Cold All the Way Through, But...

By thecowgirlbookworm

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Anastasia Dalian was not expecting to have to deal with an unwanted suitor on the return trip from unsuccessf... More

The Launch
Some Minor Rule Breaking
An Incident
Breakfast and Society Tea
Dinner and a Question
An Afternoon Promenade
Waiting in the Cold
Bridge and the Brig
The Morning Session
AN: Switch
The Afternoon Session
An Afternoon Caller
A Private Rail Car
The Funeral
A Few Frazzled Days
One Night
A Questioning
An Interview
An Attack
A Letter
A Ball
A Trip
Spreading the News
Hair of the Dog
The Business of Pleasure
A Joke
Settling Things
A Happy Occasion
The Party
Renewing Acquaintances
A Warning
A New Launch
The Duchess
A Favor
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
Almost to the Race
The Regatta
First Voyage
Awkward Conversations
The Tour
A Picnic
The Opera
An Ultimatum
The Costume Ball
The Birthday Party
White Camellias
Wedding Plans
Four Days Late
A French Letter
The Kidnappers' Testimony
A Red Dress and a Golden Necklace
The First Anniversary
Oscar's Gift
The Wedding Portrait
The Stag Night
The Morning After
The Wedding
The Wedding Night
The Wedding Breakfast
Shipboard Antics
A Slight Discomfort
Uncle Will and Aunt Anna
The Brightest Jewel in My Crown
Until We Meet Again
An Attack of Memory
An Unlikely Friend
An Abomination
Those Who Should Never Will
A Moonlight Swim
A Greedy Man
A Siren and a Scotsman
Purple Hyacinths
The Great White Hurricane
There's Nothing a Best Friend Won't Do
Cheering Up
Breaking Point
A Trip to Town
Groveling on His Knees
The Spell is Broken
Christmas Visitors
Heading Home
Modern Major General
Unwelcome News
A Turkish Bath
Dinner With the Captain
Old Friends
A Quiet Sort of Grief
Captain Rogers
A Storm
A Look of Adoration
The Second Anniversary
A Surprise
Another Trick
Crossing Together
Stealing Up to Newport
Finally, A Proposal
Before the Storm
Whispers on the Wind
Alfred Arrives
The Wave Breaks
A Long Time Coming
Fair Winds and Following Seas
Another Time, Perhaps
Dragged Kicking and Screaming
Live Bait
Rule Britannia
The Talk
An Agreement
An Early Christmas Gift
Mrs. Moody
A Public Confrontation
A Raider's Early Demise
A Court Martial
The Leave Taking
The Perfect Target
Drowning in Despair
Fitting Together
Tea With the Lightollers
A White Feather
A Mutual Friend
An Interrupted Afternoon Tea
Back in New York
Leave's End
Off to London
Yet Another Inquiry
Lord Mersey
Letters and Tricks

Opening Arguments

49 1 0
By thecowgirlbookworm

The reporters outside the courthouse were as thick as flies on a carcass, plain clothes Pinkertons and police holding them and the crowd of spectators back to clear a path up the steps. A Pinkerton was even driving the car, and another sitting beside him with a shotgun in his hand. I tried not to focus on it, trying to remember how things were going to happen in the court. Today was the time for opening statements, for the Links to lay out why Evan Perry was guilty and for his own lawyers to argue against it. I found myself breathing deeply, trying to remember what I was to do.

"Will," I looked over as he squeezed my hand. "Can you sit behind me today?"

"I'll be right behind you every day." He nodded as the car stopped, Oscar and Ezekiel leaving first. Ezekiel handed Mother out, and Will drew me after him. I tried not to cringe from the flash of camera bulbs, glad for the veil that hid my face. Rhett wanted to keep the bruise hidden for as long as he could, to be revealed when I took the stand. Will dropped his hand from mine, instead putting his arm around me as we bowled past the reporters, not even bothering to listen to the shouted questions. I could see some of the reporters trying to shove their way through the line, arms outstretched as they cried.

Will froze for a second, staring as one man screamed a question to him. It took the police officer shoving the man back and reaching for his gun to shake him out of it, and he hurried me past them. The courthouse was a bastion of quiet once we were inside, all marble floors and dark wood. I grabbed Will's arm, pulling him aside. I wanted to pull my veil aside, to look at him without the fuzzy outline, but I settled for squeezing his hand. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, yes." He shook his head, his eyes still cloudy. "It was just, back on the ship-"

"I know." I nodded, remembering the men trying to force their way past a line of sailor, Will pale and screaming at them to stand back. The way the men had jostled me and the line of women and children, the crack of a man's elbow across my cheek. God, I could even smell the cold, the way it had seemed to flood my lungs that night. And Will, terrified and maddened by what had happened, knowing only to do his duty and nothing more. I tried to banish those thoughts along with my worries about the trial. "But we're here."


"Perhaps we should come a bit early tomorrow, try and avoid them?"

"It might be a good idea." His eyes finally seemed to focus, and the hand that came up to stroke my shoulder was steady. "Would keep you out of the papers too."

"They'll still write about me." I shrugged, starting over to the others who had managed to find the Link brothers. "Nothing will stop that." I felt Will slide his hand down my arm, twining his fingers around mine. "But soon enough they'll be writing about our wedding." Will laughed at that, catching the attention of the group. I nodded to the Links, "Gentlemen, I hope you're feeling prepared for today."

"There's nothing like a trial to get the blood pumping." Rhett chuckled, and he gestured with his chin to the group on the other side of the lobby. I could see Mr. and Mrs. Perry talking to a group of men in suits, all of them nodding and smiling. "Our competition, Rhys Dyer and his cronies. Don't worry, we've got them." I tried to stop myself from winding my fingers around Will's too tightly, I was worried I might hurt him. It took time for everyone to file into the courtroom, the prosecution and the defense quickly followed by a stream of reporters and spectators that had managed to get access to the gallery. I had to let go of Will's hand as we crossed the bar to the table our team had been provided, and Rhett put his hand on my shoulder to guide me to the chair set aside for me. "Relax Miss Dalian, everything is under control."

"I hope so." I muttered, glancing back to see the others behind me. Will gave me a weary smile, trying to ignore the rising conversation that began to swirl around the room. It seemed to build and build, only broken when a man near the judge's chair began calling out for order. Everyone rose in respect as Judge Withers entered, an older man with salt and pepper hair in a black robe.

He arranged some papers on his desk before speaking. "Bring in the jury." A door from a room behind his bench was opened, a group of men filing in and taking their places. Rhett and Dalton began to murmur between themselves about their chances with some of the jurors, they seemed to feel rather strongly that they would side with us. Judge Withers waited for them to take their seats, then turned to face the various lawyers that had been assembled. "Gentlemen, I hope that you remember my statement when we were selecting out jury. This trial will take place quickly, and honorably." He glared at all of us at that. "The prosecution may proceed with their opening statement."

Rhett stood, "Thank you, Your Honor." He turned to the jury, his stance relaxed and easy. "Gentlemen, you know you have been brought here to judge whether or not the defendant engaged in a conspiracy to kidnap my client." He strode down the gallery, his footsteps echoing across the room. "We shall prove that Mr. Perry engaged the services of rough men to steal my client away, and that he intended her for the most vile and heinous purpose!" He spun on his foot at that, glaring across at the defense. "That this man not only wanted her brought to him, but that he was planning to sacrifice her virtue for his own gain!" The gallery of spectators suddenly began buzzing, pencils scribbling across paper and hushed conversations hissed back and forth. Rhett raised his voice. "We have the testimony of not only the kidnappers, who have plead guilty of their own volition, but from a source with access to the evil business he engages in. A spider, clinging to the underbelly of our fairy city and taking what ever he pleases, whether it be money, power or even an innocent woman!" I could see Mr. Perry speaking to his lawyers, Rhys nodding and pointing to something on his papers. Rhett ignored them, instead nodding to Judge Withers. "Your Honor, the prosecution has finished."

Wither silenced the gallery with a bang of his gavel. "The defense may now make their opening statements."

Rhys Dyer stood with far too much confidence as he turned to the jury. "You fine gentlemen of the jury, I hope you will not let the prosecution cloud your judgement. My client, a great philanthropist with a kind and loving heart," I heard Oscar snort behind me, and a muffled curse from Ezekiel. "Hardly knows Miss Dalian, beyond what we have all read in the papers. My client is being framed by those so called kidnappers, who have conspired with Miss Dalian in order to blacken my client's name! You will see how she planned this out, how she maneuvered every piece into play simply for her own amusement." He looked back over his shoulder at me. "She can't even show her face, that should tell you all you need to know about the guilt that she is carrying for slandering my client."

"Ignore him." Dalton hissed. "He's baiting you. Keep the veil down." Instead I wrapped my hands around the arms of the chair as the defense returned to their table and the calling of witnesses began. It was rather tedious, the Links had decided to start slow and wait a few days before allowing me to speak. So they started by bringing Lewis up to the stand. Dalton spoke kindly to him. "Mr. Graham, I certainly hope your head is feeling better."

"It is, sir." Lewis looked rather uncomfortable to be addressed in such a way. "Thank you."

"Now, Mr. Graham, you have been employed by the Dalian family for how long?"

"Ten years, sir."

"Always as a coachman?"

"Yes, and I take care of the horses. I've helped run errands, as well."

"And your opinion of the family?"

He glanced toward Mother. "They've been a fine family to work for, sir. Never overly demanding, and they pay well. I've been happy during my time with them."

"Describe the events of March 19th, if you don't mind Mr. Graham."

"Miss Anastasia asked me to drive her to the tailor's." He waited for Dalton to nod before continuing. "I had taken her there before to leave off Mr. Murdoch's measurements, and she knew the street well enough that I didn't have to try and fight for a space among the cabs. She brought her dog, and both went inside. I had stepped down to tend to the horses, they needed a little grain, when someone cracked me across my head." He rubbed at the back of his skull. "Next thing I remembered I was all tied up in the carriage itself, and then Mr. Vanderbilt was getting me loose and settling me down in his car. He just wanted me to hold the box containing Mr. Murdoch's uniform."

"And Miss Dalian?" Dalton looked over to the jury as he spoke.

"Senseless, and being carried by Mr. Vanderbilt." Lewis gave me a slight smile. "I didn't see her beyond that, but they sent the doctor they brought for her down to see me."

"Did you notice anything when Mr. Vanderbilt was carrying her?"

Lewis nodded. "Yes, he was carrying her hat and her hatpin. It was covered in blood, and her dog was following him."

"Do you think she defended herself with her hatpin?"

"I hardly doubt it, and I know she set the dog on one of them. When Mr. Vanderbilt's men were throwing them into the carriage I saw one of them with a bloody arm." Lewis kept his calm, although I could see him shift in his chair. "I think she defended herself in any way that she could."

"Do you think that she was under an immediate threat by these men?"

"Considering the way they treated me, yes, I do."

Dalton patted the railing of the gallery. "The prosecution is finished with this witness, Your Honor."

At Judge Wither's nod, Rhys stood and strode right up to Lewis. "How often do you drive Miss Dalian and her fiancé around?"

"Quite often sir, they enjoy going out."

"And what do they do when you drive them out?"

"They attend dinners, parties, the theater." Lewis leaned a bit away from Rhys, the lawyer had begun to invade the witness stand. "They prefer the carriage to the car."

"Hmm, rather frivolous aren't they?"

Rhett slammed his hands on the table as he stood, his voice pointed. "Judge Withers, that is clearly a call for speculation! Every person has a different definition of frivolity."

"I acknowledge that Mr. Link, Mr. Graham please answer the question but I would ask the jury to take Mr. Link's statement into account." Judge Withers kept himself calm, but he did look down to Lewis as he began to speak.

"I've never thought so sir, the place she has me drive her the most is the company offices. She arrives early and stays late, she has been quite dedicated since she inherited her shares of it."

If that affected Rhys he didn't show it, simply humming for a moment. "And who all works at the offices? I highly doubt it's staffed by ladies of good breeding."

"No sir, it's men." Lewis ground his jaw. "Men who have worked for her family for years and have been around her since she was a child."

"Of course, of course. But it's also filled with rough sailors coming off of the ships, men from every corner of the globe." Rhys chuckled, "But then again, she is engaged to a rough sailor, is she not."

"No sir, she's not." Lewis looked like he would have spit on him if he could. "Mr. Murdoch is an honorable man, an officer and a gentlemen and he has been nothing but a credit to the company since he has been hired."

"Despite the fact that his negligence caused the deaths of over fifteen hundred people a year ago?"

"Objection!" It was Dalton shooting to his feet now. "Mr. Murdoch has been cleared by both the American and British inquiries and his status should have no bearing on this trial. It is completely meaningless to the case before this court."

"Sustained." Judge Withers nodded, turning to Rhys. "You will keep your questioning to the events surrounding this case."

"Of course, Your Honor." Rhys had the gall to smile as he turned back to Lewis. "One last line of questioning for you Mr. Graham, have you ever driven Miss Dalian around with men who are not her fiancé?"

Lewis glared, but answered. "Yes, I have."

"And they are?"

"Mr. Ezekiel Fields, a friend of hers from childhood."

"Did she have a chaperone when you drove them?"


"Not her mother? Or a brother?"

"Mrs. Dalian was deeply grieving the loss of her husband," Lewis growled, "And Miss Anastasia is an only child, as you well know."

Rhys turned to the jury, smiling. "The defense is finished with this witness, Your Honor." Lewis was dismissed, making his way to a seat in the gallery. I heard Mother murmuring her thanks to him, that he was truly a great asset to us. He grumbled back an apology, that he didn't think they were going to try and twist what I'd done that way. I sighed, my mind losing track of what was happening as Mr. Cooper was sworn in.

Rhett started the questioning this time, establishing Mr. Cooper's history with the company and the fact that he was immensely skilled. Mr. Cooper was rather nervous as he spoke, but Rhett calmly led him along. Soon enough he was relating how I had come to him to order a uniform for the wedding and all the work he had done to get it finished. "I ordered some of it from Britain but I did most of it myself. American and British naval uniforms are not very dissimilar and bear a great resemblance to the Dalian uniforms I make every day-"

"Your Honor, I thought we were going to hear about the events of that day, not a lecture on the finer points of a stitch." Rhys loudly complained from his table, drawing a chuckle from some in the crowd.

"I was only trying to explain that Miss Dalian's request was not that unusual." Mr. Cooper sounded much more meek on the stand.

"Of course, Mr. Cooper." Rhett glared at Rhys. "Perhaps you could tell us why you tended to Miss Dalian yourself instead of allowing an apprentice to do so?"

"Well, her company has employed my shop for many years so I thought it was my duty." His voice jumped a bit as he spoke. "Besides, I don't often get the chance to make a wedding suit. I wanted to make it as fine as I could."

"Did Miss Dalian have her dog with her?"

"Yes, he knocked over a display." Mr. Cooper smiled at that, "She helped pick up the shoes herself."

"What happened once you had the uniform packed up?"

"Miss Dalian took it herself, I had reached out to help but she had shaken her head. My street is usually quite safe, so I bid her goodbye as she made her way outside. It wasn't until I heard Mr. Vanderbilt's car that I checked what was going on out there."

"And what did you see?"

"Mr. Vanderbilt's men binding the kidnappers and locking them in Miss Dalian's carriage, it wasn't much longer before they all left."

"Thank you Mr. Cooper, we're finished with him." Rhett addressed this to the Judge, but gave Mr. Cooper a smile as he went back to his chair.

Judge Withers looked up from his notes. "Mr. Dyer, you may proceed."

"Thank you, Your Honor. Mr. Cooper, has Miss Dalian visited your shop often?" Rhys was already speaking as he rose to his feet.

"Not very often, but she hardly has need of what I offer."

"Ah yes, I take it you don't sell ballgowns?" Rhys was clearly trying to play to the crowd, and even a couple of jury members grinned at that. "When she came that day, what other clients did you have?"

"Officers from her ships, and some of the clerks from the office." Mr. Cooper shrugged, "It wasn't an unusual day for us in terms of business."

"Are these men familiar with Miss Dalian?"

"I would think so, seeing as she employs them." Mr. Cooper's brow was furled. "She knows most of the clerks from the offices."

"Was she with you the entire time?"

Mr. Cooper seemed to shrink in his chair. "I had to go and collect her order, so no."

"And how long did it take you to bring her purchases?"

"Perhaps ten minutes?" The poor tailor pressed his fingers to his temples. "It wasn't very long, but she had a large order."

"Ten minutes." Rhys walked along the jury as he mused. "A lot can happen in ten minutes, a chance encounter." He looked back at me suddenly, "Or a planned one." Rhys should have been grateful for the veil I was wearing, for I felt like I could have killed him with my glare. But he blithely continued. "Did Miss Dalian speak to anyone else in your store?"

"She apologized to an apprentice for knocking over the display."

"Anyone else?"


"But during those ten minutes, she could have?"

Mr. Cooper shifted on the seat. "I suppose so."

"Ah," Rhys smiled. "Ten minutes alone, in a shop full of men familiar with her. And no chaperone." That drew a hushed murmur from the gallery, and I was barely paying attention as Mr. Cooper was dismissed and the judge called a recess for today. It was already late afternoon and I was starving, but as I let Will bundle me back into the car I couldn't help the twisting in my gut.

I threw the veil up, taking in deep breaths of air as I tried to explain. "Will, I didn't meet anyone at the shop."

"I know, Ana." He slipped his hand around mine. "It's all lies."

"But they're believing them!" I tried to shake my head, but it was too fast and everything was swimming around me. "They're believing everything he says! He's lying, and I don't," I had to pause, a wave of nausea passing over me. "I don't know what will happen if we lose."

"Likely nothing." Oscar, across from me, shrugged. "We may have to pay his legal fees, but it isn't as if they could throw you in jail."

"Are you quite certain, Mr. Vanderbilt?" Mother sounded far away to me, and I clung to Will's hand to keep me grounded.

"Fairly so, Mrs. Dalian. The kidnappers pleaded guilty, and we have testimony from them to implicate Perry. I know the Links are saving it for tomorrow, and Anastasia's testimony for the day after that, but even if the jury doesn't believe them they can't do anything to Anastasia. She hasn't done anything wrong."

"We'll come out of this fine, either way." Will muttered, holding me close to him. "And in a few months this will all seem like a distant nightmare." I couldn't even whisper an agreement with him, for I felt as if I tried to speak I might vomit. I let the others carry on in their discussion, trying to focus on the points that Oscar had brought up. Even if they found Mr. Perry innocent, I was safe. We were safe. I tried to believe that with every breath I took because I knew if I didn't I'd be lost.

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