The Evolving Hero and the Rul...

By adamabyss12

205K 2.4K 1.6K

"I had thought...I had believed...I had hoped that...because you are would care more about the l... More

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Recruiting the King of the Multiverse
Ready for Battle
Good vs Evil Part 1
Good vs Evil Part 2
Good vs Evil Part 3
Good vs Evil Part 4
Good vs Evil Part 5
Good vs Evil Part 6
Good vs Evil part 7
Good vs Evil Part 8
Good vs Evil part 9
Good vs Evil Part 10
Good vs Evil Part 11
Abyss' Internal Problem
The First Protector's Return
Alpha meets Everybody
Abyss Time Trio
Abyss Murder Time Trio
A Mysterious Man
Meeting an Old Interest
Catching up on lost time
Confronting Error404/ William
Reunited at last
New Trouble
Similar Help
New Recruits
A Diabolical Reunion
Revenge part 1
Revenge part 2
Revenge Part 3
Revenge Part 4
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The Omega Timeline
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The War of the 404s
Abyss' Time
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Biased Agony
Unearthed Purgatory
Nowhere to Live in a Dead World
Alternate Universe
Fighting Against the Destroyer
Fighting Against the Nightmare
A Hidden, Unknown Power
New Friends and a Reunion
Gotta Catch 'Em All
An Injured Fiery Fox
White Foxes
Double Fox Evolution
A Non-Undertale AU
Meeting a Horned Lady
Clearing Them Up
The Truth
Undead City
The Mutated Truth
Helping Kyoto's Leader
Retrieving CELL
Reuniting with Old Faces
Aiding Dream
Vampire within a Labyrinth
Yue's Time with the Others
Dream's Newfound Power
Another Powerful DEAD CELL
Hanging Out
New Aid
Having One Last Fun
The Leviathan
Mirror of Vos
One Last Target
Going After Cerebellum
Ebott's Dead City
The Cerebellum
Gaia's Vengeance
Alpha Timeline
Past Reveals
Hidden Power...Awoken
Free Time
Warming Reunion
2 TransVoid Rulers
Another Reunion
Concern in Wattpad

Dead Cell Problems

185 4 1
By adamabyss12

It has been...about a week, since the 5 female had been given an improvement in their powers. Yue, Kunou, Atla, and Ganyu, these 4 had managed to gain their new CELL Cores that replaced their SOULs, with Yue learning some new magic that made her even more powerful than ever before, after Cell, the Forbidden Conduit of Evolution, had went in and aided them, as due to the fact that he had seen something in the future that required their help. Although they have no idea who it is, it is likely that the situation is formed from a person, and the person responsible for the situation that will be in the future is also the person responsible for the attack of Anti-Flowey. And if that is the case, than it is crucial that they need to do something about this, and as soon as possible. But luckily, since they are able to gain CELL Cores, they are now much more powerful than before, and are continuing to grow in power than ever. So in this circumstance, they are able to make sure that they grow powerful enough for themselves to be strong enough to handle this entity.

Of course, Abyss, who had been aging with his own CELL Core since birth, he is still more stronger than the rest of them, at least, in terms of magic. So even though they are now much more stronger in terms of physicality and magic, Abyss is still stronger compared to them in terms of magic. Not to mention the fact that he knows how to use the CELL's Magic far more skillfully than the others. So, he is still stronger than them, and Papyrus would also be the most physically powerful of the others, due to him building physicality, and the fact that the CELL Core, even though it has been used in about what just have been 2-3 years, has still been evolving still, and since gaining his arms, it is able to transfer the power into his arms again, but is also trying to repair the legs, seemingly to transfer and increase the physicality of the legs in order to make Papyrus faster. But he has no idea how fast he will be once he fully heals from the wounds that he has. But he hopes that he can find more of the materials to make sure that Papyrus will be able to heal and be himself once more like he was back in the past.

And of course, the stack of Anti-Flowey was an incredibly horrifying alarm, especially with Template revealing the existences of other Multiverses besides the one that Abyss is in, and thus, Abyss realizes that there are more of those beings like Flowey here, and realizes that they need to prepare in case an entity from another Multiverse has decided to come and attack Abyss' home, as well as making sure that his home is safe from them.

Yumi and the rest of her Team, including Murakumo and Shiki, who have also gained CELL Cores, saw what had became of the other 5 girls, with Ganyu, Kunou, Atla, and Ravel becoming much more stronger than before, as well as the fact that they had to replace their souls with CELL Cores. And needless to say, they are immensely stunned at the fact of what had just happened to them, and they are curious to know how they managed to replace their souls and became like Abyss, in which the CELL Cores take the place of the souls. But the 4 of them revealed that they did not do it by themselves. In fact, someone connected to them had made CELL Cores of a design of his own, and used his power to replace their souls with the CELL Cores of their own. Of course, they did not reveal the identity, but Abyss, who looked at their faces, could deduce that it had something to do with him, but he cannot pin down what it is. So he decided to keep his mouth shut and not speak about it. After all, how they did it, it is a secret for them to keep and not his to infiltrate and look into.

Alphys has been looking into the CELL Cores of the 4 girls, and to her shock, the CELL Cores are not only increasing physical prowess, but also their supernatural powers as well, such as Chi, in Atla's case, Flames in the case of Kunou and Ravel, and ice in the case of Ganyu. The CELL Cores that Papyrus and Sans have, they are used for magic and physicality separately, and there never was a CELL Core with the 2 purposes fused together. So whatever made the CELL Cores also ended up being the reason that they are created this way. And even Abyss is stunned at this. He looks down at the CELL Cores inside of the bodies of his girlfriends, as he has no idea how to respond to something like this. He wonders if they are going to actually be like him, continuing to grow in power, and if they do, how strong will they be when all of what is happening is said and done. He knows that they will be powerful, but how strong to the extent is the question that he is wondering about right now. But it is obvious that they will not be as strong as him in terms of magic, due to having grown with the CELL Core, they will be physically powerful, more so than him, but not as much as Papyrus, who already possesses enough power to outclass them and effortless overpower the 4 girls. But he also wants to know how their souls are replaced without difficulty, due to the fact that within it souls, they are either dead or become empty emotionless husks. And the fact that the entity can do that without effort is proof of how powerful it is. And that is also more surprising when he did it to Ganyu of all people, and as people would know, Ganyu is a half human. So it is a wonder how she can be able to do this by the entity that had given her the CELL Core, although it is possible that her half Adeptus nature allowed her to go through this. So it is at least a good thing that she can do it, because she will be needed in what is yet to come, along with the others that have also been given the CELL Cores, and Abyss can count of the fact that they are needed in this.

Speaking of Abyss, he is now inside of the room of where Papyrus is residing in, inside of the capsule that has kept his condition stable, and prevented him from truly dying. Abyss looks down sadly at his brother, due to how he had became the way he is from there accident, all from that u known creature, and he has no way to deal with this sort of thing on his mind. Even though he wishes that he can know all of the answers, he knows that no matter the answer, he will not get what he wants. He'll have to keep in finding a way to heal his brother.

Abyss looked down as he sighed, very unhappy with the fact that his own brother is still not waking up, even though they had given him enough materials that can help him awaken. So why is he not waking up from the coma that he is inside of right now? It almost makes no sense whatsoever, and he does not get it at all. He closed his eyes, as he reflects on what his life had been before he had been forced to travel the AUs, where he still had his bro still awake, where he still has a lot of friends that are still alive before this all happened. He felt his fist tightened on his pants due to the fact that they had been repair his arms and most of his head, even his skull and brain, and yet, for some unknown reason, he is not waking up! Is it because this is not enough, even though it is? Or is it because of something else in play. He does not know the answer, even though he wishes that he does, as this is so confusing to him, due to how there is nothing that can help him in this, except that he needs to collect more materials. He touched his chest, as he felt something beat underneath. But it is not the CELL Core within his body. It is something else. It is the Conduit Soul inside of the CELL Core, the Conduit Soul of Life, the one that made him a target in the first place, and the one that has made him go this far. He closed his eyes, as he than felt the feeling of comfort from the Conduit Soul, as he tries to calm the mind that he has, in order to try and take what it is that is inside of his mind. He tries all he can to not think about what he had been through.

He tries all he can, but the grief of what he is feeling towards his brother was more than he can handle. And when he felt tears well up in his eyes, he felt a hand touch his shoulder. This made him stop, as he than rubbed his eyes, and he looks to see that it is none other than Ganyu, who has decided to come in and see how he is, as she than spoke out.

"I think it is best that you get out of this room, Sans. You are being distressed."

Abyss looked at Ganyu, and he nodded, as he spoke out.


Abyss got off the chair, and both went outside of the room, he still feels tears threatening to leak down his face, but he wipes them away so that he can be strong. As he walked away, he looks to see Ganyu had changed a little bit more than before. Her height is now different, changing at the height of 5'11, and stopping there, and her body almost resembles that of Xenovia, despite being taller, and Abyss does not want to think about Xenovia right now. And speaking of which, Ganyu's pupils are different, as they are now turquoise color. Seems like the CELL Core has improved their bodies immensely. Of course, Kunou and Ravel and Atla, their heights and appearances are still the same, just that their powers are much more immense than before. Abyss than spoke out to Ganyu, a question in the mind that he has.

"Ganyu...why was it like...for the process to have your soul replaced by this CELL Core that you has gained?"

Ganyu looked down a little bit, as she closed her eyes to think of an answer, before she than spoke out.

"It felt...weird. It felt like something important was being forced out of my body, like you are being ripped from a happy memory, or rather, having your heart being torn out of your chest, and my emotions felt like they were going to disappear, and when the CELL Core fit inside of my body, it felt like it was already being healed, and my emotions began to come back to me, with the emotions themselves healing, and yet, somehow, the person that helped us made it as painless as he could, just as he had said. And with the CELL Core, it feels more better than a normal soul, actually. It feels I can do anything, even though that is not really the case."

Ganyu smiled, as he than spoke out to him.

"And yet, even when I am changed, I am still me, even after all that has happened to me."

This made Abyss smile, as he looked at Ganyu in the eyes, while also holding her hand, before he than spoke out.

"Well...I am glad that this is still you."

Ganyu smiled, as she picks Abyss up like a feather, and kissed him onto his lips, as they both blush. She than puts Abyss down to the ground, as she than walked away, her eyes glowing in happiness, as mist began to fill the place that he is in. Abyss smiled even more immensely than ever before, as he than closed his eyes and he teleports outside, in order to see someone that had a crush on him back then, who he reunited back then.

As he vanished to outside, he opens his eyes, as he looked around the area that he is in right now, and saw that he is in the middle of the street, as he began to walk around to try and find her, before he than was able to find who he was looking for.

"There she is."

Abyss said to himself, as he walked up to the person herself, as he than spoke out to her.

"Heya, Rossweisse."

He said, as the female that he had spoke to turned around to see Abyss here.

Needless to say, Rossweiss is surprised, as she than spoke out to him.

"Oh, Sans. You're back! I never thought that you were not going to see me now!"

Abyss smiled, as he than spoke out.

"Well, I am seeing you now, unless you don't consider than an issue, Rossweisse?"

This made Rossweisse smile, as she than spoke out.

"Well, I don't consider this an issue. Come with me, we still have not gotten the time to catch up on between the both of us before."

Abyss smiled and nodded, as he than flies right beside Rossweisse, as he looked at her, before he than spoke out.

"Than what are we waiting for? Let's go where you want to go."

Rossweisse nodded, as she took Abyss by the hand, as she and Abyss began to walk to a place that Rossweisse wants to go to. And as they did, Rossweisse smiled due to how familiar this is.

To clear up this confusion, Rossweisse used to be a member of Union Academy's staff, but is one of the less biased and more fair members, and she is not a part of Rias' peerage. She had been left behind by Odin, much to her dismay, but Abyss had been the one to comfort her, and thus, fell in love with him. When he disappeared, she was saddened that he was gone completely. But now that Abyss is back, she is so happy that she gets to see her lover again. Abyss back than may have been a few years younger than her, but Abyss didn't mind, as he cares a lot for her happiness. And now that he is much more older, now that he is 18, she is now much more confident to take him and love him. And no, not take him away from his girlfriends, for she is well aware how much they love him. She meant by having his love just as much as the others that are with Abyss' side since Union.

Of course, Rossweisse was sad for what happened to Abyss in Union, and would try to stop students and even punish them for this act, but recently back at Union, she is forced to follow a rule that prevented Abyss from being helped, and this made Rossweisse angry, but she cannot do anything about it. Luckily, Abyss does not blame her for what has happened, even admitting that he is grateful of what happened to the fact that she had helped him.

Than, both Abyss and Rossweisse went to see Grillby's, who is surprisingly inside of Kyoto. This stunned him, as Rossweisse spoke out.

"He contacted me and I was able to teleport his pub. He and his family are okay, so that is good."

This made Abyss sigh in relief, as an old friend of his is still alive. He than opened the door, as Rossweisse went in, Abyss saw his old friend, Grillby.

And he looks the same as he ever is, as Grillby looks and sees Rossweisse, who is in front of Abyss, as Grillby than spoke out.

"Oh, I see you have came back, Rossweisse."

Rossweisse nodded, as she than spoke out.

"I am. And I brought someone with me."

She stepped aside, and Grillby was surprised to see that Abyss is here, due to being missing for an entire year. This stunned Grillby, as he spoke out.

"Sans, you're here."

Abyss smiled, as he nodded his head, before he than spoke out.

"Heya, Grillby. It's nice to see you again."

Grillby than went by the counter, and he than crouched down to see that Abyss has grown taller. Abyss smiled, as he spoke out.

"I see you have survive this apocalypse we're inside of now."

Grillby nodded, as he puts a hand on Abyss's shoulder. Grillby acted as a father figure to Abyss. When his father has disappeared, he helped Abyss whenever he can, and luckily for Grillby, Abyss is a very good kid to be with and bond with. Grillby than spoke out.

"You must have been missing me a lot. Here, I have your favorite drink with you."

Abyss smiled, as he than spoke out.

"That would be nice."

Abyss than sat onto the stool, as Grillby gave Abyss his favorite drink, which is an ice cappuccino, and Abyss began to start going to town. He felt very happy to taste it once again. Rossweisse nodded, as she ordered her drink, and began to drink it with Abyss, as Rossweisse than spoke out.

" has been a very long time since we had done this sort of thing."

Abyss looked at Rossweisse and nodded his head, before he spoke out to her.

" really has."

Abyss than took a sip out of the cappuccino through the straw, as he remembers this feeling of its taste once again. And it really made him happy, as Grillby spoke out.

"I see you have not changed a bit."

Abyss smiled, as Sans spoke out.

"Never could change how I feel about my favorite drink. By the's...your family been doing?"

Grillby than spoke out.

"It''s going well. Fuku, she is still a little bit shaken and sad by all they had happened, but other than that, she is doing very well."

Abyss nodded, as he looks down his drink, as he took a sip, as Rossweisse looks at Abyss, blushing at the fact that he is doing okay about this. Of course, he already told her of what has happened, but Rossweisse does not care, as she than leans her head against Abyss, making him blush, but he deals with it. He sighed, as he continues to sip, with Grillby's smiling at how Abyss is having more and more people by his side. Seems like he will not be as alone as he thought that he will be.

After Abyss and Rossweisse are finished with their drinks, Abyss paid for the drinks, and walked away with Rossweisse, as Rossweisse spoke out.

"Abyss...I...I cannot describe how...sad it is...seeing you, especially since I had not been able to do anything about the situation you were once in."

Abyss than looks at Rossweisse and spoke out.

"Rossweisse, what happened is not your fault. You had nothing to do with this. The people at Union, that is their doing, and it is intentional. Besides, I was glad of all the times you had helped me."

Rossweisse smiled as she looked down at Abyss, and Abyss smiled, before all of a sudden...


A skull-splitting headache occurred, as Abyss grabbed onto the sides of his head and went onto his knees, as Rossweisse spoke out.

"Oh my, Sans, what is wrong?!"

Abyss than spoke out.

"I...I don't know. It's like something attacked my mind. Hang on a second..."

He closed his eyes, and concentrated, as he forced whatever it is that has attacked him to go away. He than stood up, as he than spoke out.

"Man, that was sudden. Don't know how that happened."

As Abyss said that, his phone began to ring, and he than picked up his phone, before he answered it.


Than, Alphys' voice spoke out to Abyss.

"Abyss, I need you to come back to the house now. We have a very important situation on our hands. And it is needed for your presence to be here."

This made Abyss worried, but he nodded and he spoke out.

"Okay, I'll be there as fast as I can."

Abyss clicked his phone, as Rossweisse spoke out.

"Abyss, where are you going?"

Abyss than spoke back.

"Alphys needs me for something important, and I think it is of very grave importance. I need to go and see what's up."

Rossweisse than spoke out.

"Abyss...I know you won't want me to come along...but I feel like I should. Besides, I had already lost you once before for an entire year. I'm not losing you again. So, allow me to come with you to wherever you are going to go to."

Abyss was about to argue, but he knows that Rossweisse will still come, regardless, as Abyss sighed.


He grabbed Rossweisse by the hand, and teleported to the house. When he teleported, he noticed that Yumi and her team are here, along with the 5 other girls, Ganyu, Ravel, Atla, Kunou, and Yue. This surprised him, as Alphys spoke out.

"Great! You are all here. Now we can get down to business."

Yumi than looks at Alphys with a worried expression present on her face.

"Alphys, what is wrong? It is urgent?"

Alphys nodded, as she than spoke out.

"Yes, I do. And it is about the after effect of what that, thing had done that caused our world to he like this."

This made the group concerned, as Alphys than spoke out.

"I had been researching the reason as to what happened to the world that we had once lived in, and I discovered that, while it had died, it did create something out of the CELLs. And this had been the reasons to DEAD CELLs became the way that it is."

This made Abyss surprised, as Alphys than typed away, and showed off a place that they have ever seen before, as well as an entity.

The entity resembles what appears to a brain, with cables on top of the brain itself, and what appears to be nerves dangling from the ceiling, as Alphys than spoke out.

"This entity, it is the reason behind the Dead Cells, as well as the reason that the more stronger ones attack you all, whenever you are able to accomplish something. We have taken out 2 of them, that being the Crystal Inmortuourum, the one that is a bird, and Morpho, which is the one that resembles a butterfly. But there are 5 other entities that are still alive, and they are ready to attack."

She showed off the 5 other Dead Cells, and while Abyss cannot clearly see them, he was that one of them looks like a monster from an ocean of sorts, and the other resembles a mirror, and the other resembles a cross between a goat and a human, with the Mutated Cores exposed.

This made Abyss shocked, as he cannot believe that he is hearing this, as Alphys spoke out.

"We need to take down this on they entity, the brain, the Cerebellum, so that it can be possible to save the remains of the world and get rid of the Dead Cells, but first, we need to take care of the stronger Dead Cells."

Abyss than looked at Alphys and spoke out.

"But who's going to each of them."

Alphys than spoke out.

"I already through of it. Ravel and Kunou, they can take on the Leviathan, which is the third one next to Morpho. Yue and Murakumo can take on Torhüter, Yozakura and Atla can take on Mors, Shiki and Minori can take on the Mirror of Vos, and Ganyu and Yumi can Prometheus. Once they are taken down, than we can switch to the Cerebellum."

Abyss than looked at the others, and even they do not seem so sure if they can do this, as Ravel than spoke out.

"Alphys, are you sure that it is the right thing to do for us to target them separately in just duos against them?"

Alphys sighed, as she spoke out.

"Honestly, no. I don't. But if we do it at the same time against one or the other, than it will take longer to stop the Cerebellum. And besides, the Cerebellum, it is growing stronger itself. So we cannot do it in groups."

Mathis makes Murakumo nervous, as she gripped her mask.

"Oh...oh no. I...I don't think we can do this."

But than, Minori spoke back to her.

"Don't worry, Murakumo. We can and will do this. We will be able to accomplish anything. We just need to believe in ourselves. And then, we will be able to win in the end. We will free our world from this painful thing we are in."

This made Murakumo surprised, as Yumi spoke out.

"She is right, we cannot give up, we need to do this, for everyone."

Murakumo looked down, before she than nodded, and she looked determined, as Alphys than spoke out.

"Than let's get steered. There is no time to waste."

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