Random Funny moments

By saphirekl3

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The funny moments from life to the rants and updates I have is in here. More

teacher shenanigans/ bingo
Jenny's brother
best late to class excuse last year/ National Hate Barry day.
How Homecoming was
school story
severe locker jams and another part about what happened last meet
I'm innocent!
Indoors golf
The best mom ever!
This is what happens when i leave my friends alone
Hiding the body
Im adopted?!!!!
Salvation Army Adventures! (# 19)
Musical funny moments
Lady Gaga
Late night conversations
teacher shenanigans part 2 important thing in authors note
science wars
Do you think I'm stupid?!
Happy Early April Fools!
Hilarious moments/ bite me (short)
This is war/ Gator/ test schedule info
Saphire tells life
Saphire tells life 2/ Ranting
life writes #1: the fair so far
How I am
Untitled Part 45
Scrapbooking disaster *Pls read*
Welcome back to school
My birthday
return of the shenanigans
Christmas Tag!
Unpublishing stories?/ logo
I got hacked. *important*
The twerking room, new account?
Adorable baby bunnies/ Elementary day

46 questions tag/ random things about me

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By saphirekl3

~~ hey guys! I got a message from someone who wanted me to do a get to know me thing so here it is.

1. What is your name? Saphire

2. When is your birthday? in middlish September. A fact that goes with it is that Virgo is my zodiac sign but I act more like a Libra. I'm thinking it's because I was born close to when Libra started. *Edit I looked it up and it is.*

3. How tall are you? My friends, but Jenny and Dave, are giants......okay I'm 5' 3.

4. Do you have any siblings? Yes an older brother and sister

5. Do you have any pets? Yes two rabbits, a dog, cat, and then my sister owns rabbits I sometimes take care of.

6. What is your favorite color? Blue

7. What is your favorite song? I don't have just one but right now Stay by F-G line, Endlessly by The Cab, Another You (Another way) by ATC, Porcelain by Rachel Taylor, and a couple more. ( i know I'm obsessed with music)

8. What is your favorite restaurant? The Smokey Mountian Brewery in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.

9. What is your favorite drink? Sweet tea

10. What is your favorite gum? none really

11. What is your favorite snack? chips

12. What is your favorite dessert? brownie sundaes

13. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Brown sugar

14. What is your favorite movie? Pitch Perfect

15. What is your favorite tv show? Total drama but HOA is a close 2nd

16. When did you get into makeup? I haven't yet, but my sister is bugging me too.

17. How did you get into doing YouTube? I do have a YouTube channel and want to actually do something with it but I can't figure out what to do with it. I was thinking about doing some vlogs and gaming, maybe a few lyric videos but I don't know how to record and my voice sounds horrid through a microphone mostly. But I'm going to see if I can have one where I'm understandable.

18. If you won a million dollars, what you buy first? A house that could fit my family In either here in Ohio, maybe Tennessee, or in England.

19. What side of the bed do you sleep on? Right but i'm a restless sleeper so pretty much all. However I usually am always on the right side

20. What is your dream car? I know nothing about cars so I don't know.

21. If you could take a spontaneous trip somewhere, where would it be? New York or Tennessee

22. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? England or Tennessee

23. What is your favorite day of the week and why? Wednesday because all my favorite things seem to happen then or Friday since it's Friday

24. What is your favorite holiday and why? Easter or Christmas

25. Name 3 sites online that you love or visit frequently. YouTube, Town of Salem, and Wattpad

26. If you could have one famous person as a sibling who would you choose? No idea I guess a YouTuber's sister maybe Vanoss or Grav3yardgirl since I don't pay attention to celebrities, honestly.

27. Do you have any piercings or tattoos? no

28. Money or love? both but mostly love

29. Things you can't leave the house without? my phone, money, headphones

30. What are your turn-offs in a guy? Bad personality, terrible smelling

31. What superhero powers would you want to have? To be invisible (for pranking) and to control time.

32. Are you a morning person? No

33. What is your favorite book? Don't have one because I read too many

34. Do you sing randomly? Who doesn't? All my friends do the same too so we usually all end up singing along.

35. Left of right handed? Right

36. Anything particular you wear everyday? Lately I've been wearing my jean jacket all the time.

37. Where were you born and raised? Ohio

38. What did you look like as a baby? Blue eyes really blonde hair,  which is currently turning brunette.

39. What countries do you want to visit? Canada,  England,  Germany (both sides of my family originated from there) and Spain or Ireland.

40. What does your purse/bag look like? It's a green and brown leather carrier bag with flowers at the top.

41. What is the color of your iPod? Blue

42. What is the last song that was playing on your iPod? Porcelain actually.

43. What kind of phone do you have? A galaxy S4

44. Do you have any bad habits? Yes I get lost in whatever book or song I'm listening to and ignore everything else also I'm lazy

45. Do you have a twitter? No

46. A random fact about you.  I'm in a tree right now. *later* My sister scared me and I literally almost fell out of the tree. I was sitting halfway up on two branches that were connected facing the house and went to change the song when I feel something pull my ponytail. I jumped from it and just barely caught myself from falling off.

Random facts

I have a small bit of social anxiety but now I can easily hide since I've been in musical for a couple years although I'm still abit socially awkward. Venting and talking through computer has been easier for me to do than talk to other people in real life.

When it comes to my temper, I have either a very short temper with people if i hate them or they said something really bad, otherwise I'm calm and collected on the outside. Most people in my grade haven't heard me mad or, going along with my social anxiety, talk!

Some Youtubers I watch is the Vanoss gang, The Derp Crew, Seananners, TheRPGminx, Ohmwreaker, Dlive22891, Entoan the pack, and more. For singers I like Against the Current, Megan and Liz, etc.

Right now I'm planning on being either a drama (theater) teacher, which I'm leaning more on, or an animator/media arts person. Jenny is majoring in something drama related too and we're both actually without knowing picked out two colleges that are the same. So far if we think the same as seniors and are both accepted to the same one, we're going to see if we can be roommates.

The first thing i ever wrote once I learned was a song for my grandpa if I remember right. That ended up starting my music and writing passion, my Grandpa was actually my biggest supporter.

I've been procrastinating on this for three days and I feel bad right now but I had this typed up already so I'm just adding this note at the end. I should be sleeping but my brother came home for college and is talking loudly with my dad. ._. So I've been going on Instagram (yes Jess did actually force me to get one) and writing on here.

Next week i'm skipping school two days in a row for a JTI event over at the elementary then to go to Kalahari for a field trip with some of my friends (well it's a school field trip but not all the teachers know about it. Wonderful informed school huh? But I HAVE ONLY 2 WEEKS LEFT! I'm so excited to get out since I can barely stand it anymore. Though I will miss seeing The Crew (Jess, Jenny, Anne, Kate, Ash, Dave, Avery, and not really gonna miss Caleb honestly. Also Claire too, I'm not use to her being at school yet. But we've been trying to pick a time in summer to hang out together somewhere and not just text.

QOTC: Did you already start summer? I have two weeks.

I'm going to end it here and go yell at them to shut up, keep doing what you wanna kl3~~

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