Manifest: The story

By RandomWriter910

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[WARNING: This story may contain sexual activity such as sex (nsfw), rape & etc. Abuse, Murder, some cringy s... More

Chapter 0: A story begins with it's origin.
Chapter 2: The Patrols
Chapter 3: Shadows of the devil I
Chapter 4: Shadows of the devil II
Chapter 5: Shadows of the devil III (⚠️)
Chapter 6: The one who has it
Chapter 7: The webs of New York
Chapter 8: The New York Arc
Chapter 9: His containment
Chapter 10: The Vans Family... And Vlad.
Chapter 11: The Kanomato bloodline.
Chapter 12: Society I
Chapter 13: Society II
Chapter 14: The Spanish Arc
Chapter 15: Back in the hometown (⚠️)
Chapter 16: Society III
Chapter 17: A talk between siblings...
Chapter 18: Vacation [Adumfor Arc]
Chapter 19: Case I [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 20: Case II [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 21: One closes, other opens [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 22: Society IV [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 23: Lurking in the shadows I [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 24: Lurking in the shadows II [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 25: Lurking in the shadows III [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 26: Isabella's rage [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 27: Power [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 28: The weeding [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 29: The festival of challenges I [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 30: The festival of challenges II [Adumfor Arc I]
Chapter 31: The Prophecy
Chapter 32: The Third Order
Chapter 33: The path towards a change I
Chapter 34: The path towards a change II
Chapter 35: The path towards a change III
Chapter 36: The path towards a change IV
Chapter 37: Lewd on the day they became a couple (⚠️)
Chapter 38: The path towards a change V
Chapter 39: A gift.
Chapter 40: Maria and Viki I
Chapter 41: Society V
Chapter 42: The order's meeting
Chapter 43: The Third Year I
Chapter 44: The Third Year II
Chapter 45: The death stone
Chapter 46: Nikolov I
Chapter 47: At the bar
Chapter 48: The Devil Council
Chapter 49: The Third Year III
Chapter 50: An interesting friendship
Chapter 51: Vladimir
Chapter 52: Maria and Viki II
Chapter 53: Loss of one manifestation...
Chapter 54: Maria and Viki III
Chapter 55: Nikolov II
Chapter 56: Iskra
Chapter 57: Alexandra
Chapter 58: Viki and Lubo I
Chapter 59: Mitaka
Chapter 60: The Mystery I
Chapter 61: The two sisters
Chapter 62: The Mystery II
Chapter 63: The Mystery III
Chapter 64: Issy
Chapter 65: The confrontation
Chapter 66: Amelia
Chapter 67: The Order's Decision
Chapter 68: A Ivanov reunion
Chapter 69: Seraphim 13's decision
Chapter 70: The place hidden away
Chapter 71: Back to the demon kingdom [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 72: Cursed Energy I [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 73: Cursed Energy II [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 74: Cursed Energy III [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 75: Nikolov III [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 76: The seal [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 77: New duties [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 78: Power-hunger I [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 79: Happy Halloween! [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 80: Power-hunger II [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 81: Power-hunger III [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 82: Power-hunger IV [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 83: Last year on the arena [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 84: The tournament returns I [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 85: The tournament returns II [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 86: Tatsumaki's report [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 87: Viki and Lubo II [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 88: Viki and Lubo III [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 89: Queen under the Eclipse [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 90: Endangered I [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 91: Endangered II [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 92: Nyan's escape [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 93: The High Council [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 94: His Resitance [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 95: The folder [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 96: A winner, a loser and a lesson I [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 97: A winner, a loser and a lesson II [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 98: The two siblings, that changed [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 99: The fate of them all [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 100: The hope of the demon kind [Adumfor Arc II]
Chapter 101: Back in the old days I [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 102: Back in the old days II [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 103: Back in the old days III [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 104: Short Intermission I [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 105: Short Intermission II [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 106: A being of a different kind [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 107: The Time is nearing I [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 108: The Time is nearing II [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 109: A time for beautiful fireworks... [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 110: Return to me [Road to the Incident Arc]
Chapter 111: The next step of the Third Order [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 112: Nikolov IV [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 113: Preparation for the Festival [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 114: The Festival I [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 115: The Festival II [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 116: Tough Luck [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 117: Society VI [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 118: Upcoming war! [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 119: A success with consequences [The New York Festival Arc]
Chapter 120: Japan, Asa's home [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 121: A pinkish trait [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 122: Familiarity or Not I [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 123: Familiarity or Not II [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 124: Chainsaw cutting through the Control [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 125: Bloody Path [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 126: Fub and Tat's visitors [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 127: Gem in the left eye I [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 128: Gem in the left eye II [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 129: Pinkish Blood [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 130: Upcoming Vidin Event [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 131: Enact the Plan [A Devil's Stone Arc]
Chapter 132: Maria's letter [Return & Round Arc]
Chapter 133: Mountain Crusher [Return & Round Arc]

Chapter 1: Beginnings

105 1 0
By RandomWriter910

June 17th 2017, a boy was running away in the forest, he was afraid of something while running away... He found a shortcut way which lead to a cave, a cave he hides himself in... Meanwhile outside, atleast 9 man with some kind of weapons have been chasing him, but they looked confused and mad, they were talking how they lost the boy... Soon they continued their search for another 6 hours... After only 30 minutes, the boy left the cave and ran off to find SOMEONE to help...

6 years later... June 17th 2023, we see another boy walking down the street with his backpack, guess he had a rough day at school again, the hero course must've been tough this time around especially since it is June, the last month before the summer vacation. Now let us introduce him properly...

Name: Vladislav Vans

Age: 17

Manifestation: Energy Manipulation

Manifestation's inforamtion: The ability allows the user to manipulate any type of energy, including life energy, any electricity, magma energy, heat energy & etc. However it is very limited power to the user, since their stamina is being drained faster.

The boy was thinking about how tough & harder the classes have gotten this month and how tougher & harder they will be till the end of the hero course. As he was walking down he stopped by a store to get some chocolate, he entered the store and then he went to the sugary sweet aisle and found 3 chocolate bars as he was thinking how his girlfriend kept stealing his chocolate, he took all 3 chocolate bars and went to the cashier with the following short conversation.

Cashier: Oh hello there, Vlad Vans, you rarerly come here... What brings you here?

Then vlad responded with: "You see sir, I am here to buy those 3 chocolate bars, how much would that cost?"

Then the cashier looks at the chocolate bars... In a odd response...

Cashier: Well that would be free, the store pays up.

Vlad: Oh, neat.

Then Vlad Vans walked away and got outside of the store with 3 chocolate bars in a plastic bag and he continued walking down the streat, Vlad and his family lived in New York, the place he lives is the Vans Mansion located somewhere in New York. He arrived at the gates of the mansion being greeted by the guard of the gate, then the big gate opens and vlad walks down the path getting to the main entrance and opening the door to see a girl who is 2 years older then him... 

Name: Elaina Vans

Age: 19

Information: She is a half-breed (demon & human) and she possess both of her parents powers, she can turn into a monster while also using the Three Claw knuckle and she can transform using Demonification

Manifestation (1):  Three Claw Knuckle

Manifestation (1) Information:  her powers are to grow three claw knuckle like spikes on her hands, she use them to fight hand on hand or to shoot flame slashes at her enemies, when she's demonificadet her powers are five time stronger, disadvantage is that they are close range type of power.

Manifestation (2): Monster

Manifestation (2) Information: her power is to turn into a monster like beast with big horns and hard skin than is tankproff and to crate a energy blast breath called the "Vans Cannon"

Demonification: She can turn into a Demon, the demon powers are currently unknown.

She notices Vlad and comes to him with a smile on her face, then the following conversation happens.

Elaina: Hello darling~

Vlad: ... Hello Elaina...

Elaina: How was school, dear?

Vlad: ... Stop acting like you are my wife or something...

Vlad: Anyways, it was good.

Vlad: We trained speed & stamina again, then we had a practice matches between each of our classes.

Elaina was not really amazed, she looked at it as it was everyday thing.

Vlad: However the classes are becoming tougher since 20th June we will have the other teacher from another big family taking over, their training is much, much tougher Mr. Anderson said.

Vlad: It releates that the new teacher's name is "Willow" which is rather familiar, but I cannot put my finger on it.

Elaina wondered for a bit before she realized about who Willow is, but she decideed to not speak about it.

Elaina: Oh ok, anyways are you ready to play Super Smash Bros again, Vladislav?

Vlad: As usual, a bit competetive before eating something... Heh I am ready to kick your ass!

Elaina & Vlad gone to turn on their nintendo switch and play Super Smash Bros for few hours, they seem like a happy family who save people from danger, but eh it is just the start of our story, our protagonist is Vlad Vans, however he may not be alone on his journey to become a hero and protect the ones he loves and cares about.

Later that same day, Elaina and Vlad went outside for a walk together to the park, as they walked and stopped by the fountain, within that they saw someone... He was holding a suitcase and he had a head that looks like a Lizard, he had a coat too... They got curious since they never seen a Manifesation of someone as a Lizard, the Lizard Man looked buffed as he took his suitcase and walked away, the rest of of the day was spend outside at the park, a nice ice cream place and some more walking before heading back home.

The next day, Vlad was walking down the street knowing he will relax this sunday and he decided to go check on the store if they have any snacks, Vlad goes down the same street and enters the store to see...

It looked like that Lizard guy he saw yesterday was here robbing the store, he had tied up the cashier and the owner of the store and he was takin the money, before vlad could think he said.

Vlad: Oi, Oi, Oi... What do you think you're doing there, buddy?

The lizard turns around to look him in the eyes.

Lizard guy: Oh it's a random kid, get the fuck out before I punch you so hard your parents have to pay for your hospital bills!

Vlad: ... I asked-

before Vlad could say it again, an electricity came out of the fridge and formed a person who zaps the hell out of the Lizard, which leads to the Lizard falling onto the ground as if he passed out. Few minutes later, Vlad went outside and saw that same person who formed himself out of electrcitiy, he himself wonders who that was. The dude with electricity power says hello and then introduces himself...

Name: Elijah Kanomato

Age:  17

Manifestation: Electricity

Manifestation Inforamtion: It allows the user to use electric attacks, thunderbolts & anything electric, however it is weak to people with strong endurance and or energy manipulation. or useless if the enemy has electric immunity

Vlad wondered more about this kid, he looked like that random Japanese dude who is studying abroad in America. Vlad and Him have chatted for 1 hour while walking down the street to the park, as it seemed... Elijah was workin for the New York MA Headquarters as a pro-hero already and also being part of the Tokyo MA Headquarters as pro-hero was shockin news for Vlad Vans once he learned about that, a 17 year old boy already pro-hero while Vlad was still at school on the hero course.

Elijah: You know you are a second year student, you shouldn't do a pro's job, you do not have the rights to yet.

Elijah: Students like you should stay away, either a third year or pro-hero should handle all that...

Vlad: Sorry... Either ways why are you here in New York?

Elijah looked at vlad and then looked away.

Elijah: Hehe... It is just that I am here for a wanted Villain, idk if you heard of that villain.

Elijah: That villain seems to be hiding in New York, he is a powerful threat, he also has 2 addional Manifest powers which he stole.

Elijah: However due to some messed up events in the Tokyo Prison, his escape has scared many people, along his escape... He has killed atleast 35 guards from the prison and 3 citizens in Japan before heading to America.

Elijah: It was last month, however... I located him and came here.

Elijah: Knowing I would meet you, one of the Vans Family's child, I heard your manifesation is energy manipulation, god it is really scaring me knowing I have to meet you...

Elijah wasn't really scared, he just wanted to make a good first impression. However Vlad was thinking to himself... Is he talking about Garou, the major threat.

Elijah: Don't think too much of him, I will handle it with the other pro-heroes and keep ya save!

Vlad: Ok.

Elijah: Now... You should raelly go buddy, your parents must be worried about you.

Elijah walks away... Leaving Vladislav with many questions. On the other hand Vlad decided to go home to check on Elaina, however Vlad tooked a wrong turn and got to a back alley instead. He then saw a tall person 5'9 in height, he felt like he should attack that person but instead he hidden behind the weirdly grown bush in that alley... Then he saw the face of a girl... An Anti-hero... But he could not guess the name.

Girl (Anti-Hero): So do you have information on Garou yet, sweetheart?

Boy: Not yet, me & the others are still scouting out the east of New York and even talked to the New York MA Headquarters and still nothing, the search is becoming annoying, Garou has pretty High IQ, no wonder why we cannot find him.

Boy: However... It seems like Elijah Kanomato has finally arrived in America, he will be going to a restaurant with another friend of his.

The Girl thinked for a bit, it is unknown what she was thinking at that time.

Girl (Anti-Hero): Well then, I will let a friend of mine spy on him, her power allows her to read the mind of a person.

Girl (Anti-Hero): You on the other hand, I got a task for you.

Boy: What is it?

Girl (Anti-Hero): Deliver this suitcase to my parents, you know where they are.. Remember proceed as planned.

The girl handed the boy a suitcase, it looked important the way she said it, then the Boy suddenly vanished like without even a second and the girl ran off. Vlad's curiosity got the best of him, but he either ways though it was not as important so he got out of the back alley and walked his way home, he arrived back home, the gate openned for him and he walked down the path getting on the front door, however the front door opens, the front door was opened by Elaina... Vlad went in and sat on the sofa without saying hello to Elaina, Elaina was a bit worried.

Elaina: Vlad... Are you okay?

Elaina: You look a bit stressed.

Vlad looked at Elaina and gave a sign that he has seen the Anti-hero that escaped 2 months ago from the prison in New York.

Elaina: Oh... So you want me to locate her and catch her?

Vlad: Yeah, we need to catch her...

Vlad: Our family's ranking & reputation has been slipping away bit by bit...

Vlad: The Villains rain like insane over the world, China is like safe heaven unlike us...

Vlad: In order to proof our family is worthy of the rank 6, however The Ivanov Family has climbed the ranks recently and they are 7... If they keep going our family will be nothing but a shadow of it's former self-

Elaina puts her hand on his mouth to make him shut up and then...

Elaina: Do not worry!

Elaina: Why are you so worried about the rankings, I know our parents are worried... But we should not care too much, Plus I rarerly get any mission calls, remember I am on break because there is rarerly any really dangerous foe that needs to be stopped by me.

Elaina: Tols family is ranked 11, they have been doing drugs recently and they promised to stop, we should worry about corruption here, you know on 20th June you will be sent to a 10 day hero patrol ya know as your final exam with your class, right?

Vlad: yes.

Elaina: That is when ya gonna proof yourself, you kept hiding behind the shadows of our parents, you though you were too weak to be a hero at first after being adopted by the Vans Family!

Elaina was speaking as if she has said this before... She was so hopeful and believed Vlad would be a great hero. Vlad looks up in her face again.

Elaina: you are something else, so am I and so is everyone on the leaderboard of the royal families, my guy.

Elaina: So keep trying oh and I talked with your teachers, they will allow you to spend 10 days with me, maybe that will make it more positive!

Vlad: Really?

Elaina: mhm, we will fight villains, we will stop regular criminals and patrol every area of America together, maybe take that as a chance to get off your usual edgy behaviour...

Vlad: This will be interesting...

Vlad: I accept your interesting request, Elaina.

Elaina smiled as if she successed to make him rethink his dark thoughts and repress em, however we all know he won't keep repressing the truth. Then Vlad turned on the tv to watch the news. The news spoke about an anti-hero from 2 months ago that escaped the prison and now is on the run, the news report spoke of her power being something like turning invisible or being a ghost alongside the fact she uses weapons to fight close range or distance away, she is also known for the assassination of our EX President Donald Trump after the 2020 election was over. Many republicans were sad, also another news report about the white house's entrance completely destroyed by a giant robot and a random school boy defeating the robot not long afterwards was spoken about, the report in detail is "The boy has immense amount of power for only being 15 and being a first year student in the hero course under the teaching of Willow Ivanova, the way that robot was fighting it looked like it was controlled by a remote-control, later on the person who used the robot was actually identified as Ejiro Relic, a medium level criminal who has robbed 4 banks, 3 jewery stores and has killed over 15 citizens. The robot on the other hand what was left of it was sent to the junkyard and Ejiro was locked in prison for life. The boy himself ran off shortly after the fight so we could not get any interview with him."

Vlad after that wondered more about the Anti-hero instead of the first year student, while Elaina wondered about the first year student who did that back in 2020, both of em had different questions about the events they are curious about. Then another really interesting news report releating to the murder case of a young girl's parents being murdered by a villain, the girl in the tv described the guy in a way... That refers to Garou, but only Vlad realized that. After that third news report, Vlad switches the channel to another channel where there is a movie, the movie was about high school kids who play music in history class, they spend the rest of the day watching the movie, cooking dinner and then going to sleep.

Meanwhile in the shadows of the night at the top of the tallest peak of New York, Someone was staring down... The person in question then jumped off the building falling fast and then he was gone.

End of chapter 1

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