Years we Lost

By anonymouswriting17

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Elena and Kol were together 10 years ago. They broke up because her friends and family hated him and she hate... More

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By anonymouswriting17

Aubree sat down next to Davina she was going to make sure that she got rid of her but she kenw to do that she was going to have to tread carefully.

Davina wasn't stupid she knew that neither of them liked her. But she refused to let either of them run her away.  "Can i help you?"

"I don't like you." She was going to be blunt she didn't really plan on getting to know her but instead using her for her plan to get her parents back together.

Davina had known that already and she was trying to get them to like her but it wasn't working to well it seemed like whatever she did it wasn't good enough. "I don't know even know you."

"But you know my brother and he told me everything and you won't be here to long." She was going to make sure of it she had gotten rid of her mother's boyfriends and she would get rid of Davina as well. Whatever it took to get her parents back together. She wasn't stupid she knew that as much as they claimed to hate each other it wasn't the case.

"What are you going to do? Kill me?" Davina questioned she knew that this was Kol's daughter but she wasn't sure that she really had it in her to actually do such a thing.

"That's an option." If she had to kill her to get rid of her because she was getting the message that her nor Henrick wanted her around than so be it.

Davina stood taking a step back hearing her saying that she was willing to do that scared her. She had always known what Kol was capable of and Henrick had not acted like him which she had thought was weird but never questioned. But it made sense because Aubree was truly a mini of him willing to do whatever it took to get what she wanted. "You can't kill me."

Aubree looked up at her with a smirk crossing her arms. She didn't care what her dad thought she would do whatever it took. Because she was his daughter he wasn't going to choose Davina over her. And the sooner that Davina realized the new changes the better it would be for everyone. "I wouldn't bet on that."

She wasn't trying to cause problems but she could see that Aubree was serious. "I haven't done anything."

"You're dating my father and that is enough for me." She didn't need to do everything else she was already dating Kol and getting in the middle of Aubree's plan to get her parents back together.

Davina didn't understand what she was doing wrong. She didn't get why Aubree wanted to come and ruin their relationship. "So you don't want your father to be happy."

Aubree figured that she would just have to spell it out for her so that she could understand why she was doing what she was doing. She was counting on Davina not being able to keep this to herself. "Yes, i do i just would prefer him to be happy with my mother instead of with you.  And trust me they will get back together my brother and I will make sure of it and you will not get in the way. So, if i was you i would watch your back. And don't even think of telling anyone about this or i promise i will just make it worse for you. Because you have no idea of the things that i am capable of or what i will do to see this through." She knew that Davina had seen what Hope and Henrick could do but that didn't quite match up to what she was willing to do to see this through. "And remember anything mt brother has done i do worse." She got up walking away she was hoping that what she had said really sunk in. And that Davina understood how this was going to go.

Freya was standing with her brother she was happy to see that him and Elena were trying to get along for the sake of their children. "So, you and Elena have been doing this custody thing for two weeks?"

"Yup." There was the argument when they had first started but it seemed to be going good for now.

"Is it working?" To her it looked as if things were going fine but she knew that she could be wrong about how things were going.

He nodded so far they were getting along for the kids and the kids only. "It's going good so far."

As much as she hoped that things continued going good for her brother she knew better. She knew how things always went wrong when it came to their family. "And how long do you think that is going to last something always goes wrong when it involves our family."

That's the last thing he wanted to think about things were going fine for right now and he didn’t want that to change. "Don't even say that if something goes wrong-" His phone started to ring he took it out putting it to her ear. As much as he wished he didn't have to talk to her. He knew that they had kids together so they couldn't avoid each other although they could avoid talkig about their past. "Hello."

"I need a favor." She could already see which parent Aubree preferred so she was hoping that he could help her with something.

"Which is?" He had a feeling that he wasn't going to like what she was about to say.

She knew that she had a bad history with dating and as much as she would like her kids not to meet him she couldn't hold it off for much longer. So she needed Aubree to be on her best behavior for all their sakes. "I want them to meet my new boyfriend when they come over tomorrow."

He didn't like the idea of her dating but he couldn’t say anything as he was still with Davina. "And what do you want me to do."

"Tell them get her to be nice." She didnt have to worry about Henrick but he knew that Aubree would cause a ton of problems. So since she clearly preferred her father she was hoping that maybe he could get her to be somewhat nice to her new boyfriend. "I cannot keep going through boyfriends because she does not like them."

"I can try." He would ask but that was all he would do. He knew he had hurt  her but he didn't like the idea of her with someone else.

"She is your mini try." She needed him to do more than try but she didn't feel like arguing with her right now when she knew that it was frutile she knew that this was the best she would get. After everything that had happened between them she wasn't sure why she would expect anything different.

He would try not very hard but he would try and he knew him and when he was set on something he got it and he was sure that his daughter was the exact same way. She didn't want her mother dating and she would go through the lengths to make it happen. "That means nothing from what i have heard she always has a plan up her sleeve."

Elena knew that Kol was the same way in that aspect that was why she was hoping that he could help her and talk to their daughter about this plan. "Like you so you help me."

"From what I got you should be used to this." Shitty response but he didn't care he didn't want to think of her being happy with anyone else even if it was his fault to begin with. He was selfish he knew that they didn't have a chance to be together again. She hated him so in return he acted as if he hated her even if it was getting them nowhere it was something.

Elena groaned doing a slight chuckle she hoped that he enjoys his relationship while it last because she knew her daughter and she was going to be working on ending that soon too. "You'll see how I feel when she breaks up you and Davina and trust me, she will."

He had heard that Aubree had tricks up her sleeve but he didn't think that she would be able to do that. "How could she-"

"She's your daughter which means she'll do whatever it takes to get what she wants so keep that in mind." She knew that he was the same way which was hell when it came to raising Aubree she made sure that she always got what she wanted no matter who it was hurting. "Speaking of where are the kids."

"Umm." He wasn't sure that he exactly wanted to tell her that figuring that she would have something slick to say about it.

She scoffed she didn't even need him to answer she knew where they were and she knew that she was going to be right. And that Aubree would do something anything to get her father and Davina to break up and this was only going to be the start of it. "You just left her with the mini version of you she'll be calling in about ten minutes because or Aubree be careful." She hung up and just as predicted Davina called.

He sighed hoping that Elena hadn't been right about Aubree trying to break the two up."Hello."

"You're daughtee just threatened my life." Davina knew that she said not to call but she had to tell him she was now scared to be in the same room or house as Aubree scared that she may actually do something.

He silently cursed himself alast Elena had been right and he hated that she was right. "She what?"

"She told me that killing me was an option and that if i tell anyone it will get worse and im scared to be in that house with her." She knew that was his daughter but she was terrified that Aubree might actually go through with her threats.

Kol looked at his sister it wasn't going to be a good idea to leave them in the house with her. "Freya can you go get them."

"On it." Freya understod the not wanting them by each other it was potentially dangerous for all of them.

Aubree walked into her brothers room seeing him sitting on his bed. She closed the door behind her. She had just planted the first seeds of her plan.  "You had to threaten Davina?"

She had figured her brother had heard what she had said. And as much fun as it was be to do the plan together she knew that he wasn't going to agree to what she was about to do and she needed to do it alone."Yup."

"Do you have a plan?" He figured that if she had just threatened Davina that she was planning something, he would just prefer to be in on the plan.

For what she had planned the first step was breaking Davina and her dad up and she didn't think the threatening would do it. But she knew what would Davina accidentally hurting his poor daughter. And to do that she would have to first get close to her and Henrick was not going to like how she was going to do that. "I told you i did and mom having a new boyfriend complicates some things so i can't yet tell you anything."

He huffed looking at his sister he didn't like being out of the loop he wanted to help get their parents back together too. "Why not?"

"Simple because what i am about to do you aren't going to like." Aubree knew that he wanted to help, but she also knew that her methods weren't going to be ok with him. "Our parents will get back together and to make thaat happen i have to do something."

He narrowed his eyes at her he didn't like this one bit. She had a reason, for not allowing him to help. And he know what it was. "And i'm not allowed to help becasue?"

"Because you won't like it simple." She knew that he was going to hate it she just needed one thing from him that was all.

"So what am i supposed to do?" He assumed that if he wasn't going to tell her what she was going to do that she was still going to need something from him or why tell him anything at all.

"When everything blows up be their for mom." She knew that what she was going to do was going to hurt their mother in the process. But it was the best and only way she could think of to do this. "Thats all."

He didn't like the sound of that he knew that Aubree had done some bad things to get on their mom's bad side but the way she said it scared him. "What are you gonna do?"

"Something that she is not about to like." It wasn't just that she wasn't going to like it was that she wasn't going to quite understand she didn't want to hurt her mother but this was the only way. "Anyone is not going to like."

"Aubree."  He warned he didn't like the sound of this of what she was going to do.

"Its apart of my plan." That is as far as she could say she couldn't give anything else up.

"Whatever you say." He didn't trust it but the endgame was getting their parents back together that was the focus.
Freya arrived at the house seeing Davina pacing outside. But really she hadn't expected anything less."Where are they?"

Davina stopped turning towards her. She liked the kids she did but now she was scared of them. "Henrick's room."

"Ok." Freya walked into the house going to hee nephews room. She knocked on the door. 

"Come in."

She opened the door seeing Henrick playing the game and Aubree reading the spell book she had given to Henrick. They looked like they were content but she knew that she couldn't leave the two knowing that Aubree had threatened Davina's life. "Come on you two are coming with me."



Aubree knew that it was coming she wasn't surprised she knew that Davina wouldn't be able to not tell Kol that she had threatened her. It was all apart of her plan and it was slowly falling together. She was about to ruin somethings but she knew that she needed to do that in order to finally get the family that she always dreamed about.

Sorry for the late update i work and go to school so it's not always easy getting these updates out even though i really want too

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