The Remnant Crusade (Warhamme...

By ControlStationEnclav

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A Black Templars Chaplain is Given a Mission After Death to Help a New world, One directly from the Emperor... More

Chaplains Bio
Planet Fall
Holy Problems
New Arrivals
Templars Chibi
The Hunt
Hero's Return
Warriors of Helsreach
Round one
Templars Vs
Names and Armor.
Cadian Cookout
His Angels
We March
The Next Step
Welcome To Atlas
Angels of Death
Oh No
Sparks to a flame
The End is Near
The Battle for mantle
This will be the day

We May Fall

314 6 5
By ControlStationEnclav

"We May die this day but Our legend Will live on, Our Weapons May be dry but our Blades Still thirst, Charge For the Emperor and We shall be Remembered In the Halls of Hero's!


(Ironwoods Office, Before the Heresy)

We see Maxer Enter In Alongside The Ace ops and Team RWBY.

Maxer: General.

Ironwood turns around ominously with his left arm now gone. Maxer Starts to feel Very Uneasy and Keeps his Right hand On his plasma pistol attached to his hip.

Ironwood: We have made a critical error.

He then puts a Queen on the desk.

Ironwood: The Queen Was the symbol Salem showed us before The attack on Vale and Beacon. Her way of telling us she was inside, That it was too late. We stopped Watts but someone was here.

Maxer: That doesn't make sense, Callows Was killed During our march to haven and Cinder and her Group was Killed During the Battle of Haven, Who Else does Salem have?

Ironwood: It doesn't matter who was here what matters is that they put this in my office too tell me that- What if mantle was just a distraction? What if it was just to draw us away from the academy to, to-

Maxer: Ironwood! Get a hold of yourself! We now hold mantle and We have the imperial Fist-

Ironwood: How do we know that wasn't part of their plan? How do we know they didn't want us to bring people into atlas by the thousands?

Vine: In trying to save everyone, We left ourselves most Vulnerable.

Ironwood: Salem has been one step ahead of us this entire time!

Ironwood Smash his fist on his desk as the queen rolls off. Yang then notices the Color of the Queen.

Yang: Is it me or does the color of the Piece remind me of Neo?

Maxer: Who the Hell is Neo?

Blake: A Partner to Torchwick, I guess She was apart of Salems group. We never did really know what happened to her.

Ironwood: She's here then We wouldn't know who she is, But what if there's more people working with Salem?

Maxer: All Others we're all Killed in multiple Engagements leaving Neo as the only surviving Member of Salems Group. But that does not matter, We stand With you, The imperium Stands with you.

Ironwood: How Do I know your with me?

Maxer then takes a step back And slowly grabs his Plasma pistol.

Vine: Sir?

Ironwood then walks around the desk next to the hand Bag.

Ironwood: How did Sevatar Know about the Global Communications Project?

The Ace ops then Looks towards team RWBY but Maxer stands up.

Maxer: He probably Got into atlas and Found Files related to it, Night lords are Crafty Mother fuckers and Sevatar though loyal to the emperor is still a Night lord.

Harriet: And you let this slide?

Maxer: I didn't Know Sevatar Was even On Remnant, He Probably did This way back when We Just Got to atlas or earlier, But he's loyal.

Weiss: Does this matter?! He's on our Side!

Ironwood: Loyalty Always Matters!

Then the Bag Bursts open and Out comes a Seer. Everyone steps back Aside from Maxer who Approaches the Creature Drawing A combat knife from Behind his Power sword. The Seer the raise up and out comes the voice of Salem.

Salem: General Ironwood.

The Thing then starts to freak out and crack until it falls to the Ground until releasing a Vision of Salem.

Salem: The Brave Huntsman, Huntress's and Astarte's Bested Arthur Watts. Congratulations.

Maxer: So the Demon Finally shows it's self, I would Say your Appearance is....Disappointing but Your Appearance doesn't matter, Only that you Die by my Blade.

Salem: Maxer, the Courageous Man that has Bested Every attack From Me along With these "Imperials". I remember All those years Ago when I Encountered Your Champion.

Maxer: Sigismund, Speak his name Demon or Don't mention him at all.

Salem: He Was Noble and the Picture perfect of a Hero but He fought against me, In the end I guess me and Him were always Rivals, The unkillable Man and the Unkillable Girl.

Maxer: Ah Unkillable? I will personally Cover my Blade in your Blood and Cast you back to the Warp where you belong.

Salem: You don't know do you? Oh and Here I thought Ozma Would have at least have the pleasure of Ensuring that his Allies Knew they Would never win.

Maxer: You say that we may never win but we Have Won against every thing you have sent Against us, The sons of Dorn Will always Triumph.

Salem: Ooo, Bravado, you know what I might as well tell you since you and your Imperium have Actually put up a real good fight, You can't Kill me, I'm Immortal.

Salem saw the Fear on the other Occupants in the room but Maxer just laughs, He laughs Despicably.

Maxer: You Don't Scare me, You will still Die by my or Any of my Brothers hands, The Imperium has killed Immortals before and Us Astarte's have Kill near Godlike Beings, So if you would please(Raises Plasma pistol) Get the Hell out of my sight.

Maxer then Fires a Round into her and Completely Destroys the Illusion. Maxer Remains Calm, Unlike any of the others in the Room.

Marrow: That's Salem! That's who we're Up against?

Harriet: What if she's on her way?

Elm: But we'd be alerted if any forces had approached the kingdom. We have long range proximity alarms and Argus is constantly on watch and alo-

Vine: their offline, With all the Chaos we Didn't notice.

Marrow: Watts must have shut them down!

Ironwood: or they've already been destroyed.

Ironwood walks in front of the Window.

Elm: What? All of them?.

Ironwood continues to look out as he See the Angels Regret Dwarfing all of the Atlas Ships near it as the Warlord patrols Under it.

Blake: What about Amity tower? Is It online?

Ironwood continues to look out the Window.

Yang: no, I gonna take that silence as a no.

Ironwood Continues to look out the window.

Maxer: General.

Ironwood: I've sent Winter to claim the power of the Winter Maiden.

Weiss: What?

Ironwood: When I realized we've been compromised, I knew we couldn't wait any longer. The staff and the lamp have to be locked Away.

Maxer: I thought we agreed that The Lamp was to stay with Astarte's or Mechanicus Subjects.

Ironwood: Well that was before you lied to me about the lamp. Before you lied to us about Sevatar and When you didn't even Bother to mention that War machine out their. All the while Salem is on our Door step and Mantle nearly Destroyed. And myself and my army left Exhausted and Your Army comes in to act like hero's!

He Yeets the Bag off his desk.

Ironwood: the timeline has Changed and we must change accordingly.

Harriet: What are our orders sir?

Ironwood: we are going to take our plan for amity tower and apply it to the city of atlas.

Maxer: What!?

Ironwood: it was ozs plan in a former life but he didn't take it far enough. If we harness the power Of the staff and Raise our selves high into the atmosphere. The citys artificial Climate will keep citizens and food Supplies unharmed. Always out of reach of Whatever Salem may try and send our way.

Maxer: So that's it, Your Going to Abandon your world Just to save yourself and This city?

Ironwood: yes, I would.

Maxer Slowly charges up his plasma pistol.

Ironwood: We can't allow Salem to capture the relics, This is our Best chance at getting the staff, the Lamp and the maiden as far away from her as Possible.

Maxer: You Are Going to leave this Planet to die Just To save A minority? We have A chance of Winning this war and your just going to leave?

Ironwood holsters his pistol and starts to walk away.

Ironwood: sometimes you have to make hard decisions to Keep people alive, Your imperium has done this so why can't you?

Maxer: Your Right about making Hard decisions, But your Also Wrong about That Any of Son of Dorn Will Retreat, We will Hold This City and even in death we will continue to fight on.

RWBY: He's Right, And we're Joining in/ He's Right, And we're joining in.

Maxer looks around at the Ace ops and Knows What happens next.

Elm: We ran ourselves ragged trying to save mantle tonight. We try that again against a larger force-

Maxer: Your not standing alone! We Have Combined a Force of 2,000 Astartes All Veterans of Countless Wars and All Ready to Fight to their Deaths against the Arch Enemy! We have Nearly 20,000 Guardsmen ready to hold the line, We have the Machine Gods Wrath incarnate on our side and You run?!

Vine: You can't Focus on one single Fight while Trying to win a war.

Maxer: And We are only Going to Need to Fight one battle! Salem Is coming towards us! The Arch enemy's leader Is Daring to face us herself and when she gets here She will only see the Red lenses of Our Helmets and Our Banners Flying High! And What about your oh so Important Council!?

Ironwood: nothing, once I declare Martial Law.

Maxer: Now see that's a Good Idea But Your still Running away from a Fight that we can Win!

Elm: Who exactly are you loyal too?

Maxer: I'm loyal to Humanity! I'm Loyal to my Gene sire and My God! I shall Fight For Humanity and Cleanse the Darkness wherever I go!

Ironwood: you would still be fighting for humanity if we do this.

Maxer turns around.

Ironwood: and your standing in our way.

Maxer Then Quickly activates his Vox.


(With Team BAAD)

We See Team BAAD Following a Squad of Atlas soldiers until they get the Vox From Maxer. They all stop and turn to each other and nod. They Raise their Weapons on the Atlas soldiers as one of them turns around.

AS: Uh what are you doing?

Barro: Taking care of some Traitors.

The Squad Opens Fire onto the Atlas Soldiers completely Decimating the squad as Barro turns towards his Team.

Barro: We Know our Objective and we shall Finish it.

The Squad Then starts to head towards the Auditorium.

(With Zoriah)

We see Zoriah on a Manta Entering Atlas along With Steel and Sevatar. Zoriah nods as he Quickly kills the Pilot as there Above Atlas Academy. He turns towards Sevatar and Steel.

Zoriah: We have a New objective.

They Break Open the Doors and Jump out landing on a Pad.

(With Jophiel and Maxellathus)

We see Jophiel and Maxellathus in the Atrium as they Get the Vox.

Maxellathus: It seems I was right.

Jophiel: Well brother(activates Hammer) We stand Together.

They Ready them selves as they Wait for their Brothers and Cousins.

(With the Heaven Blood Angels terminators or team PACT)

We see the Terminator squad Marching through the Dorms as they here the Vox. As they Make their Way Through they See an Atlas Squad With a Sergeant leading them, Petrit Nods at Camos as he Opens up with his Assault Cannon quickly Killing the squad, as the Sergeant falls she changes into the Body of Neo. The terminators Ignore it as they Continue on.

(With Empanus and Team BESH)

We See them in the Infirmary as they Get the Vox, They Exit the Room and Just about Empanus is About to leave the room he sees Chemical gas. He quickly shoots the Container and Walks out as the Atlas Personal In the Infirmary and it's injured Choke on the Gas.

(With Maxer)

Maxer looks back at ironwood as A message pops up on his HUD saying "Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Qrow Branwen and Are now wanted as Any imperial Personal is to be killed on sight". He then Notice Ironwood Walking out the door as the Ace ops Block the Door. Maxer then sends one more Vox.

Maxer:(Vox) This is C(Multiple Rounds Go off From Team RWBY) Maxer, A(He fires off his Plasma Pistol and Hits Vine and Marrow killing them causing a somewhat of a bloody explosion)Tlas has Betrayed us,(The Vox Starts to cut off) They Will leave this wor-

The Vox Cuts off but he Knows it was enough, he turns to see Elm the last one standing as Ruby kills Harriet, Maxer quickly just Fires a Blast From his Plasma Pistol and kills her. He then breaks open the door as he turns to team RWBY.

Maxer: Go, Escape this Place, I must Go stand With my Brothers.

Team RWBY nods as Maxer leaves the Room.

(Out side of Atlas)

We See the Warlords Titans Guns now turning Towards the Atlas Airship, The Atlas Airships turn around only to be Either cut in half or Obliterated By the Titans Guns. The Angels Regret also Turns its guns onto the Atlas Aircraft as it Finishes off any Stragglers, But on the ground we see Atlas Soldiers being Massacred By the Imperials as their Surrounded but The only Remaining Imperials in atlas are the Astartes in the Atrium.

(The Atrium)

We See the Atrium, It's Columns Intricate as the windows on the sides and Roof are all stained Giving the Floor color. In the Middle of the Atrium stands A Stage which our Marines Now Stand, Deos Carries Maxers Banner as Pertrit Carry's the Blood Angels Banner. We see Atlas Soldiers and Huntsmen Flooding in the Atrium as Armar and Camos mows them down. We See Nyan Rushing Towards Camos but Stein Catches her and Stabs through her and Raises her up before splitting her in half. Bach Slices Through Soldiers as he then sent slightly back from Flynts Trumpet(Doot) but he's then Smash Down as Maxer Slams Down his Crozius and Blasts another Huntsman. He Then sprints and Jumps onto the Stage as He Joins Zoriah.

Maxer: What's the Total dead?

Zoriah: From my Count the traitors total around 200 Dead( Fires a Round into a Atlas Soldier) 201 now.

Maxer:(Stomps Down on a crawling Knight) How many Knights dead?

Zoriah: 500 Hundred.

We Change to see Samiel and Sevatar Sawing Through The Knights with their Chainsword and Chainglave, they switch Targets quickly and Efficiently, Sevatar saws Through one and Grabs it's Upper body and Tosses it into Another five pinning them down. Samiel Uses his Graviton Pistol to Crush Some under themselves as he then stomps on them. A Team of Huntsman then come charging at Sevatar and Samiel, Two jumps At sevatar as he Stabs through one and kicks another until then swinging down and Crushing the other one whilst sawing him in half. The other Two charge at Samiel but one gets Shot with his Graviton Pistol and starts to fall down as we hear Bones Break and snap as Falls Down whilst the other one looks on in horror to only be shot by Anatun, Samiel then Glares at Anatun.

Samiel: You Bastard! You took my kill!

Anatun then fires off a Couple more bolt rounds before Stabbing his Bayonet through a Knight and Using it as A make shift shield.

Anatun: There's More too Kill Brother!

We then change to see Armar Mowing Down the Soldiers as we pier into his View to see him Quickly Switching Targets as he Burns through Ammunition, A Huntsman then Tried Stab Armar but to only end Up getting burned by Dumatis.

Armar: Many thanks Brother!

Dumatis Turns to Armar quickly.

Dumatis: Save it for when we Get out of this!

Dumatis Sprints towards one of the entrances of the Atrium as he Douses it in Flames, A Knight squad then walks through the Flames as One gets a lucky shot on the Fuel canister, Dumatis Quickly tosses it towards the Knights as it Blows up. Dumatis then quickly turns to Stab a Atlas Soldier through the head as Slowly pulls back to the stage as he fires his Bolt pistol. He makes it back to the Stage as Deos Turns to him

Deos: Brother!( he then tosses him his Bolt pistol as Dumatis Catches it) You'll need it!

Dumatis quickly shieves his Knife as he starts To Duel Wield the Pistols.

We switch to Amenzo as He saw in half a Huntsman spilling Blood Onto his armor, He looks towards a mass Group of Soldiers Charging through as he Starts up his Heavy Flamer and Burns the Traitors in Holy Fire.


He then sees Figures behind the fire but they Charge through the Reveal The Blood Ravens, Steel Charges Through a Knight as His Marines Fire onto The Surrounding Enemy's, he then meets up with Maxer.

Steel: So What's the Pl(Slices a Huntsman in half) an now Chaplain?

Maxer: Well We're Planning to Get out But Now the Plan is to just Hold our Ground.

Steel: So what are the odds of us Getting out alive?

Maxer: I say pretty Good, It's About 1 To 500

Steel: I like those Odds.

We see Exilis and Hellwig Quickly switching Between Targets as Empanus Reads off Incoming Targets to Petrit as he Sends Frag Missiles into them. We See Turail Smashing through Knights sending Their Bodies Flying away, as he Smashs through Them he slowly walks back to avoid Getting overrun. He gets back as we get a overview of the Atrium as We see bodies now litter the floor.

(Outside of Atlas)

We See the Imperial Forces outside of Atlas Start Fortifying Mantle in preparation of Salem, We see Chronis Entering a Command Bunker to see Varac Commanding Defenses along Some Imperial Fists.

Chronis: What is our plan to Get Our Brothers out of Atlas?

Varac: Well we don't want to Risk Destroying the Island so We don't want to take a Chance with The titans W-(sees Multiple Of the Screens Start up and start playing Vox messages) What is Going on?

A Imperial Fist Techmarine then Walks up to the Machines and Clears it.

IFT: Castellan, Their All messages, Do you want me to play them?

Varac: Yes.

The techmarine Nods as The message start Playing all together.

The Messages: The Sons of Gulliman Stand With you!/the Sons of The lion stand With you/The Angels Of Blood Come to offer aid/The sons of Dantioch Shall Stand Shoulder to shoulder to you/the Sons of the All Father Come to Help/The Sons of Dorn stand with you!/The Ravens Hunt With you/The Sons of Vulkan Burn bright!/For the Khan!/ The Gorgons stand With you/The Ravens Stand With You/The Luna Wolves Come for Redemption/For Rylanor!/ The the Dusk Raiders(Death Guard Loyalists)stand with you!/I am Alpharius/ The Warriors of Kharn shall Earn our Redemption!(Kharn is also Loyalist In this time)/ The Night Lords Hunt/The Words of the Emperor speak True/the Sons of Prospero shall Earn our Redemption!

Varac Runs out of the Command Bunker as he enters a Watch Tower on top of the Wall, And he sees a Sight that aws Him, Hundreds no Thousands no Tens of Thousands of Astarte's Marching Forward all Loyal Sons of the Emperor, All lead By Sigismund. He then sees the Titan aim at the Shield Generators of Atlas and Fire. The Beams Destroy the Generator and the shield Drops but he then sees One drop  exit the Clouds aiming Directly at atlas.

(The The Marines)

We see the Marines Now surrounded, Their Bolters And Flamers Dry. All now with Melee Weapons Ready To fight to the end as Maxer makes one Last speech.

Maxer: We May die this day but Our legend Will live on, Our Weapons May be dry but our Blades Still thirst, Charge For the Emperor and We shall be Remembered In the Halls of Hero's!(Sincere)

They all Lift their Melee Weapons high but then suddenly the Drop pod bursts through the Stained Glass and lands in the middle of the Atlas Military. They Gather Around in and it slowly opens up, a Soldier approach's it and is immediately Crushed by a Crozius as a Plasma Bolt Rings out, The Finger steps out of the pod to reveal


Grimauldus: FOR HELSREACH!

As He Screams that out of the pod Also Charge squad Grimauldus and Bayard. The Rest of the Marines Jump into Melee inspired By The Presence of Grimauldus.

(In the Sky's of Atlas)

We See Hundreds of Drop pods Entering Above atlas as Multiple Thunder Hawks Follow suit as We Zoom out into space to See a Crusade Fleet.

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