Steven universe adventures 2

By Ro1052003

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Steven and his friends are back! Their traveling the world helping other animals that need it. And now with t... More

New friends
Friendship vs strength
Thats what friends are for
Kindness and sacrifice
Battle on vorison mountain
Clash of time and space
Welcome to alamos
Darkeai's warning
From alamos town to nightmare town
Battle of the titans
The town is saved
Malenion festival
Turn of events
Butler true color
Rise of zombie groudon
Unfortunate events
Meet shaymin
The reverse world
On the train
Saving an enemy
Celebis forest
Ferry ride
Jungle forest
Enter iron masked marauder
Saving the forest
Steven meets god
Before the exlipes
Changing history
Meet Zoura
Saving zorauk
The Vision
The migration
Unexpected reunion
Join the migration
The spider and the butterfly
Team rocket means buisness
Welcome to the crater
The best of the best
Darkness is coming
Tapu council
To raptordon
In the nick of time
The pokemon of black and white
Medichi bros. Circus
Baby jumbo
Circus disaster
Dumbo soars
Unexpected show stopper
Elephant heist
A year later
Not so proper introduction
Robot chase
Hedgehog vs egghead
Best friends forever
Destiny apporaching
Meet hoopa
Ghidorah's ghost
The prophecy
Approachimg darkness
Off to dehara tower
Night time ambush
Closer than expected
Before the eclipse
The eclipse
After the eclipse
A new future
Reamimated pokemon
Pokemon hills
Steven meets the genecect
Genecect invasion
Genecect nest
Making peace
Princess diancie
Meet diancie
Mammoth manipulation
Mall mayham
Through the jungle
The bird of destruction
Mega abution
Meet volcanion
Helping magearna
Nebel plateau
A dinsoaur's revenge
Gaining ones trust
Reef city
Meet oscar
Sad day
Goofy goobers drunk
Oscar bets it all
Underwater disaster
Shocks and scares
Discoveries and sit downs
Now that we're men
Saving the sea
Welcome to fula city
Festival chaos
Meeting Zeraora
The okoyan jungle
Protecting the jungle
Finale teaser
Finale part I
Finale part II
Finale part III
Finale part IV
Finale part V
Finale part VI
Finale part VII
Finale part VIII
Finale part IX
Finale part X
Finale part XI
Finale part XII
Finale part XIII
Finale part XIV
Finale part XV
Finale part XVI
Finale part XVII
Finale part XIX
Finale part XX
Finale part XXI
Finale part XXII
Finale part XXIII

Finale part XVIII

111 0 0
By Ro1052003

The group make it across the anti gravity stone sky as maniac Sonia and Adora lead the group to aslan's camp as they see loads of tents and hear a horn blowing as they look around to see the tents

Steven: man. This is one large camp

Latias: your telling me

Cornwall: the first talking dragon of aslan's arm. We'll be famous

Devon: I can see us on the poster now. "Presenting, the wonderful Devon, and this little head Cornwall"

Sonic looks to see a tree come yo life as from its branches emerge beautiful dryads who wave hello as he passes Devon Cornwall and willie

Cornwall: why don't you shut up? How bout "Cornwall and his obnoxious talking wart"?

Sonic: knock it off

They watch as he passes

Willie: what's the matter with him? Something he ate?

Devon; sorrow for the echidna. Poor lad

They walk through the camp to see remarkable creatures for the army. unicorns, centaurs, satyrs, fauns, Pegasus, fauns, gryphons, smaller scaled down versions of Rodan, more of the species of creatures that attacked them when they came here, and many many of the beasts that looked like Helios from humanoid falcons, hawks, ravens, giant tortoises, humanoid styracosaurus, armored sauropods with nose horns and built in shields on their bodies, and more than could even describe, but what really surprised them were hedgehogs and owls from sonic and king claws tribes. Once they passed the beasts, they beasts proceed to follow them

Steven: why are they following us?

Glimmer: there haven't been any surface dwelling creatures in centuries. Your celebrities

They all stop as they look to see a centaur looking right at them

They hear a growl as they see an erumpent March forward and stand right up to the centaur. Steven gives right across from them puffing his chest up

Steven: we have come to see aslan

The centaur and erumpent proceed to stare at the rent to their left. Steven and company look to the tent thinking that aslan was inside. Steven inhales and was about to go in before Adora and her friends kneeled down. And soon enough all of the camp proceeded to kneel down, it surprised Steven and company but realized why. They looked to see something emerge, it started as a pair of front paws, and then to everyone's surprise, they saw an enormous lion emerge from the cave

Steven and company then realized that the lion must have been aslan as they then proceed to kneel down before him as well

Aslan: welcome Steven. Son of pink Diamond. And welcome latias. Daughter of latios the great. Welcome those of their royal court. And welcome to you Adora, glimmer and bow, and a warm welcome to you, Sonia and maniac the hedgehogs, Devon and Cornwall, and willie the giant. You have my thanks. But where is catra?

Steven and his friends look to one another

Steven: that's why we're here your majesty. We need your help

Latias: we've had some trouble on the way

Manny; we found the map to the compass to find the master emerald

Adora: we did find the compass, but it was taken from us, and catra got captured

Aslan: captured? How is that possible?

Steven: there's a crazy machine engineer named Doctor Robotnik, and an echidna named knuckles

Centaur: then the echidna has betrayed us!

Aslan: peace, orius. I'm sure there's an explanation

Sonia: it's because our tribes kept the master emerald from the echidnas so they wouldn't use it for evil

Sonic: and he said that he wanted to restore honor to the echidnas. He and I both lost everything when we were young

Aslan: I know hedgehog. But that only makes the betrayal more worse. This may be harder than you think

Steven just had a worried expression on his face

We then cut to later as Steven is on a high hillside and looks to a shining castle on the horizon facing the sea. Aslan walks up to him as he looks to the castle as well

Aslan: that is cair paravel. Castle of the ancient kings. A throne of which you shall sit Steven. As high king

Steven looks to the castle with worry and doubt in his eyes, which were read clear as day by the mighty feline

Aslan: you doubt the prophecy?

Steven: that's just it. I know everyone looks up to us as mighty heroes, but me and my friends are just outcasts in a society that won't accept us. And because of us probably the whole human race hates us and either want us extinct or chained up in a cage

Aslan: Steven, there is a deep magic more powerful than any of us that rules over all of narnia. It defines right from wrong, and governs all our destinies

Steven: but I can't be a leader if I nearly get my friends killed on a daily basis

Aslan: you brought them safely this far

Steven: yeah. But not all of them

Aslan: Steven; I will do what I can to help you and your companions, but I need you to consider what I ask of you. I, too, want my family safe

They both look to the camp as they see the armies prepare for battle

We then see Adora looking to the forest with manny and company making a tent for them to sleep in

Glimmer: sure you'll enjoy it inside that cramp tent, and with all your body fat that's saying a lot

Manny: alright, look, I'm sorry for what I said to you guys during the journey. It's just, well, family can be difficult. Everyone looks up to us as a band of heroes when in reality, we're just a nutty mixed up herd full of loners and outcasts. And that's just on our side

Glimmer; oh. Yeah, and you don't see us complaining at all about your side

Manny: yeah. You'd know what it's like when your surrounded by up to 6 or more characters besides your own mate

Adora: yeah, we know what it's like

Manny: really?

Adora: believe it or not, it wasn't always just me catra glimmer and bow.

Adora: we were leaders of a team called the princess alliance which consisted of me and glimmer as the leaders, perfuma, with the power of growing and controlling plants, mermista, princess of the mermaids, metossa, with the power to manipulate pure energy, and the wife of spinnerella, the princess with the power to control the air, frosta, glimmers old best friend with the power to control and manipulate ice, entrapta, a talented mechanical genius, scorpia, with the powers of the scorpion, and catra

Manny: yeah the first and middle not I understand but catra? Obviously because she's your girlfriend

Adora: bottom line, we were a powerful team, we defeated evil wherever it was upholding the circle of life. But one day we were ambushed by Gigan and his army, me, catra, glimmer and bow...were the only ones to survive

The group look to them in sorrow

We cut to catra tied up against a large tree

Gigan: oh, do you want your pillow fluffed?

He then chuckles to himself as he looks to his garganoids and gets out a golden ring

Gigan: go to ghidorah's lair and tell him the army will come at first light in the morning, then when the sun is high in the sky, we go to war

Catra looks to them in horror

We to to an island on the sea as Robotnik and Knuckles walk through a ring portal and end up in a small island in the center of the ocean

Knuckles: The owls were fools to think they could hide this.

Knuckles places the compass into a slot on the ground. The area suddenly shakes violently.

Knuckles: What's happening?

Robotnik: Wait for it...

The Labyrinth erupts from the sea.

Robotnik: Yes. Eureka! I've found it!

A large pillar of green light becomes visible in the horizon from the hillside and the forest where Adora and company are. As well as sonic and his siblings

Maniac: looks like they found the master emerald

Sonic: they found it? Their probably on their way right now

Sonia: then we got to get there first

Sonic: No, me. Longclaw gave me the responsibility to protect the emerald, and I'm gonna keep that responsibility

Sonic then proceeds to zoom to the direction of the light. Meanwhile we see Adora and company get their weapons before they are ambushed by Helios and and a pair of vicious looking insect creatures

Adora then gets her sword and transforms into her she-ra form with everyone backing away. The insect beast charges toward the animals before it is topped over by manny and Ellie and pinned down by aslan as they see him, orius, the erumpent and severs warriors coming to battle. They ready for the fight until aslan stops them

Aslan: No. stay your weapons. This so adora's battle

Adora then charges at Helios as they battle like a classic knight trying to slay a dragon. Helios then tail slams Adora to a tree

Helios: you know you don't have it in you. You may think your a she-ra, but your going to die like a DOG!

Helios then roars as he charges forward longing at Adora thrusts her sword right through the roof of Helios mouth and right into his brain. Helios then roars in pain before collapsing to the ground. Adora yanks her sword out as she transforms back to normal. Aslan then let's go of the insect creature and it escapes to the forest

Aslan: follow him. He'll lead you to catra

Orius and the erumpent nod as they charge through the forest following the insect beast as Adora looks to aslan who smiles

We cut back to sonic speeds though the water. Soon the waves start to pick up. Sonic struggles to keep his balance and himself above water, and eventually is washed into the ocean. He regains consciousness and finds himself at the island, witnessing the path to the Labyrinth.

Inside the labyrinth, Robotnik and Knuckles, led and trailed by several of Robotnik's drones, are running through the Labyrinth. Arrows fly out of the wall, but miss them. A wall of spears blocks the path ahead, causing the leading drones to crash. Robotnik and Knuckles turn down a side path, then jump down, but are forced to split apart as a large spiked ball swings between them, crushing the trailing drones. The spiked ball then rolls after them, forcing them to run.

Robotnik: I don't want to die like this! It's derivative!

Up ahead, a heavy stone door is sliding shut

Robotnik: Make room for daddy!

Knuckles catches the door and holds it in place long enough for Robotnik to slide under it. Knuckles dives from under the door just as the ball smashes into it. Robotnik counts their legs.

Robotnik: Two and two. Great! We're still bipedals, more or less.

Robotnik and Knuckles stand up, looking around for a moment.

Robotnik: Fire in the hole!

Robotnik and Knuckles duck in time to avoid a flame throwing trap.

Robotnik: I've solved it. There is a booby trap every seven seco...

A swinging blade trap just barely misses Robotnik's mustache, slamming into the wall.

Robotnik: That was a little early. So glad it didn't cut off my mustache. Hey, little red wrecking ball. I know you're dying to get your Emerald on, but can we be a little bit more mindful of our surroundings? May I?

Robotnik's control glove: In 30 feet, turn left.

Robotnik: Work smarter, not harder.

The camera moves to the beginning of the Labyrinth, which Sonic is entering.

Sonic: My pelvis. Okay, secret temple, let's see what you've got.

Sonic starts running through the Labyrinth, barely avoiding traps along the way.

Sonic: No, no, no! No! No. Yes!

Back with Robotnik and knuckles, the latter punches through a stone doorway, allowing him and Robotnik to enter.

Robotnik's control glove: You have arrived at your destination.

Robotnik: Wow. That really opened up the space. I can't even picture it with an impenetrable wall now. And the rubble is always a nice touch.

Robotnik and Knuckles look to see a stairway leading up to the Master Emerald, which is being held up by a stream of green light stretching into the sky.

Knuckles: At last. The Master Emerald.

Robotnik: Ultimate power.

Knuckles: Soon order will be restored. All because of what we have done together.

Robotnik: Such a lovely sentiment, Knuckles. I think I feel a single tear forming. Sadly... You're as useful to me now as a backstage pass to Limp Bizkit.

Before Robotnik can taser Knuckels with his glove, they both hear screaming and crashes from above them. Suddenly, Sonic crashes through the ceiling with a spiked wrecking ball behind him.

Sonic: Nailed it.

Robotnik: This guy is always trying to spoil a bad thing!

Sonic: You guys are here, too? Took the long way, huh?

Knuckles: Is everything a joke to you? Why must you constantly interfere with my destiny?

Sonic: Because my destiny is to protect my friends and family.

Robotnik: I think I just threw up in my mouth.

Sonic: And if you want that Emerald, you're gonna have to go through me.

As Sonic says this, his eyes glow blue, indicating that he is charging chaos energy. Robotnik swallows his throw up. Sonic then dashes up the stairway. Knuckles builds up his chaos energy and dashes up to a wall across from Sonic. Sonic takes notice of this and leaps to the wall across from Knuckles. The two of them then leap toward each other and collide in midair, exchanging kicks and punches.

Robotnik: The echidna's taking no prisoners today! Sonic has heart, but will he lose the quill to live?

Eventually, Sonic and Knuckles land on the ground, sliding across from one another.

Sonic: I don't want to fight you, but you're not giving me much choice.

Sonic leaps toward Knuckles, but Knuckles punches him into a waterfall draining from an owl carving.

Knuckles: Too easy. Let's do this.

Knuckles walks up the stairway, toward the Master Emerald, only to be cut off by Sonic, who slices through the stairway and makes Knuckles fall backwards. Time slows down as Sonic proceeds to run up the temple to right and above Knuckles. He proceeds to pound Knuckles further into the ground. Sonic eventually gets out, only for Knuckles to leap out and rapidly punch at Sonic, only for Sonic to dodge every hit.

Knuckles: Why - don't - you - stand still and DIE?! WITH HONOUR?!

Sonic: Let me think about it. Okay, I thought about it and I pass.

Eventually, Knuckles hits Sonic so hard that he is sent hurdling right outside the entrance to the room. Meanwhile, Robotnik makes it to the Master Emerald.

Robotnik: Hi there, beautiful. You're the real deal, aren't you? Where have you been all my life?

Sonic regains cautiousness and looks to see Knuckles holding a massive chunk of stone in his hands.

Knuckles: Say goodbye, hedgehog.

Sonic looks down and sees that Robotnik is about to get the Master Emerald.

Sonic: Knuckles, stop! Robotnik's stealing the Emerald!

Knuckles: What kind of fool do you take me for?

Sonic: Just look!

Knuckles looks behind him.

Robotnik: Mine.

Knuckles: Wait! That wasn't the deal!

Knuckles puts down the rock he is holding and Sonic gets up, albeit worn out and holding his right arm.

Robotnik: You poor, naïve creature. It's not your fault. A more advanced intellect would have seen this move coming a mile away. Or 1.6 kilometers.

Knuckles: But I trusted you! You were my friend!

Robotnik: [Laughs for a bit] I'm sorry. That just hit me funny. Let this be my final lesson to you, you dim-witted celestial skin tag. Friends...Are open, honest and vulnerable with each other. Which means x squared times the hypotenuse of y squared, divided by the absolute value of friendship, equals... Dookie!

Sonic: Oh, no.

The moment Robotnik touches the Master Emerald, it glows an extremely bright green and sends a shockwave out at Knuckles and Sonic, sending them backwards. The light dims down and reveals Robotnik holding the Master Emerald above his head, his red suit now black with green outlines.

Robotnik: Chaos... is... power!!!

Robotnik's voice becomes distorted as he teleports out of sight. The entire labyrinth then starts to crumble and be flooded with water.

Sonic: Let's get out of here!

Sonic made a run for it. However, Knuckles gets stuck under a column. The water completely covered him up as Knuckles loses consciousness.

Sonic: Knuckles!

There is no response.

Sonic: Water again? Come on!

Sonic jumps into the water. He tried to move the column, but it is too heavy. He breathes in a huge bubble to restrain from breathing the water. Knuckles begins to regain consciousness and sees Sonic trying to pull the column up. Holding his breath, Sonic motions him that they need to push this column off together. Sonic counts down to three with his fingers, and together they move the column. With Knuckles free, he swims up to the surface. Sonic tries to speak with his breath held in, but his air bubbles start to exhale out of his mouth, which he covers. Sonic tries to swim, but he only sinks. Sonic struggles to hold his breath and makes a muffled cry for help. Sonic begins to slowly lose consciousness. As Sonic is at the verge of drowning, Knuckles' hand grabs Sonic's

On the beach, Knuckles pulls Sonic up on the beach. Sonic coughs for air, trying to suck in the air for his starved lungs.

Sonic: You saved me.

Knuckles: Don't talk to me. I'm not in the mood.

Sonic throws a ball of sand at him, making Knuckles get on his feet.

Knuckles: How dare you attack me in my hour of sorrow!

Sonic throws another sand ball, hitting Knuckles square in the face.

Sonic: Why did you save me?

Sonic prepares another sand ball, but Knuckles throws one large sand ball at him, burying him in sand.

Knuckles: Because you saved me first, which clearly gave you a tactical advantage I do not understand.

Sonic emerges out of the sand pile.

Sonic: It wasn't a tactic. I couldn't just let you die.

Knuckles: Why? I've been trying to destroy you since the moment we met.

Sonic: Because being a hero isn't about taking care of yourself. It's about taking responsibility for other people.

Knuckles: Wise words. An ancient earth proverb?

Sonic: no sir, came up with that ditty all by myself, but I'd be honored if they did make it one

They then hear a loud squawk as sonic looks to see tails on the back of a female humanoid butterfly

Tails: Only Sonic the hedgehog needs rescuing this much.

Sonic: [Laughs] That sly little fox!

Sonic looks to Knuckles, who sits looking depressed.

Sonic: Come on, knucklehead. We're not beat yet.

Knuckles: On the mountain, you told me you'd lost everything. The way I did. But you seem so hopeful and free. How did you move forward despite failing again? And again. And again. And again. And again--

Sonic gets annoyed.

Sonic: Okay, I didn't fail that much. But I didn't do this all alone. I found a new family. New friends. And you can too.

Sonic lowers his hand to Knuckles.

Sonic: You don't have to be alone anymore.

Knuckles looks to Sonic and eventually grips his hand, dislocating his knuckles.

Sonic: Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Are you kidding me with that handshake?!

We cut to Gigan's camp as we see his army preparing for battle in the form of humanoids with enormous hands, cyclopses, garganoids, harpys, ankle sliders, werewolves, Minotaurs, goblins, black dwarves and many other evil beasts as we see the leader of the Minotaurs named otmin laying out their battle plan to Gigan

Otmin: the Minotaurs will take the left flanks. We'll keep the fear rippers in reserve and send the kumongas in first

Meanwhile the creature form before called kumonga charges through the camp as they look to see orius and their army charging through. From their quarters otmin and Gigan hear the commotion

Otmin: the prisoner!

They look to see the entire damp decimated as they see catra gone

Gigan: so they came back to save the traitor. Oh well, as the saying goes, more than one way to skin a cat

We cut to aslan's camp as we see Adora and catra hugging tightly from missing one another as the others see knuckles and aslan speaking on the hillside with everyone looking with curiosity. Eventually the two walk down the hill as knuckles joins up with the group with aslan next to him

Aslan: what's done is done. There is no reason to speak to knuckles about the past

Aslan then leaves them as knuckles smiles at his new friends

Steven: glad to see you came to your senses knuckles

Catra: a common enemy unites even the oldest of enemies right?

Adora: ya darn right hon

They both embrace with the group smiling
Man this took a long time. Now for some context, the princess alliance is something I dig up while looking up Adora and glimmers friends, and one of them, frosta, is the exact statue knuckle noticed in a previous part

Now onto part 19 where we will come back to Tembo and company where we see them head into battle where Tembo becomes a full fledged warrior. Whatever your thoughts and opinions are on the stuff in this chapter, I'd love to hear them

In the comments down below

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