Not the bad guy

By Caitie_xoxo

17.6K 276 34

After being heartbroken by her ex-boyfriend Louise "Rex" Jones moves from England to pursue a career in the A... More

Background Information
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Authors note

Chapter 19

454 12 0
By Caitie_xoxo

"First group, Team Leader, Hangman. Bob and Phoenix, Payback and Fanboy, wingman, Frost and back pilot Fritz." Louise nodded.

She didn't really know Fritz that well, to be honest she didn't really know many people other than her core 8.

They got in their planes and Hangman asked everyone if they were ready. They all responded and lifted into the air.

"Assume position!" He called.
They did exactly that.

"Setting time til target 2 minutes 30 seconds," he called.

They flew through the air turning in unison. Hangman started to pull away from the group so Louise called out to him.

"Hangman reduce your speed," she said.

"Negative increase yours," he replied.

"No we have time, now reduce your speed!" She repeated.

"I said no!" He repeated increasing his speed.

By the end of the mission his team were 30 seconds behind him. Because of his determination to speed up he missed his target and the mission had failed.

Once they were all grounded Louise jumped out her plane and stormed over to him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" She shouted.

"Me? What's wrong with you?" He asked.

"I can't possibly think how you'd try and spin this as my fault!" She said.

"I told you as your team leader to increase your speed, you disobeyed and it cost us the mission!" He shouted.

"Listen here you fuckwit, you didn't listen to your team, let your ego take control, sped up to speeds you can't handle and then missed the dropping point!" She shouted back.

"You're just jealous because you can't handle those speeds," he said like a child.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I can fly twice as fast as you but I don't because I respect my teams needs! And even if I did fly that fast, I wouldn't miss the target unlike you!" She screamed.

"Why don't you get that I'm the team leader!" He shouted.

"Why don't you get how to be a team player?" She replied.

"I can, I just don't play team with those who don't even respect you enough to tell you they've moved on!" He shouted.

"So this is what this is about? I didn't choose him, I didn't move on and I do respect you!" She shouted.

"Not what it looks like to me!" He shouted.

"Well you've barely spoken to me so how am I supposed to tell you?" She asked.

"Well I don't know but not now because I'm done with this shit," he said storming off.

She stood there lost for words as he walked away from her.

Bob walked up to her attempting to console her.

"Are you okay frost?" He asked.

"Uh yeah, yeah I'm good!" She replied unconvincingly.

"Let's head inside," he said.

"Yeah that's a good idea," she said.

They walked into the changing rooms to change back into their home clothes. She saw Hangman from the corner of her eye. He rolled his eyes and looked away when she looked over to him.

She had done absolutely nothing and he had decided that he hated her. She was heartbroken.

Once they were dismissed she made her way over to Fanboy.

"Hey can I grab a lift with you?" She asked.

"Uh Hangman drove today," He replied.

"Oh uh, I'll get Rooster to drop me back then," she smiled as she walked away.

"Hey Brad Brad," she smiled.

"Is this a new thing now?" He asked.

"I think so yeah!" She chuckled.

"What can I do for you Loulou?" He asked.

"Can I grab a lift back with you please?" She asked.

"I'm sorry Loulou, I'm going to visit some friends," he said sadly.

"Oh okay! No worries!" She replied.

She had one last option so walked over.

"Hey Bobsicle!" She smiled.

"Well that's new," he replied.

"Well I'm hoping to charm you into giving me a lift," she smiled.

"Unfortunately I've got to take Phoenix to the doctors, she didn't realise she ran out of her prescription last night," he said awkwardly.

"Oh okay, no worries bobsicle!" She replied faking a smile.

Shortly after all the cars were gone and it was just her. She had no option left but to walk.

It was an hours walk back so she would have time to be left with her thoughts. Not necessarily a good thing.

She felt alone. She had turned down Rooster, stop putting herself out there and apparently managed to push away Hangman.

All she wanted to do was tell him that she liked him, but she couldn't anymore. Especially with how he was acting.

Even if she did get the opportunity to tell him, he was acting like a complete dick. Not a good place to start a relationship.

Just as she was 10 minutes away from her house, it started pouring with rain.

Just my luck, she thought.

Out of pure frustration she screamed.

There was no one around to hear though.

So she carried on walking until she finally arrived at her house. Soaked.

She walked through the front door, dripping.

"Woah what the hell happened to you?" Coyote asked.

"You! You immature little pig! I couldn't ask you for a lift because you hate me! And why do you hate me? Oh yeah because you haven't let me to talk to you about the one important thing! And now look at me, I'm soaked through!" She screamed pointing at Hangman.

"Me? We just assumed that you'd gone with one of the others?" Hangman replied.

"Well obviously they were all busy!" She snapped.

She stormed off upstairs to have a shower, leaving the 3 boys in the living room.

"What the hell did you do?" Coyote asked.

"I don't know! She chose Rooster and she's annoyed at me?" He said in disbelief.

"There has to be more to it, surely?" Fanboy said.

"I don't know man," Hangman replied.

Louise stayed away from them all evening, she was furious. She wanted to speak to Hangman so desperately but she knew that with her current mood it wouldn't go the way she wanted.

Soon enough morning came and it was the day of their mission. The house got ready and drove over, surprisingly Louise went with them.

When they arrived they piled into the classroom ready to receive the news of who will be in the team. It consisted of a team leader, 2 pairs, a wingman and a back pilot. The rest would be in reserve ready.

"Good morning aviators," Maverick said smiling.

He got some nervous 'mornings' in response. Everyone was slightly on edge.

"So I have chosen my team based on what I have seen in practice and what I know you can all do!" He explained.

His crew nodded eagerly waiting for him to tell them.

"Therefore, my two pairs: Payback and Fanboy, and Phoenix and Bob. My wingman, Rooster. And finally my back pilot, Frost."

Louise looked up surprised, as much as she knew she was the best pilot there she didn't think that her uncle would choose her. She didn't think he had the heart to.

"The rest of you will be in reserve," he explained.

Louise jumped onto Bradley after they heard the news.

"Oh my gosh Brad Brad! We did it!" She squealed.

"I know Loulou, but you better come home to me!" He said sternly.

"Same to you Brad Brad!" She smiled.

She walked out to her plane and saw Hangman stood by his. He was obviously disappointed that he didn't get to go on the mission.

Louise wanted to go up to him and comfort him, but she didn't know how he'd respond.

She looked over and saw Maverick trying to speak to Rooster. She couldn't quite work out the vibe they were giving off. Friendly or confrontational?

She decided to bite the bullet and stride over to Hangman's plane before getting in her own.

"Jake, before I go," she began.

"I don't want to hear it Louise," he snapped. He was clearly hurt but she hoped she would still be able to speak to him.

"Jake please," she said.

"No, you chose him, you got picked. Anything else you want to rub in my face?" He asked.

Louise was about to argue when Warlock started herding her towards her plane. She couldn't go back to Jake to explain now.

She was put in her plane and she began to sulk. What if she didn't make it back? What if he goes his entire life without knowing she liked him. All the possibilities began to play on her brain.

She was then quickly distracted by the pilots vocalising their readiness.

"Dagger one, ready" Maverick said.

"Dagger two, ready!" Phoenix added.

"Dagger four ready! Payback called.

"Dagger five, ready!" Louise said into her microphone.

"Dagger spare, ready!" Hangman said.

She could hear him, that meant he could hear her! This was her time.

"Dagger three, ready!" Rooster said after a long pause.

Shit. She thought. They were about to take off. She had to tell him now or she may never get her opportunity.

"Jake?" She called.

"Jake, I don't know if you can hear me. But if you can I didn't choose Rooster, I chose you!" She called into the microphone.

Before she could even think about getting a response, Cyclone called for the planes to take off.

She couldn't argue but she was nervous. Not for flying. She knew she could do that.

She wanted to know that Hangman heard. She wanted to know that he was the one she chose. She liked him. No one else but him.

As asked she took off and lifted into the air. She was flying alongside her classmates and uncle, she knew it was a rough mission but they could do it.

It would all be okay and then she could make it back to Jake, just like all she ever wanted.

Meanwhile back at the station Jake had just processed what she said.

"Did she?" He said dumbfounded.

"Coyote did you hear that?" Hangman shouted.

"I did man!" Coyote smiled back.

"She chose me! She likes me!" He said beaming from ear to ear.

"Holy fuck, she might die on this mission!" He said panicking.

"Please make it back to me," he whispered to himself 'talking to Louise'.

At this point Louise was soaring through the sky, side by side with her copilots.

She felt alive. She was happy. That feeling obviously wouldn't last but for that very moment, she was happy.

"There's enemy pilots patrolling up ahead!" Someone from base called.

"Relax, they don't know we're here yet," Maverick said trying to calm everyone.

Louise's feeling of happiness began to leave her body. She wasn't quite nervous yet, but she was getting there.

Suddenly missiles flew above them released from base to destroy the enemy runways.

"The enemy planes have changed their course and are heading your way, they're about 5 minutes from you!" Base called.

"They may not have known then, but the certainly know now!" Louise called to her team.

"Don't worry team, stay on course! All we have to do is be calm and we can still get this done!" Maverick said reassuring his team.

Louise knew he was right, she knew if she got worked up then she would lose her focus. The was the last thing they needed right now.

The back pilot in this mission was there as a safety net. They couldn't risk not taking out the uranium plant. She was there to maintain the desired speed of the group and take a shot on target if anyone failed. She needed to be focused. And that is exactly what she would do.

"Daggers, assume attack formation!" Maverick called.

They all fell into line and Louise took a deep breath in. She was at the back. She was trying to remain calm. If she lost composure then they had no safety net.

She glanced at the planes in front of her and tightened her grip on her plane. There was no backing out now.

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