The Tale of a Beautiful Trage...

By and-the-children-too

1.1M 41.2K 92.1K

As a Jedi padawan, gaining a Master is like a dream come true. It's one step closer to reaching knighthood, a... More

A Beautiful Tragedy
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One β€’
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One β€’
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three β€’

Chapter Forty-Six

14.3K 508 843
By and-the-children-too

Feel free to imagine Luke and Leia however you want(: if you like the idea of Carrie Fischer and Mark Hamill then by all means, picture them! But since we are all so different in appearances you can have your own images of what they look like in your head if that makes you more comfortable!

2.1k words

Hide and Seek

Luke's POV
"Put your weapon down little sister. There's no need for this." I spoke cautiously while keeping my hand on the handle of mine since I had the utmost confidence she wouldn't listen to me — as usual.

She chuckled while spinning her blade in front of her face, occasionally highlighting her features in the deadly light, "Little? We're the same age if my memory is correct."

I shrugged, "I was born first." She rolled her eyes in response and I took one more step closer to her, "So please, put it down and let's have a calm and civilized cha—" Of course, she lunged at me and swiped her weapon near my chest.

I groaned in annoyance as I jumped back to create distance while also igniting my green blade. But as soon as mine was lit, hers went out and I could no longer see her through the thick fog, 'I'm on your left,' Her voice echoed in my mind and I shot my gaze left, seeing nothing, 'Or am I on your right?' She teased, I then looked to my right.

I smiled, she really thinks she can surprise me. I am the one who taught her this little trick when we were seven years old, "Neither," I said out loud, knowing where she really was. I spun around just as she lit up her weapon and brought it in my direction, but I blocked her attack and the two blades seared together between us.

Sparks of green and red were flying as we began our little battle. But every attack she went for, I blocked, and every attack I went for, she blocked - we were nearly equals, "You never told me where you were." She said with a wicked smile, clearly enjoying trying to cut my other hand off. As if the one she took wasn't enough, I bet she has it as a trophy somewhere — she's definitely twisted enough for that.

I glared into her yellow eyes with a stabbing pain in my gut. It hurts me to see the path she has gone down, but what life does she really know other than this one? He took her away with him when we were only nine, and he would have taken me too, but I was always the one better at hide and seek. It is still one of the most haunting days of my life and I only really blame myself... our guardians told us to stay near where they could see us, but I convinced Leia to have a rebellious adventure.

"Where is Master Yoda?" I asked, ignoring her question as I used the force to throw her back against a tree.

She groaned in pain, but composed herself quickly, "As much as I would like to say I killed that little green shit," She stood up after having fallen to the floor, "He was already long gone by the time I got here." She cracked her neck and rolled her shoulders back before advancing towards me again.

I sighed with relief knowing he was alive somewhere, before once again putting up my defenses as we moved around the foggy swamp in a battle that wasn't taking even half of our energy, almost like we weren't actually trying, "What is even the point of this Leia?" I asked in annoyance after moving my head to the side to avoid her weapons blade, "We both know you won't kill me." Just like I will never kill her, no matter how tempting it may be sometimes. I do love my sister, I always will.

And not only that, but I refuse to dishonor my mother that way. Her heart would break if she saw us now. The two children she died protecting at each other's throats. Knowing the kind of person she is now, this alone would be enough to kill her if she wasn't already gone.

"Are you sure about that?" Leia challenged me with a smile that reminded me of... it goes without saying. She became more aggressive with her attacks and I suddenly regretted my comment. Now this is something she adopted from our mother — if you tell her she can't or won't do something, she'll do it.

After a few more minutes of this, I was tired, not just physically, but emotionally. So I decided to quit humoring her and end it. I was always better at combat because she used her unpredictable rage, while I was careful and calculated.

"Enough!" I shouted, causing her to fly backwards just as she was going in for another swing. She landed on her back in the mud with a groan and slowly sat up on her elbows to glare at me, "If you must know," I walked towards her, sheathing my weapon to show I was not a threat, "I was out trying to learn more about our mother." I somewhat lied, but I can't exactly tell her where I really was.

The second I mentioned our mother, her expression of anger dropped, "She's dead, what more is there to learn." She snapped to appear as her usual tough-self, but I know that the mention of our mother hurts her. We have a connection stronger than any other two beings in the galaxy, it comes with sharing a womb, so I can feel her pain even across time, let alone with her standing right in front of me.

"A lot," I held my hand out to her to help her stand. But she didn't accept it, and instead stood up on her own while backing away from me, "I didn't come here to fight Leia, in fact, I was hoping I'd find you," I said, causing her eyes to snap up as she wiped the mud off of her heavy-looking black clothing that resembled armor.

"Why?" She asked, eyeing me up and down suspiciously.

I was hoping to talk to Master Yoda, but with him not around, there's only one other person alive who knows what really happened the day my mom died. And as much as I don't think I can trust him, I didn't have much of a choice anymore.

"I need you to tell our father that I'm ready to listen now."

Leia didn't trust me, and she had every reason not to. Given the chance, I'd murder the man who calls himself our father — I would do it in a heart beat. My entire family, all the people I grew up with, the ones who gave me love when I needed it, were all gone because of him.

That is a grudge that I will never not hold.

So she was smart to put force resistant cuffs on me prior to me getting in her ship. She undoubtedly loves him, but I don't see it as real love, I see it as a false love that was grown out of lies, conditioning, and manipulation.

I sat in the co-pilot seat next to her with my eyes locked on the dark space ahead, thinking about these past few months and where I've been and what I've learned. I couldn't let him know where exactly I've been either so I needed to be careful with my thoughts when I'm around him. I can only imagine the chaos he would cause if he went where I've been in search of her.

"You know, Luke," Leia broke the silence that lingered within the cockpit, the silence I was actually enjoying, "If he decides to rip your heart out, I won't be standing in his way."

"He won't," I said with complete confidence.

Leia scoffed as she turned her head to glare at me, "And you know that how?"

Before, I was confused on what he would or wouldn't do regarding us, his children, but my time away has taught me something, "He holds onto the idea that even in death, our mother still loves him," Which may be true. They're already in love in the time I was in, and it's strong, strong enough for me to sense it. They just don't know it yet, "So he wouldn't jeopardize that or dishonor her by killing one of the only two people she loved more than him."

Leia fell silent and I knew it was because she knew I was right. She looked away and back out towards the space and stared ahead of us, "Almost there." She mumbled quietly after a few minutes of silence.

"Hyperspace would have been a lot quick-"

"Shut up." She snapped with an eye roll before leaning back in her seat and placing her boots on the console, "I like to look at the stars." She added under her breath.

"I do too," I agreed. She side-eyed me for a moment but didn't say anything, "Are we going to that hell of a place?" I asked after realizing the direction we were going in was not Mustafar.

Leia nodded, "It's where we live, so obviously yes."

I furrowed my brows, "What about Mustafar?"

She shrugged, "We moved, now stop asking questions, your voice irritates me."

"Our mothers tomb?" I asked, ignoring her insult.

"He moved it." She answered through gritted teeth.

"What why? And to where—" I choked when I felt my windpipe beginning to close and I brought my cuffed hands up to my neck as I fought for oxygen.

"I don't know, he keeps it a secret now because someone tried to take her," She snapped before releasing her force hold and I coughed and gasped as I leaned forward against the dash, "Now for the love of the force, shut the hell up."

How can she expect me not to continue asking questions after revealing to me that someone attempted to steal our mothers remains?

"We're here," She mumbled when the death star came into view and brought her feet down from the console. She pressed a few buttons and soon descended towards it after a hatch opened for her to enter through.

My chest tightened painfully the closer we got, knowing this place was used to destroy Alderaan, the exact place Uncle Ben, Aunt Padme, Ahsoka, Cal, and their daughter were hiding. It is unknown to me if Vader knew they were on that planet or not, but it doesn't matter, he still killed them and billions of others.

Leia landed her ship inside of the hangar and turned it off before standing up, "Let's go," She aggressively grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet and down the ramp that hadn't finished lowering fully — which resulted in her tossing me off of it. I landed on the side of my face with a groan of pain, but I was already back to my feet in a matter of seconds by three troopers who stood me up.

I sighed heavily when my eyes landed on the dark figure in front of me who had no doubt been waiting here since Leia made the call that she had me before we even left Dagobah, "Father, I'd say it was lovely to see you, but that would be a lie."

Vader stood there in his armor, hiding everything that made him human, "You sound like your Mother," He said in that robotic voice that made me sick to my stomach.

"Well I thought we had established that I'm more her than you," I shrugged the troopers off of me, "You know, since I haven't murdered billions of people and I'm actually good-looking." I smiled following my insult.

I didn't need to see his eyes to know he had heavily rolled them, "Bring him." He turned around and walked down out of the hangar through a door that automatically opened when he was close enough.

The troopers that helped me up to my feet grabbed ahold of me again, but I shrugged them off of me with a murderous glare, "I can walk on my own, I have legs."

"Then hurry up and walk," Leia shoved me forward and I almost fell again. But I kept myself standing and followed behind Vader, preparing myself to finally get my answers.

Sorry for the wait ❤️

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