Mend My Heart

By deetronite

314K 24.5K 2.4K

One mistake at work lands Maya Knight paying off a debt in the hands of a troubled, wealthy, and undeniably a... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Bonus Chapter
Bonus Chapter 2
New Book Alert.

Chapter 1

25.1K 993 143
By deetronite

I always thought that being a waitress was cool during my teenage years. Now that I’m actually one, I wish I could go back in time and slap the crap out of my younger self and force my dumb ass to stay in college; even if it meant I’d be miserable as hell.

Now that I look back on it, dropping out of university has to be the dumbest decision I have ever made, and I once dyed my hair neon orange due to a bet I’d lost in sophomore year of high school. Maybe I should have just become a doctor or lawyer like my parents wanted then maybe I wouldn’t be struggling to make ends meet with this dead ass job I have.

About three years ago, I got kicked out of my parents’ mansion, because let’s face it that house is massive, and I’ve been on a roller coaster of problems ever since. Now, my GPA wasn’t too bad but I never realised that being a college drop out would look bad on my resume. Hell, I couldn’t even land a job as some hot billionaire’s assistant much to my never-ending chagrin. Thanks, Wattpad for making believe in such utter nonsense!

The worst part about waitressing is that I was doing it at some fancy schamncy restaurant which is frequented by the rich, powerful and famous. And you’d think that they’d at least have the decency to leave decent tips, as if! Most of the dishes here at Ooh La Food cost more than my monthly salary. For an establishment with such a horrible name, those rich and arrogant fools really did love coming here. I think it has a lot to do with the amazing chefs in the back, or the fact that the waiters and waitresses alike are not bad looking; I really can’t tell at this point.

Balancing two trays of gourmet food in my hands, I used my backside to push out of the kitchen and out into the beginning moments of today’s lunch rush. And it was so freaking packed today, I could barely make out one table from the other. On my way out, one of the waiter’s called Troy was by a table serving two gorgeous women, no doubt models and by the looks of it, they were eating up whatever flirty garbage he was feeding them. When I passed by that table, he shot me a subtle wink and turned his attention to the two desperate ladies. I really don’t blame them; Troy is rather captivating with his light brown skin, green eyes and his tall and muscular physique. At some point I’d fawned over his killer looks for almost an hour…until I found out he was just another pretty faced Casanova.

Sighing audibly, I made it to table 13 where an aristocratic and snobbish elderly couple were waiting impatiently for their grub. Setting down their $300 dollar dishes down, I sent them a forced smile. “Enjoy your meal and do not hesitate to stop one of the servers should you need anything else,” I droned monotonously at them, and the woman with salt and pepper hair waved me off rudely.

“That will be all,” she sniffed haughtily and began to dig in. I mentally strangled her pruned neck and started making my way back to the kitchen when a couple walked in. Well, they weren’t just any couple… they were the couple. The one and only couple that had become notoriously popular for being in this joint and causing a commotion every other week or month.

The woman was Yolanda Heinz; a 5-foot whatever model with flawless caramel skin, grey piercing orbs, long wavy mocha locks, high cheek bones, a royal nose, full lips and legs that go on forever. Today, her hair was up in a high pony tail and her body was wrapped in a cobalt midi off the shoulder dress paired with black strappy heels. One arm had a Hermes bag dangling from it and the other was secured possessively around her on again off again boyfriend; the formidable Theodore Duke.

In all my years of existence, I have never set my eyes on whatever species Theodore Duke was. I mean, the guy looked like he walked out of a freaking painting.  He stood tall, probably at six foot three, with jet black hair perfectly patterning his head that sat on broad shoulders, well maintained eye brows, a pair of dark grey orbs (just like his girlfriend), and a jaw so sharp it would put most machetes to shame. His frame was built and strong; no doubt he was into some sport or something. Overall, he was masculinity personified. And that tailored three piece suit he was rocking definitely did his physique too much justice.

His cool and calculative eyes scanned the premise until they landed on an empty table towards the large window giving a view of the beach and he strode towards it, his lady companion in tow and happily talking his ear off. She was all smiles but his face was impassive; like a granite block. That man, albeit insanely attractive, gave me the heebie jeebies. I decided there and then that I would not be the one to serve them today.

Keeping my head low, I was almost to the kitchen doors when lo and behold, Lexi scurried over to me with a panicked look in her eyes. Oh, I forgot to mention that the last time those two were here, Yolanda freaked out over having three instead of four ice cubes in her Shirley Temple and almost got Lexi fired. Heck, it took a lot of convincing and sweet talk to get her to calm down and in the end, they got to eat on the house for almost a month.

“Did you see who just walked in?” she hurriedly spoke, and took shield behind me. “And Mr Morris told me to go and serve them! Hell no! I’m not doing that ever again!” she whisper-yelled dramatically and I rolled my eyes.

“Quit being such a baby and do your job. I bet they don’t even remember who you are,” I reasoned and moved to walk past her but she held me in place by my shoulder. Flashing me her big doe brown eyes, she pouted.

“Please can you take this one for me?” she pleaded and I vehemently shook my head. I was not going out there to the slaughter. I am the only one here who has never crossed paths with them and I’m not about to start now. She squeezed my shoulder, causing me to wince.

“Please Maya; I’ll do anything you want!” she said with a lip quiver. Anything you say?

I tapped my chin in contemplation. “Fine! You’ll be mopping and closing up this place on my behalf for a month!” I said and she nodded her head, totally relieved. Peeling her hands off me, I exhaled and made my way towards the two tigers. As I approached their table, I grew more and more apprehensive. Did these two know that they intimidated almost everyone around them?

“Good afternoon, my name is Maya and I’ll be serving you today. What would you like to have?” I said politely with my signature fake grin, notepad in hand.

Yolanda bit her lip as she scanned the menu. “Theo babe, have you decided? I can’t think of anything that sounds good at the moment. Order for me?” she purred at him seductively, and began to stroke his forearm.

Theodore simply shut the menu and focused his penetrating grey eyes at me. It was the first time that he had ever looked at me and damn, his gaze was mesmerising. His eyes were hypnotic but they held a certain emotion… dare I say sorrow? “We will have the chef’s special,” he pronounced in his deep velvety voice, laced with his thick British accent. I forgot to mention that he was from the United Kingdom. Ah, British guys…

I jotted down their order. “Okay, any drinks to go with that?” I asked yet again. He was still looking at me with those gorgeous eyes and Yolanda wasn’t liking it. She cleared her throat and threw a glare my way. Woah, what did I do?

“Water will be great. Off you go peasant,” she snarled nastily and waved her hand off at me. What is it with rich people and waving people off? I must have teleported to the 1800s or something because this was so old fashioned and not to mention highly moronic. Picking up the menus, I left the table with a scowl. I could feel Theodore’s gaze on my back and it was making me uncomfortable. What was up with this guy?

It took about twenty minutes for the food to be prepared, of which I spent that time serving other people and taking checks to them. Some tipped me handsomely for like the first time ever. I decided that it wasn’t such a bad day at all. But alas, I had decided that too soon. On my way out of the kitchen with the two grey eyed weirdos’ food, I was trying my best to balance the two trays because the chefs special had quite a lot of dishes. Just as I neared the table, somebody came out of nowhere and barrelled into my side, which made me topple over and fall frontwards. The dishes in my hands sailed through the air and landed with a loud clutter. I landed on my knees and hands, and hissed in pain due to the sudden impact. When I looked to the side, I noticed that the imbecile who had caused my fall was none other than Troy. That little son of a… many scenarios of me murdering his ass flew through my mind. When I looked up, my face morphed into one of horror.

All the food and water had landed on…Yolanda and Theodore!

Oh damn…I am so fired!


So, as promised, I'm back! I'm happy to be starting another journey with you guys 🤗.

What do you think of this story so far? Are you hooked by the first chapter?

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You can follow me both here and my Instagram account. My username on IG is @draitolmisrove

Can't wait to see where this story goes. Keep tuned.

~Deetronite ♥️

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