Years we Lost

By anonymouswriting17

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Elena and Kol were together 10 years ago. They broke up because her friends and family hated him and she hate... More

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By anonymouswriting17

Again i apologize ahead of time
She had gotten close to Davina she decided that it was time to speed up her plan go with the original plan to get rid of Davina and she was doing it now. So when her father told her he had something that he had to do and going upstairs to his room to make silent phone calls. She hoped that he knew that he wasn't very slick she decided to ask Davina if she could help her make something that was going to cause a lot of panic but she had to do this. And knowing that her parents didn't really want to talk to her she decided that she needed to get them intot he same place and no one was going to be happy with how she was about to do that.
Kol closed the door of his room calling Elena everytime he had attempted to call her she had never answered or if she did she would give short replys and quickly try to end the conversation.

"What do you want Kol?" She didn't really want to talk to him. She had just gotten home from a date and despite the fact that she hadn't really wanted to go on it she could say that it wasn't to bad.

He was happy that she had actually had picked up he wanted to talk to her and make sure that she was ok. "I didn't think you would answer."

"Figured that you would just keep calling until i did." She knew him he was going to call and call and eventually make a house visit and she didn't need him doing that answering him now would just make it so much easier on her.

She was right about that Kolw as goivng to make sure that he got to talk to her no matter whatelse she had to do to talk to her. "You're ignoring me."

Maybe Elena could have choosen a better option then ignoring him but she didn't want to see him. He flirted her for weeks after arguing with her and then suddenly Aubree didn't want to be with her anymore. It was just to much at once. "Yeah i was because i don't want to talk to you."

"Elena i'm trying here." He would do anything to get her to forgive him to get her to understand that he was trying.

"You turned my daughter against me." She didn't know if they could recover from that.

"I didn't say anything to her i was trying to get her to forgive you i tried talking to her she wouldn't budge." Kol remembere dhow he was when he put his mind to something and said that no matter what anyone said he was going to get this done it was getting done no matter who got hurt or lied to. "I don't know what made her decide that she didn't want to be with you anymore i would never do that to you Elena. I would never take her from you. I was trying to gain your trust again so that there was a chance we could get back together. "

"It feels like you did. It feels like some how she changed her mind after i asked you to talk to her" Maybe he didn't but she wanted to know what happened to suddenly change how Aubree felt about her. "She was a liar and a good one but she never left my side she always was near me. No matter how much she acted like you she never wanted to be away from me."

"No matter what happens between us i just need to know that you're ok." He knew that she had been through a lot and she would take care of everyone else before herself.

"I'm ok." She was doing better now she trusted that he was going to get Aubree to forgive her and she would just have to give them time no matter how much she didn't want to.

He loved her more than he ever loved anyone he was going to figure out what was going on with Aubree and fix everything. "We have Eternity Elena i'm going to figure out a way to get you back." He hung up not giving her a chance to reply sitting on his bed running his fingers through his hair.
Aubree started to coughing as she fell to the floor. She knew that her mother and father were probably going to kill her for doing this and endangering herself like this. "DAD!"

"Aubree!" Davina tried  to help her but Aubree just pushed her back. She didn't understand what was going on. Her skinn started to swell up and she started panting,


Kol flashed downstairs seeing Aubree coughing on the floor she was starting to bottom out. He rushed to her he remembered that Elena had said that the reactions could get bad. He had done his best to prevent them. "Aubree!" She was starting to lose conciousness. He had purpously talked to Davina when he had learned what she could and couldn't be around so that this could be prevented."What happened?"


Kol looked at Davina he should have payed more attention to what they were doing. "What did you do?"

"She said that she wanted it so i made it for her." They had been bonding obviously Kol couldn't cook and she hadn't been near her mom and she didn't think that this would happen.


Kol was standing in the waiiting room when the doctor came out. "Parents of Aubree Mikaelson."


The doctor walked over to him he always hated to give this type of information to parents. "She's out for right now her body is fighting everything we give her." He wasn't so sure why but he was hiping to help.

"I was afraid of that." He knew that Elena had said that her being alergic to that wasn't nothing to play with.

"They are trying to stabalize her right now."



"Why do you sound like that? We literally on the phone two hours ago what do you want now i told you that i'm fine." She was ok she was doing better she hadn't wanted to talk to him especially after he said he was going to figure out a way to get her back no matter how much she liked hearing it she needed to focus on the plan at hand. "And you need to stop saying stuff like that it's not healthy and i have moved on."

He didn't want to be the one to tell her this but he knew that she had to learn from him. And that this was not something that he could hide from her. After a moment of realization he had started to piece together what his daughter had been doing the entire time. "Aubree's in the hospital."

She dropped the cup that she was holding she needed to make sure that she heard that correctly that her daughter was actually in the hospital and that this wasn't some joke. She knew there was only one reason for her to be in the hospital. "Excuse me."

"She's not reacting good." He wished there was something that he could do but he knew that vampire blood didn't heal everything.

"The vampire in her is fighting against the medicine that is supposed to stabilize her that is what the pen was for." She had been there before with her daughter and she had almost lost her she could not bare to lose her baby. Even if they were mad at each other even if they were not talking to each other she always cared about waht her baby was going through. She always wanted to make sure that her baby was ok. "Right after the reaction starts if someone does not stick her, she's out. She could die. Send me the Address i'm on my way."


Elena walked into the hospital seeing Kol pacing. She walked over to him she wanted to know exactly what had happened and how Aubree had even gotten near it. She was on the verge of tears and she was trying to hold it all together before she broke down in tears. "What happened?"

He guessed that it was probably better to start with the fact that everything over the last month and a half was just part of a plan of hers. "She was never mad at you Elena." He was sure of that she had just done it because she wanted to see her mom happy.

"Yes she was." She knew her daughter and she knew that she was a good liar but she didn't believe that she was that good. And she didn't get why her daughter would even do that.

Kol remembered when the custody agreement had first started and Elena specifically said that Aubree would try to get rid of Davina well she did it she successfully made sure that they wouldn't stay together. He couldn't stay with her after she couldn't even listen to what he had to say. "No she wasn't you said that she was going to find a way to get me and Davina to break up well did just that."

Elena knew that she would but she also knew that her daughter couldn't just say that and feel nothing. "Then why would she say that?"

He knew that Davina had made it clear that she didn't trust either Aubree or Henrick. Knowing his daughter was like him getting close to her. "I don't know maybe because Davina did not trust neither of them."

"So what are you saying?" She didn't get what he was trying to say Aubree had done it to break up him and Davina she didn't get how that tied to what had happened and how Aubree had landed in the hospital.

Kol knew that this was going to make Elena more upset than she already was. And that he should have payed more attention to what had been going on. "Davina made it and she told me Aubree told her to."

She chuckled a bit she knew that her daughter was just like him she should have expected that her daughter would pull something like that. "She needed to get close to her mini version of you."

"This is not funny." Kol knew that Elena was just trying to make herself feel better but it wasn't helping Aubree got things from her parents that they probably both wished that she didn't. "And last i checked you were the one that put yourself in life or death situations."

"We are not doing this right now." She didn't want to have this argument right now she just wanted to make sure that her daughter was ok. "I gave you that pen for a reason."

"I know that and i know that i messed up." He had been a little stressed with everything he always felt like he never got the chance to be happy and here he was fighting for that chance. He knew that his daughter was up to something and that one time when he wasn't paying attention he she had almost killed her self. "They've been trying to stabalize her for an hour and it isn't working."

"I bet." She knew that her daughter was going to have a time stabalizing because her vampire side was fighting against whatever the doctors were trying to give her she hoped that it worked and that either way she would heal.

He knew that she had ever right to be mad at her but they needed to focus on something else like her getting better believing that she was going to make it through this. "Elena now is not the time for this."

She could feel the tears rolling down her face she knew that her daughter did this for her and that made it all the more worse. "Time she might not make it she did this for us she wanted us to get back together." She knew that her kids wanted them to get back together she wasn't stupid. No matter what they said Aubree always made it clear that she couldn't date and that she would do anything to get them back together and she had been doing just that. "Cami told me about when Henrick went off on her she did this as a last resort to get us back together." She wished that she could have done that for her daughter but she couldn't knowing that if she didn't do this her daughter was at risk of getting hurt.

He wrapped his arms around her letting her cry into him. He didn't want to see her sad he knew that they were all going through a hard time and them arguing with each other and blaming each other wasn't going to help anything. "Hey hey everything's going to be fine,"

"I can't lose her Kol I can't lose my little girl." She had been through so much with Aubree she couldn't lose her now. And even if she came back through as a vampire that was no life for a child. Everything would change for her and she wouldn't know what to do.

"You won't she's going to make it through." He knew that she was going to be fine she was going to make it she was just like the two of them nothing was going to keep her down for long. "She's going to be fine."

"We don't know that." If she didn't make it there was a chance that she would turn and that wasn't a life for anyone. She prayed that her daughter would be ok. "Vampire life is not for everyone especially this early we got turned when we were almost adults and we still were having a hard time figuring everything out."

"She's not going to die she's not going to turn she'll make it through this."

Triple update i'll try and have another one tomorrow

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