The Billionaire Who Stole My...

By AnisaMxo

727K 3.4K 499

"Will you let me make it up to you?" He asked in a whisper. I whispered a 'yes' before feeling his lips softl... More

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Twenty-Seven

1.3K 47 0
By AnisaMxo

Catherine Augustus was one of the leading Wedding Planners in New York. Not to mention a friend to the Bradley family. Beth and I followed behind her as tottered through the venue in her black Christian Louboutin stilettos. Although she had been working in the wedding industry for over three decades, she had no plans to go into early retirement.

The whole place had been booked out just for us. Rooms were booked for guests that were staying over. The golf course was being taken care of and could be seen from the upper garden. There were secluded garden spaces for any privacy before the ceremony. Catherine also warned us it may be a hook up spot for any drunk guests.

"So, to go with the colour scheme, we will have white and pink roses in a gold vase as a centrepiece on the table. We have the flower wall as a background behind the head table. The suits are ready for the groom and the best man. Unfortunately, Antonio can't make it-life of a Hollywood actor! The maid of honour's dress is ready and the bride's dress is finally ready. The cake is going to be delivered on the day and set up while the ceremony is happening... Is there anything else I'm missing?" She asked, turning around to us. Her tight bun was still intact and the string of pearls around her neck didn't look as if they had budged at all.

Beth and I looked at each other before saying no to Catherine.

"Good!" she said with a gleaming smile. "I think we are sorted!"

Beth thanked Catherine for everything she had done in a short amount of time. She was honestly a hero to all of us. I looked around the venue and admired the bare brick walls. I could already imagine the fairy lights and rose petals hanging from the ceiling and white tables filled with the floral centrepieces.

"You okay, Als?"

I turned to Beth and automatically nodded in reply. I was okay. I didn't want to tell her. The last week I had been having nightmares. Every time I woke up, my body would be in a cold sweat. And when I had fallen asleep, I only got a couple of hours.

"So, my aunt and cousins will come over a couple of days before the wedding. Jacob's side is coming that day as well, so they'll be staying here..."

As Beth carried on talking about the guests who were invited, my mind wondered back to two years ago. Meeting Daniel. The sneaky touches. The kisses. The rush of it all. Many people would've argued it was too fast, and that it was love; it was lust.

Dangerous lust.

The type of dangerous lust that had me falling in love with him so quickly.

"Daniel's anniversary is coming up." I mumbled.

Beth turned to me; her face dropped in realisation. Her eyes filled with the same apologetic look she had two years ago.

"Alena," she whispered.

I cleared my throat and fiddled with the cutlery on the table. I did not know what to say next.

"You haven't been to see him since you got here, have you?"

I shook my head, trying to ignore the tears fighting their way. With all the wedding plans and trying to find Beth's dress, I had been avoiding him.

"Go now," Beth said.

"I can't," I sighed

"Why not?" Beth asked adamantly. "You can't use the wedding as an excuse now. Did you not hear Catherine? Nearly everything is sorted."

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Beth grasped hold of my hand, taking me to the empty seats in the middle of the venue. The both of us sat down, her hand still holding mine.

"You didn't even go to his funeral," Beth reminded me as she squeezed my hand. She was right. As much as I loved him, I couldn't do it. I was broken back then. The only thing I did for him was write a cheque and pay for it all. It was cashed in and used.

I didn't even go to my father's funeral. I didn't have the heart to bury him. Especially for what he had taken away from me. He didn't deserve a burial or a crowd of people paying their respects. He didn't deserve his daughter going to see him after the way he had treated her for years.

"Alena, see him," Beth urged. "You'll honestly regret it. You can finally say a proper goodbye."

I knew exactly what she meant. All those nights during our first few months in New York, she was the one who had comforted me and seen me at my worst. She was right. I had to say goodbye to him.


Never in my life did I think I would ever go to a cemetery to pay my respects to someone I knew. Especially someone like Daniel.

Walking past the many rows of gravestones, I could feel my heart thunder against my chest. I couldn't bear to see him like this. But this was the last goodbye I would ever say to him. The last goodbye before I moved on with my life.

A brand-new beginning with Dorian. That's what I wanted long ago.

As I kept walking, I could already see the grey polished headstones. I tried to avoid the people leaving their loved ones. My shoulder bumped into someone. I muttered a sorry and carried on walking. I didn't want to talk to anyone else. I just needed to see him.

As I got closer and closer to the bit of land where he was buried, I could feel my eyes well up with tears. My eyes landed on the headstone with his name written on it; they dropped to the flowers laying in front of him.

Someone had been visiting him. For the last two years, I thought he had no one. But I was wrong.

There, on the ground, was a small bouquet of daisies. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of someone visiting him and the memory of him telling me they were his favourite flowers because they were his mother's favourite.

Kneeling down on the ground, I took in the inscription.

In loving memory of Daniel Richards. Loved by everyone.

14th April 1982 – 29th August 2014

My fingers glided over the date as I took in a shuddering breath.

"Hey Danny," I whispered. "I'm so sorry I haven't seen you."

I wanted him to reply or say something back. But it was impossible. That's what hurt.

"After everything that happened, I just left. I didn't know what to do. I guess I fell so fast and lost you so quickly." Already, a few tears were rolling down my cheeks. "You didn't deserve what happened. You were so strong and brave and protective."

I couldn't help but remember the morning after we spent the night together. Neither of us had any idea that our time together was nearing to an end. We spent the early hours of the morning together. Our limbs intertwined as our bare bodies were against each other. The both of us were vulnerable to each other. Most of the time, his lips were pressed against mine. Every so often, we would laugh between us and hold on to each other.

The sound of Daniel's phone went off. My stomach dropped at the possibility of my father messaging him. His body momentarily left mine as he quickly read and responded to the message. Afterwards, he turned to me, his hands running through my hair as his lips grazed mine once again.

"Who was that?" I whispered as his lips momentarily left me.

"My younger brother." I pulled back and looked at him in surprise.

"You have a brother?" I asked, resting on my elbows.

Daniel nodded his head, reaching for a lock of hair and pushing it behind my ear. "Let's just say he's the complete opposite of me."

"In what way?"

"Promise you won't say anything."

"I promise."

"He's a con artist."

My jaw dropped, and my brows raised in surprise. "Wow, you guys are opposites." Who knew a detective would have a brother who would steal from others?

"Tell me about it," He yawned, pulling me closer to him. I rested my head on the pillow, feeling his hand stroke my hair. As he played with one of the locks, I closed my eyes for a moment.

"What's he like?"

"Trouble." He said as the corners of his mouth turned up. "Mum said it's because we had different fathers."

This was the first time he had mentioned anything about his parents or anyone raising him. Daniel had told me he grew up in foster care. If Daniel had grown up in foster care, so had his brother.

"He got into so much trouble with the social workers growing up. They called him a troublemaker and had a hard time placing him with foster parents. I told you how I got out of the system. I left him behind while I tried to make some money as a police officer. By the time I came back to pick him up, apparently he had done a runner."

"That's what he had been doing, running. He would steal things and he got arrested twice for petty theft. I bailed him out. But he didn't want me to look after him. I think he resented me for it. So, I let him do whatever. Somehow he made his money by conning people. There were a couple of times where he got caught and I bailed him out or pulled a few strings so that he could get out."

"Is he in trouble now?" I asked.

Daniel shook his head. "He told me he's going to be out of town for a while. Probably doing another hustle. If he gets caught with this one, I don't think I'm going to save him."

Those sea foam green eyes looked at me as Daniel's hand continued to play with a lock of my hair. I closed my eyes for a moment. Taking everything in. I didn't want to lose this. I didn't want the day to begin.

Light kisses traipsed up my arm and crept over my shoulder. Daniel's kisses grew heavier as they deepened into my neck. The warmth of his body radiated off of him as I held him closer. I couldn't help but smile as my hand played with his curls.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, his voice hoarse and heavy. I wanted that every morning.

"I feel good," I said, smiling as his lips nipped mine.

"You realise I'm asking because of last night," he said with a raised brow. I grabbed the pillow from behind me and thumped him with it. I was sore from last night. But I didn't care. I just wanted him to stay in bed with me. All day... every day.

The laughter and amusement were pushed aside with what he asked next.

"What are you going to do after your dad gets arrested?" He asked, kissing the tips of my fingers as I thought of what to say next.

"Well... I would want to start a new life. With you."

Those hazy green eyes locked onto mine as a smile played on his lips. "Really?"

I nodded as he grinned at me. I loved it when he smiled at me. It filled me with so much hope. Something I believed in now.

"We'd move to a different country." I whispered, nuzzling my nose against his.

"Where would we go?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"Probably the states."

"Oh, really?" He said, raising his brows. "What would we do?"

"I'd open a gallery in the Hamptons." I said slowly at first. "You could work as a PI, while I work in the gallery teaching people how to draw and paint and... when the day is over, you'd bring home a bag of takeaway, possibly from the Chinese near your office."

"Is there a Chinese near my office?" He smiled, pressing a quick kiss to my lips.

"Maybe." I smiled into his kiss as his fingers threaded through my hair. "We'd be in our apartment, sitting on the couch talking about our day. After we've finished eating, I'd clear up the dishes and you would walk into the kitchen and kiss me from behind. Pulling me away, taking me to bed."

His lips took a hold of mine roughly, again and again and again. I honestly lost count of how many times we had kissed. It made me smile. It made me feel like a lovesick teenager.

"Do you remember me saying about changing your name?" He asked, stopping so that the both of us could catch our breath.

I nodded immediately.

"What would you change it to?"

I took in a sharp breath. I had told no one or spoke to anyone about her. Yet, for some reason, I wanted to name myself after her.

"Alena," I whispered. "It was my mother's name."

Brushing my hair off of my face, his fingers glided down the side of my face and down my neck. His eyes wavered over my eyes and lips.

"And what about your last name?"

I shrugged my shoulders. I did not know what I would change it to.

"You don't have to think about it now," Daniel said, kissing me again. Instead of the little pecks we had this morning, this one felt deeper. It was longer and more loving; it felt better than the ones before. Hope for the future was what it was.

Breaking away, he looked at me one last time. One last time before, he was Daniel, the security guard. "I have to go, but I'll see you later."

I could feel the tears run down my cheeks. Wiping them away with my hand, I looked back down at the gravestone.

"I missed you so much the last couple of years. I honestly couldn't cope when I first moved to the Hamptons... I finished creating the art gallery I always wanted. I guess it was what you wanted me to do." There was a sudden cool breeze blow against me.

"I met someone." I couldn't help but smile. "When we first met, it wasn't what I expected. He wants me to be happy, but I guess I'm scared of losing him like I lost you."

I took in a deep breath, ready to say what I needed to. "I really like him, Daniel. But I guess I just didn't want to let go of you yet."

I could feel the tears roll down my cheeks again. There was so much more I wanted to say, but I couldn't find the words. I had felt all those emotions. Now I was saying goodbye. Now, he would remain a memory.

As I felt the breeze rush through me, I shivered. "I'm never going to forget you, Danny. I can't forget my first love."

I kissed the tips of my fingers before resting them on the cold gravestone.

"Bye Danny." I whispered. I got up from the ground before more tears could escape.

The walk back to the cemetery gates felt shorter. As I got closer, I could see someone waiting, leaning against a car. The closer I walked, the clearer I could see who it was.

"Jacob," I remarked, surprised to see him standing there. "What are you doing here?"

"Beth wanted me to pick you up." He said. His eyes filled with sympathy. The same sympathy people had given him. "It was the least I could do."

I gave him a small smile as he opened the passenger door for me. As I strapped my seatbelt in, Jacob did the same. He started the engine and drove back to his soon-to-be mother-in-law's house. The journey was quiet and nothing was said until we stopped and parked up.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked.

I let out a heavy sigh. "I kept telling myself for months that I was finally over him. But the truth was I wasn't and hadn't been until now."

As I turned to Jacob, I knew he understood. "I know. It's hard."

"I've finally let go of him now. I've properly said goodbye. It feels like this weight has lifted off of me."

"I know Alena, I know," he murmured.

We both sat in the car in silence. It felt like forever, and neither of us were bothering to leave.

"Jacob?" I mumbled. "I know it's not my fault but, I'm so sorry for what happened to your wife."

"It's okay Alena." He replied. "No one realises what it's like to lose someone until they've lost someone they love."

I nodded in agreement. "Beth is really lucky to have you."

He smiled and chuckled. "No, I'm the lucky one. I honestly thought I lost everything before I met her. I guess she's the sun that comes after a storm."

He really loved her. He always had.

"We should go," He blurted. The both of us left the car and headed to the front door.

"Alena," Jacob called. Turning to face him, I could see him holding something back.

"Dorian absolutely adores you."

I smiled, not expecting Jacob to say something like that.

The door opened, revealing Kelli-Anne. "I thought I heard voices. Come on in, you two. Beth made chicken and leek pie. Alena, why don't you go upstairs and get changed? You've been in that dress all day."

As I walked up the stairs and into my room, my head felt clearer. I couldn't wait for Dorian to arrive tomorrow.

But I didn't have to wait for tomorrow.

Standing there at the foot of the bed was Dorian, dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans and an off-white popover shirt. His sleeves were rolled up and his hands were in his pocket. I could see a faint smile play on his lips.

"You're here." I breathed out.

"I'm here," He said with a smile

"You're really here." I gasped, hugging him as my arms wrapped around his neck. I could feel his arms engulf me around my waist and his face lean into the crook of my neck.

Pulling away from him, my hands trailed down the front of his chest. "I thought you weren't coming until tomorrow night?"

"Well, if you want I could just come back tomorrow but you would kill me," he teased with his signature smirk.

"No, don't!" I laughed. It was then I realised how much I laughed when I was around him.

With my arms around his neck again and his arms around my waist, there was a moment of serenity. Something I hadn't felt the last week.

"Hi," He said with a smile.

"Hi," I said, smiling back.

To all those who don't know, I have become a writer on Radish. I am honestly loving it and I'm really happy.

I will still be updating on Wattpad, however, Radish will have priority uploads.

Wattpad updates will be released 28 days after Radish uploads. But... if you are itching to read the next few chapters head on over to Radish!

Chapter Twenty-Eight will be updated on Wattpad Wednesday 12th October!

Also if you guys didn't know I'm on Twitter! So if you want to go ahead and interact with me over there, go ahead! I geek out over books, New Girl, Bridgerton, and anything to do with reading and writing and my life so feel free to join the dark side!

I'm joking!😅 Unless...

Social media info is down below!

I hope everyone is safe and sound!

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