Years we Lost

By anonymouswriting17

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Elena and Kol were together 10 years ago. They broke up because her friends and family hated him and she hate... More

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By anonymouswriting17

Cami was sitting on Elena's house she was watching Henrik who had pushed his mother to go out and have fun and to try to get her mind off of Aubree.

Henrick hadn't talked to his sister since that day at the compound he hated seeing his mom liked that and hoped that Aubree would just forgive her or be nice to her.  "Cami."

She looked over to him she knew that everything had been tense since Aubree decided that she wanted to live with Kol. She was trying to help as much as she could but it was clear that her cousin wasn't really interested in being bothered. "Hmm."

"Can you take me to my dad's?" He wanted to give Aubree one last chance he didn't understand why his sister was doing this and was willing to give him one last chance and if it didn't work. Then he didn't want to see or talk to his sister again.

"Sure." She didn't know how this was going to go she knew that Henrick was never really over there with Kol and she knew that the twins weren't on the best terms at all.
They arrived at Kol's house he looked back at his cousin knowing that this was something that he needed to do. "I'll just be a minute."

"Ok take your time." She hoped that this was him forgiving his sister but she didn't see that happening anytime soon.

Henrick went up the door knocking on it a few times. Soon Kol came and opened it. He seen Cami and figured that they hadn't let Elena know that they were about to do this. "Does your mom know you're here?"

"No," He wasn't going to lie and he wasn't going to tell his mom that he had done this either.

Kol didn't wsee that as being the best idea since Elena was already mad at him for Aubree not wanting to see her and he did not need her accusing her of trying to take both of them from her. "She already wants to kill me."

"I want to talk to Aubree." He was giving her a chance whatever happened here would determine what happened in the near future. And he hoped that it turned out ok.

Kol didn't see this going well either way it went both children had his temper and could be just as sensitive as their mother. He knew that Henrick had made it clear already that Aubree wasn't his sister and that she didn't want to see or deal with her anymore. "I thought you weren't talking to your sister."

"I'm giving her one last chance." This chance would deterine if they were still going to be siblings because at this point they could share the same parents but he didn't want to be associated with her if she didn't want to be near their mom.

He opened the door letting him walk in he knew that it wasn't the best idea. But he couldn't get through to his daughter he was hoping that Henrick could.  "She's talking to Davina."

Henrick had to stop himself from rolling his eyes Aubree had always made her dislike for anyone dating her parents known. "And she's getting along with her."

"See for yourself." He walked into the dining room seeing Aubree sitting with Davina. And she was getting along with her much to Henricks dismay.

"You replaced her?" He knew that she wasn't getting along with Elena but that did not mean that she had to start being nicer to Davina.

Aubree looked over to him with a glare she remembed two weeks ago he had said that she wans't his sister so she didn't get why he had come to see her. "Thought you didn't want to talk to me."

"I wanted to give it one last try." He hoped that this was apart of some plan and that seeing that he was serious would make her come clean but he wasn't so sure that was the case. "Can we talk without wandering ears."

She groaned getting up she knew that this conversation wasn't going to go well. She refused to tell him what was going on she didn't think he would be able to keep it to himself and she knew that he wouldn't approve of it.. "Follow me." She walked into the room setting a spell so no one else could hear. She closed the door going to sit on her bed. "What do you want?"

"You have to forgive mom." He hated seeing his mom like this and he knew that his sister was just being over dramatic to get what she wanted and it wasn't going to happen. As much as he wanted his parents together he wanted them to be happy all the same.

"Did she break up with him?" She knew the answer to that and she knew that her mom wasn't going to cave into her demands and for that she was happy because it gave her the chance to get rid of Davina.

"You know she didn't." He really believed that his mom was happy and he wanted that for her no matter who she was with.

"You know Davina isn't to bad." She was terrible but Henrick didn't need to know what she actually thought the more he pulled away the easier the plan would be at least dealing with her dad and Davina. She knew that her mom was going to be angry with her when she realized why she had done all of this.

"What is wrong with you?" Henrick hated her he had always felt like Davina was trying to take his dad from him and he refused to let her. She didn't understand him and he wanted her gone. "Davina is horrible."

"Davina isn't that bad." The words felt like lead on her tounge she hated Davina without a doubt and nothing was changing that. She was gaining her trust so that it made it easier to get rid of her something her brother wouldn't understand.

"I thought you wanted our parents together." Henrick knew that he had been willing to do anything at the begining of this to get their parents to get back together.

"Well i changed my mind." Never she wouldn't be satisfied untill her family was whole.

He had come here hoping that she would forgive their mom but he didn't see it happening and now she was saying that Davina wasn't that bad and he knew that no one else could hear them that made it all the worse. "You can't be serious."

Aubree knew that she was upsetting her brother but he didn't understand what she had gone through she used to hate seeing her mom cry because of how hurt she had been. Her mom used to do everything for her and it was her turn to do something for her no matter how long it took in order to see it through. "You heard her she has a new boyfriend she's replaced him and she already replaced me with you."

It was only fair that Elena got to keep one of the kids after the arguement the two got in."Your the one that told her you didn't want to see her no more."

Aubree didn't want to talk about it anymore she knew her mom had always been protective over her so it was safe to say she didn't know where Henrick was. "What are you doing here didn't think she would let you out of her sight."

"Well she's been crying for two weeks so i convinved my mother to go out and have some fun something that you wouldn't know anything about." It was clear to him that Aubree didn't care about their mothers feelings all she had ever done is hurt her and lie to her. She wouldn't know what it was was like to want to see a smile on her face. "All you do to her is cause her pain."

"Get out and don't come back." She didn't want to talk to him no more she knew that her mom was in pain because of her and she hated it but she was going to change that and she was going to make her mom the happiest that she has ever been.

"Gladly i don't want to see you anyways." He opened the door and walked out he had tried and she hadn't wanted to apologize she just wanted to continue to be selfish so he would be too. He would be fine if he never had to see her again.

"I hate you." She just wanted this to be over she knew that she had hurt them but she never thought her own brother would act like that.

He turned to look at her he had always considered his sisters feelings despite what anyone else felt about her and if she couldn't do the same then neither could he.  "Now you finally see how everyone feels about you Aubree."

"Everyone does not hate me." She knew that she had done some bad things but she always had meant well.

"Almost everyone everyone at your old school probably mom's friends Caroline is scared of you do i need to go on." He knew that there were people that hated his sister because of the way that she acted he just never thought that he was going to be one of them. "Bye Aubree nice seeing you." He walked out leaving his sister in tears but at the moment he didn't care she had left their mom the same way.

Kol walked into his daughters room seeing her sitting on her bed in tears. He should have known that it wasn't a good idea to let them talk alone knowing that they were mad at each other. "Aubree."

"I don't want to talk about it." She wasn't stupid she knew that her mom was holding out hope that he would be able to talk to her to convince her to go backa nd to be nice but it wasn't happening. Not until she finished everything that she needed to. "Whatever conversation that you are hoping to have won't happen anytime soon i don't want to go back to her."

He went and sat next to her he hated seeing them this way he knew that it was hard for her he just wished that she would talk about why she wouldn't see her if it was so hard to be away from her. "Aubree it's been two weeks and you still won't go see her."

"I don't want to talk about it."

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