Sonic boom x my OC

بواسطة MalaikaTheHedgehog

17.8K 536 224

(Cover is by me) When I move to Bygone Island to escape my regular life, I go on lots of adventures. But wha... المزيد

Chapter 1: The Sidekick
Chapter 2: Can an Evil genius Crash on Your couch For A few Days?
Chapter 3: Translate This
Chapter 4: Buster
Chapter 5: My Fair Sticksy
Chapter 6: Double Doomsday
Chapter 7: Eggheads
Chapter 8: Guilt Tripping
Chapter 9: Cowbot
Chapter 10: Circus Of Plunders
Chapter 11: The Meteor
Chapter 12: Aim Low
Chapter 13: How To Succeed In Evil Without Really Trying
Chapter 14: Don't Judge Me
Chapter 15: Dr. Eggman's Tomato Sauce
Chapter 17: Hedgehog Day
Chapter 18: Sleeping Giant
Update! Please Read!
Chapter 19: The Curse Of 'Lovey Dovey' Temple
Chapter 20: Let's Play Musical Friends
Chapter 21: Late Fees
Chapter 22: Into The Wilderness
Chapter 23: Eggman Unplugged
Chapter 24: Chez Amy
Chapter 25: Blue With Envy
Chapter 26: Chili Dog Day Afternoon
Chapter 27: Closed Door Policy
Chapter 28: Just A Guy
Chapter 29: New Years Retribution
Chapter 30: Battle Of The Boys Bands
Chapter 31: Tails' Crush
Chapter 32: Cabin Fever
Chapter 33: It Takes A Village To Defeat A Hedgehog
Chapter 34: Nutwork
Chapter 35: Alone Again, Unnaturally
Chapter 36: The Biggest Fan
Chapter 37: I Can Sea Sonic's Fear From Here

Chapter 16: Sole Power

342 12 14
بواسطة MalaikaTheHedgehog

(I'm not dead everyone! So sorry for being away for so long. I took a little break and recently recovered from covid so I instantly decided to update my book for you guys!)

Me, Sonic and Tails sit in the Tailsmobile in the middle of the canyon.

"What's so awesome that you had to bring us all the way out here?" Sonic asks, leaning over my shoulder.

"Check it out. Voice. Activated. Controls. Start engine." The Tailsmobile beeps, turns on, and starts hovering.

"Uh. Let me try. Give me a chocolate shake." Sonic asks. Out comes a mechanical arm carrying a vanilla shake.

"Vanilla? I asked for chocolate. Fail." The Tailsmobile beeps and out comes a mechanical arm with a cup of chocolate syrup. After a second however, it pours the chocolate on Sonic's head. Sonic groans and I have to hold in a laugh while helping him to clean up some of the mess with my handkerchief.

"Still working out the kinks... There's a towel back at the workshop." Tails grins nervously. Sonic sets the vanilla shake down in the Tailsmobile, jumps out of the vehicle, and runs away. In his wake, there is a loud deafening noise that shakes the Tailsmobile. Me and Tails cover our ears.

The Tailsmobile beeps and starts flying around. Tails is unable to control the vehicle as it flies out of the canyon.

(Time Skip)

Sonic runs through the Village Center while a loud noise is heard. As Sonic passes by the village, all the citizens cover their ears while screaming in pain. Lady Walrus falls down on her knees.

The workshop shakes from the noise until Sonic arrives at the desk. He dries himself off with the towel and runs away again. The workshop shakes again as the noise resumes.

(Time Skip)

We are flying through the canyons in Tails' uncontrollable Tailsmobile.

"TAILS CAN'T YOU CONTROL THIS THING?!" I scream, holding onto the edge for dear life.

"Um, voice control? I don't mean to be bossy, but...don't crash!"

The Tailsmobile is flying through the canyons. The local volcano is shown at the end of the canyons.


As the Tailsmobile reaches the end of the volcano, it screeches to a halt right at the edge. I breathe a sigh of relief.

Sonic is running through the canyons while accompanied by a loud noise. I cover my ears in pain and Tails shrieks.

The Tailsmobile beeps and starts vibrating until it falls off the edge and into the volcano, me screaming bloody murder all the way down. Noticing this, Sonic heads into the volcano.

While we plummet, Sonic runs down the circular path inside the volcano before jumping towards the Tailsmobile, knocking it back on solid ground. Sonic lands next to the Tailsmobile. I practically fall out of the Tailsmobile, Sonic catching me.

"I guess voice-activated rocket thrusters are a bad idea when you're screaming." Sonic smirks.

"I wouldn't have been screaming if you weren't making that horrible noise!" Tails fires back.

"What noise? I didn't hear any noise."

"Wait a minute..." Tails jumps out of the Tailsmobile and walks up to Sonic.

"I bet because you're faster than the speed of sound, you don't hear it."

"I'll prove it wasn't me. When I start running and nothing happens, you are going to feel so dumb." Sonic makes sure I can stand before he starts running and the loud noise is heard. Me and Tails scream in unison.

Sonic stops. "Now, that's just circumstantial evidence."

(Time Skip)

Sonic sits on a table while Tails holds a reflex hammer.

"Sonic, I am gonna run a few tests to figure out what's wrong with you." Tails runs Sonic through a series of tests including a knee reflex check, a regular sprint, an energy bike, and Irish dancing, all ending in failure.

"I just can't figure out what's wrong with you. Until we get to the bottom of this, you better not run." Tails says.

"Alright, no problem." Sonic runs out the workshop and the noise sounds. Tails jerks around in pain trying to cover his ears. Sonic appears in the workshop's door.

"Sorry. Old habit."

(Time Skip)

Sonic walks up Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Me and Sticks, who are standing near the volleyball net.

"Sonic! You were supposed to bring the volleyball." Amy complains.

"Oh, sorry. I'll just zip back home to get it."
Sonic prepares to run. We all cover our ears preparing for the painful noise. Sonic notices this and quickly resumes a normal pose.

"And by zip, I mean walk slowly and deliberately."

Sonic walking boringly across the beach while sweating.

"Ugh. Is this what average people do? This is nuts!"

Sonic picks up the volleyball in front of his shack. He then turns around to see that he has only walked about five feet away. As Sonic walks back with the volleyball slowly, Crab Bots appear in the coconut trees.

Sonic drops the volleyball.

"Guys! Robot attack at six o' clock!"

"I can't do six o' clock. I have tickets to the opera. No, wait, that's someone else." Knuckles says. I shake my head.

"No Knuckles...."

"Behind you!" Sonic yells.

Crab Bots tries a drop on us. As we start to fight back, Sonic runs to over to help me and Amy who are surrounded my two Crab Bots. However, the noise sounds and we cover our ears. I give a Sonic a look before swinging a Crab Bot into a tree while Amy crushes the other.

"Sonic, we got this!" Amy says.

Sonic sits down on a beach chair, dejected. I pat his shoulder before running back in to help.

Knuckles is battling with a Crab Bot.

"Way to go Knux! A left, then a right, then another left!" Sonic cheers.

"Wait! Which one am I on?" Knuckles looks at his fists and gets punched by the Crab Bot until he falls down.

"How come he gets it and I don't?" Knuckles groans.

Sticks is hiding from two Crab Bots in the bushes.

"Sticks! Your best move here is a spin attack!" Sonic shouts.

Sticks pops out of the bushes.

"That's your move, not mine."

The Crab Bots spot Sticks.


At this point Sonic just looks down right embarrassed. Amy is hammering loose on Crab Bots. A Crab Bot fires lasers at Amy which she evades.

"Yeah! Give them a taste of your secret triple backflip move!" Sonic encourages.
Amy tries doing her move, but is grabbed midair by a Crab Bot and thrown to the ground.

"It's not a secret if you tell everyone!" Amy says angrily.

I am battling with a Crab Bot that I kick upwards and smash in mid air. Sonic cheers.

"C'mon Laika! You can do to this!" His cheering distracts me and I don't see a Crab Bot come up behind and grab me before throwing me to the ground. I try to get the sand of me while glaring at Sonic, who gives me a nervous grin.

"This ends now..."

(Time Skip)

Sonic is tied to a coconut tree while the rest of us continue to fight.

"Hey! I thought you were taking about them!"

Everyone ignores him and continues to fight the Crab Bots.

"Oh, sure. Act like you can do this without-"

A Crab Bot gets crushed by Amy's Hammer.


Me, Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Sticks celebrate our victory while Sonic is still tied to the coconut tree. Sonic turns around as he notices Eggman sitting on a beach chair nearby.

"Looks like someone else is sitting on the sidelines."

"Eggman!" Sonic tries to break free. "Wait, what do you mean "someone else"?"

"I didn't sent out these Crab Bots. Orbot and Cubot were dusting and accidently hit a button in the lair." Eggman explains.

"So, you weren't behind this?" Sonic enquires.

"Looks like you don't need to be a genius to be an evil genius anymore. Makes me feel kinda unneeded." Eggman pulls out some popcorn and starts eating.

"I guess we have something in common..."

"You eat popcorn when you are depressed too?" Eggman asks.

"Eh no....." Sonic looks back at us. Sticks is taking pictures of us standing victorious over the Crab Bots. Sonic looks back at Eggman.

"You know, sitting on the whole sidelines thing?"

"Here, have some popcorn. You'll feel better." Eggman offers.

Sonic tries to get the popcorn, but cannot break free from the coconut trees. Sonic thus opens his mouth while Eggman throws a popcorn into it.

"Okay, the doctor is in. Talk to me. Just because I'm your sworn enemy, it doesn't mean we can't be friends."

"Sonic! Eggman's not your friend. If you listen to him, you're gonna end up tied to something." Stciks exclaims.

"Yeah, I wouldn't want that to happen." Sonic replies sarcastically.

"I don't think this is a good idea, Sonic." I say, walking up to him. He turns to me.

"Well, Tails couldn't help me! I'm kinda out of options here." He sighs before turning to Eggman.

"Whenever I run, there's... this weird noise."

"You know, that happens to Cubot when he gets into the motor oil. Let's go run some tests." Eggman gets up from the beach chair and starts up his Eggmobile. Eggman gestures for Sonic to come, but he cannot since he is tied to the coconut tree.

Eggman thus disintegrates the upper and lower half of the palm tree with his wrist controller. Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Sticks look on in worry. I on the other hand go after Sonic before he leaves.

"Just.... Be careful okay?" I say. Sonic smiles.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry." Sonic then follows the Eggmobile by hopping after it since he is still tied to the tree trunk.

(Time Skip)

Sonic is test running around in Eggman's lair while a noise is heard. Eggman is observing with a device and earmuffs on.

"I see. A classic case of velocity-to-energy ratio incompatibility." Eggman says, taking off his earmuffs.

"But why is it happening now?" Sonic questions.

"It comes with age. Like wisdom. Or nose hair. But not to worry. I have what you need right here." Eggman unlocks a compartment in the wall, revealing a pair of shoes.

"These shoes have Power-absorbant Insoles. They'll prevent the sound loop that's causing the noise. And best of all they're machine washable." Eggman says. Sonic takes one and smells it suspiciously.

"Well, how do I know this isn't another scheme of yours?" He asks.

"What, you think I am planning a secret blister attack? If you don't want my help you can always walk out of here." Eggman takes the shoe back. Sonic ponders for a minute before he puts them on.

"Okay. Here goes nothing." Sonic runs around the lair with the shoes. No noise is heard.

"Hey! There really was nothing. The noise is gone. Thanks Egghead!" He runs off.

"Don't mention it, buddy."

(Time Skip)

Me and the gang are playing volleyball. During the game, Sonic suddenly appears out of nowhere and briefly plays volleyball with himself.

"Yeah! Sonic's back baby!" Sonic spins ball on his finger. I cross my arms with a smirk as Amy says,

"Don't refer to yourself in a third person. Its creepy."

"Yeah. Knuckles hates that." Knuckles says. I facepalm.

"Wait! No noise! I guess Eggman figured it out." Tails says.

"Yeah! Power-absorbant Insoles. Eggman actually helped me." Sonic says proudly, pointing at his shoes. Just then a tremor suddenly starts. Giant Robot then appears on the scene, punching through the trees.

"Or it was part of a trap."

Sonic runs up to Giant Robot, who starts to sparkle. Sonic tries a spin attack, but Giant Robot blocks it with its shield and makes Sonic step back to his team with its eye laser. Eggman then shows up in the Eggmobile.

"Sonic, I'd like you to meet Giant Robot. I didn't have time to name him because I was too busy planning this trap."

Glaring at Giant Robot, Sonic runs up to it again. As Sonic runs faster, Giant Robots starts glowing red. Giant Robot blocks Sonic's attacks and strikes a victory pose.

"My turn." Eggman says. Giant Robot punches Sonic back, who is caught by Knuckles. Sonic and Amy try attacking Giant Robot, but to no avail as it fires its eye laser. Meanwhile, Tails is scanning Giant Robot with a handheld device, me looking at it in confusion.

"It doesn't have a power source. How is that even possible?" He exclaims.

"That's not right. There has to be one somewhere." I say, scanning the robot.

Sonic runs around Giant Robot while dodging lasers.

"That's right, Sonic. Run. Run!" Eggman laughs.

Tails ponders on Eggman's behavior. My eyes then travel down to Sonic while runs around Giant Robot dodging its laser, and I notice his shoes glowing suspiciously. A light bulb goes off in my head.

"Tails! Sonic's shoes!" I exclaim. Tails looks at me in confusion before looking at Sonic shoes. He soon realises what I'm getting at.

"Of course! Good eye!" He says. I smile before yelling at Sonic.

"Sonic, stop!" I scream. Sonic stops up next to Tails.

"Your shoes are powering the robot. The faster it moves, the stronger it gets!" Tails explains. Sonic shows a dumbfound expression and looks at his shoes.

"Oh, sneaky. I wish I had thought of that. Oh, wait, I did." Eggman says.

"Oh, that's easy to fix." Sonic tries taking his shoes off, but cannot despite struggling heavily.

"Oh, did I forget to mention? They don't come off!"

"Well, we'll see about that, Eggy." Sonic kicks a coconut tree and a coconut falls down on his head. Sonic stands still for a second.

"I'm not saying it will be easy..."

Me, Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Sticks are kept at a distance by Giant Robot's laser. Knuckles tries punching it, but to no effect. Amy and Tails are pinned down by its lasers. Sticks throws her Boomerang at Giant Robot, but it deflects it with its shield. I try to sneak an attack but it picks me up and throws me to the ground.

Sticks catches her boomerang and turns to Eggman.

"If Sonic's not running, why does the robot still have power?"

"Because the shoes store the energy he generates! You see..."

"Are we really gonna do the thing where you explain how you did it?" Amy interrupts.

"The hardest part was getting that sound to play whenever Sonic ran." Eggman grabs a holoprojector.

"I have actually prepared a brief presentation that explains the whole brilliant scheme." Eggman releases the holo-projector which hovers through midair and starts projecting a diagram but me, irritated with his blabbering, kicks the holoprojector out of the sky.

"Did you know how long it took me to create that presentation? Here, I've prepared a brief presentation that explains it step by step."

Sonic continues to attack Giant Robot with spin attacks, but the robot keeps blocking each attack.

"If you could only see yourself right now. I took your greatest strength and made it into a weakness!" Eggman boasts.

Sonic launches various attacks to the robot, only have them blocked again. After while, Sonic stands up and looks sadly at his shoes defeated. Eggman laughs at him. Sonic then smiles. He starts running around Giant Robot while Eggman laughs. Giant Robot starts to glow red.

"Sonic. This is crazy!" Sticks yells.

"No it isn't. Its stupid." Knuckles replies.





While Sticks and Knuckles argue, Sonic runs faster and faster around Giant Robot. As it glows more intensely Giant Robot starts to twitch. I start to smile as I understand what he's trying to do. Tails seems to get the memo too.



"No. Its... brilliant!" Tails smiles.

Sonic continues to run faster around the twitching Giant Robot.

Eggman taps on his wrist controller.

"Hey, wait. That's too much. Seriously! Slow down! Its overloading!"

Sonic accelerates to top-speed as he runs and Giant Robot's head explodes. Pieces of the robot rains down while its body goes limp. Sonic stops up in front of the beaten Giant Robot.

"Ah, now that we're done warming up, Sonic's gonna go for a run." Sonic speeds off.

"Do you guys think it's creepy when he refers to himself in the third person?" Eggman asks.


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