Let's hope for the best

By Bibisbio

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... but prepare for the worst. When I was a kid, I thought that life was going to be like a Disney movie. The... More

Preamble, and warnings. You can skip it, but yeah, please... don't.
Chapter 1: I wanted the fairy tale
Chapter 2: A new life
Chapter 3: New entries
Chapter 4: Hate
Chapter 5: Numb
Chapter 6: Unexpected news
Chapter 7: Battles you can't win
Chapter 8: Plans
Chapter 9: Making friends
Chapter 10: Guilt
Chapter 11: Life happens, when you don't realise it does
Chapter 12: Stories
Chapter 13: I won't say it
Chapter 14: I won't say it no no
Chapter 15: Get off my case
Chapter 16: check the grin, you're in love!
Chapter 17: Family portrait
Chapter 18: Pain
Chapter 19: Everything
Chapter 20: Come, Josephine, my flying machine, going up she goes, up she goes..
Chapter 21: Funfair
Chapter 22: The gift of life
Chapter 23: Doctor Bi
Chapter 24: Yesterday was the time of our life
Chapter 25: Ikea madness
Chapter 26: Old wounds
Chapter 27: All work and no play (dedicated to Eva)
Chapter 28: A crack in the wall
Chapter 29: New beginnings
Chapter 30: There's news from Wuhan
Chapter 31: For better, for worse
Chapter 32: Closing the circle
Chapter 33: Moving forward
Chapter 34: Our team
Chapter 35: Hello darkness, my old friend
Chapter 36: Falling apart
Chapter 37: My horror movie
Chapter 38: Not like other guys
Chapter 39: Ghosts
Chapter 40: Count your blessings now
Chapter 41: Rock bottom
Chapter 42: Up
Chapter 43: Questions unanswered
Chapter 44: Rubbing my feet against the carpet
Chapter 45: Broken dreams
Chapter 47: Letting go
Chapter 48: A dreamer 'til the day I die

Chapter 46: Accomplishments

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By Bibisbio

I do have my own little accomplishment to be proud of, anyway.

Well, first of all, I'm alive- and all things considered, that's more than I had expected.


I still have a job, and thank God that I haven't given it up completely, for any man.

A job that I love, that I've worked so hard for.

That fills my life, and makes me proud.

A job that allows me to support myself, and to be free.

To have my own money, my own dignity, my own freedom.

I've learned, in my life, that financial independence, really is the base for freedom.

That is to you, if you are a girl, reading this: always consider that.


And I took up running: I run, almost every day.

I found parks where I like to go.

I'm happy, just that I can see the beautiful colours of the sunset, of the leaves, turning to gold and orange shades for fall.


It's not like I'm never sad, because I am: I'm just not the same person that I was, many years ago.

I've seen too many broken lives, of people around me. Too many deaths.

And I've gotten through too much. I've learned so much.

I'm not the same scared little girl that I was, 13 years ago.

I found out that even through the pain, I have the desire to live.

I found out that I have, indeed, grown-up.



And in my country, you should know that people cannot adopt, nor access sperm donation, if they are single, or homosexual.

It's crazy but... that's it. Either you are married/in a committed (heterosexual) relationship, or you're nothing.

One day, I heard a debate on the topic.

Someone said that he was sorry that the adoption system was so flawed, because there were "so many people willing to love a child".

And that is absolutely true.

But one of the social workers involved, also said, that there were so many people willing to love a Caucasian, blond, healthy, and adoptable baby.

Not so much, instead, ready to take on other cases: older children. Minorities. Children with difficulties.

He wanted to spread awareness about those kids, also.

The kids that no one wants.

And through my job, I had the chance to talk to many foster kids.

I remember a boy, who told me once, that he still remembered when he was brought into his new room, for the first time. In in foster parents' house.

There were toys, and his name hanging on the wall in big, colourful letters.

He couldn't believe it was all for him: he was almost afraid of touching things, at first.

And then, I started thinking: If I'll have the opportunity, one day.

I'd love to do foster care.

Whether I'll be single, or with someone else.

If I'll have the opportunity to offer a glimpse of peace, a glimpse of love. To a child that has seen only hardship in his/her life, before.

Maybe a teen-ager. Someone that hasn't got anyone else.

Someone that "no one wants".

And maybe, who think that he/she's useless. Broken.

Maybe that's a thing I would really, really like to do.


And I have been having less nightmares, in the last few months.

I used to have a recurrent one:

I wake up, and I hear a ticking noise.

Like, someone tapping on a keyboard.

I walk to the study.

The light is turned on.

I open the door... and Theo's there.

In his favourite Naruto T-shirt.

And Theo, what are you... what are you doing here??

He raises his eyes-brow, like, what the hell do you mean?

And shut up, Bi. You'll wake him up!

Wake who?

And I turn, and there is a cot behind me.

I feel my heart clench. I try to reach it, but then, I can never see him.

I wake up.

I dreamt of it constantly.

I hated it.


Lately, instead, I was having less and less nightmares.

And finally, one year and a half after our breakup, I found the will to tackle the study- the room that was to become our nursery room.

When I opened the door, the room was dark. Cold- I hadn't even turned the heating on, during the previous year.

It was empty.

Just Theo's empty desk, and cobwebs on the ceiling.

And the ghosts, they were sitting there. Staring at me.

Finally, they said.

We have been waiting for you.


Eventually, I moved my whole wardrobe to the study.

I created a big, nice laundry room/walk in closet.

You couldn't believe how pretty the room looks, now!

Maybe we should have arranged it that way, from the very beginning.

But you know: you live, you learn...


And the ghosts are still there: they have not moved out.

They hide inside of a little closet where I store a box, full of memories, that I hadn't brought myself to throw away, not yet. My "Good morning, princess" mug. And letters, and pictures...

But they're hidden, and the ghosts with them.

And I hear them scratching, sometimes: they scratch the inside of the wooden door of the closet, where I've locked them.

When I'm there, getting dressed. Trying on a new pair of heels.

I know, they're calling me. They want me to go to them- but I ignore them.

And eventually, they stop.

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