Second Chances: Supergirl - R...

By Lauriver1fanboy

9.3K 316 26

My name is Kara Zor-El. I'm from Krypton and also another reality. After helping rebooting the multiverse, I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Series Rewritten

Chapter 24

249 5 0
By Lauriver1fanboy

To say Eliza Danvers had been surprised when Clark had shown up at her doorstep with a man claiming to be Kara's biological father was understatement, but after she'd been convinced that this man was really who he said he was, she'd immediately welcomed him into her home while Clark had taken off to go to be Superman somewhere.

"This is a very nice house." Zor-El said as he walked around his daughter's childhood earth home.

"Thank you. I did my best to give Kara a happy childhood." Eliza said and Zor-El smiled.

"And for that, my family owes you a debt we can never repay." Zor-El said.

"I didn't mind it at all, though I'm not thrilled that Kara has decided to follow in her cousin's footsteps and become a hero, since while I'm proud of her of course, I'm also worried about her." Eliza said.

"I understand that, believe me, but at the end of the day, it's her choice and it sounds like she became Supergirl to protect her daughter. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea that I'm a grandfather." Zor-El said and Eliza chuckled.

"Yeah, I had a similar reaction when Kara told me that she'd adopted Esme, but I love my granddaughter and I've been trying to get both of my daughters to give me more of them." Eliza said and Zor-El chuckled.

"Anyways, Kal-El said he had something important to do before taking us back to National City for Kara's welcome home party, so I was hoping that you could tell me about what my daughter was like while she was growing up here on Earth." Zor-El said and Eliza smiled.

"Come with me. I've got tons of photos and stories that you'll love and that Kara has banned me from showing Esme under threat of never being allowed to see my granddaughter again." Eliza said and Zor-El looked very eager to hear that.

"Then by all means, let us begin." Zor-El said.

"As long as you promise to share some stories about Kara's childhood on Krypton, since she never really talked about that when she was growing up, not that I can blame her, but still." Eliza said and Zor-El smiled.

"I imagine that it would take some getting used to for her, since no offense, but this planet is far more." Zor-El said, trying to find the right word that wouldn't offend Eliza.

"Primitive?" Eliza asked with a chuckle.

"I was hoping to find a word that wouldn't be so offensive, but yes, at least in terms of technology." Zor-El said and Eliza smiled.

"Trust me, I'm well aware of how behind this planet is in terms of technology, since Kara used to complain about it a lot, though to be fair, that was just because she was frustrated by how rudimentary our technology was, but she learned to adjust to it." Eliza said and Zor-El chuckled.

"I can imagine how difficult it would've been for her, but I'm glad that she persevered. However, while Krypton was very advanced in technology, there were other areas that we less evolved." Zor-El said.

"Like relationships." Eliza said and Zor-El nodded.

"So, I'm guessing you know about Kara then." Zor-El said.

"You mean that she prefers other women, yes I do and so does my other daughter Alex. But I have to admit, I'm surprised that you know about it." Eliza admitted.

"Alura and I knew about Kara's sexuality before we realized how close Krypton was to destruction. We were already planning on sending her to Earth long beforehand so that she could grow up in an environment that would be somewhat more accepting of her sexuality than Krypton would be." Zor-El said and Eliza smiled.

"Sounds like you both really love her." Eliza said.

"Yes, of all of the things I've created in my life, she will always be my greatest creation." Zor-El said.

"I thought that Kryptonian children were genetically engineered?" Eliza asked.

"Most were, but the high council did allow families the option of either having children through genetic engineering or through the natural way, though genetic engineering was preferred. My family however believed that some things were meant to be done the natural way, including reproducing. That's likely why Kara was able to choose her own path in life, because unlike most children, she wasn't genetically modified for one specific path, since Alura gave birth to her in the natural way, Kara was able to choose her own path. It's also likely why her sexuality is the way it is." Zor-El said and Eliza nodded.

"Sounds like technology is the only area Krypton was advanced in. Emotions and relationships on the other hand, not so much. I guess your people didn't really believe in allowing for choices." Eliza said and Zor-El nodded.

"One of the many flaws of Krypton. One that I hope that Argo has improved on if it has survived after these years." Zor-El said.

"At least Alura will be happy to see Kara and meet her granddaughter." Eliza said and Zor-El smiled and nodded as they began sharing stories about Kara's childhood for what was probably an hour before they heard a knock on the door.

"That must be Clark. I guess he's ready to take us to National City for Kara's welcome home party." Eliza said as she got up and went to get the door, only to be surprised at who she found when she opened it.

"Jeremiah?" Eliza asked, shocked at seeing her thought to be dead husband standing in the doorway.

"Hello Eliza." Jeremiah said, a bit awkwardly, since honestly, he wasn't sure what to say to his wife considering she'd thought he was dead for at least a decade.

"How? I thought you were dead." Eliza asked.

"I almost was. I was nearly killed by the same man who forced me to work for him. Hank Henshaw." Jeremiah said.

"What?" Eliza asked as she showed Jeremiah and Clark in.

"It's complicated, but the last mission I went on with the DEO, I discovered that the alien we were hunting was not a threat, but a refugee like Kara. Henshaw wanted to kill the alien regardless of that fact. As you can guess, I disagreed and it did not go well. We both ended up nearly dead in the wilderness, but unfortunately, we were found and saved by an organization called Cadmus. An organization run by Lillian Luthor." Jeremiah said and Eliza quickly figured out.

"An organization against aliens. Like mother, like son I guess." Eliza said and Jeremiah nodded.

"I managed to escape them a few years ago and I was hiding out in the Peruvian Andes. Until Clark found me and convinced me to come home. He told me that Alex and Kara don't need protection anymore." Jeremiah said.

"No they do not. But Clark, how did you find him?" Eliza asked him.

"I never thought he was dead. The fact that he just disappeared off the face of the Earth without leaving so much of a trace, well, I found it suspicious. But anyways, I think we have another introduction to make and a party to get to." Clark said and Eliza smiled as she nodded and led them inside.

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