Cold All the Way Through, But...

By thecowgirlbookworm

15K 303 113

Anastasia Dalian was not expecting to have to deal with an unwanted suitor on the return trip from unsuccessf... More

The Launch
Some Minor Rule Breaking
An Incident
Breakfast and Society Tea
Dinner and a Question
An Afternoon Promenade
Waiting in the Cold
Bridge and the Brig
The Morning Session
AN: Switch
The Afternoon Session
An Afternoon Caller
A Private Rail Car
The Funeral
A Few Frazzled Days
One Night
A Questioning
An Interview
An Attack
A Letter
A Ball
A Trip
Spreading the News
Hair of the Dog
The Business of Pleasure
A Joke
Settling Things
A Happy Occasion
The Party
Renewing Acquaintances
A Warning
A New Launch
The Duchess
A Favor
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
Almost to the Race
The Regatta
First Voyage
Awkward Conversations
The Tour
A Picnic
The Opera
An Ultimatum
The Costume Ball
The Birthday Party
White Camellias
Wedding Plans
Four Days Late
Opening Arguments
The Kidnappers' Testimony
A Red Dress and a Golden Necklace
The First Anniversary
Oscar's Gift
The Wedding Portrait
The Stag Night
The Morning After
The Wedding
The Wedding Night
The Wedding Breakfast
Shipboard Antics
A Slight Discomfort
Uncle Will and Aunt Anna
The Brightest Jewel in My Crown
Until We Meet Again
An Attack of Memory
An Unlikely Friend
An Abomination
Those Who Should Never Will
A Moonlight Swim
A Greedy Man
A Siren and a Scotsman
Purple Hyacinths
The Great White Hurricane
There's Nothing a Best Friend Won't Do
Cheering Up
Breaking Point
A Trip to Town
Groveling on His Knees
The Spell is Broken
Christmas Visitors
Heading Home
Modern Major General
Unwelcome News
A Turkish Bath
Dinner With the Captain
Old Friends
A Quiet Sort of Grief
Captain Rogers
A Storm
A Look of Adoration
The Second Anniversary
A Surprise
Another Trick
Crossing Together
Stealing Up to Newport
Finally, A Proposal
Before the Storm
Whispers on the Wind
Alfred Arrives
The Wave Breaks
A Long Time Coming
Fair Winds and Following Seas
Another Time, Perhaps
Dragged Kicking and Screaming
Live Bait
Rule Britannia
The Talk
An Agreement
An Early Christmas Gift
Mrs. Moody
A Public Confrontation
A Raider's Early Demise
A Court Martial
The Leave Taking
The Perfect Target
Drowning in Despair
Fitting Together
Tea With the Lightollers
A White Feather
A Mutual Friend
An Interrupted Afternoon Tea
Back in New York
Leave's End
Off to London
Yet Another Inquiry
Lord Mersey
Letters and Tricks

A French Letter

87 1 0
By thecowgirlbookworm

Will had arrived in Southampton on the twenty-seventh, and I had already arranged for flowers to be waiting for him at his house. I could only imagine the look on his face when he saw them, along with the telegram that would have been delivered the following morning. Happy birthday, my love. I am anxiously awaiting the return of my old lecher. Your Ana. I had his birthday gift waiting for him when he got back, and I found the days dragging as I waited for him. I heard nothing from him on his birthday, and we were into March before we got word that he was on his way back.

I was dancing from foot to foot as the Anastasia tied up, Rigel bouncing at my feet as we waited for Will. I didn't even wait as soon as I saw him coming towards us, his bag in hand. He almost dropped it as I flung myself into his arms. "Oh, happy birthday Will! I'm so sorry it's belated."

"Ana," He grunted, catching me and holding me tight. "It's quite alright. Thank you for the flowers, love."

"I've got your present for you at home," I couldn't help nuzzling into his shoulder. "And your dinner. I even helped make the cake." Rigel gave a whine, his tail thumping against Will's leg as he sniffed at the bag.

Will jerked it back as if Rigel had latched his jaws onto it. "No, away! Shoo!" Rigel followed the bag, his tail waving happily. "Get away from that, dog." He turned to me, "Honestly Ana, control him!"

"I think he's just glad to have you home, dear." I chuckled, seeing Rigel follow Will's bag as he pulled it away again. "As am I, in fact let's get you home."

"Well, I'd rather he not go through my bag. I still remember those shoes he chewed up." He pulled his bag higher, starting towards the carriage with Rigel in his wake. "They were new Ana, I'd hardly had them a day and he'd chewed straight through them."

I shook my head, climbing in after them. "And I replaced them right after." Will had his bag clutched tightly to him as we set off, although Rigel kept taking long sniffs of the air, his nose pointed right at it. Rigel seemed to sense his greatest opportunity was when we arrived home, and he tackled himself onto Will when he had gotten down. The leather bag went into the gravel, and Rigel pounced quickly. The latch proved no problem for his strong paws, and Will was scrambling towards him. "Damn dog! Stay out of it, or I'll beat you, I swear it!" It was rather comical to see him try and pull the massive black hound away, although Rigel pulled back after a moment, a sock in his mouth. Will was breathing heavy as he sat on the ground, tugging the sock away from him. "Ana, he's to go to the kitchens tonight. No dinner, not after that."

I chuckled as I came down from the carriage. "I'm afraid I have to agree with you on that." I looked to the footman at the door, "Tyler, see that Rigel stays downstairs tonight." He nodded, collaring the poor dog and hauling him off. I shook my head, it was not the first time that Rigel would be going to bed hungry. It was at least a good teacher, he didn't misbehave in the same way twice. Will pulled himself back to his feet, brushing himself off and holding his bag tight. I brushed my hands across the shoulder of his coat. "So what did you do for your birthday?"

"I met Charles, we had a few drinks. Nothing crazy."

"You didn't get drunk enough to try and bed him, did you?"

He spluttered at that. "God no, just enough to get a massive headache in the morning." We had made it inside by now, and Will headed off Reggie when he started forward. "I'll take my bag up, it's fine." He didn't even wait for an answer, already climbing up the stairs.

Feeling like a change of clothes, I followed him up. "Did Charles tease you about getting old?"

He kept climbing, only looking back for a moment. "Getting old? No, no, not about that."

"Well he must have done something." I was almost panting as we reached the landing, he had been climbing quickly. "Sylvie sent me a telegram."

"What?" He almost sounded angry as he turned around.

I nodded, pulling it from my pocket. "I wanted to read it to you in the carriage but you seemed preoccupied." I smoothed it out in my hands, reading. "Miss Dalian, hope you are well. My apologies, Charles got Will drunk enough that they threatened to keelhaul poor James for simply making sure they were alright. Looking forward to seeing you in a few months. Sylvia Lightoller." I folded it back up, putting it back in my pocket. "I had been meaning to ask about that, I was unaware that I was going to be marrying a pirate, or is keelhauling a standard Dalian practice I was unaware of?"

"For Christ's sake, that was Charles!" He pressed his fingers to his temples, "I'll see you down at dinner." His door slammed behind him, and I couldn't help the confusion that swirled inside me. He usually wanted to spend as long as he could with me before having to go change, usually he would throw his bag down by the settee and pull me in for a kiss or two before telling me about the trip. In fact, he seemed rather protective of his bag. I was still standing in my sitting room, considering this, when I heard his door open and shut rather quickly. His steps sounded in the hallway, headed upstairs.

I grabbed the chain from my desk drawer, heading across the hallway. I knew there was one way to settle him when he was out of sorts, the man melted whenever I surprised him with a kiss. Especially if we were near a bed. His rooms were deserted, his bag on his bed. He had opened it, so I really was not snooping when I put my hand in it. I felt his clothes, some shoes, and a small tin. I pulled it out, considering the plain red face of it. I was trying to prize it open when I heard the door open again, and I set it down beside me. Instead I stood, and I could see Will's eyes were wide as I approached. I dangled the chain from my fingers, "I wanted to bring you your present."

"A watch chain." He caught it between his fingers, "But soft, your hair?"

"A single lock is so simple, I wanted to give you something more." I pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Happy birthday dear, now what is that?" I gestured towards the tin. "Some present for me?" I swiped it up into my hands, trying to open the sides again. "It's rather difficult to open."

He tried to snatch it from me, the book he had gotten from the library thudding to the floor. "Ana, no. I don't want you to see it."

"Will, it can't be that bad." I finally got the tin open, considering the flesh colored circle inside of it. "What is this?"

I had never seen Will's face get as red as it currently was. "Oh God, it's Charles's idea of a present."

"No, I mean what is it actually?"

"It's a, um, French letter." He could hardly look as I pulled it out, looking at the tube and stretching it between my hands.


"To allow us to, well, be together and you wouldn't get pregnant." He had collapsed onto the bed, his eyes tightly squeezed shut.

"Oh." I considered the thin tube in my hands. "How does it work?"

He threw his arm over his eyes, groaning. "I am not discussing this."

"Will," I sat by him, patting his arm. "There are exactly three ways this can go. You can tell me, I can ask Morgan who no doubt knows how to use one," He actually gasped at that, "Or we can have a practical demonstration."

He pulled his arm away. "Go get a bottle of whiskey and I'll tell." He was in the sitting room when I got back, and took a long swallow from the bottle when I handed it to him. The French Letter had been put back into its case, which he waved as he spoke. "It's a sheath, so that when we're, well, intimate my seed won't get left." He took another belt. "If my seed doesn't stay, there can't be a child."

"How does it stay on?" I said, watching as his face reddened.

"There's a, ah, ribbon on the bottom. You tie it." He tossed the tin down on a table. "Can we go down to dinner, now?"

"How exactly did Charles get this to you?" I came to sit closer to him, taking the bottle and setting it aside. "How did he even get it?" Will sighed deeply, settling himself in to launch into a tale.

Will had been considering exactly what to send Ana to thank her for the flowers that had been waiting. They truly were lovely, although Kate was after him to dry them so they would last longer. He'd told her she could after he left for New York, she could put them in a vase and on the mantel. They would look nice, although his wire to Ana was currently blank. He hadn't even put pen to paper when there was a knock on his door. Charles wouldn't let him get a word in edgewise, bundling him into a cab and taking him to the front step of The Anchor and Star. Will looked at the pub, unsure. "Charles, I haven't been in here since, well, almost a year."

"I doubt you're going to get roughed up." The other man had chuckled, shoving him forward. "Besides, it's where we've gone for your birthday every year since I met you."

Will tried to keep his head down as they walked in, taking a couple of stools at the bar. He could see White Star men all around, from stokers up to officers. Hell, he recognized some of them. Enough of them knew Charles to call out as they came in, and the bartender even slid them down a couple of pints without being asked. Will shifted on his stool, looking into the mirror behind the bar. He didn't look too out of place, he supposed. His uniform jacket blended in well enough, and no one was going to look close enough at his buttons to see that they lacked the burgee. It didn't stop him from almost jumping out of his stool though when he saw a sailor come up behind him. He looked the man in the eye through the mirror, "Yes, can I help you?"

"We all know you, Murdoch." The man sounded calm, and clapped his hand over Will's shoulder. Will could see the officer's jacket on him, the curl of a senior officer around the cuff. "Haven't seen you in awhile."

"Yes, well, I've been in America mostly."

"We know, that heiress you managed to hook." He grinned, laughing after a moment. "Still haven't figured out how the hell you managed that, you'll have to tell us someday." He managed to calm his laughter for a moment. "We've missed you here though, you're well liked among the Line."

"I thought that with what happened-"

"What happened was a foolish fucking mistake on the part of the Line." He cut him off, shaking his head. "Tossing you aside, I'd have wanted to serve under you when they made you captain, even with what happened. But you've got a store of beers saved up here, from all of us." He gestured back towards the crowded room, and Will saw a number of men nod to him. "Don't be afraid to come back in here, Davey was in here last month asking if any of us knew anything about you."


"Aye, and he was quite put out when I told him all we knew was what was in the papers. I'd like to be able to tell him something the next time I see him."

Will turned around at that, nodding. "Of course, give him my best and that I hope I can buy him a beer one of these days."

"I will," The officer held out his hand, "Third Officer Phillip Nettles, from the Celtic. Glad to see you back here." Will shook his hand, and true to his word the bartender kept bringing Charles and him beers, all without asking for payment.

He was quite a few deep when Charles tapped him on the shoulder, "Happy birthday, you old curmudgeon." He set a small tin on the bar, "Here, your birthday gift. You don't want to know what I had to get it. I'd like you to make quick use of it." Will had grabbed the tin, opened it and them slammed it shut just as quick. Charles had laughed at his expression. "You know Will, keeping all that bottled up isn't healthy for a man. You have to have some release."

Will had greedily drained his beer. "I'm not keeping it bottled up, Charles."

"Oh, so you've finally bedded her then?"

"Christ, I am not discussing this."

Charles snorted. "Didn't think so." He laughed as Will asked the bartender to bring him a glass and some whiskey, and to just leave the bottle."Will, just put it on and give her a good rogering. It'll do the both of you a world of good."

"Charles, for the love of God." Will hissed after he drained the first glass of whiskey. "I do not need that. Take it back to wherever you got or burn it for all I care."

"Afraid I can't do that. I had to tell the doctor some pretty far fetched stories to get it." Will had snorted at that, if there was anything Charles enjoyed doing it was coming up with outlandish tales. "For me to come back and take it all back, well, I'm afraid I can't do that." Charles had sipped at his own whiskey. "Besides, if I brought it back to the house Sylvie would find it and we'd have a row. I'd rather avoid that, thank you."

"As if I won't have one with Ana? She doesn't even know what this is!"

"Then teach her! I have a strange feeling you'll enjoy it." Charles grinned widely at that, "Or was what James told me he heard inaccurate? I could always give you some lessons if you needed." Will had put the glass aside at that, drinking straight from the bottle. Soon enough a second bottle had been brought, and the two of them could barely stand by the time the pub was closing. Nettles was still there, and he managed to get them both into a cab and headed home. Will had fumbled with the fare, eventually just tossing it into the cabbie's lap and hauling himself out and into his house. Charles helped him up the stairs and into his room, setting him on the bed. "How is it, every time you get drunk, I'm the one dragging you home?"

"Because you're the reason I'm drinking." Will had grumbled, his fingers thick and clumsy on his shoelaces. Charles had eventually helped him untie them, and pull his jacket off. Will had glared at him as he settled down. "You're taking that thing back."

"I'm afraid you're stuck with it." He had chuckled, "Anastasia probably won't be able to keep her hands off you once she learns what it allows." Will had desperately wanted to throw his shoes at Charles, but pulling his head from the pillow seemed impossible and he simply closed his eyes, dropping off into oblivion. What ws even more impossible though was ignoring the blistering sunlight streaming through his windows in what seemed like an instant.

"God damn you Lightoller." He had pressed his hands to his eyes, cursing the sun, the drink, the massive headache that was threatening to make him vomit. He managed to keep it down with a few deep breaths, but he had to summon the will to move after it faded briefly. The bannister was a much needed support as he stumbled downstairs, finding Charles huddled over a cup of coffee, another one by him. Will rubbed at his eyes again, "The hell are you still doing here?"

"I fell asleep on your settee." Charles grumbled, "Kate's already been by. She left off some breakfast, but said she couldn't deal with two drunken sots at once." He waved his hand at the mug. "Figured, if you're feeling anything like me, you might want this." Will folded himself into the chair, reaching into the basket Kate had left to grab a biscuit. Between the that and the coffee, he at least didn't feel like he wanted to die anymore. The two of them groaned together when a knock sounded, Charles pushing himself up to answer it. "I swear, I'm going to murder whoever it is."

It turned out to be James, coming to check on Will. Apparently the boys at the Anchor had spread word around the dock that he'd shown up the night before and gotten roaring drunk with Charles. James stood awkwardly as Charles collapsed back into the chair. "Mr. Lightoller, should I fetch your wife?"

"You do and I'll keelhaul you." Charles snapped, but caught himself. "Just bring us more coffee, there's a pot in the kitchen." Moody bustled through to the kitchen, and Charles called after him. "And maybe put some whiskey in it!"

Will felt his stomach retch at the thought of it. "Christ, if I drink anymore I'll die." The pot that Moody brewed was at least strong, although it roiled around in Will's stomach, greasy and sticking to him. He started as the clock chimed, and the door opened again. "Who is it?"

"I knew I would find you here." Sylvia Lightoller breezed in as if she owned the place, and immediately pinned her husband with a glare. As soon as he'd heard her voice he'd begun glaring at James. "Oh, come off it dear. The boy had nothing to do with this. You went out drinking with Will, it's only logical you'd wind up in his house. Now, the both of you are going to drink that coffee and comes with me on a nice long walk." A general had nothing on her, hustling the three of them out of the door and into the far too bright and cheery morning.

By the second mile she at least seemed to be mollified that they wouldn't fall over, and felt it only right to set into them. Charles was the first to feel the sting. "You know he can't handle drinking like you do. And you're not as young as you were!" Will couldn't help but grin at Sylvie, glad to see that she understood exactly who was to blame. That didn't last long. "And as for you Mr. Murdoch, if you're to enter Society after your wedding you can't go around and drink like some common tar!"

Will snorted. "I've seen better born men do far worse than I have, Sylvie."

"William, if you do not listen to me I will wire Anastasia to hide every bit of drink in that house." She sighed, shaking her head. "Thank God you'll have Mr. Lowe with you before the wedding. At least one of you won't be a fool." She continued on in this vein for quite sometime, enough that Will swore off hard liquor for the rest of the month, just to save himself from any further lectures.

Will sighed, rubbing at his eyes. He held up the bottle, "You can see how long I lasted." He glared down at the tin on the table. "Should have tossed you overboard on my way over, bloody thing."

I chuckled, reaching over for it. "You know, we could use it if you wanted to."

"I'd rather get you pregnant." Will stood, drawing my up and wrapping his arms around my waist. "Although I'm content to wait for whenever that happens."

"I don't know how much more waiting I can stand." I muttered, rubbing my thumb across the tin. "Sometimes I wake up aching for you."

His breath hitched at that. "Perhaps you should put it with the book and that nightgown, we may find a use for it someday." He pressed a kiss to the top of my head, "But right now, I would like some dinner."

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