Be Nice, Play Naughty - MYG FF

By AmandaAcheron

572 93 6

Book 2:7 of the Bangtan Consulting Group series Blair Powell and her family have been through a lot in the la... More

~Author's Note 05AUG2022~
The Dress
Blair finds the roof
Next steps
Tower Defense
It's too much
Sentinel Plans
How to plan for a trap
I just got you back
Fond Memories
Sand in everything
A gift from the past
He's late
Late night snack
Family meal
Working Together

Welcome to the Tower

44 6 0
By AmandaAcheron

~2 Days ago~

Blair felt on top of the world.

She and her sisters, with the help of Yoongi and the rest of Bangtan had successfully escaped the crazy job that her father had talked them into with the Russians, and as she emerged from the car into what seemed to be the Bangtan garage, she realized that the adrenaline that had kept her so busy during the shootout at the warehouse, was still going on.

She needed an outlet for that, and knew what she wanted it to be, but after ten straight minutes of non-stop arguing in the car, she wasn't sure it was something that Yoongi was that interested in.

"Elevator is this way," he mumbled as he stepped from the vehicle and Blair sighed a little as she followed him into the elevator behind the rest of their friends and the client.

"I don't know why you're being such a grump Yoongles. It's not like this was my choice to take that job," she whispered.

She watched as he spun to face her, eyes hot and furious before he closed them again. Blair watched as Yoongi took a deep breath, then opened his eyes again to speak, and she was disappointed a little, to see that the emotion that had been so prevalent just a moment before was buried again.

What had happened in the last five years?

"You almost got killed. A lot of people nearly died, Blair. In fact, I had to shoot a bunch of people to get us all out of there. That is a shit ton of paperwork, to deal with all those bad guys," he said tonelessly, and Blair rolled her eyes.

"It's my fault that you have to do paperwork now," she questioned and before Yoongi could respond, Lara spun around.

"You can kiss and make up in a little bit, I swear to God. But can you two give it a rest for twenty minutes while we start to sort shit out," Lara asked plaintively, and Blair flushed in embarrassment.

"Sorry Lara," she said ducking her head a little.

Yoongi glanced at Namjoon, who had fixed Yoongi with a look of his own until Yoongi shrugged.

"Nothing we can't talk about in a bit. It's closing in on three am though, anyone hungry," Yoongi asked, and Lara and Blair shook their heads no, but Jimin, Darcy and Lisa all tentatively raised their hands. Yoongi smiled and nodded.

"Alright, let's see what's in the kitchen," he said as the elevator rolled to a stop. Yoongi pushed the service gate up and walked into the room, Namjoon and Jimin following, but Lara, Darcy, Blair, and Lisa all stared.

Blair heard the client mumble something about how the building had looked outside, and heard Lara's laughter in response, but she was still struggling to keep up. The building had looked like it was about to fall down, certainly fall apart, but Blair wasn't so sure now that she looked around the room.

She glanced to Yoongi, who once he figured out she wasn't following him, turned to see her friends gaping at the room. Yoongi let loose a smirk, so reminiscent of his old self that Blair nearly snorted in disbelief.

Huffing, she grabbed Lara's hand to drag her into the room. They could show these men, who were so familiar to them so many years ago, that they were still up to whatever challenge could be thrown at them.

Blair watched as Darcy and Jungkook's friend Jimin helped the client after she started crying and got her settled into a small sitting area. She saw Lara was safely in the hands of JK and then leaned against the counter behind where Yoongi was getting ready to prep food, and watched Lara and Namjoon try not to stare at each other.

Blair started humming under her breath, involved in watching the scene in front of her, until she felt the weight of a hand against her hip. Shifting slightly, in a pattern so familiar she didn't even recognize she was doing it, Blair shifted until she was leaning back against Yoongi's shoulder as he moved behind her.

"Is that from the little mermaid," he asked under his breath and Blair giggled and shook her head a bit.

"Kiss the girl," she whispered back and made him laugh as they watched Namjoon and Lara fight their feelings. Blair was amazed Lara didn't just jump him now in the kitchen, and as she watched Namjoon's eyes never leave Lara, Blair thought that just as before, perhaps those feelings were mutual.

Blair noticed Yoongi making some exaggerated hand motions, and realized Yoongi was encouraging Jungkook to play cupid and help his sister out. Blair grinned and nodded as well, and Kookie's eyes got big before he moved over to Lara, and they started talking.

Blair leaned her head against Yoongi's shoulder for a moment, and she felt him tilt his head down and press a kiss against her hair. Another move from university days, when they were so familiar with each other.

Blair knew that when Yoongi had invited her out for coffee, he had probably meant coffee and just coffee. But after the scene in the warehouse, she was as sure as she could be that he might be willing to go a bit farther.

Now standing next to him, nearly wrapped up in him, she dared to hope that maybe...

Just maybe...

Yoongi wanted more than just a moments companionship and that cup of coffee.

She tilted her head a little and he moved his own until he could see her.

He frowned a moment, then sighed lightly before he leaned over and pressed another kiss against her forehead.

"Come on Jagiya, there's hungry people. The sooner we get this set and ready to go, the sooner we can get ourselves out of these clothes," he said softly and then paused. Blair watched as the smirk returned to his face and his eyes wandered over her dress.

"Both of us, out of these clothes," he whispered and Blair nearly blushed at the promise in his voice.

She nodded slowly, letting him understand that she was interested in both versions of what he was saying, and he let through his gummy smile. She stood back up and went to grab an apron hanging off a hook near the brilliant blue stove and Yoongi brought her over a knife and cutting board, her normal task when they used to cook together.

"Only Jin-Hyung and I really cook," Yoongi explained, and Blair glanced at him as he began to boil water for the noodles. "Jimin and Tae are a little too adventurous when cooking, sometimes so much that you can't eat what they make. Kookie is learning, and Hoba does alright, but you know we can't let Joonie near the kitchen," he said, and she laughed a little as she nodded.

Yoongi glanced over to where Lara and Namjoon were finally standing together and waited until Kookie nudged them both towards the elevator.

But it was Lara who called out to Blair, reminding her to check on the client. "Please also make sure everyone knows Yoongi is cooking. We'll reconvene after we're all cleaned up a bit more," said Lara.

Blair was holding back giggles as she responded to Lara with an "Alright," and a few seconds later, Namjoon did the same for Yoongi.

"Have fun you crazy kids," called Yoongi as Lara and Namjoon entered the elevator. His teasing of their friends made Blair laugh out loud. Lara turned around and caught the expression on Blair's face, and just as the elevator doors closed Lara stuck her tongue out at Blair, something she hadn't done since childhood, which made Blair's giggles become even louder.

Yoongi wrapped his arm around Blair's shoulders, and she leaned into a moment, before he stood up again.

"Ok, let's get this set up and then let's hope Hoba and Paige don't take too long before they head up," said Yoongi and Blair nodded and got back to her chopping.

Eventually, she and Yoongi had everything ready, all the banchan were ready to come out of the fridge, the noodles had finished, and everything was set for final cooking.

Jimin and Darcy had talked with Tae and Ava once they had arrived, and Yoongi had told them to take the girls downstairs to the guest suites and find the girls more comfortable clothing from the gym stash.

They had the kitchen to themselves for a few minutes before Paige and Hoseok came upstairs, and Yoongi and Hosek worked through what had happened to Petrov.

"You left Hyung alone with Noona," exclaimed Yoongi and all three of them spun around to hush him up. Blair leaned over and slapped her hand against Yoongi's mouth and Paige covered her own while Hoseok just rolled his eyes.

"We're all tired of this, they need to talk out their shit like adults and finish this. Look at what nearly happened tonight because the eight of us can't talk to each other," grumbled Hoseok and Blair's eyebrows raised up as she watched her sister's boyfriend work his way through his mad.

"Hyung, all y'all need to be grownups," said Hoseok, but as he said it, his glance shifted from Yoongi to Blair. He made a face at her and she sat back a little, slightly affronted, before Paige reached out and whispered in her ear.

"Go. Take the half hour or whatever and talk to Yoongi. You both need to clean up anyways. Sort out your shit Blair so that we can deal with everything. All six of us need to be on the same page when dealing with Jin and Ginny. We're going to need that level of patience for their issues," she finished, and Blair laughed a little now.

Helpless against the will of her little sister, Blair turned to see Yoongi was watching them.

"Paige reminded me that I'm still in my dress and heels," she said, and Blair watched Yoongi's eyes flare bright for a moment, before he shuttered them again and nodded.

"Yea I need out of this monkey suit. Come on, I'll find something for you to change into," he said and taking her hand, dragged her towards the stairwell. Blair waved to her sister and Hoseok, who both looked amused and then disappeared out of sight as Yoongi continued to head down.

Past another floor, Yoongi pausing only to point out that this was where the hospital rooms were, before he went down one more set of stairs.

Here the doorway showed was a very small hallway and one single door in the middle of it. Blair followed behind Yoongi as he got to the door, then watched as he sighed a little before turning to her.

"This is my place Blair," he said, and she simply nodded, unsure of what else to say.

Yoongi didn't say anything else for a second, but he also didn't move, causing Blair to be concerned. She laid a hand on his forearm, intending to say something but he caught her hand in his own instead.

He sighed deeply once, then stepped away from the door lock. Blair looked at him in confusion, until his eyes lifted to hers.

"If you need to get back in here, you'll need the door code," he said, and Blair wondered at the change in attitude before she caught a glimpse of his cheeks under his hair. In the dim lighting of the hallway, she couldn't be sure, but... Was Yoongi blushing?

"Enter your birthday, including the year," he said gruffly, and Blair nearly bit her tongue in surprise. Eyes wide, she did as he asked and heard the door sing as it opened.

He walked into the apartment, leaving Blair in the hallway still stunned. He had thought of her. Every time he entered into his own apartment, he had to think of her.

She was astounded, and humbled. It had been a lot to hope for that he might still have feelings for her after this long. She knew about her sister and Hoseok. Knew from Jungkook and watching Lara mope that Lara and Namjoon still definitely had feelings for each other, but to be honest, Yoongi was always so bad at expressing things, that she was never one hundred percent certain of how he felt.

Blair gathered her courage, and walked into the apartment, shutting the door behind her. Immediately, darkness descended.

"Yoongi," she called out tentatively, until she felt hands on her waist, drawing her close.

"I'm here Jagi. I'm here now," he said quietly, and Blair felt his breath against her lips before his pressed against her.

There in the warm darkness, Blair could only rely on her other senses to feel the man in her arms. Her moan as his lips traveled from hers all around her face to the delicate skin under her ears before his teeth caught her earlobe and tugged gently, something that had always made Blair weak in the knees.

She grabbed onto his shoulders, feeling his back and the muscles he had added since the last time she'd been this close to him.

Felt how he arched his back as his lips caused her to moan again and finally, felt the delightful heat of him as he pressed her back against the door. He shifted slightly, causing Blair to widen her legs, then leaned into her until she could feel every inch of him up against her body. The shivers took over her as she felt him and this time the moan that left her lips was more than a little wanting.

"Yoongi," Blair managed to gasp out and he pulled back a tiny bit and laid his forehead against hers in the dark. She felt his breath huffing out of him and was thrilled to think he was as affected by her as she was by him.

But he'd stopped, and that was the last thing she wanted.

Balancing on one heel, she used her other leg to wrap around his and draw him close again, until he was nearly laying on top of her against the door. His weight against her body was wonderful and she felt the length of him, hard against her thigh and nearly moaned again.

"We were supposed to talk first," he said, his breath coming in gasps.

Blair took a second to clear her head, then reached around him, until her hands could grab onto that amazing ass of his and pushed him even closer.

"What? You can't talk while we're doing it," she teased and then gasped as he picked her up under her thighs, lifting her legs until they wrapped around his waist. He had to hitch up the dress, the slits on the sides were long, but not that long, and now there wasn't an extra layer of fabric between them.

Something they both enjoyed as he began to walk down the hallway.

"I have plans for my mouth besides talking right now, if you don't mind," he said and put her down. Except instead of the bed or couch she was expecting, this was a hard flat surface. She reached out her hands in the dark, only to find a stack of papers and file folders.

"Yoongi," she whispered in confusion, and she heard him laugh a little.

"Cover your eyes Jagiya," he said, and she did, only for a small desk lamp to turn on.

She opened her eyes to see a small office, covered in books and maps and paper. She was sitting on the desk proper and turned to see that Yoongi had taken off the tuxedo jacket and was unbuttoning his shirt.

"I promise we'll talk later Blair. I swear it," he said as she watched him stalk back towards her. She smiled lightly then lifted up an arm, until he stepped next to the desk and put his cheek in her hand.

"There's a lot to talk about, and I don't want to miss any of it," he said and then to her surprise sat down in his office chair. Then lowered the chair by a good four inches, which she realized put his face directly in line with the top of the desk.

He inched her skirt up and up until it sat bunched around her waist and she was in front of him, legs splayed to the side of the desk chair while he stared up at her.

"I have missed the fuck out of you Blair. Out of us. I want you to know that," he said raising his eyes to hers and this time Blair let her hand trail lightly over his lips. He pressed a kiss against her fingers, then let his fingers begin to walk up the inside of her thighs, teasing the edges of the lace panties she'd worn under the dress.

"I missed you too Yoongi. You, us," Blair said then gasped as his fingers brushed directly over the wet spot on her panties, causing Yoongi to laugh a little. Blair opened her eyes and looked down to where he sat, waiting for her decision.

"I missed what you can do with that tongue baby," she said and this time the grin he let out was nothing but evil. His hands reached under the last bit of the skirt of her dress pushing it to bunch around her waist. His clever fingers teased the edges of the lace on her panties until Blair nearly fell apart with wanting.

"Yoongi," she murmured and made him laugh a little. Pressing a quick kiss to the inside of her thigh, he looked up at her again.

"I've dreamed of this moment Blair. While I was stuck in some shitty places, doing things I don't even want to think about, I thought of you instead. Of this, right here. You on my desk, wearing my dress, the one you bought just for me. Waiting for me to take you right here," he whispered, and his lips moved closer to her mound with each kiss.

"Waiting for me to do this," he said and with his eyes on hers, he leaned in and sucked directly on her clit through the fabric of her panties, causing Blair's head to fall back and a moan to escape.

Her hand left the desk to clutch into his hair, and Yoongi used his arms to tug her closer to the edge of the desk. Hurriedly, he tugged off her panties, and when Blair heard the fabric rip, she reveled in the idea of how much he wanted her.

But when his mouth drove back down onto her bare pussy, she shrieked in delight and used both hands to hold him in place.

His tongue swirled and danced around her clit, never settling, never letting her rest, until he had her at a fever pitch. Blair's moans reverberated through the small office until she was doing nothing but calling out his name.

"Yoongi! Yoongiah, please baby," she begged, desperate for the rest of him. But her pleas did nothing but egg Yoongi on, his tongue moving even more fiercely, until with one hard suckle against her clit, Blair's world exploded until all she could feel was Yoongi between her legs.

She came hard and fast and crying out her orgasm to the small room. Yoongi's tongue finally slowed as her body began to shiver from sensitivity. With one final lap of his tongue, he lifted his head from her pussy, laying it directly onto her shaking thigh.

"I needed that," he murmured, and Blair's eyes opened again to laugh a little.

"I guess we both did," she said and then watched as Yoongi stood up and helped her slide off the desk, but only so that she could wrap her legs around his waist again.

"Sorry about the lace," he said as he carried her down the hallway and Blair laughed against his neck.

"Spoils of war my Yoonigah," she whispered and this time he laughed too. He turned into the last doorway on the right and kicked the door behind him closed with one foot.

This time when he set her down, he kept her upright and she found they were in what must be his bedroom. Blair looked around the room, and then back to Yoongi before opening her mouth.

"Well," she said as she glanced as the entire room done in black and grays and whites, "It certainly looks like you," she said and made him laugh.

He reached for the buttons at the collar of her dress and helped her out of it, until his eyes caught the black lace bra she wore underneath. He winced a little and looked at her.

"I suppose that used to match with what I ripped," he asked, and she smiled as she nodded. "Damn, ok. I'll buy you six more of those sets if you promise to wear them every day," he said hopefully and made her laugh again.

Yoongi got Blair tucked under the blanket on the bed before he stepped back and took his shoes off. He went to unbutton his shirt, and then froze, as if remembering something.

He looked to where she sat and sighed a little before, he came to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Change your mind," Blair asked quietly and shocked he glanced to her, wildly shaking his head.

"No, no, of course not, but..." He trailed off again, leaving her in a world of confusion, before he sighed once more and stood up.

"We still need to talk, but I'm honestly not sure I can string together many sentences right now Jagi," he said, and Blair nodded, trying to encourage her man to spit out whatever it was he was trying to get to.

Her man... She liked the sound of that.

Perhaps it was time to remind him of that.

Blair moved from where Yoongi had tucked her in, and stood up herself, then walked into his arms, comfortable in her nakedness against his clothing now. She wrapped her arms around him and held him close, reveling in the fact that he held her just as tightly.

She leaned back a little and framed his face with her hands.

"We do need to talk Yoongi. But I think the most important of all the words I want to say tonight, are that I still love you. It's always you, only you. My Yoongiah," she whispered and now she watched as he closed his eyes briefly. When he opened them again, she knew they were ok.

"Those are the exact same words I wanted to hear Jagi," he said, and she arched a brow, knowing Yoongi wouldn't spit it out unless he had to. And she wanted to hear the words said back.

"I love you too Blair. There's a lot to talk about, but you're right those are the most important words. But I do need to show you this," he said, and he stepped back a little and began to unbutton his shirt.

"Yoongiah, I've seen that before," she teased and when he looked at her so solemnly, she knew there was something else wrong.

His hands finished with the buttons, and he shrugged off the shirt, but Blair gasped and had eyes only for his chest.

For there, inscribed against the paleness of his skin, was the exact same dragon she had been wearing a moment ago.

Tentatively, she reached out to touch the ink on the skin, and saw with amazement that within the dragon's mouth, instead of the closed tooth smile on her dress, was a design meant to imitate of a breath of air.

And in the breath of air, was inscribed her name.

Watching her, Yoongi stepped back and spun around. This time Blair covered her mouth from the gasp that wanted to escape, as she saw the tattoo ran under his arm, and all down the side of his back, disappearing under his boxers. Just like her dragon did.

She watched as they slid down, but her eyes stayed on his hip, where the tail of the dragon landed, just like on her dress. Under the tail of the dragon, was a series of dates. She recognized the first two as the night they met, and their one-year anniversary, but didn't recognize some of the others.

He turned back to face her and realized he was nervous. Then smiled and opened her arms again.

He was also naked, and she'd be an idiot to talk about anything else right now.

Taking his hand in hers, she walked backwards to the bed, until she convinced him to climb in with her. Then Blair spent the time they had before they needed to be back upstairs, showing him exactly how much she'd missed him.

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