His last breath.

By JodieMay33

18K 1K 248

This story follows the game Duskwood, although some aspects remain the same, the rest i have created myself... More

Leaving for Duskwood
It really is you.
Do you love him.
The group.
Pick a number!
Those Words!
His last Breath.
Is this what it's like to die!
I didn't believe her!
The Enigma.
A race against time!
The Devil Himself!
The rat!
Let The Games Begin!
Game Over!
End Game
Love Lost
The Promise
Reunited Part 1
Reunited Part 2
Forgive Me

The Last Dance

623 28 21
By JodieMay33

Jake's POV

Eight months have passed since the events with Hannah took place, she has been in Farview ever since, getting the treatment she so desperately needed. I haven't been to see her, and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to bring myself to do so, especially after finding all of the images she had taken of MC on her phone, and only MC! She had enough proof to take her away from me for a very long time, and there is no way I could allow that to happen. Of course I hacked all of her accounts and erased any incriminating evidence, but one problem remains, she had passed the pictures onto an unknown person that i have yet to track down, and I've kept this a secret from MC for eight long months, I hate that I have lied to her, it tears me apart, but I am just trying to protect her. She has endured enough pain in her lifetime and I did not want to add to that! But I will at all costs find this person and free her once and for all, from the ties that bind her to our dark past! But as I stand here today with Phil, Alex, Dan and Richy by my side at Blackwater lake, i have never felt so sure of anything in my life, MC is my forever, and I am filled with the greatest of pride as I eagerly await the arrival of my bride.

Phil: One hour to go Jake, How do you feel?

Jake: I feel on top of the world right now, i get to marry my best friend, what could possibly go wrong.

Dan: Question!

Jake: Ah there it is! What Dan! What is it now? You know you don't have to raise your hand and say question, you can just ask the damn question!

Dan: Yeah, yeah! So anyway are you not worried at all that she might not even show?

Alex: Jesus Dan, do you ever think before you speak!


Richy: Nice one Dan! Chill out Jake you know she will be here!

Jake: Don't tell me to chill Richy! You wait until you marry Jessy!

Richy: WHAT!! No we're good! We are sooo good! We are good right?! Oh my god is that what she's waiting for! I'm not ready for that! Fuck! Now i'm panicking!

Phil: Why don't you want to marry my sister? What's wrong with her?


Dan: You lot need to relax! You are embarrassing, I bet MC is cool as a cucumber right now, she's probably sat talking weddings with Jessy!


Phil: See this is why Alex and I are best men and you are not Dan!

Dan: I'll just ask MC if I can be her best man then!

Jake: MC doesn't have a best man Dan!

Dan: Exactly! That's my point!

One more hour Jake, one more hour and you are no longer responsible for these children. Deep breaths, everything is going to be fine.


I glance at my reflection in the floor length mirror, as I stand proud in my stunning long sleeved, lace wedding dress that flows gracefully at the bottom, and it fits to perfection, as the beautiful fabric of my train trails behind me, my makeup is natural, but holds an elegant glow, and a few loose curls fall freely around my face, as the rest is pinned up, with meticulously placed white flowers within, i feel totally elated as I'm surrounded by my three favourite women, all looking gorgeous in their dramatic red dresses. Of course Jessy is my maid of honour, but they have all been fantastic at keeping the nerves at bay, and I am forever grateful to have them by my side as I live a dream I never expected to become reality. All we have to do now is wait for my Alan to arrive, he's been like a father figure to me and it was only fitting that he be the one to walk me down the aisle.

Jessy: Here MC let me place your veil for you.

MC: Thank you, I'll be doing this for you one day Jessy.

Jessy: Don't ever say that to Richy, he will freak out. We went shopping the other day and i asked him if he wanted baileys, he thought I said babies and he just left me there. I didn't see him for two days!

Cleo: Oh Jessy he's terrible! Scares so easy.

Lilly: How do you think the guys are getting on?

MC: I expect Jake is close to punching someone by now.

Jessy: Dan! It will definitely be Dan!

Jessy's not wrong, as much as we love Dan the guy has no filter, and I know Jake will have his hands full with them all today, so I just hope he's not fretting to much. The last eight months have been pure bliss and our relationship has flourished, but I know Jake and I know he's keeping something from me, i just hope it is nothing more than wedding nerves. It doesn't take long until Alan knocks on the door making the girls scream with excitement, and as I answer he can't hold back his tears as he see's me in my dress, and it melts my heart, he's a big softie really. He takes my arm like a proud father and The five of us make our way outside to the car. All of us beaming with euphoria as the late afternoon breeze fills our lungs with crisp clean air, and it's so refreshing, we take a few deep breaths to gather our bearings and we are ready to go. But as I get in the car I hear my phone ping. I pull it from my clutch bag thinking it might be Jake, but I'm filled with instant dread as I see a message from an unknown number, bringing memories of Otis flooding back. I instantly push the thought aside knowing I'm just overreacting, it can't possibly be him so i open the text realising it must just be one of our wedding guests.


Jake's POV

My heart starts to thud as I desperately try to erase Dan's ridiculous comment from my mind, but my god that guy knows how to push my buttons. MC should be here any minute, and I don't want her to see me worrying, this is after all the happiest day of our lives. I take my place under the pergola that MC decorated, and i cant deny she has done the most incredible job, it is covered in white flowers and greenery with fairy lights meticulously placed within, and as dusk approaches the big rustic lanterns surrounding the entrance and the aisle, illuminate the picturesque view. I take a minute to listen to the gentle flowing current of the lake to calm my nerves, and think of MC when a hand firmly grips my shoulder.

Phil: She's here Jake, it's time.

And just like that the nerves disperse leaving my body, as i hear the sound of the string quartet start to play and I realise I've never been more ready for anything in my entire life.

I keep my gaze fixated down the aisle, until our eyes meet and I see her, in that instant a single tear cascades, wetting my cheek. She is the vision of beauty and grace, illuminated by the soft glow of the lanterns. As she takes her final steps towards me, causing my love for her to grow to depths i did not think possible, as she beams at me exuding pure love and pride.


I stand before Jake soaking him in through tear filled eyes, as he exudes confidence, taking both of my hands in his. He looks undeniably breathtaking in his black three piece suit, white shirt and black tie. I have never been more sure of anything than i am in this moment. The warm glow of the lanterns surround us, as a slow breeze causes white petals to fall like snow, gently gliding to the ground beneath our feet. His gorgeous piercing blue eyes burn as bright as a thousand stars, as we vow to love and cherish one another, in sickness and health, until death do us part, as we exchange rings of our eternal love.
Tears of pure joy stream down my face as we are pronounced husband and wife, neither one of us able to remove our expressions of complete elation.

Registrar: You may now kiss the bride.

I look at Jake shooting him a sly wink, making him chuckle, before he pulls me in and kisses me with passion, causing the guests to erupt to their feet cheering and giving applause. We walk hand in hand as husband and wife and begin to enjoy the evening festivities with our loved ones, spirit's are high as everybody dances into the night, singing and laughing, completely in the moment.

We could not have wished for a better day, but I can see Jake's nerves slowly creep in as it's time for our first dance, we chose a slow song as Jake most definitely is not one for busting shapes on the dance floor. I take his hand and reassure him that everything will be fine, as I lead him to the beautiful decking area under a large pergola by the lakeside, that's covered in the most gorgeous flowers, surrounded by everyone whom we care about, as candles of various sizes shimmer across the glistening lake, as if the stars have fallen, setting the most romantic scene. Des'rees kissing you, starts to play as we hold eachother close, i place my arms around his neck, as his pull me in around my waist, both of our gaze firmly fixated on one another.

MC: Just focus on me Jake, everything will be fine. I love you so much.

Jake: Until death do us part MC.

MC: Until death do us part Jake.

He leans in and places his lips to mine, sending warmth throughout my body, as the song comes to an end, and the group rejoin us in celebration.

Jessy: Aww you guys look like a million bucks out there! I'm so happy for you both.

Jake: Thank you Jessy, Breathtaking isn't she!

Phil: That she is!

Dan: I'm just glad you came MC, Jake was freaking out!

Jake: Yeah because of you Dan!

Alan: You and Richy next then Jessy?

Oh god, no one warned Alan, we all go quiet and slowly turn our gaze to Richy.


Dan: No need to be a baby about it Richy! She is stood right there.

Lilly: Richy just have some baileys and chill out.


Jessy: Told you didn't I!

Cleo: So how do you guys feel?

MC: I'd say we are feeling much better than Richy that's for sure.

Dan: Don't worry Jessy if he doesn't want you I will.

Jessy: Jeez thanks Dan.

Alex: Right shall we get drinks then before Richy has a breakdown?

Richy: YES!

With that the group start to head to the bar, as Jake and I slowly start to walk behind.

MC: Today was perfect wasn't it?

Jake: It was MC, you have made me the happiest I've ever been, I couldn't be more proud to spend forever with you.

MC: Oh Jake, I will love you always in this life and the next. Will you meet me in the cabin in 5, there is something I want to tell you.

Jake: I love you too MC. Of course, anything for my wife. Should I be worried?

MC: Hmm that sounds so good, but no don't panic, I just want to talk.

I give him a chaste kiss on his cheek and head to the cabin, that Jake and I rented for the night. I desperately need to get out of these shoes, my feet are killing me! I take a seat and remove my heels before heading to the bedroom to grab my overnight bag, when a deep voice makes me jump, sending shivers down my spine. I don't know who it is but it's not Jake, it's a voice I've not heard before. My heart starts to pound as I slowly turn around to face a man dressed in black, looking agitated as he fiddles with something in his deep jacket pockets.

???: Hello MC, did you enjoy your special day?

MC: Who are you?? Was it you that text me??

???: It was!

MC: Look I don't know who you are, but can you please leave!

???: I'm afraid I can't do that, you see a certain young lady sent me some pictures as proof that you are infact behind the death of Otis!

This can't be happening Jake swore he took care of it! Would he really keep that from me! A lump rises in my throat like a bullet as I don't know what to expect.

MC: look I did not kill anyone, I assume the person you are referring too is Hannah, but she's in a psychiatric ward, she's not well!

???: Either way the pictures were all the proof I need!

MC: I swear I did not kill him!


MC: I'm not, I'm really not! Please you have to believe me!

Where the fuck is Jake! The man angrily rummages in his pocket again, and pulls out a gun, pointing it at my chest, as he holds an expression of pure rage, and I can't stop the tears from falling as I sob loudly, I can't lose Jake now.

MC: Please don't take me from my husband, I beg of you! Look tell me who you are and I'll give you whatever you want.

He looks at me with empty eyes, and that's when I see the resemblance.


I close my eyes, and my breath is heavy as I press myself against the wall praying that Jake will come.

Jake's POV

I feel on top of the world right now, I have everything I could of ever dreamed of, I have my forever, my wife, but in an instant i am ripped from my thoughts as screams start to fill the air as the sound of a single gunshot resonates through my mind! It's MC I know it is, I rush to the cabin in a blind panic, pushing through the frantic guests, as I reach the door, I swing it open with force not caring who might be inside, and that's when my world comes crashing down around me as I lay eyes upon my wife, blood seeping through her dress as she lay struggling to breathe, I rush to her and rest her head on my lap, as tears stream down my face, as I desperately try to put pressure on her wound. I call for help until Alan and the group arrive and ring for medical assistance, as they all gather around in a state of despair.

Jake: MC, talk to me ok, stay awake. Help will be here soon. Don't close your eyes, look me.

She looks up at me through glazed eyes as the colour slowly starts to fade from her face, as she tries with all her strength to muster the words that break me.

MC: I forgive you.

Jake: I lied MC and I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry, but you can't leave me like this we can fix this ok, stay awake. MC stay awake for me.

MC: I'm sorry.

Jake: Don't say that MC, you are not leaving me. I love you, I love you so much, i cant do this without you! Tell me what you wanted to tell me, talk to me please!

MC: I don't want to die.

Jake: And you won't. Do you hear the sirens MC, help Is coming! Just keep fighting! What did you want to tell me??


Stay awake!

Please don't leave me.

Her breathing rapidly starts to slow down as blood starts to spill from her mouth, as she speaks her final words, before help arrives.

MC: You were going to be a father.

I cup her face in quivering hands as she tells me the news and place tender kisses to her forehead. As her eyes start to close. I can't lose my wife and baby, I just can't!

Jake: Stay awake for me MC, You have made me so proud! We are going to be a family, I promise, I'll take care of you both.


I love you!



The events of that day will plague me for a lifetime, I lied to MC and that came with consequences. But If anyone can make me a better man its her. I stand at the door and gently knock, taking a few deep breaths before placing my hand on the handle, and pushing with ease, as I lay my eyes upon my happily ever after.

MC: Look Grace Daddy's here it's time to go home!

The End


Thank you all so much for sharing this Journey with me! I hope you enjoyed reading it just as much as i enjoyed writing it for you. I plan to work on more Duskwood Fanfiction. But for now, it's goodbye. Love to you all. ❤️

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