Bad Blood // Theon Greyjoy

By rissarosewrites

42.3K 1K 89

Nova Stark is completely and totally in love with her father ward Theon Greyjoy. Will her love for him blind... More

1. Procrastination
2. Direwolf
4. Love you more
5. Your Grace
6. Be Brave Theon
7. Not your concern
8. Do better
9. Help
10. Foreign Concept
11. Don't Go
12. Snowflake
13. Protect
14. Always a Stark
15. My Legs
16. Scary
17. Tell her
18. As was I
19. Kola Likes You
20. Ask Nova
21. Jaime
22. Dreams
23. Fool
24. Liar
25. Always
26. Scouts
27. Alive?
28. Look at Him
29. Ships
30. Greyjoy
31. Prince
32. Mad Love
33. Sounds like Goodbye
34. Price of Love

3. Thank Jon

2.3K 66 0
By rissarosewrites

"PUPPIES!" Nova declared.

"You for my love." Theon said passing of one of the puppies. Nova looked to her father.
"Seriously?" She questioned her eyes wide.

"Yes Nova love." Ned answered. "You will train them, feed them, and if they die-'

'Thank you!" Nova exclaimed, pup in her arms as she hugged Ned.

"Thank Jon" Ned corrected as Nova kissed his cheek.

"Jon you got us puppies!" Nova declared running off. Ned stared at Theon a moment longer. Theon opened and closed his mouth wordlessly, Ned let out a long sigh before he walked past Theon. Theon turned to him raising a hand to call him back but the words wouldn't come.

"Direwolves Nova," Jon told her. "we found them on our way back."

"You should do beheadings more often if we get puppies out of it!" Nova told him giddy.

"I don't think I heard you right Nov." Robb mused.
"If we get a puppies every time father has to spill a little blood." She shrugged. "I think I'm okay with it."

"My vicious little Nova." Theon remarked a hand at her back as she leaned into his touch.

"Aw Jon, you got a white one. What are we going to name them!" Nova exclaimed.

"Possibilities are endless." Robb remarked.

"So obviously you are going to pick something stupid." Nova teased grabbing onto Theon's shirt and pulling him away.

''Careful Nov I know your secrets." Robb warned. "You don't want to make fun of me."

"I'm not." Nova assured. "And it's not a secret." Nova corrected. "Theon just needs to man up." She informed her brothers.

"You hear that Theon?" Jon mused. "Man up."

"Shut up." Theon grumbled. "You like your present?"

"I do, although apparently I have Jon to thank although I cant thank him as I would you." Nova retorted bringing her lips to his.

"Don't thank Jon like this ever." Theon agreed. Nova put her pup down and she curled up tired already at Nova's feet.

Theon moved quickly, for they only got a few moments alone before one of her siblings came bargaining in. Nova's body pinned to the wall as Theon's hands moved with precision. At any moment, her family could barge in on them. At any moment, literally anyone on the winterfell grounds could find them in the stables. Unlikely, considering everyone was entertained with new puppies but still. It's way more exciting than Theon ever thought something like this would be. Nova nodded again, desperation churning through her.

"Yes." Nova begged, and Theon's eyes took on a feral twist. He planted his hands on either side of her body against the stable walls and his face angled down to her and he exhaled over her lips, making her unconsciously bend up towards him, not yet touching, just drawn in, a magnet.

His breath was warm as it ghosts over her, another delicate exhale, another excruciating invisible pull.

"I wanted to taste you," Theon said into her mouth. His tongue darts out, flicks at her upper lip, and her head knocks back against the wall.

"Then do it," She demanded. It comes out angry; she was wound up, on the edge already, and he's torturing her. He chuckled.

"Oh, but I savor delicacies such as this," he mused with a grin, that had her fisting her hands in his shirt.

Her knuckles brush his abs. They're begging to be touched—she dove her hands up under his shirt, playing in the lines between his muscles. Slowly, so fucking slowly, he brushed his lips across her. His tongue shoots out in quick, short licks that taste her top lip, her bottom; he clamps his mouth to her and sucks her tongue into his mouth, tangling the two together. Her body arched up against him and he wrapped one hand around her waist, holding her flush to him. His hard cock pinned between their bodies and made her pussy ache.

"Your moans taste so good, darling," he told her and started a trail of kisses down the side of her neck, nipping and licking his way to her collarbone, Nova moaned into him as her pup started to whine at her feet.

"NOVA!!" Rickon shouted.

"Better than nothing." Nova remarked pressing a quick kiss to his lips before picking up her pup and heading back outside. Theon groaned adjusting his pants as he wrapped his cloak around himself covering the clear evidence of his desire.

"Rickon, your pup is so handsome, what are you going to name him?" Nova questioned kissing reckons head.

"Shaggy dog!" Rickon declared and Nova giggled.

"That is perfect." Nova declared. "They are going to be our little protectors." Nova remarked.

"You are going to need it with your cowardly suitor." Jon teased and Nova swatted a hand at him. 

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