The Avallon Chronicles (BOOK...


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Cithara Aeloira Elizell Aberra was the rightful heiress of the crown of Everdaile. She grew up without anyone... More

Part I: The Great Prologue
1 | Welcome to Enchantria
2 | Varelor
3 | The Last Hope
4 | Past, Present, Future
5 | Destiny
Part II: Cithara Elizell
6 | Cithara's Premonition
7 | The Beginning of the End
8 | Take Me Home
9 | Untold Prophecies
10 | The Will of the Emperor
Part III: The Journey
11 | The Half-Blood Elizell
12 | Battle of the Brains
13 | Labyrinth of Doom
14 | An Unexpected Journey
15 | The Fortuitous One
Part IV: Search for a Purpose
16 | The Stranger's Mission
17 | Reunion
18 | Her Desire
19 | Which is Which?
20 | The Arcane
21 | A Right Decision
22 | The New Quest
Part V: The Castaway
23 | He's a Pirate
24 | Into the Unknown
25 | The Noteworthy Voyage
26 | Ocean of Secrets
27 | A Captain's Farewell
Part VI: The Royal One and His Assistant
28 | Michief Makers
29 | Caught on Act
30 | The Sacred Gem
31 | Acceptance?
Part VII: Alliances Or Foes
32 | One Last Wish
33 | Between the Borders
34 | The Conspiracy
35 | A New Friend?
36 | The Stranger of the Night
37 | Alastair
38 | Someone's Target
39 | The Resistance
Part VIII: United
41 | Escapists
42 | Our Little Mermaid
43 | Revenge of the Forgotten Lands
44 | The Third Avallon?
45 | Between a Threat and a Duty
46 | Chosen
PART IX: The Coronation
47 | The Night Before Dawn
48| Taken
49| Lies and Traitors
50| Shattered
51| The Inevitable

40 | Freedom

10 7 5

Sefira arrived at a hidden place located at the capital of the empire. There came a statue of the first-ever heroine of Mithrin who was covered with spits and moss, forgotten and ignored by others, for they believed that she was a villain and a stroke of bad luck.

She stood beside the wall near the statue, pretending that she was just standing there and doing a little sightseeing. Knowing that no one was staring at her, she took a silver from her pocket and drew a door-shaped figure.

She walked straight towards the wall and came out inside a different place that was filled with hidden treasures like gold, irons, and more, peering at the rocky walls of the place.

To close the passageway that she created, she drew an 'X' symbol on the figure she drew.

"Sefira, you're back," a she-dwarf spoke, "What's the report?"

"They knew!" she announced with a slight fear heard in her voice.

"What do you mean?" asked one of the she-Aragonas.

"They knew about the resistance," she answered, "and I think they knew the names of the members of this group."

"But how would they know? This is a secret place that only the members of this group know about," a farmer asked.

"Unless a spy is hiding amongst us," the she-dwarf who greeted her spoke.

"But who can be that spy?" Everyone around the room had their own conclusions of who might be the spy amongst them all. They looked at each other with wonder and doubt.

The gazes of doubt searched around the hall until finally, it landed towards Sefira.

"You are one of the newest members of our group, right?" A lady from the Aragonian race asked with her gaze still turned towards her.

"Yeah, I... I know, but I... I can not betray you. I- I swore that I will never let anyone know about our group and you know that the swear of a Mithrin aren't supposed to be broken or else some consequences will happen," Sefira explained, trying to prove herself innocent.

"You might have a point, but it's just impossible for non-members to know this hideout," a local farmer asked.

"Everyone, I swear, I am not lying to you," she added, "I am not one of the Emperor's spies!" As soon as she finished those words, a huge bang jolted their spirits, and when they looked at the entrance, it was opened.

From there, they saw shadows of men staring right towards them. "Finally, we found your secret hideout," one of the princes spoke.

Before the seven could even see any glimpse of her face, Sefira ran towards the nearest wall and drew a door-like figure once more to let her out.

"I should have known," her she-dwarf friend spoke as she watched Sefira leave them from the hall of certain death and torment.

"By the order of the Emperor, anyone who dares to oppose his orders will be banished from the land or will be sentenced to death," Athos announced. "I am giving all of you a second chance. Do you want to oppose the Emperor and suffer, or do you want to turn back to his rule and follow his orders no matter what the consequences it will give?"

The room was filled with terror, although they all knew what they should do. For years, they had suffered at the hands of a dictator who wanted the glory all by himself and didn't care about his subjects.

Before the current monarch could even be the Emperor, the former ruler was a great man who was the one who brought the Mithrian Empire to wealth and glory. Now, with the new Emperor's rule, the downfall of Mithrin was surely evinced.

The poor people, the children, and the women, who have the lowest rights in their Empire, were the ones who were gathered inside that very room – the people which the current emperor treated as his servants and burdens that blocked his way to more power.

"We will never bow down to that Emperor!" they all shouted. And with any weapon that they could find inside, they dashed toward the soldiers without any hesitation.

"If death's what you want, then we'll give it to you," Athos spoke, gesturing his army for the attack.

Most of the children were evacuated. However, some of them were caught, and some of them died during the battle.

The resistance was losing. One by one, they were caught and killed until finally, after the battle, the army of the Emperor had won.

"Tell me! Tell me who your leader is!" Athos ordered.

Bravely, Sefira's friend stood up with a battle ax on her side. "I am!" the she-dwarf spoke.

"Very well," Athos grinned. "Guards, take her with us!"

Sefira heard what had happened as she evacuated herself away from the secret hall. By the Emperor's order, her friend would be hanged at the center of the capital together with the other founders of the resistance.

Deep inside, she knew that she should be amongst those people. However, to stay unidentified by the emperor, she had to escape. She knew she had to save her father from his certain death.

She went to the hillside near the shore, trying to hide the emotions that were encircling her mind. Inside her heart, she was screaming in fear, but as a Mithrian and from the Aragonian tribe, she doesn't want to lose her dignity.

"Sefira!" she heard someone call. As she looked to her right side, she saw Cithara and Wil running towards her. "Sefira, we have to go now."

"What? Where are we... Where are you going?" she asked as she wiped out the sadness she was feeling.

"We need to go to Everdaile. You might be in danger!" Cithara replied.

"I... I know," she sighed. "Anyways, how... how did you find me?"

"Oh, uhh... your tiger, Puma, came to us and made us ride towards here," Cithara answered, patting Sefira's animagae.

"Deinar [Thank you], Puma," said Sefira.

"So, are you coming with us to Everdaile?" Wil asked.

"Yes. Yes, I will," she replied, thinking that going there would help her comfort her mind. "But... But can I take some friends with me?" she added, referring to those who escaped the battle.

"Of course!"

They successfully gathered the survivors secretly. However, they still have one big problem - if they go near the port walls, they know they could be easily caught.


⚔️ Deinar
- Mithrian word: Thank you

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