Spend Some Time (Eminem Fanfi...

By shadysnightmare19946

140K 4.3K 3.7K

Melody goes to a rap concert with her friends. She meets one of the performers, an up-and-coming rapper that... More

1. The Beginning...
2. A Tale Of The Deadly Right Hook
3. First Time
4. First Time I Called You Blew Me Off
5. Small World
6. The Way I Am
7. A Thing For Crazy Bitches
8. Come With Me
9. Life On Tour
10. Hate Song
11. We Laugh And We Cry Together
12. Dysfunctional
13. Anger Management
14. Catfight
15. Bad Habit
16. Aftermath
17. New Life
18. Spend Some Time
19. Not So Hard To Get
20. MTV Spring Break
21. Mixed Signals
22. Waterworks
23. Long Talks & Feelings
24. Not His Type
25. Only Girl I Want
Black Magic
26. You Are My Girl
27. Soundproof
28. Pro-choice
29. Gun Drama
30. Whipping Bouncers 6'2
31. #1
Tragic Endings
33. Superman
34. Excerpt From An Unnamed Celebrity Gossip Magazine
35. Toxic Love
36. Best Friend
37. Consequences
38. Things To Come
39. The Good Guy
40. Copping Mechanisms
41. Enemies With Secret Identities
42. Tell Me
43. Revenge
44. Reckless
45. Distraction
46. Numb
47. Momma
48. We Need A Resolution
49. Lady
50. Unexpected
51. Kids
52. Love On The Brain
53. Don't Marry Me
54. Roommates
55. Love The Way You Lie
56. Love The Way You Lie Part 2
57. Bad Guy
58. Miserable
59. Don't Kiss & Tell
60. The Disrespect
61. Same Song And Dance
62. Insecure
63. The Blow Up
64. Compromise
65. Senseless
66. There Are No Words
67. Monster
68. Selfish
69. End Of An Era
70. Memories & Other Drugs
71. Teenage Love Affair
72. Maybe
73. Old Feelings
74. More Family Drama
75. Deadbeat
76. Charges
77. Sue Me
78. Blackmail
79. Forever
80. Supernova
81. Ice Ice Baby
82. Trust
83. Therapy Time
84. Mommy Issues
85. Finally
86. Surprise, Surprise...
87. Last Chapter

32. 8 Mile & Other things

1.5K 54 49
By shadysnightmare19946

Marshall's P.O.V.

"Cut!" The director Curtis Hanson yells, and me and the actress Brittany Murphy pull away from each other.

"That was good, guys, you both did great," says Curtis. "Now you have to do the scene again, and we'll shoot in from another angle."


I groan internally to myself. Never in my life thought I would complain about having to makeout with a beautiful woman, but honestly shooting a sex scene in front of a bunch of people is not really all that hot at all.

It's fucking awkward and it's annoying. And for far, it's been the worst thing about agreeing to do this 8 Mile movie.

Nah, I lie. The worst part is not being able to get any fucking rest.

I am on set every goddamn day, working 12 hour shifts, and I still have to fund time to make it to the studio with Dre later and work on my next album. And D12's new album. And also this guy 50 Cent, whose album I've been producing.

By the time I finally do manage to take my ass to my bed at home, I feel so fucking exhausted, all I wanna do is to just pass out and sleep.

Only... for whatever fucked ass reason, I'm just not able to sleep. I lay there every damn night, feeling tired and drowsy, waiting for the sleep to come, but it just never does.

Because as tired as I am, I'm also hyper. My mind is racing non-stop, and it's like torture.

Imma have to up my medicine, I think, if I were to ever get any rest.

So that's what imma do, I guess, I think absent-mindedly to myself, as I go and repeat the sex scene once again with Brittany who plays my love interest in this movie.

We go through the same exact motions, with a whole bunch of people staring at us the whole time and giving us pointers on what to do and how to do it.

Once we are finally done, I go to grab some lunch in my trailer. I ask Brittany if she wants to come with me.

I think she kind of likes me to be honest. And I won't mind at all to go and do that scene with her in real life, away from the stupid cameras.

Long story short, me and Brittany ended-up hooking up, and I guess we are kind of dating now.

Not exclusively though.

She might think we are a couple, but I've also been hooking up with a singer Mariah Carey. She was supposed to do this song Superman with me for the new album, but that ended-up falling through, so I ended up having Dina to sing on the hook with me instead. But I still got Mariah's number and well, one thing let to another.

I have to keep that a secret from Brittany though, cause she's kind of attached to me. I think the poor girl likes me way more than she should, but that's her problem to be honest.

Me, I'm done with females. In any other kind of way but fucking them and getting what I want from them, they are useless to me.

And it's a good thing that being who I am, running out of bitches that want to fuck me is never even an option.

Like I said, bitches they come they go.

And that's how I like it.

But I would be lying if I said I don't miss Melody sometimes.

I mean, I ain't got a whole lot of time left to even be thinking about her much, what with all of shit I have to do every day, but there are times when I'm sitting by myself in the empty house, when my daughters are with Kim, and Nate is with my mother, and I would just randomly think about how this crazy overemotional girl used to stay in here with me.

Melody could be so damn dramatic sometimes, and she never knew when to shut the fuck up. She could be stubborn as hell, and whenever she was mad at me about something, she would nag the fuck out of me about it, and she used to get on my nerves so much!!

But I miss her getting on my nerves.

Sometimes when I'm chilling with Brittany or Mariah, or some other chick I'm fucking, I can't help but to kind of comparing them to Mel.

Brittany is kind of crazy too, but her crazy is more like she just loves to do stuff for attention. All eyes have to be on her at all times.

Mariah is dramatic, but more so in an annoying Diva like way.

Mel was definitely way more down to earth.

I know she's living back in New York now, she moved all of her things back there.

And she's so petty, that she literally left anything I ever bought her, like any clothes or jewelry or whatever that I ever got for her, behind.

She really wanted to drive the point home that she didn't need anything at all from me.

Which, who even cares about that. She don't need me, I sure as hell don't need her. I can get any bitch I want to replace her with. Matter of fact, I've been getting bitches to replace her with.

Only problem is, deep down inside, I know that I do need her.

"Yo, so you gonna come out here or what?" Proof asks me over the phone.

Today is one of the rare days that I finally got a chance to have a day off.

I finally finished with shooting the movie about two months ago, but I still have shit tone of stuff to do at the studio every day, so I'm still as fucked-up as ever.

But the guys are all going to some club tonight, and of course imma go with them.

I was debating if I should maybe bring Brittany with me, but I don't think it's really her scene, plus lately she's been getting way too clingy with me, and I don't like that shit. I think imma drop her now that the movie shoot is over.

And I'll just find me a few groupies to fuck with at the club tonight.

So I throw on some baggy jeans and a t-shirt and tie a durag over my head, to hide the fact that my hair is still currently brown.

I had to go back to my natural color to do the movie, but now that it's done, imma have to bleach it again soon, but I was just feeling too lazy to do that lately.

In the past, whenever my roots started to grow out, I would always make Melody bleach them for me. She used to fuss about it too. Like why can't you just do it yourself, Marshall?! in that annoying voice of hers, but then she would roll her eyes and just do it for me. And, of course, I could do it myself, but I don't know, I just liked for her to do it for me for some reason.

I make it to the club, find my boys, and right away, there are a whole bunch of groupies in there.

I get like two to sit on my lap for now while we are all getting drunk.

I popped a whole bunch of pills before coming in here too, so I'm feeling pretty good. Nothing could possibly blow my high right now or fuck up my mood.

Until I look over at one of the TVs hanging on the walls around the room and see that music video playing on it that Mel was in. By that dude Nelly.

There's really nothing on there for me to flip my shit over, Melody is barely even in it, she did like a cameo appearance while lipcyncing to some other chick rapping, and her and Nelly barely had any interactions with each other, but just seeing her alone is enough to make me get upset all over again.

I just... fuck I miss her so much, what am I doing?!

Do I really think fucking all these damn groupies would make it better for me?

But it has to, cause what other fucking choice do I have?! She won't talk to me, she stopped taking my calls and she changed her number on me. Like literally changed her number just so I couldn't contact her anymore.

And she fucking moved!!

She ain't in that apartment she used to be at anymore in New York, and don't even ask me how I know that.

So aight, I might have... went there to look for her after she changed her number, and she don't live there anymore.

Which honestly makes sense, with the money she makes now, she should've been got herself something better, and apparently, she has.

"Are you okay, Em?" One of the girls on my lap asks me. "You look a little..."

"Shut the fuck up, bitch," I say through gritted teeth. "Matter of fact, make yourself useful and suck my dick."

"What, right here in front of everybody?" The girl stupidly asks. And she honestly looks dumb enough and slutty enough to do just that.

"Nah, bitch. Obviously not here," I look around us. "Let's go to the bathroom."

I start to get up, dragging the girl with me.

"You can come too," I say to the other chick, and she happily complies.

I don't even want them two whores anymore, but I just really need to take my mind of Melody. Like right now.

I'm tired of feeling like a fucking pussy, bitching internally over some girl I can no longer have.

All because she wanna be stubborn and not listen to me when I tried to explain myself!

Everybody but her realizes that me going after Kim that night was just a mistake I made. Hell, Kim even knows it!! But Melody wanna be stubborn and...

Just as I'm about to make my way out of the V.I.P. room with my two groupies, the picture on TV changes to that of Melody and that Nelly guy taking pictures together at some event and I stop in my tracks.

What the fuck is this shit now?!

I walk closer to one of the TVs, so that I could hear over the loud music playing at the club.

Apparently, it's one of those celebrity gossip shows that's on there right now, and they are covering the latest hot couple.

Up-and-coming Saint-Louis rapper Nelly and New York model Melody Hardwick.

They show the two of them standing together, and Melody looks nervous as the reporter is asking her questions.

Bitch must know I might be watching.

"So he basically wore me down," she says. "Just won't leave me alone after that music video shoot."

"I can't lie, when I saw Shawty, I just thought to myself I've got to have her," Nelly says, putting his fucking arm around Melody's shoulders posessively. "So I asked her for her number afterwards, but she won't give me the time of the day. I had to do what I had to do and chase her a little bit. Then, like she said, I wore her down, and she agreed to go on that date with me. Been together ever since."

What the...

"Em," a female voice says behind me, but I can barely hear it.

Before I know it, I pick up the closest thing to me, like a fucking chair or something, a barstool maybe, and throw it at the TV.

I hear screams, and then someone grabs my arm.

I turn and see Proof.

"What the fuck, dawg?! What are you doing?!"

And I really don't even know what I'm doing, but I'm just losing it.

It's like all of a sudden, all of the drugs in my system all wanna fuck me at once.

And I can no longer think or act rationally.

It was one thing for me to just not have Mel. It's another thing for some other dude to have her.

God, she's such a fucking slut!!

I should've known that though. Should've known she was a fucking whore, I mean, she let me fuck her on the first night I met her!!

"Get off me, doody," I shrug Proof off me and proceed to trash the whole place.

Until Proof and the rest of D12 jump in and literally drag me out.

"What the fuck is your problem, Em?!" They stuff me in my car and pile in after me.

"Fuck is my problem?!" I exclaim. "Did y'all not see that fucking bitch there on TV, parading herself with..."

"So what, Marshall?!" Proof yells at me, and I can tell he's tired of my shit at this point. Hell, I'm tired of my shit too, but who cares. "Just let it go. The way you been going around, I thought you been over that girl."

"But I'm not!! And she shouldn't be over me either. But she is. You know why that is, Proof?! Cause that girl is a fucking slut!! Just like the rest of them. I'm so sick of these bitches!! All they fucking do is lie!!"

I continue to rant and rave, and they all just stare at me like I'm losing it.

"Aight, we taking you home," Proof then says. "Give me the keys, Slim," he's already sitting in the driver's side and extends his hand to me.

"I ain't giving you shit," I reply. "You know what I'm about to do right now though? I'm about to drive myself to the airport and fly all the way to New York, or is it Saint-Louis that I now have to go to, and kick that bitch's ass!!"

"Give me the keys to the car, Slim," Proof repeats.

When I don't budge, all of them fucking jump me and hold me down, until Proof pulls the keys out of my pocket.

He quickly inserts them into the car, starting it.

By the time he pulls up by my house, I'm damn near passed out anyway.

All of the drugs and alcohol in my system finally kicking in for good, putting me out.

This chapter wasn't even originally in the book tbh, but I decided to add it today, because I think it would make more sense to have this little bit of a filler before how I planned the next chapter to go. Hope you all like it.

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