Scarlett smiles blissfully.
Rose announces that she wants to stay with Marla and Bennett tonight, because they promised her a pillow fight and both agree in an instant. Scarlett is also down for it and gives me a little smile that I return.

Since Scar cooked, my Mom and siblings do the dishes while we get Rose ready for bed and bring her blanket and pillow into my siblings room. We blow up an air matrass and Rose is excited to sleep on it, since she never did it.
Mom goes to bed earlier because she's exhausted from the day and wishes us a goodnight.

The twins and Rose play a few child friendly videogames in the living room and I use that chance to tell Scarlett to put on some shoes and a jacket and get a blanket.
Without asking, she does it and just raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything. I take her hand and lead her outside. She follows and looks at me in question. It's dark and I can barely see her expression but it still seems as if her eyes are sparkling.

"Do you remember our first date?" I ask and she smiles.

"Of course. How could I forget it?" She asks back and searches my eyes.

"Do you also remember when I told you about how you can't see the stars in New York?" I continue and she nods, before realization hits her and she tilts her head back, looking at the dark night sky.

I mirror her action and look up into the sky that seems like it changes every night but also holds some kind of familiarity in it that I find quite calming.

"Wow, it's...incredible." She whispers and slowly turns, her eyes still looking at all the stars. I hum in agreement.

"Right?" I ask and she slowly gravitates towards me and my hands automatically find her waist.

We gaze at the stares for a longer while, warming each other with our closeness as we just enjoy this peaceful moment.
Suddenly she gets excited and I smile softly, when I see why. A shooting star just crossed the dark sky above us.

"I wish..." She trails off and I know she continues it silently.

For a second I close my eyes, listening to my inner self, before I make a wish. I wish to be with Scarlett forever and to make her happy for as long as I shall live.

She wraps her arms around my shoulders, pulling the blanket a little tighter around me, before her hands find the back of my neck, where she plays with my baby hair.

"I love you with all my heart." She whispers and my own heart skips a beat at her words.

"I love you too, with all I am." I reply and in this very moment, her eyes shine brighter than every star above us.

I lean in and kiss her softly, pouring every emotion I have for her into the kiss.
She returns the kiss in the same way and a wave of comfortable warmth overcomes me, warming up my body from the inside. Pure joy and contentment fills my body and I wish this moment would last forever.

It doesn't but it was still magical and a moment I won't ever forget .
When it gets too cold, we go back inside, both with a fuzzy smile on our faces.
We say goodnight to the three in the living room, telling them to come to an end soon, before we head upstairs.

We get into our cozy pajamas and brush our teeth. While I use the bathroom, Scar already goes back to our room, to cuddle into bed. I hurry up because after our moment outside, I feel the urge to cuddle with her.

The sight when I come back into the bedroom and close the door, is adorable.
Scarlett is cuddled into the blanket, only her head looks out of it and she has a giddy smile on her face. She pads the bed beside her and I smile before hurrying up to cuddle next to her.

She lifts her blanket and I cuddle underneath it, resting my head on her chest and laying one arm over her stomach, holding her close. Her hand comes to lay in my hair and she scratches my head lightly, making me hum at the nice feeling.

"Is that your sister's?" She asks and I peek up a little to see what she is nodding at. It's my e-piano and I smile a bit.

"No, that's mine." I tell her and without seeing it, I know she looks at me in surprise.

"You play piano?" She asks and I nod against her.

"Well, I played. It's been a while since I sat on it, I don't know if I still could play anything." I add and look up at her. She still is surprised.

"I didn't know that." She says and I smile and kiss her sternum.

"That's because I never mentioned it." I reply and she rolls her eyes playfully.

"Do you still would like to play the piano?" She asks and I think about her question.

It was always fun to play and I could get so easily lost in the music. There always was a feeling of peacefulness when I played. Okay, not always, not in the moments where I couldn't get a part right and needed to rehears it so many times until I wanted to delete it from my memory.

"Sometimes but it would probably take a while until I'd be on the same level as before. Besides, back in New York I don't have that possibility." I shrug and Scarlett hums and stays silent for a few seconds, before she smirks a bit.

"Well, at least I know now where your finger skills come from." She says and her eyes sparkle a bit. I raise my eyebrows a bit and smirk as well.

"Oh babe, you haven't seen the half of it." I reply and see her bite her lip.

"Maybe you should show me sometime then." She answers and I grin.

"It'll be my pleasure, and yours too." I wink and she laughs a little.

"My fingers aren't the only thing that is skilled, you know?" I say and lean back a little to see her face better. She smirks and raises her eyebrows, waiting for me to continue.

"My tongue can also be pretty quick." I add and she blushes a little but brushes it off.

"True, you can talk very fast." She agrees teasingly and I huff.

"You love my talking." I pout and she smiles before kissing my lips quickly.

"I do." She agrees and I smirk again, happy with her answer.

"But you are right, you are fast at other things with your tongue as well and I love those too." She smirks and chuckle a bit and lay down on her chest.

"But you know what's the best of all?" She asks and I shake my head, looking up at her again.

Her eyes twinkle a bit with mischief and when I feel her hand on my side, slowly sliding down, a shudder runs over me and I suck in my bottom lip.

"This right here is the best of all, how your body reacts to the simplest of touches." She explains and her voice gets a little raspier and I almost sigh at that sound.

God, how can a voice be so attractive? Her hand lingers on my upper leg for a little while longer, until she slides it back up to my back, holding me close.

"You body also reacts pretty heavily to my touch as well." I point out and stretch a bit to reach her neck, kissing it a bit before sucking lightly, making her gasp and me smirk.

"I wouldn't deny that." She almost whispers and her grip on my back tightens.

"Good, just wanted to make sure you are aware." I grin and kiss the spot one last time before settling back on her chest. Her heartbeat has quickened a bit, which makes me smirk even more.

"You really are something, y/n." She mumbles into my hair before kissing it.

"Something good, I hope." I reply and she kisses my head again.

"Something very good, that makes me incredibly happy." She confirms and the butterflies in my stomach become active again.

We just lay there for a few more minutes before sleep slowly creeps up on us and we say goodnight before falling asleep, still cuddling into each other.

A/n: What do you think about this chapter?

This book hit 100k reads! That's so crazy. A huge thank you to all of you <3

Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

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