
By nachonachodude

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Nothing ever really happened in Burnage. Nothing good anyway. Beatrice, Trix to her friends, always felt like... More

True Faith
The Boy With The Thorn In His Side
Shake The Disease
China In Your Hand
Always on my Mind
Merry Christmas Everybody
Fairytale of New York
24hr Party People
The Weakness In Me
Do I Love You?
Forgive Me
Hands to Heaven
She Bangs the Drums
You Do Something To Me
Talk Tonight
Don't Marry Her
All Around The World
The 80's Irish Summer Mixtapes

Need A Little Time

429 9 0
By nachonachodude

August 1990

"Liam... he won't laugh. Invite him to come. Please?"

Liam sighed.

"I don't want him there."

Trix pouted.

"Liam I've been to see you loads of times. Even your mam and Paul have been. That's not fair. Did you ever think maybe he wants to be there for you?"

Liam gave her a look.

"Yeah. To laugh."

Trix squeezed Liams shoulders gently.

"If he laughs I literally won't let him have sex with me for a whole week. Promise."

Liam laughed and shook his head wiggling his brows.

"Even you can't keep that promise. At it like rabbits you two are it's disgusting."

Trix blushed and giggled shoving him lightly.

"For you I'd at least try. Come on please can I take him with me tonight?"

Liam nodded begrudgingly.

"If he-"

"He'll behave. Promise."

"Why do you want him to see me so bad?"

Trix sighed.

"Cause he's your brother. And you're so talented Liam. I want him to see that."

That was partly true but also Trix had another secret reason that she hoped would come to fruition. Liam was an amazing singer but Oasis' songs were shite. Noel was an amazing songwriter but he didn't have a band. It was too perfect.


Noel frowned as Trix led him into the venue by taking his hand.

"Where you taking me now?"

"Liam was too scared to invite you. I want you to hear him sing."

Noel's eyes widened.

"Why? So is he any good?"

Trix looked at Noel evenly.

"He thinks the world of you you know and if you thought he was shite he'd really take it to heart so he was too scared to let you hear him sing. He's great the songs are pretty shit though. Please be nice and kind to him alright? I know you can be. This took a lot for him."

Noel nodded and Trix was surprised by his willingness to comply.

As Liam stepped out on stage there was an electric buzz around him. He never seemed nervous or like people staring at him phased him he just stared right back. There was something commanding, effortless and oddly peaceful about his presence on stage. He didn't need to fight for audience attention they gave it willingly. Everyone that saw him was enraptured by him and that was before he even started singing.

Trix gazed at Noel as he listened. His expression was unreadable but like everyone else in the room he was completely fascinated.

At the end of the gig as Liam sat on the edge of the stage of the small venue chatting with friends and fans whilst swigging out of a can of red stripe Noel made his way over to him.

Liam looked at him with a slight apprehension in his face but it was imperceptible if you didn't know him well.

Noel clapped him on the back and smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me you could sing like that?"

Liam shrugged shyly.

"I did. You didn't listen."

Noel squeezed his shoulder and looked at him intently.

"Well I'm listening now. You're really good."

Liam smiled at him shyly.


Trix watched the beautiful moment between them wishing it could always be like this without any fighting. Over the past couple of years their relationship had improved. It was less volatile and they generally got along better now. Everything had changed around the time Liam had found out about her and Noel being together but they'd never explicitly told her what had happened between them.


Trix, Noel and Liam sat in Peggy's front room. Trix was due back at Uni next week. A reality they all seemed to be avoiding. Noel and Trix had spent yet another magical summer together.

"How come you two don't try the band thing together?" Asked Trix absently as she sat cross legged on the floor pretending to read a magazine against Noel's legs who was sitting on the couch.

She'd tried to drop subtle hints but neither of them seemed to be making the first move so as a result Trix was forced to be blunt. She was running out of time.

She glanced at Liam who had paused eating the packet of crisps he was eating on the couch next to Noel .

"Are you mad? We'd kill each other?" Said Liam in disbelief.

She looked up at Noel who looked equally perturbed.

Trix sighed and faced them kneeling on the floor as she abandoned her magazine fully.

"You're getting along alright now aren't you? You're an amazing singer Liam but you know the songs could be better and Noel can write good ones. Really good ones."

Noel flushed slightly beneath her praise. She'd been privelidged enough to have a few played for her. Having no job this summer he'd poured his heart into writing. Writing in the notepad she'd made him.

Noel shook his head.

"Bad idea. Exactly we're getting along. Let's not jinx it."

Trix shrugged in defeat.

"Look, why don't you just try? If it doesn't work it doesn't work. Forget it. But if it works could really work. I won't talk about it ever again alright but I think you should just both go to rehearsals next week see what happens. And no fighting because I won't be there to break it up."


"No chance."

They replied simultaneously.

Noel looked at Liam in surprise.

"You want me there? I mean this is your thing."

Liam nodded.

"Trix is right maybe it's daft not trying it. I'm not a control freak manager type. Maybe we need one of those."

Noel hesitated then nodded slowly.

"Alright then."

Trix grinned.

"See. I'm always right."


Noel had insisted on journeying with Trix back up to Glasgow repeating the journey from 2 years previous. Trix wasn't sure she could handle doing this again. It had been hard enough the first time saying goodbye to him on Queen Street train platform the first time. But it gave her some extra time with him and she would sacrifice anything for more time with him. Even her heart breaking into a million pieces all over again.

Noel and Trix sat in Glasgow Green on a rare dry day. Noel was going back to Manchester tomorrow. They sat in the shade of an old tree sipping Irn-Bru from a shared glass bottle.

"Good right?" She asked.

Noel nodded. He couldn't quite identify the flavour of the odd orange soft drink. Bubble gum like and fruity somehow. But it was good.

Noel looked at Trix seriously before glancing away. He seemed nervous. Trix could tell when he was.

"Ay. What's up? Out with it."

Noel smiled and shook his head.

"I used to hate that you could do that. Know when something was wrong because it meant I couldn't keep everything all hidden away."

Trix nodded.

"Used to? So not anymore."

Noel shook his head.

"I don't want to hide from you anymore. know I was thinking maybe...what if we don't have to say goodbye this time?"

Trix frowned.


Noel cast his eyes downwards and took her hands in his.

"It's different this time. You only have one year left here and I know you've got no clue what's going to happen after but neither do I. I've not got a job right now so it's easier. I'll come up and see you as often as I can and you could come down. We could make it work. I mean...if you wanted."

Trix's eyes widened.

"You want to try to stay together. Like boyfriend, girlfriend?"

Noel nodded slowly.

"Last time I was just getting started roadieing and I was going all over the place. And you were so, I mean you still are, so young. And I wanted you to properly enjoy yourself up here with nothing or no one holding you back. A part of me hoped you'd find some rich, good looking bloke up here who'd make you forget all about me. But when I came home and I saw you just standing there in my street, like you've always been, I knew I didn't want to let you go again for anyone. And I know it's selfish and totally stupid and it'll probably end in disaster because there's a million reasons we shouldn't work-"

Trix stopped his mouth by placing her finger on his lips.

"Shhhh you were starting to go cynical again. Go back to the bit where you said you weren't letting me go. I liked that bit."

Noel's eyes lit up with hope and his mouth curved up in a hesitant smile.

"Yeah?" He asked quietly.

Trix nodded.

"You see you've ruined me for anyone else Noel Gallagher. Because now I know this is how it's meant to feel and no one else will do."

Noel's cheeks flushed and he looked so contented in that moment.

"Looks like we're agreed on trying to make this work then?"

Trix nodded. She kissed him in the shade of an old tree on Glasgow Green, their lips mingling with he sweetness of Irn Bru and sweet promises of the future.

Noel was afraid he would never love like this again. He held her tighter to him. He wasn't letting go. Not this time. It would be difficult but not as difficult as losing her again.

There were no tears on the platform this time just kisses and promises. Trix would drive down as often as she could and Noel would visit as often as he could. And they would write or call if that wasn't possible.

"Don't miss me too much." Teased Noel.

"Impossible." Said Trix as she breathed him in ignoring the whistle announcing the imminent departure of his train.

Noel held her face and kissed her softly.

"See you soon."

Trix stood on the platform and watched his train pull away.

"See I told ye. Still looking like love's young dream I see. Good for you hen." Said the ticket inspector with a wink.

Trix smiled and nodded.  She was amazed he'd remembered them.

Trix and Noel kept their promise to each the rest of the year and both worked hard on the relationship and on finding work. Noel worked with Liam trying to get their band going and Trix had been working steadily organising/promoting live music events for local bands in King Tut's where her flatmate worked. It wasn't a job she'd ever thought about doing but she enjoyed her work and the more bands she worked with the more her name got passed around. She was easy to get along with and even higher profile bands didn't cause any bother with her. They even enjoyed working with her. So much so her name got passed to one particularly important man indeed.


Trix was particularly proud of how smoothly the Christmas battle of the bands event had run. Her favourite thing was seeing the smiling joyous faces of the crowd from side stage. Like Christmas morning en masses throughout the year.

"I hear you're the one that organised all this?"

Trix nodded as she turned to the man speaking to her. He was thin, wore glasses and had buzzed in red hair. She was unsure if he was 10 or 20 years older than her. It was difficult to tell. He was from here judging by the accent.

"Well. Just the billing and the idea and that. Can't take credit for it all."

The man smiled at her.

"Modesty won't get you a job. I heard it was all you. Alan McGhee. Creation Records. Could use someone like you to promote bands for us. If you kick the Modesty into touch."

Trix's eyes widened.

"Are you for real?"

He nodded.

"Aye. Would start you on competitive pay and could give you a real contract and bonuses if you find any new bands that I think are worth while."

Trix grinned and held her hand out.

"When do I start? You won't find anyone better at what I do."

Alan laughed and shook her hand.

"Thats more like it. You already did."

And that handshake changed Trix's life forever. And in a few short months the life of a little known band,  Oasis.

AN: one chapter of 1991-1992. Then we time skipping to '94.

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