Babysitting the Oracion Seis

By junkofairy

250K 6.9K 7K

*set after grand magic games Lucy gets a message from the council,saying that she has to take care of former... More

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They're here
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Ryuuzetzu Land
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Halloween Party Part 2
Halloween Party Part 3
Kisses and a forbidden spell
Scary movies and comforting kisses
Hurting an Angel
Truth or dare!
The Visit &The Rumor
Midlu Ending
Colu ending
New fanfiction
20 facts about me

Lucy vs Lisanna

6.8K 209 78
By junkofairy

~Lucy's POV~

I stared at the guild hall in front of me, my criminals waiting patiently behind me.I need a plan. I cant just go inside and kick Lisanna's ass immediately, I need a strategy.

Maybe I could call her outside and ask for a fair fight, it wouldn't be to any concern of anyone, they would think of it as a friendly brawl. I could even get a few witnesses so everyone would know that I beat her.

I could see it now on the news: 'Lucy Heartfilia defeated Lisanna Stauss because Lucy is obviously stronger'

I looked back at the four figures behind me, they were all thinking about when I will open the doors.

From my ears I could hear that Lisanna is there, and she is talking to Natzu, Gray and even Angel.So that's where Angel disappeared too.

I smiled at my criminals giving them a determined smile. I have to win this and stop this constant fighting between Lisanna and I.

Letting my thoughts drift away I opened the guild doors, earning a huge 'congratulations'.

I peered around the room looking for the animal-soul mage but I couldn't see her.

From the bar I could here a squeal. an ear piercing squeal.

"Lucy, when I said I wanted colu babies, I didn't mean you had to have them yet" Mira shouted.

The she-devil jumped over the bar and ran towards me making me scared.What will she do?

I closed my eyes for impact, knowing Mira she will probably tackle me with a giant hug.But the impact never came, instead I felt tickling on my stomach.

I looked down at Mira seeing that she was on her knees, her ear pressed against my abdomen."Hello soon to be baby.It's me, your fun aunt Mira" she talked to my 'baby'

"Mira I'm not pregnant with Cobra's child" I growled out making her, and everyone else gasp, but not Levy and gramps.

"YEAHHHH SHES HAVING A MIDLU BABY" Gramps yelled already standing on a table with Levy standing beside him.

I heard a lot of people congratulating Cobra/Midnight making me furious.Why would someone believe that I am pregnant? have I gained weight?

"Wow Luce, you already have a bump" yep, they are making fun of my weight.

I whipped my head around to stare at Levy and Gramps, the two that were cheering and doing the gangman style on a guild table."IM NOT PREGNANT" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Everyone in the guild hall had confused expressions on their faces.

"But Lisanna said..."

"Well Lisanna is a liar" I shouted.From the back of the guild I could hear the giggles of the bitch herself, Lisanna.I slowly looked over towards the back wall, Lisanna was there, sitting on a table with a smug grin plastered on her lips.

She then raised both her hands and put them on her chest gasping."What? I didn't lie" she jumped off the table she was sitting on walking towards me.

"Lucy's pregnant because she can't keep her thick legs closed" she said making me growl.I felt two sets of hands on my shoulders, I looked both left and right seeing Cobra and Midnight on either side of me.Cobra gave me a reasurring smile giving me confidence.

'Kick her ass' Both him and Midnight thought at the same time.I gave them a thumbs up and faced the white haired mage.

"Lisanna I challenge you to a fight outside, now!"


"Come on you got this Blondie" Cobra said while massaging my shoulders.Everyone was outside the guild at the feild we use for training.Everyone has formed a gigantic circle surrounding us, I even think locals from the town came to watch the fight.

Gramps came into the middle of the field looking determined. "Okay girls we want a simple fight,the first one to fall and give in wins."

Everyone in the circle cheered around us and Cobra let go of my shoulders and spun me around to face him.

"Blondie you can win this. you can hear her thoughts for attacks, you have speed magic and you have that new spirit of yours."

I then gave him a closed eyes smile."and I have my whip"

"Good luck Lucy" Team Natzu cheered.

"Lisanna is really strong.i bet she'll win"Evergreen commented.

"Lisanna is a MAN"

"I think the blonde is going to win" Laxus stated.

"Come on Cosplayer" Bixlow cheered."yeah come on cosplayer""win" his dolls said hovering around him.

After Cobra moved away it was just me and Lisanna in the giant circle.Freed even made sure to put up runes around the circle so no one gets hurt.

'Is am totally going to win this' Lisanna thought. I'll make her eat those words.

I smirked at her and she has an innocent smile stuck on her face."May be best one win" I said clutching onto my key pouch.

"Well, If the best one is going to win, then it'll be me"

"We'll see "I said getting into a running position.

I looked around the circle seeing team Natzu beside my criminals cheering me on.

"LET THE FIGHT BEGIN" gramps shouted.I didn't need to be told twice.I closed my eyes and concentrated most of my magic energy into my ears, lungs and feet.

Lisanna jumped into the air changing into this bird-like person.She still looked the same but she had big colourful bird wings.

She flew up higher and higher until she was just hovering above my head making me worried, so I grabbed Vulpeculas key.

'I'll Swoop down and attack her with my right wing and then kick her in the stomach with my left leg' she thought from above.Silly, foolish girl.

She chuckled from above and started to charge at me from the air really fast. I don't think I'll be able to block her attack.she's coming down THAT fast.

The closer an closer she got the more I wanted to end the fight.She has the upper hand if she's going to be up in the air all the time.

When she has a foot away from my face she swung back her right wing, aiming to hit me.

As her wing was a centimetre away from my face, something big and orange collided with her face making her get thrown across the ground and hit the barrier around us. She let out a scream as she smacked into the wall making me confused.

What just happened?

Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I heard a growl.Turning my head to the left I seen Vulpecula but instead of being all cuddly like the last time we met.


He stared at Lisanna with his big brown eyes, small fangs hung outside his mouth."Are you okay my beautiful master" he said turning soft again, rubbing his cheek against my face

"Y-yes thank you. I'll reward you with strawberries and cuddles when we get home" I said getting out of his grasp.

I took my whip from my side and pulled it out, whipping it against the ground to show how intimidating I am.I was the one who suggested this fight should happen, so I have to win.

Lisanna then stood up whipping some blood from her lip." you bitch" she sneered changing into her cat animal soul.

I remember this animal soul, she becomes faster when she wears it.She took off running, charging towards me with her claw sharp and ready.

~Lisanna's POV~

I had my claws out in front of me ready to cut Lucy's stomach open.she just got lucky when her silly spirit came to help her.

As I was sprinting towards Lucy, she smirked making me the blink of an eye she was running so fast I couldn't even see her.

She can use speed magic?

"Yep and I can hear your thoughts too" Lucy said ending up behind me.She lifted her foot and kicked me in the back making me stumble forwards.

I didn't know she was this strong, I just thought she used her spirits to fight for her.

Since when was she able to read my mind and use speed magic?

I turned into a giant bunny and charged towards her, she looked shocked that I turned into a giant bunny. I watched her when she ran and I could tell that she was about to pounce. When she charged towards me I prepared to squash her.

When she was to kick me again, I jumped into the air and landed on her hearing a big crack.

"LUCY" Her criminals yelled making me smirk. After hearing her cries for me to get off of her, I gave her some sympathy and got off.

I turned back into my cat form and watched her struggle to get up, by the looks of it I broke her arm.

"Ow" she said clutching onto her left arm.

~Lucy's POV~

I clutched my arm keeping myself from crying, the pain is unbearable. I'll ask Wendy to heal me when we are finished our battle. I wont be the only one who's going to need healing, I am going to hurt lisanna until she asks me to stop.

With my only hand that functions, I took out two keys.

"Open gate of the fox, Vulpecula"

"Open gate of the lion, Leo"

Two bright lights appeared beside me and I smirked.With these two I will definitely win.

"Lucy you can win" I heard Angel say.I looked at Lisanna in front of me an by the looks f it she changed back into that cat soul.

"What can we do for you Princess/Master" Both of my spirits said at the same time.I gave Loke a secret smile and he realised what it meant.Vulpecula looked at the leader of the zodiacs confused.Loke leaned down and whispered what that smile meant.

When I smile like that to one of my spirits it only mean one thing:

Kick their ass until they beg for forgiveness.

I got my whip and cracked it against the floor, silently telling my spirits I mean buisness.Lisanna broke one of my arms, I can't let this fight be over until I break something of hers too.

Lisanna then charged at me, running faster like a cat.When she was three feet away from me I got my whip and wrapped it around her arms an stomach making her squirm against the leather.

I gave a nod at my two spirits and they immediately charged at her.At the same time Loke punched her with a regulus fist and Vulpecula lit up his tail with fire, hitting her across the face.

They kept on doing this why I still held her not letting go until she's had enough.All she had to say is just one word.

"Stop" she whispered."Please stop" she said a bit louder.My eyes widened, she gave up?

"Guys you can go back now, thank you"I said to the two spirits hitting her.In a poof they were both gone back to the spirit world.

I released Lisanna from the whip and she fell to her knees, her hands placed out in front of her.Her chest was moving up and down and you could hear jagged breathing coming from her.

Small tears fell from her eyes and I walked over towards her, sitting cross legged in front of her.

"I'm sorry" she whispered making me chuckle."its okay I'll just ask Wendy to heal it" motioning toward my arm.

"I didn't mean your arm, I'm just sorry for everything, for being mean to you..."she said looking up at me with tear-filled eyes.

"It's okay " I said looking at her burned shoulder.Vulpecula can really fight, I have to buy him strawberries.

"It's not okay, what can I do to make it up to you" she said putting a hand on my non-broken arm.

"Buy me lots of strawberries" I laughed making her smile."thats a weird request but I'll you you strawberries"

Her eyes then widened and she returned to crying."Since I lost you can have Natzu..." She said to me making my eyes enlarge.I burst out laughing making her look even more hurt than she is.

"Lisanna listen, I don't like Natzu.I have my eyes on someone else..." I said looking over at my criminals,there he was, staring at me giving me a big thumbs up, a smile plastered on his face.

Lisanna chuckled leading me out of my little world making me turn my head back to face her."i knew you like him, I see the way you stare at him" she said making me blush, I haven't told anyone about this little-no big crush, not even Levy or Angel.

"Please keep it a secret" I said.she gigged at me and done the motion of zipping her lips."your secrets safe with me, only I you let me have Natsu"

"He's all yours" I said.She then put her hand out in front of me and looked down at the ground."So are we friends?"

I giggled at her and pulled her into a bone crushing hug, ignoring my arm hurting like hell.


Word count:2204
Hey guys sorry for the very late update.Everyone blame my brother for breaking my laptop.And can I just say thank you all so much for reaching over 11,000 reads.i love you all so much.

Anyways in this chapter she is now friends with lisanna and we found out that she likes someone.But the question is who?


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