Years we Lost

By anonymouswriting17

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Elena and Kol were together 10 years ago. They broke up because her friends and family hated him and she hate... More

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By anonymouswriting17

"Mom Dad."

Elena opened the door, and the two headed back into the room.  After that talk, she needed to get her head somewhere else. She could feel her eyes watering she had thought that her daughter wasn't coming back, so she was happy to see that she was ok. And happier that she was awake. She went over to her, moving the hair from her face. She hated how pale her daughter was, but hearing the strong heartbeat reassured her that she was ok. "Hey, you ok?"

"Fine mom." Now that she was awake, she just wished that her body would heal so that it wouldn't hurt anymore.

She knew how her daughter was she liked things done a certain way she was always ok nothing could go wrong but she wasn't letting her get away with this when she could have put herself in real danger. "Aubree don't -"

Aubree knew that she had worried her mom and she didn't want to do that, but she wanted to do anything and everything she could to get her parents back together. "Mom, you don't have to worry about me. i promise you that i am fine."

"Aubree, what did you do?" She wanted to know why she would do that. She wished that she would have done something else or actually sat down and had a conversation with them. 

"It was an accident." She hadn't meant for it to go that far. She knew that she had scared both 

"Don't try to lie to me. You have been out for days." She knew that her daughter had wanted to go along with her plan and that she had been willing to risk everything. But Elena was not ok with what her daughter had done. "You almost died."

"It was an accident, mom. I didn't mean to." She thought she would have been able to get over the reaction quicker, and that had not been the case. She didn't mean to end up in the hospital. 

"Don't do that again, you know better, Aubree." She had taught her daughter better than that. That risking your life didn't get you anywhere. "You almost didn't make it, baby."

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to scare y'all." She hadn't wanted to scare her parents she knew that it would take something drastic to get rid of Davina, and she did what she had to do.

"You owe her an apology." She didn't care if they were together broken up or taking a breath. Aubree had used Davina for her own purposes, and she was not going to let her get with that. 

 "That's not fair." She hated Davina and was sure that she deserved everything that she had got. Or would get at least.

Elena wasn't giving her a choice. No matter how Aubree felt about Davina, she didn't deserve that. She didn't deserve to think she was getting along with someone just to find out that it was all a ploy. "You used her Aubree. You better apologize i don't care if they are still together or not. You apologize."

"Yes, mom." She knew that her mom wasn't changing her mind, and she was happy to get to wake up and see her scared that she had ruined everything with what she had said.

Kol went and stood on the other side of her he knew that the two had needed their moment. He was happy to see her awake and ok. "You ok?"

"My body hurts." She figured that it would be that way for a while like they said she had been out for days. And she knew that her healing had slowed because of the reaction fighting against it.

He couldn't be mad at her, not after seeing passed out on the floor he was madder at himself for not being down there with her and not paying attention to what was going on. "If you know that you're not supposed to have it, why would you do that?"

"I wanted to get you two back together." She had just wanted her family to be whole, and yeah, she was willing to make a lot of bad decisions to get there, but she was going to make sure it was done

"That wasn't the way to do it." Kol wished that she had gone a way that wouldn't have gotten her hurt. He hated seeing Elena like that, and he hated the thought that his daughter might not come back to him.

Elena knew that Aubree was also going to have to talk to her brother she knew that he wasn't doing too well about this either. He had been afraid that he was losing his twin. "You owe Henrick an apology to he's freaking out," 

"I didn't mean to." She knew that no one was going to like the steps that she had taken to make sure that her parents got back together. 

"We know Aubree." They knew that she hadn't meant to freak them out that she hadn't thought it was going to go that far.

Kol knew that it wasn't what she had meant to do. But she knew that Aubree doing what she did hadn't only scared him and Elena but her entire family.  "But everyone is worried about you none of us knew if you would make it and trust us when we say being a vampire isn't all that fun." Kol knew that there were times when he would literally pick anything over being  a vampire.

"It took your dad 1000 years to get the control that he has." Elena didn't  want Aubree to have to deal with the same  thing trying to struggle to learn control being stuck at 9 forever.

She hadn't thought of what could happen to her she had one sole focused trying to get her parents back together. "I didn't think of that."

Kol knew that Aubree was still young they couldn't really fight her for everything she did yet. Thats why they wanted to teach her there was a way to go about things that wouldn't end in someone being hurt. "I bet."

Elena knew that even though it wasn't bad for her control wise, she was young, and she  wished that she had more time before being turned.  "Trust us, you do not want to turn yet, not this young."

"I will on that." She knew that both her mother and father were making good points on this.

Kol looked up at Elena he knew that he should probably let Henrick know that his sister was ok. Let them know that she had made it through ok."I'm going to call and check on him." He also knew that Aubree and Elena needed to talk a lot had been going on, and a lot of damage had occurred.

Elena nodded she was happy that he was here with her she wasn't sure she would have been able to do this all herself. "Ok."

Kol walked out, leaving Elena and Aubree she looked up at her mom. She was sorry about the way that she had gone about things.  "I am sorry about what i said, mom."

"I know, baby, but it hurt hearing it." She had hated hearing her daughter say that she hated her and didn't want to be with her anymore.

Aubree had wanted her family to finally be a family she wanted her parents to be together and for them all to be happy.  "I just wanted the two of you to get back together so that we could all finally be a family."

"Baby, me and your dad have been done for 10 years." She loved him she did, and maybe when she figured out what she was going to do with Justin, she would be more than happy to get with him if they could work things out.

"But you still love each other and don't try and say that you don't." She had watched her parents enough to know that they did, and she didn't want them lying telling her that the love was lost.

"Baby, it's complicated me and your dad have a long history, and we are both with different people." Maybe they both weren't  dating other people at the moment, but she still wanted to make sure that her kids were safe first.

"I don't care." She didn't care if they were seeing other people they were  happier together, and they should  be there concern.

"I think both of us need to have a serious talk with both you and your brother." Doubted that was going to happen she was planning on getting over this as soon as possible so that she could try the possibility of them being a family.

"Ok." As much as she didn't want to hear that she had tried and it hadn't worked out for the best. But she was still holding out hope that they would get back together. "But i really am sorry, mom."

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