Into The Spider-Verse (Hosie)...

By spynotaspy

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This is an alternative world where everything is normal or as normal as it can be with the avengers. Hope, a... More

The Beginning Part 1
The beggining part 2
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
Training secession
The Vulture
Welcome to Lockwood's Science Laboratory
fallen in love
Science Fair
Spider Got Shocked
Child Trafficking
Child Trafficking Part 2
Between Two Worlds
Lockwood Discovery
The Truth
Game On
On The Run
The New World
Into Another Dimension
Family Dinner
Double Date
The Arrival Of Doctor Octopus
The Arrival Of Doctor Octopus II
The Arrival Of Doctor Octopus III
The Breakup
Avenger's Tower
Venom II
Venom III
The Birth Of The Goblin 1
The Birth Of Goblin II
The Birth Of The Goblin III
The Calm Before The Storm
The Storm
The Showdown

Study Partner

420 19 7
By spynotaspy

"Okay so what did you say!?" Kaleb asked excitedly.

Hope had told Kaleb what happened between Josie and her on the rooftop. He seemed more excited than she did. Which was saying something.

"I said I hate it when you're sad too" Hope replied and Kaleb used his hand to slap his head.

Dramatic much

"Dude really?" Kaleb asked

"What did you want me to do?"


"Look I don't even know if she likes me like that" I mean it's Josie awesome, pretty, kind, cheerful, smart, and I am me.

"Anyone with eyes can see that she likes you"

"I mean he's not lying," MG said, sitting down with his tray.

"Where did you come from?" Hope accused.

"I was at the cafeteria and don't try to change the subject" MG said turning to Hope" So about Josie not liking you"

"How did you hear that?" Hope asked.

"What can I say? I was born with super hearing now, don't change the subject" MG said.

"Well since you are Josie's best friend you can tell us if Josie likes Hope or not" Kaleb stated.

"I can but that will be going against my promise. What I can say is that she was very pleased when you accepted the job offer at Lockwood" MG replied.

"So she promised you not to tell anyone how she feels about Hope?" Kaleb asked "Also you have a job?"

"Yup" MG replied.

"Apparently" Hope said.

"Why am I the last to know about everything? I thought we were friends?" Kaleb asked, shaking his head "Well this also shows that she talks about Hope wouldn't it?" That made Hope pay attention.

"Quite frequently" MG replied with a smirk when he saw Hope sparkling brown eyes widened with excitement.

"Josie talks about me!" Hope shouts which causes everyone to turn to her and she hides her face in embarrassment.

"Wow she is down bad" Kaleb said

"They both are" MG whispered no one catching it except for Kaleb who couldn't help but smile.


Josie was leaving her class getting ready for lunch. She couldn't help it that her mind wondered about a certain urban haired girl. She was thinking about Hope and wished she was okay now. Seeing Hope hurt made something inside her break. She couldn't believe what Hope told her when she saw her more like she didn't want to believe it. She just couldn't stop worrying about the girl, especially after what she found out. The people you have a crush on Jo. As she was walking she was stopped by Mr. Salvatore, their maths teacher; a family friend of Josie.

"Hey Josette, may I have a word?" He said.

"Sure Mr. Salvatore and beside you can call me Josie here" she replied as he smiled.

"Well Josie, it's about Hope. I was thinking if you could do me a favour?" He asked and Josie nodded.

When it came to Hope she would do anything.

"I think I would know if someone liked me," Hope said.

"Would you though?" MG mumbled.

"Okay I am not liking this new attitude" Hope said.

"He's just telling the truth" Kaleb defends him.

"It's because of your bad influence," Hope said, talking to Kaleb.

"What I am not a bad influence am I?" Kaleb asked.


"Yes" Hope eyes land on Josie as she comes towards them. She then remembers what happened when she woke up.

Hope jolts up groaning from the pain. She looked around and her eyes met Josie.

"I feel like I just got hit by a bus" Hope winced trying to get up just to be pushed down by Josie causing her to groan.

"Don't try to move" Josie gave her some tea.


"Great, now would you mind telling me why I found you in an abandoned building with bruises all over your body and in underwear no less?" Josie asked, very angry. Forgot about the underwear part.

"It's complicated" Hope told her which earned a scoff from the brunette.

"Yeah kind of got that when I saw you covered in bruises"

"Look I know your angry-"

"No, I am more than angry. Do you have any idea what it was like to find you there? Hope you are barely breathing!" Tears were forming in her eyes.

"I'm sorry"

"You're sorry?" Josie repeated raising an eyebrow as her right eye twitched "Hope explain" she sternly said, sending shivers down Hope's spine.

"Fine" Hope sighs. Think Hope, think. "I am in a... fight club!"

"A fight club"

"Yeah" I might as well go with this "Didn't expect this opponent to be this strong" she chuckled groaning as she tried to move.

"Hope you ended up with a broken rib and you're lucky I had the equipment to help you"

"Wait, you did these?" The bandage on my ribs was well done.

"Yeah my mother was a nurse so after she did I wanted to follow her footsteps"

"Well looking at these you are doing a good job"

"Thanks" Josie blushes.

"Also thanks for not going to the hospital" Who knows what they would find in my blood.

"I didn't think you'd want that concerning you called me instead of them"

"Yeah you were the first to come to mind" Hope said and groaned as she fully sat up. "I should get going, I don't want to be here when your dad comes home. Don't really think he likes me"

"Oh yeah he definitely hates you" A voice said as they turned to see Lizzie.

"Great the annoying twin is here" Hope gave a sarcastic smile.

"Oh I'm sorry, is someone talking? can't really see them from over here" Lizzie looked around the room which Hope rolled her eyes to.

"Guys," Josie warned.

"She's the one that started it. Though dad would be back soon so I suggest you leave" Lizzie told her as she left.

"Still don't know why your dad hates me so much"

"No clue even the name Mikaelson gets him red" Josie told her before giving Hope her bag "Found it on the floor in the bathroom don't worry didn't look inside oh and also texted your aunt you'd be with me"

"Great, that's off my chest. How did you find me?" Hope collected the bag standing up.

"MG was able to track you, but don't worry I didn't tell him why" Josie said as they walked to the door.

"Thanks again" Hope said smiling as she was at the other side of the door "Could you not tell anyone about this"


"Please, even Kaleb doesn't know. It could be our dirty little secret"

"This is dangerous Hope you could have be killed"

"But I wasn't because I have you besides I'll be more careful" Hope pleaded "This takes my mind off him even if it's for a little while"

"That's not healthy"

"Maybe but it helps" Hope sent her the puppy dog eyes

"Fine" Josie sighs trying to hold back a smile "Hope if you're hurt don't be afraid to call me I'll always pick"

"I know" Hope told her about leaving before stopping looking at Josie "The feeling is mutual if you need anything don't be afraid to ask."

"Hey, what's going on?" Josie asked, sitting right beside Hope.

"We think that Hope wouldn't know if someone liked her" MG says so casually which Hope sends him a glare and Josie just chuckles.

"I wouldn't be surprised" Josie whispered but Hope caught it she just didn't know what it meant so left it at that." Anyway Mr. Salvatore said you were failing maths and wanted me to tutor you, well if you're okay with that?"

"I am!" Hope said quickly, not really caring how excited her voice sounded.

"Great we could meet up after school by 5:00 we will meet at the mystic grill" Josie said hoping that Hope will say yes.

"Sure I'll be there," Hope said.

The two girls keep on sharing glances at each other during lunch while Kaleb and MG were wondering how two of the smartest people in school were so dumb. Especially when the answer is right in front of them.


"So you have a date?" The pink mask said loading bags of money into a red food truck. I just got back from getting my costume and not a minute later they caused trouble.

"Well it's not a date, we are just studying" spiderwoman said a little bit flustered.

"So basically a date" the pink mask said and the hero opened her mouth to say something but closed it when words couldn't be heard."Is it safe for you to go?"

"Leave our child alone let her have fun" the normal mask said which the pink mask signified and agreed to it.

Our child??? And I wasn't asking for permission

"Fine she can go," the pink mask agreed.

"I was going to go without your permission," spiderwoman said.

"Wow, already in the rebel stage" the blue mask said.

"I know you do everything for them and they don't even appreciate you" the pink mask said.

"Now go don't keep her waiting. You should even get her a flower while you're at it" the normal mask said as they were getting into the truck.

"Thanks, also you guys really think I was going to let you just go?" Spiderwoman asked." So the easy way or the hard way?"

"They have an easy way" they said at the same time getting out of the truck.

"Only because you have that date with our daughter in law" the normal mask said which made Hope blush.

"You haven't even met her, what makes you sure she is the one?" She said,

"Mother instinct" the normal mask replied and they all nodded in agreement.

"You should probably leave before you're late" blue mask said as he slowly starts moving the truck but spiderwoman stops it.

"Dude you really think I'll fall for that?"

"Worth a try" Blue mask shrugged.

Spiderwoman swung away taking their advice. She went to a flower shop and got some flowers. She checked her watch and it was 4:53. She was going to make it in time when an explosion was heard. A building was on fire. She checked her watch again and it was 4:58. I'm really sorry Josie but you'll have to wait a little longer.


Josie opened the door to the mystic grill. She has been running and just barely made it. She didn't get there by 5:00 because she was reviewing her questions for Hope, but when she got there there was no sign of the girl. So she sat down waiting, constantly glancing at the door thinking that every time it opened it was her.


It had taken Hope longer than she realised. It was now 5:10 in fact she had no idea where she was. After she finished stopping the fire and rescuing people losing the flowers in the process. She was swinging towards Josie but she got it by something. Do I have a sign that says hit me. She didn't know what it was. She couldn't see it.As she was fighting she got farther and farther away losing her sense of direction.

Great if I don't do something she is going to think I stood her up. The only problem is how can you fight someone you can't see and how to fight with a broken rib.

Spiderwoman was about to be punched but she dodged it and when she threw a punch the only thing she hit was the air. She checked her watch again. It was now 5:15 and she was fighting air. Great, just great.


Josie checked her watch at 5:20 and Hope wasn't here. She couldn't help but think that something happened to Hope especially since she found out what Hope does. She just hopes that Hope wasn't in trouble though part of her thought that maybe she wasn't coming but she pushed those thoughts deep down and decided to wait for Hope. Where the hell are you?


Spiderwoman's body hit the ground and she groaned from the pain. She didn't know how long she'll last. Everytime she dodges them they hit her again and disappear. All Hope could think about was Josie and how disappointed she would be. It's 5:35. I wonder if she's still there. Would she be angry? I mean this isn't my fault, but she doesn't know that. What would I even tell her? Would she even want to talk to me again? Hope got punched again.

"You know it's really not polite to hit a lady" Spiderwoman groaned but he didn't reply. Rude.

Every fibre of spiderwoman's body was telling her to get out of here. She turned and she saw a knife. It was directed at her stomach. She couldn't move being in too much pain. It was like she was frozen and everything was in slow motion. Her mind couldn't help but go to Josie. Her beautiful face, her perfect smile, her charming brown eyes, and her smooth brown hair.

A frisbee hit the knife causing it to drop on the floor. Spiderwoman turned around and saw the normal mask guy.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Spiderwoman asked, letting out a breath of relief.

"Saving your life so you can go on your date" they said. "Not even a thank you"

"Thank you"

"You're welcome. Now go we got this"

"We?" The pink and the blue mask came out with paint.

"I don't remember signing up for this," blue mask joked.

Hope didn't even wait to question how they knew where she was. She was already swinging to meet up with Josie wishing that she's still there.


Josie checked her watch for the last time. It was 5:50 and her coffee had gotten cold. She was grabbing her things and getting ready to leave very angry. If Hope didn't want to come she should have at least told me or if she was hurt she should have called me. Tears are threatening to come out. She didn't understand why Hope did it. She just couldn't help but think it was all her fault. Why am I so heartbroken by this? It's not the first time it has happened, so why, why does it hurt so much.

"Thank god you're here" A voice said that Josie immediately recognized Hope and all of her anger came back.

Josie angrily turns around being faced with Hope. The girl couldn't believe that Josie was still here and by the looks of her coffee she had been here for a while. Had Josie waited the whole time? Why would she do that? She couldn't help but feel guilty.

"You're late" Josie said finally breaking the silence, her voice so cold it brought shivers down Hope's spine.

"Well in some countries it's morning, so technically I am early" Hope jokes.

Josie didn't find it funny like she usually does. Her brown eyes were burning into Hope. Though the worst part was she had a disappointed look on her face rather than anger.

"Sit" Josie commands and takes out the books which Hope compiled "Where the hell were you?"

"It's complicated" Hope told her, but that only made the brunette angrier.

"More like fighting," Josie stated. Might as well go with this.

"I thought we said we weren't going to talk about it"

"Yeah well considering you stood me up for that I say we talk about it"

"Look I'm sorry I didn't expect it to last this long"

"Right" Josie scoffed "Let's get to work"

After that they barely said a word. Josie was clearly angry at Hope and she didn't want to push her. They only talked about the work which Hope knew about. The only reason Hope was failing was because of her part time job.

It was time to leave and it was dark so Hope offered to walk Josie home. Josie was too tired to deny the offer so she accepted it. It was a silent walk. Hope was tiring to find a way to apologise. They had reached Josie's doorstep.

"Were you hurt again?" Josie broke the silence.

Hope didn't want to make Josie more angry at her and telling her the truth would.

"I'm fine"

"Sure, bye" Josie said as she closed the door.

She knew that Hope was lying whenever it came to Hope she could always tell. She just didn't understand why Hope was lying which made her a little bit angry. Though Josie could never stay mad at her forever.

Hope knew that Josie knew it was a lie. She never could lie to Josie. She just hoped they would be okay because she couldn't handle Josie being mad at her forever.She needed to occupy her mind with something else like the invisible man, the lizard, and the man that killed her uncle.

Later when she got home she adjusted the bandages when she received a call from her best friend Kaleb.

"Yo how did it go?" He asked

"Being honest, not good, probably hates me," Hope admitted.

"Ah so that bad"

"Could you tell me something to cheer me up"

"Well I didn't want to say this at school cause we were talking about you but I saved spiderwoman"

"Wait what? Did I hear that right?"

"Yup she was basically on death row and I saved her from this big lizard and guess what?"


"She asked for my name and said it" Kaleb stated very excited which made Hope chuckled.

"She said your name, well you lucky fox" Hope teased.

"Dude shut up you know what we're done, but you better make it up to Josie" Kaleb said cutting the call.

"Right" Hope jumped on her bed.

She needed to find him and she needed to apologise to Josie.

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