Into The Spider-Verse (Hosie)...

Od spynotaspy

11.5K 440 121

This is an alternative world where everything is normal or as normal as it can be with the avengers. Hope, a... Více

The Beginning Part 1
The beggining part 2
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
Training secession
The Vulture
Welcome to Lockwood's Science Laboratory
Study Partner
fallen in love
Science Fair
Spider Got Shocked
Child Trafficking
Child Trafficking Part 2
Between Two Worlds
Lockwood Discovery
The Truth
Game On
On The Run
The New World
Into Another Dimension
Family Dinner
Double Date
The Arrival Of Doctor Octopus
The Arrival Of Doctor Octopus II
The Arrival Of Doctor Octopus III
The Breakup
Avenger's Tower
Venom II
Venom III
The Birth Of The Goblin 1
The Birth Of Goblin II
The Birth Of The Goblin III
The Calm Before The Storm
The Storm
The Showdown


394 14 11
Od spynotaspy

Remember when I had this stupid idea about lying to Josie. Well lets just say it's a stupid idea. She is giving me the silent treatment. I tried to text her but no response. I also tried to talk to her at school and she totally ignored me. Well I was talking but when I finished she just walked away not bothering to say a word. The moral of the lesson is to never and I mean never lie to Josie. Right now I am currently chasing the guy who knows something about the person that killed Uncle Marcel.

Spiderwoman caught up with him. She used her webs to stop him. The webs wrap around him as he falls to the ground. Spiderwoman then picked him up from the ground.

"Have you ever heard of a man with brown hair and a green striped shirt?" She angrily asked, grabbing him up.

"No," The man lied.

"Look, we both know you are lying," Spiderwoman said, getting more and more frustrated.

"Why would I ever tell you anything?" The man spat and Spiderwoman punched him causing a groan out of the criminal mouth

Before spiderwoman could answer cops were surrounding them. The cops all got out with their weapons aiming at spiderwoman who let the man go.

"Put your hands in the air and turn around slowly" a masculine voice said. It had an intimidating tone but it didn't affect her. She felt like she knew him. There was familiarity in the voice. Seriously when I have an actual lead.

"I'm here to help," Spiderwoman said.

"Yeah then why do you have a mask over your head? Do you see us with that mask on but we still do a good job of protecting the city and keeping it safe" The familiar voice said.

"If you were doing such a good job I wouldn't be in this suit" Hope mumbled.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Another voice asked. It was less intimidating. It was also a familiar voice.

"Look, we can work together and make this neighbourhood a great place," spiderwoman said. So original.

"This place was better without you," the familiar voice said." Now put your hands in the air and turn around if you really want to prove that you are on our side" More like it was better because of me.

"Well that wasn't very nice, but I am afraid I can't do that, but a piece of advice if you should stop trying to capture me and actually do your jobs. You know the ones that you get paid for" Spiderwoman said. Like finding my uncle's murderer

I really don't understand why they get paid and they have less bad guys to handle. I don't get paid but I take care of the bad guys. They really should be thanking me. *Note to self add volunteering on resume*.

Spiderwoman jumped and did a backflip on the cop car. I turned around and everything stopped. Hope was face to face with the familiar voices. She just couldn't believe it. The locked eyes she could see the hatred he had for her. The worst possible outcome for her. She was staring at someone she had known since she was small. Their parents didn't really see eye to eye but her and his brunette daughter were what people call 'good friends'. Spiderwoman was now staring at the chief and his right hand man. Alaric Saltzman and Dorian Williams. Well this shit just got more complicated.


Hope was currently fuming as she walked into school that she didn't even talk to Kaleb on her way just went straight to her locker. She was taking her stuff from her locker when Rafael decided to make his presence known.

"Hey Hopey" Rafael called Not today.

"Not now!" Hope slammed her locker.

"What can someone not come to say hi" Rafael mocked "Or is that above you now"

"Not now!" Hope raised her voice.

"What your uncle died and-" Rafael was cut up by Hope punching him.

When he fell down Hope grabbed him by the collar punching him repeatedly. She wanted him to hurt and wanted him to feel her pain. The voices of all the cheers blocked out as she kept on thinking about how she could have found him if she had more time. She was so lost in punching him that she didn't notice Josie behind her.

"Hope!" Josie called

Hope pushed her against the locker causing the young brunette to groan. Hope's eyes softened when she found out who she was holding.

"Hope!" The principal called "My office now!"


"What were you thinking?" Her aunt asked as they entered the house.

"I wasn't really thinking I just lost control" Hope said "I'm sorry"

"I know you're just lucky it was one day"

"Yeah, sorry"

"What happened anyway you're not usually aggressive?"

"I don't know when he mentioned Uncle Marcel plus the thing with Mr. Saltzman I just lost control" Hope rampled.

"What happened with Alaric? If that bastard hurt you-" Rebekah angrily stated getting ready to fight.

"No, no it's just that we haven't gotten any information about the case it's like his not taking any of this serious" Hope sighed "Like I know dad didn't get on the right foot with him but to not solve Uncle Marcle's case because of that"

"I know how you feel, Hope" Rebekah stated "Your dad had... let's call it anger issues anyway that always got him in a lot of trouble because of that people had a tendency to not help him or his family"

"That's not right though!"

"I know but it's the world we leave in"

"Would I be like dad you know with the anger issue I already hurt someone I didn't want to"

"Oh honey, you are your own person and make your own decisions, besides your dad wasn't a bad person no matter what. He always protected the people he cared about. He always protected you, and even if he hurts them because everyone makes a mistake he finds a way to apologies in his own way"


"What!" The blue mask shouts.

"Exactly," Spiderwoman said." That was my same reaction"

Spiderwoman was at the mystic falls bank with the mask trio. They were just chilling with the employees. Apparently the employees have stopped paying attention to them whenever they come and some actually like their company. The trio never stole anything and mostly went there just to talk to their only child spiderwoman.

Here was spiderwoman telling the trio who she saw and where, but mostly who is related to.

"Well that's just" the blue mask said, struggling to find the word.

"Fucking complicated" Spiderwoman said "I know"

"Hey watch your language" the pink mask scolded "this kids with zero respect"

"Not your chi... nevermind" Spiderwoman said.

"That was the perfect opportunity for the captain america joke going around" the blue mask said.

"What joke?" Spiderwoman asked.

"Apparently when the Avengers were on a mission iron man said a no no word and captain america went full on mom on him"

"Wait really?" Spiderwoman asked.

"Yeah" the blue mask said.

"Wow, I didn't think he was that type of person," the pink mask muttered.

"I mean he is over a hundred years old. I think" the blue mask said.

"Probably more" Spiderwoman voiced in.

"Okay so what you are saying is that your father-in-law is the chief hunting you down" the normal mask told them.

" he's not my father-in-law" spiderwoman corrected.

"Okay your girlfriend's dad is hunting you down" the normal mask said.

"Not my girlfriend" Hope mumbled.

"The love of your life-" The blue mask started but was interrupted by Hope.

"I am not in love with her!" Hope shouted catching the store's attention "I am not in love with her" she whispered.

"Wow I have never since someone this delusional before" the normal mask said with a fake gasp.

"Yeah it's quite scary," blue mask said.

"Ha ha ha very funny" Spiderwoman said with a blank expression even though they can't see it.

"Anyway, what are you going to do next?" The pink mask asked when a woman who was probably in her. Twenties wearing a blank t-shirt and blue jeans. It was the store uniform.

"You could start by getting out of the store," She suggested.

"Shut up Maggie!" the mask trio and spiderwoman shouts turning to her.

"Geez, you know I own this store right?" Maggie stated.

"Not everything is about you Maggie" pink mask told her as they got in an eye staring match before Maggie scoffed.

"They should be happy that I haven't called the police" she mumbled walking away. Hope's phone started to ring and she looked at the caller hoping it was her, but when she saw it she was met with Kaleb.

"Wait a minute" Spiderwoman told the trio and they nodded.

"Hello," Hope said.

"Dude, what is your problem?" Kaleb said.

"What do you mean?"

"How could you do that to Josie? I know that Kaleb is annoying but slamming Josie. The worst of all is that I had to hear it from Cleo"

"That's the worst part. Wait, you and Cleo!" Excited in her tone. Hope had known that Kaleb liked Cleo and that she felt the same way.

"Hey! Don't try to change the conversation also Cleo and I are going on a date"

"Yes!! I am so excited for you and I will handle the Josie situation"

"You better" MG said and Hope came to a realisation.

"What is he doing there?" Hope gasped "Wait, you told him before me!" in an accusing tone.

"I'm sorry what? It looks like we are having a bad connection. I will call you back later bye" he cut.


"Who was that?" The normal mask asked.

"My best friend," Spiderwoman said.

"So you have another best friend," the blue mask said, offended. Wait a minute is he

"Are you jealous?" Spiderwoman asked, amused.

"No, I just wished you could have told us," the blue mask replied, clearly jealous.

"Look you guys are my favourite" wow think just think "villains"

"Really!" They all said excitedly.


"Mine's Loki!" Maggie shouted.

"Shut up Maggie!" They all shouted.

"Rude," the girl muttered.

"Oh yeah spiderwoman remember you have the marathon with your aunt" the pink mask reminded me.

"Thank you... wait, how did you know?"

"You told me to remind you" did I?

"Okay well thanks" spiderwoman said, shooting her webs and swinging away.

"I don't remember her saying that" the blue mask said, turning to the pink mask who just shrugged.

"Me neither," the pink mask joked.

"What!" The blue mask said slightly terrified.

"Stop playing with him, you know that he is gullible. You weren't here when she said it" the normal mask explained.

"Never there for the fun stuff" blue mask pouted.

"How is that fun?" Normal mask asked.


"Help!" A girl cried out.

The building was completely covered in fire. They were on the third floor. There was a girl hiding under the desk. She was about five years old and had packed brown hair. Tears were falling out of her brown eyes as she screamed for help.

Spiderwoman swung into the building. It had taken her a long time because she had to find a way to get in without being seen. She didn't want another rendezvous with them. Especially after she found out who's chasing her.

"Oh my god look there's spiderwoman!" One of the spectators shouted pointing at her. WHy does this always happen to me? Sometimes I feel like punching these people.

Spiderwoman got to the third floor. She saw the girl behind the desk. She climbed on the ceiling and went towards her. She stuck her webs to the ceiling and went down to meet her.

"Hey I need you to jump, can you do that?"

"Yeah" she whispered.

She jumped and spiderwoman used her webs to catch her. She then swung them out of the burning building. A lot of buildings have been burning lately. She put her own ground. The child immediately ran towards her mother. The moment Spiderwoman looked up she was surrounded by the police and Mr. Saltzman's gun was pointing at her. Are you fucking kidding me I have a marathon to get too.

"Put your hands in the air," Mr. Saltzman said. And wave them like you just don't care. What are you honestly telling me you went thinking about... nevermind.

"I just saved a kid from a burning building, which if I didn't intervene a mother would have lost a child. How many times do I have to tell you we are on the same side." spiderwoman pointed out.

"I will not repeat myself, put your hands in the air" he said, taking a step closer.

"Technically you just did," spiderwoman said, shooting her webs at him. They are not stupid enough to shoot around civilians that would just cause more panic. Mr. Saltzman you are really a douchebag probably why dad got in a lot of disagreements with you.

"Also, by the way, you are welcome!" Spiderwoman shouted as she swung away.

Hope quickly changed and put her costume in her bag. It was late outside and you could see the sparkling white dots in the night sky. Hope also brought a bag of popcorn and a soda pack. She rang the doorbell and was greeted with a very happy aunt Rebekah.

"I hope I'm not late," Hope said.

"Actually you made it in time, come in honey" she said, opening the door so Hope could pass.

"So what are we watching?" Hope asked, setting the things ready.

"How about Godzilla?" Rebekah said.

"We watch that everytime" Hope argued.

"Fine we could talk about you and Josie" Rebekah said with a delighted tone eating some popcorn.

"There's nothing going on between Josie and I. Why do people keep asking that? We are just friends. Well I hope we are" Hope said.

"Sure" Rebekah said not believing her "for the record the girl likes you even if you did slam her into a locker. You have the Mikaelson charm and you would be stupid if you didn't give it a shot. Besides, your young make the most out of your life. Now let's watch Godzilla" She said as Hope whined.

After uncle Marcel's death it was hard for the both of us, mostly her but we found a way to move on together while keeping his memories alive. She is the only family I have here and I am grateful for her. Even though she makes me watch Godzilla every single time.

Hope sat with her aunt watching Godzilla. She forgot about all her troubles and just relaxed. Though Josie kept coming into her mind and realised that everyone was right she had to make it up to the young brunette. She was going to take her aunt Rebekah's advice and give it a go while also fighting to save her neighbourhood.

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