8. Do better

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Nova didn't understand why Lord Greyjoy disposed of Theon. Nova thought the world of him.

"we are to be married!" Nova declared curling into Theon.
"We are." Theon agreed holding her close. "Nova Rose Greyjoy." Theon remarked. "It has a nice ring to it."

"It does." Nova agreed, she couldn't stop smiling. She had never been this happy.


"You allow Theon Greyjoy to marry our daughter?" Catelyn spat.

"It's either a pending union with Theon which will never come to pass," Ned remarked as he got changed for the night. "Or Robert makes her wed Joffrey as soon as they return to the capital."

"Lose, lose." Catelyn corrected.

"The union with Theon, it doesn't have to be anything. I told him I would discuss it later, it will keep Robert off of Nova and... I mean you saw her with Joffrey, she would lose her head at the capital." Ned reminded Catelyn.

"Cersei thinks we will share grandchildren. She wants sansa still." Catelyn remarked happily.

"Why are you smiling?" Ned questioned.

"Sansa has always wanted to be a princess, this is good for us. Lucky for us Sansa is an angel." Catelyn reminded him.

"Nova is my angel." Ned assured.

"She has your tongue." Catelyn countered. Sure Nova didn't like swords or archery like Arya, Nova went to her lessons and had the houses memorized and the perfect stitching but her unfiltered tongue got her in trouble. "She is not marrying Theon." Catelyn assured. "We can find her a better match."

"I agree." Ned told her as he settled into the bed. he let out a long sigh.

"What?" Catelyn questioned.

''Robert has asked me to be his Hand."

"No." Catelyn shouted.

'I'm a Northman. I belong here with you, not down south in that rat's nest they call a capital.' Ned said as he lay in bed with Catelyn that night.

'I won't let him take you.' Catelyn declared

'The king takes what he wants. That's why he's king.' Ned reminded her.

'I'll say, 'Listen, fat man, you are not taking my husband anywhere. He belongs to me now.'' Catelyn told him confidently.

'How did he get so fat?'

'He only stops eating when it's time for a drink.' Catelyn remarked when there was a knock at the door.

'It's Maester Luwin, my lord.'

'Send him in.' Ned called and the door swung open.

'Pardon, my lord, my lady. A rider in the night from your sister.' He handed Catelyn a sealed note.

'Stay'. Ned begged as she got up.

'This was sent from the Eyrie. What's she doing at the Eyrie? She hasn't been back there since her wedding.' Catelyn remarked as she read the note, she looked up to Ned with alarm in her eyes, and then burned it quickly.

'What news?'

'She's fled the capital. She says Jon Arryn was murdered. By the Lannisters. She says the king is in danger.' Catelyn remarked.

'She's fresh widowed, Cat. She doesn't know what she's saying.' Ned reminded her

'Lysa's head would be on a spike right now if the wrong people had found that letter. Do you think she would risk her life, her son's life, if she wasn't certain her husband was murdered?' Catelyn countered

'If this news is true, and the Lannisters conspire against the throne, who but you can protect the king?' Luwin remarked

'They murdered the last Hand. Now you want Ned to take the job.' Catelyn exclaimed through an exasperated voice.

'The king rode for a month to ask Lord Stark's help. He's the only one he trusts. You swore the king an oath, my lord.' Luwin reminded them

'He spent half his life fighting Robert's wars. He owes him nothing.' Catelyn remarked she turned to ned. 'Your father and brother rode south once on a king's demand.'

'A different time. Different king.'


Nova smiled over at Theon his arms wrapped around her as Kola slept at the bottom of the bed. This was going to be her life. She couldn't wait for her life to really begin.

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