Tasteful - Levi x OC (Attack...

By DefinedWrite

97.6K 3.4K 1.3K

Formerly called 'Epiphany' A close knit group of exceptional soldiers. Arden Croix, Kain Croix, Carlisle Mars... More

Titan Invasion
The Struggle for Trost
The Struggle for Trost part II
Troublesome News
Court Verdict
Losing Control?
A Different Place
Castle Cleanup
Suspicions of a Traitor
A Change for Better or Worse
Demon Sleep
Some Gentle Sparing
Childhood Trust
Demon Stalker
The Subtle Invitation
Just a Drop of Blood
Warmth, Anger, Confusion
The Change in Them
For the First Time in A While
The Babysitter
The Man With A Clear Death Wish
Chaotic Nature of it All
It's Not About Trust
The Unwanted Gift
A Short-lived Protest
Devilish Judgement
The Day has Come
The 57th Recon Mission
The 57th Recon Mission part II: Trust
The Wrong Judgement Call
The 57th Recon Mission part III: His Decison
The 57th Recon Mission part IV: She's Gone
The Changeling
Walking Like A Dead Man
The Reunion
Losing Lost Comrades
The Love of Family
Her Last Breath...
Stifling Temptation
War of The Heart
Shocking Revelation
The Need to Feed
Worthless Hope
This Cruel Existence is Better With You
Raid on Stohess District Part II: Hunger-Driven
The Monster Inside
●Important Announcement●
○ Season 2 ○
The Breach of Wall Rose
Hand of God
Sacred Will's Chosen Child
The Switch
Embracing the Madness
Suspects Revealed
Let the Battle Begin
The Demonic Reveal
Hell's Influence
Home is A Person
Chaos Ensues
Set in Motion
Their Escape
Worries and Jokes
His Disappearance
Bigger Problems to Deal With
My Strength
●Important Update●
●Sneak Peak●
●Sorry Note●
Unveiling the Madness
Deals [We're Back. I'm Sorry]
●Very Quick Update. Please Read●
Distant Allies
My One and Only

Raid on Stohess District

1K 37 26
By DefinedWrite

What remained of the Scout Regiment was being escorted by the Military Police en route to the Capital. They were currently passing through Stohess District, which meant that the first part of Erwin's plan was already underway.

Eren, Mikasa and Eren had previously left the escort, their job being to lead the suspected Female Titan, Annie Leonhart, into an old, abandoned passageway that went deep underground. But of course Erwin had planned ahead incase it wouldn't be possible to lure Annie to the site. He left Hange to set up an ambush, using the same traps that were used during the expedition to capture her, should she shift.

In a solitary and heavily guarded carriage, was Jean. The Kirschtein boys job was to play decoy, to pretend to be Eren Jeager. Sure there was noticeable differences between the 2 boys, but with a ruffled, brown wig on, Jean was the best shot the Scouts had.

Erwin, Levi and Arden were all riding in the same carriage. And after much protest, the 2 were able to convince Arden that it was best for her to sit this one out with Levi. She wanted to aid in the plan, but she was still too weak to do so. And despite not knowing the reason for her exhausted state, both the Commander and Captain worried that she'd only get herself hurt if she pushed herself further.

So now they sat in a tense silence, Erwin ready and prepped in his uniform. Levi looking the most formal she had ever seen him, with a white dress shirt, his usual cravat and sleak, black trousers. A matching pristine, black suit jacket draped over his shoulders.

Arden was dressed similarly to him, a fitted white button up with the top button undone. Black dress pants with a matching leather belt. And of course, her shiny lace up boots. Many would find her attire strange, believing that a woman's casual outfit should've been a dress or a skirt, not trousers. But the woman had never been one for frilly, pretty things. She preferred trousers as they allowed for flexibility and maximised movement, perfect for sudden altercations.

And as they rode through Stohess, the masses of stone townie buildings filling the District, Arden once again found her attention drawn to the shadows of the town. The way they creeped up the sides of buildings and began to spread where the sun didn't shine. It still felt like something was watching her. And until she regained enough strength to be able to use her demonic detection ability, she would watch the shadows like a hawk.

Levi turned to his side, finding her staring intently out of the window of the carriage. They were sat next to each. Levi with his back straightened and right arm resting over his stomach. His left hand was placed between the two. She was sat slouched, right leg crossed over the other and her arms folded over her chest. But her posture was stiff, not the usual relaxed and lazy one.

Across from them, Erwin noticed this too. He had a better view of her face compared to Levi and was able to see her brows set as if she were in deep thought. Not good thoughts either considering the slight narrow of her eyes and barely noticeable clench of her jaw.

"Hey." Levi called to her, but she didn't turn to him. "The plan's gonna work." Attempting to reassure her, he furrowed her brows as she stayed silent. He took a glance over to Erwin, silently asking him with his eyes if he knew what was wrong with her. But the blonde man shook his head.

"That's not what I'm worried about..." She muttered, almost absentmindedly. Gaze still fixated outside the window. It was as if she hadn't realised she'd said those words outloud.

Both men shared a confused glance. Before Erwin raised a brow and asked, "What are you worried about?"

And the second the question left his lips, she finally looked away from the window, her expression relaxing and returning to its usual blank one, "It's nothing. Don't worry about it." Tone making them want to believe her. Lazily, her hand came upwards and drew the curtain close, blocking her view of outside.

Knowing they wouldn't get anymore out of her, the 2 males returned to what they were doing. But riding in a carriage waiting for the pieces of your plan to fall into place was a long and tedious process.

Now, it was Erwin's turn to stare out of the window, though with much more intent than Arden had. He used 2 fingers to push the curtain back, peering out as he assessed their surroundings. "We'll be approaching the ambush site soon." He informed, and continued to scope the area.

That meant one thing, soon the plan would be in full motion. Either Annie will be successfully lured into the underground passageway, or the Female Titan will be running rampant in the District any minute now.

Silently sighing, she fluttered her eyes shut as her head lowered. In her mind she was thinking about how tiresome it was becoming with the world not giving them an easy chance. There always had to be some intricate plan and another problem to add to their ever growing shit storm. But on the other hand, she was hoping that they'd be able to catch Annie Leonhart, to question her and find the answers that they need so they can hurry to deal with what's important. Reclaiming Wall Maria and getting to the Jeager cellar in Shiganshina District.

When she opened her eyes, she found her blood red orbs had landed on the hand that rested on the cushioned seat to her right. The hand belonging to the man that had her heart pounding with even the smallest look.

After their moment in the forest, Arden felt more aware of Levi than she ever had before. It was strange. Even with her demonic abilities currently diminished, she was able to feel him next to her. His presence. And it offered her a comfort she couldn't explain. She saw him in a new light. So now the thumping of her heart and flutters in her stomach made more sense than ever.

Subconsciously, she unfolded her hands from her chest and placed her right hand next to his on the seat. Her left elbow propping up on the wall of the carriage as she rested her chin on her palm.

She attempted to subtly move her hand closer to his, biting down on her lip out of nervousness. With a quick side glance, she looked to see their hands just millimetres from touching and her heart began to pound rapidly.

Testing the waters, she delicately brushed the back of her hand against his, taking a chance, before placing it back to its former position. It was a featherlight action, but one that sent the blood rushing to her cheeks nonetheless. Blood red eyes had taken a quick glance over to Erwin to see him still looking out the window, much to her relief. She didn't know if Levi was okay to do that sort of thing around other people. Not to mention she was still figuring out if she wanted to do it with other people present aswell.

And a few seconds later when she didn't feel anything, she began to nervously retract her hand back. If he was uncomfortable, then she wouldn't force him.

But she hadn't realised she'd been holding her breath until his hand clasped onto hers, their fingers intertwining, and she felt like she could finally breathe.

A uncontrollable smile broke out on her face when his thumb began softly stroking hers. And she attempted to hide it by covering her mouth with the back of her free hand. But Levi still saw it. The corners of his own lips tugging upwards slightly as a feeling of accomplishment washed over him. Happy to have her warm hand in his and proud that he'd managed to make her smile.

From the corner of his eye, Erwin saw the entire interaction. Joy bubbling inside of him as 2 of the people he cared about grew closer. But he didn't let them know that he knew, giving them the peaceful moment before all hell broke lose. Although, he knew Hange would have a field day when he told her. That would be the real hell.

They stayed like that for a few seconds longer, smiling dumbly to themselves. Until a loud explosion sounded from somewhere in the city. The carriage halting to a sudden stop, sending its passengers jolting. And when her back collided with with the cushioned seat behind her, Arden sucked in a sharp breath to try and suppress her grunt of agony.

Levi's grip on her hand tightened, sending her a worried look before their attention was brought to Erwin.

"It's time." The Commander spoke seriously, his voice stern. From outside he had saw the rising plume of thick, ashy smoke. Meaning the Female Titan had appeared.

With the air growing thicker, they filed outside of the carriage one by one. Levi only letting go of her hand when she was safely on two feet on the stoney floor of Stohess.

They were just in time to see 3 young looking MPs shoot off in the direction of the explosion.

"Nile!" Erwin called, watching as the Commander of the Military Police spun around to face them, the rifle on his back glinting under the bright sunlight. "Deploy all troops immediately. We should assume that a Titan has already appeared." Erwin ordered.

Shocking Nile Dawk as he turned to them with a panic-stricken expression, "Are you out of your mind? This is Wall Sina! There's no way a Titan would just suddenly show up here?"

But oh, how wrong he was. He was in for a special treat.

The attention was drawn behind them as the carriage door supposedly holding Eren swung open with a bang. Jean emerged, wig on head and cloak in hand. "Who told you to move, Jeager?" One of the soldiers shouted, gripping Jean's shoulders.

But Jean ripped the wig from his head, "How 'bout this damn wig said I could, moron?" He replied sarcastically, watching as the soldier recoiled backwards in shock.

Running towards his Commander, Jean shouted over his shoulder at the still very shocked soldier, "Call me Jeager again and it's your ass, you got that?"

Before stopping infront of Erwin ready for instructions, "Commander! What's the plan?"

"Ask Squad 4 for equipment." Erwin instructed.

"Sir." Draping the green cloak over his broad shoulders.

Arden found herself smirking, to think the kid wanted to be an MP. She thought, proud of the soldier Jean had become.

Levi spoke up, "Like the brass balls, but try not to swing 'em so hard they get you killed."


As Jean was about to leave, Arden called out to him, still smirking proudly, "Try not to get knocked on your ass." Referring to the countless times her and Mikasa had quite literally knocked him on his ass whilst sparing.

A smirk of his own tugged at his lips, "Not a chance." Sending her a nod before running off to complete Erwin's orders.

As if only just processing what was going on, Nile shook his head as he watched Jean run past him, "Hold on. What the hell?" He exclaimed.

"Commander!" A scout landed next to Erwin with a large wooden box, "Here!" Opening it to reveal Erwin's ODM gear.

"Well done." Erwin said, already beginning to equip his gear as the soldier thanked him.

With all his ODM gear now equipped, Nile grew even more confused, the rising frustration evident in his voice as he spoke through clenched teeth, "Wait just a damn minute!"

But Erwin ignored him, turning to command the Scouts, "Alright! All of you with me! We're rendezvousing with the Capture Squad!" And all the soldiers began to move to their posts, following Erwin as he stalked forward.

Arden could feel something was wrong. And her blood red eyes had landed on Nile Dawk. He was stepping forward, rifle gripped tightly in his hands and his finger itching on the trigger. Eyes narrowed violently and aimed at Erwin.

Arden hadn't even thought, her legs carrying her forward.

"No! The hell you will!" Nile shouted.
And as the rifle aimed straight at Erwin, a hand wrapped around the barrel and held it in place, a figure stopping directly in front of it.

Nile's eyes widened for a second, shocked to see Arden Croix glaring down the barrel of the gun.

All the other MPs had also brandished their rifles, unsure of whether to aim at the Commander of the Scouts or the ex soldier of the Garrison.

"This is outright treason! I am well within my rights to shoot you where you stand!" He shouted, icy gaze flickering between Erwin and Arden.

"Try it. I dare you." Her words threateningly calm. Sending a petrified shiver down the MPs back, but he refused to back down.

When Levi saw Arden step infront of the barrel of the rifle, his heart stopped beating. There was a great feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach as she so carelessly put her life in danger. But he knew that he couldn't freak out or attempt to rush to her aid. If he did, Nile could really end up pulling the trigger. And Levi wouldn't let anything happen to her.

So instead he attempted to diffuse the situation, "Think, Nile. I find it hard to believe you're actually as thick-headed as you look. You're a hair-trigger away from making the biggest mistake of your life." Despite coming across stoic, Levi could feel his feet burning to run to protect her.

But driven by fear and panic, Nile was stuck in a frenzy and refused to listen to reason, "Take off the gear before I shoot you!" He aimed at Erwin.

Yet Arden gripped the gun tighter, holding it in place when Nile attempted to aim at Erwin. "You! I'm not afraid to shoot you either! Helping him is aiding in treason!" He spat, glaring violently at Arden.

"Then shoot. See if you can hit me." The upturn of her lip into a psychotic smirk caused the man to gulp nervously. His hands readjusting on the gun as his palms became sweaty.

"I-If you attempt anything my men won't hesitate to kill you!" He stuttered out, still shouting and attempting to sound threatening. But everyone heard the crack in his voice.

Shockingly, she stepped forward, the cold barrel of the rifle pressing between her brows, "Maybe. But you'd be too dead to see it." She warned lowly.

2 soldiers suddenly landed behind Nile, MPs who rushed to his side, horrified expressions on their faces.

"Arden." Erwin's stern voice called behind her, "Step away." He commanded.

And she did so, making sure to send Nile Dawk one more spine-chilling gaze. If Erwin wanted her to back off, then she knew that she needed to, trusting that the Commander had everything under control.

The second she stepped away, a hand wrapped around her arm, pulling her further from the scene. She found herself pushed behind Levi, him standing infront of her protectively with one of the most terrifying glares she'd ever seen aimed at Nile.

Nile's gun lowered as the 2 MPs spoke to him. "We've got 2 of 'em hashing it out in the streets?" Meaning that Eren had also shifted into his Titan form.

"Yes, sir. The city's collapsing like a house of cards."

"It's just... It's horrifying... We can only guess how many casualties..."

At those words, Nile shook with rage. The rifle once again coming up and aiming at Erwin, "Erwin! Your arrogance has brought Hell right to our door."

"I know." Erwin answered monotonous, the screams of dying citizens echoing in the background, "I acted entirely on my own authority. And I offer no excuses."

His words only making Nile seeth in rage as he lowered the gun and approached Erwin with a murderous glint in his eyes.

Arden attempted to push forward, the natural instinct to protect her friend and Commander. But Levi grabbed her wrist, keeping her in place as he warned over his shoulder, "Don't."

Gripping Erwin's collar, Nile spat out the words, "You knew what this would do to us, you son of a bitch! You knew and our lives be damned! Why? Damn you, why?"

Erwin was unfazed by the man's murderous outburts, answering in a calm fierceness, "For humanity. For victory."

"Don't give me that!" Nile shouted, pushing Erwin away and once again aiming the rifle at him, "You're nothing but a traitor! I ought to kill you right here and now! None of the higher ups would fault me!"

"Do as your conscience dictates. My post is yours." The terrifying calmness to Erwin's voice causing Nile to falter. "The Female Titan must not escape. Deployment is through Peer and Beirer is in Command of Provisions. Work with them closely. Do whatever is required to ensure she doesn't--"

The more Erwin spoke, the more Nile began to protest. Waving at him to stop before cutting him off, "Shut up! Do... Do you really believe... this is for the good of us all?"

"I have faith it's a step forward." Erwin replied seriously.

Nile's eyes narrowed further than thought possible. A single bead of sweat dripping down his face. Before he squeezed his eyes shut and lowered his rifle.

Arden scoffed, "Tch. Lumber him with responsibility and he'll break. Typical MP." She muttered under her breath. Levi catching her words and tightening his hold on her wrist, worried she'd attempt something stupid.

"Everyone, lower your rifles. Place this man under arrest." Nile ordered.

"Sir!" The soldiers immediately complying as two MPs rushed forward to handcuff Erwin.

"Deploy all troops immediately. As of now... focus on evacuation. Erwin... I hereby wash my hands of you and leave you to the high court." Nile scowled.

Now clad in iron handcuffs, Erwin accepted that this was to be his fate, "I'll accept their judgment. Thankyou, Nile."

With Arden's wrist still clasped in his hand, Levi began to walk forward, only for Erwin's voice to stop them, "Levi, Arden. For now, stay here. A pointless death wouldn't suit you."

Levi narrowed his eyes, "No, I doubt it would... Any more than it suits anyone else." The resentment for Erwin's choice of words showing in his tone.

Nile and his soldiers began to escort the handcuffed Erwin away, but not before he sent one last glare Arden's way.

Catching the look, Levi felt Arden tense. So he sent his own terrifying glare to the MP. Daring him to try something.

But Nile visibly flinched. Scoffing through clenched teeth before shaking his head and walking away.

Suddenly, Levi spun to face Arden, his hands grabbing her soldiers as he stared at her intensely, "You. Don't you ever, pull something like that again." He warned her. But she could see the panic swirling in his eyes, no matter how hard he tried to hide it.

Her expression softened as she nodded at him. Feeling a pang of guilt in her chest from making him worry about her.


My sister in law gave birth today!😳❤️🤧

Bro I was fucking freaking out writing this.

It took me the whole fucking day because I kept stopping when I got too excited about the new bbbaaabbbyyyyyyy 🤧🥰

The plan was to bring out atleast 3-4 chapters today or however many it took to finish season 1. BUT THEN THERE WAS A BABY 😳🥺

So I made this one a bit longer.

And I've calmed down my mini freak out session so I may or may not be able to bring the last chapter out today. If not it'll be tomorrow.

Anyway I'm so fucking excited!!

Both for the baby and to start working on season 2! GAHHH 🏃😊💀

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