By mayo_de_quince

205K 16.4K 2.3K

When I woke up this morning, I found myself in a strange room, unfamiliar bed, strangers I've never met, and... More

Noticed: Warning Content.
Volume 1 - The Inception| Prologue: Sudden transmigration.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 1: Meeting the protagonist.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 2: Got myself acquainted with the protagonist.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 3: Begging shamelessly.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 4: Shady business.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 5: Test results.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 6: Who is the hunter and the prey?
Volume 1 - The Inception| 7: GOF Dormitory.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 8: Officially enrolled with a shady deal.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 9: Interrogated by the dean master.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 10: One on one conversation.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 11: Sealing the shady deal.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 13: Your mess, your responsibility.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 14: Change of plans.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 15: It's not the same.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 16: Not my friend!
Volume 1 - The Inception| 17: Teasing in tunes.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 18: By chance.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 19: Reason for trying.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 20: Study the basics.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 21: Alone with the protagonist.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 22: Probing information.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 23: Pretty cute and weird.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 24: The protagonist is a little playful.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 25: Thinking of our future.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 26: Wandering around back and forth.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 27: For the sake of my hermit life.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 28: Losing myself is more than hell.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 29: Ominous signs.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 30: Please not the saliva.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 31: Drowning in darkness.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 32: Summoned by the dean master.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 33: Two birds in one stone.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 34: Nursing like a hmmm?
Volume 1 - The Inception| 35: Soul wanderer?
Volume 1 - The Inception| 36: It's not a hindrance.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 37: Different mindset, perhaps?
Volume 1 - The Inception| 38: Searching in a haste.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 39: A bystander.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 40: No one is listening.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 41: Moral code.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 42: All life is precious.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 43: Almost is never enough.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 44: Beaten to a pulp.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 45: Not a pet but a family.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 46: Good hunting ground.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 47: Building Tension.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 48: Time traveller.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 49: Library and opportunity.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 50: Announcement and fluttering letter.
Volume 1 - The Inception| Epilogue: The making of the villain.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| Prologue: Am I the lunatic?
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 51: Doesn't ring a bell?
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 52: No time to doubt.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 53: Halfling.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 54: A strange blade appeared.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 55: Collision.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 56: Provoked to madness.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 57: One last time.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 58: Pula.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 59: Compensation.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 60: In the middle of the line.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 61: Crave for blood.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 62: Contract sealed.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 63: Nothing to feel guilty about.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 64: Back to the arena.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 65: A treasure.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 66: Rule of thumb.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 67: Not on the same wavelength.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 68: 13 long days and nights.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 69: Sanctuary in mystic forest.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 70: Just this once.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 71: A night's farewell celebration.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 72: Sending letters.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| Epilogue: Who will have the last laugh?
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| Prologue: Returning to the past.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 73: Letter analysis.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 74: Strolling in the festival.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 75: Nothing hurts more like love.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 76: For the sake of my friends.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 77: Impending doom.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 78: Hiding in the bush.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 79: Inspired by the dean master.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 80: For the sake of atonement.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 81: Baiting her prey.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 82: Epiphany.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 83: Battle under the pool.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 84: Initiating the plan.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 85: Babysitting.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 86: Nothing happened here.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 87: Fateful encounter.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 88: 2nd fluttering letter from...?
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| Epilogue: A shocking news...!?

Volume 1 - The Inception| 12: Small world.

2.6K 212 65
By mayo_de_quince

After the matter for my employment was completed, Penelope raised the idea to Alexandra that she would tour me around the academy, but the red haired woman doesn't seem to like the suggestion; Alexandra refused and said that she should be the one to tour me since I'm now her personal assistant.

"Alexandra, like I said, Nasrin and I still have a lot of catching up to do, so I'll tour her around the academy in your stead," Penelope said as she narrowed her eyes at me.

Alexandra plastered a business smile on her face and said, "well, Penelope, you can continue your discussion on another day, Nasrin is now my official gui...personal assistant, so naturally, she should come with me, right lass?"

I look at the two of them back and forth as I am unable to choose who to go with. They're both equally dangerous. Both have other intentions.

I gaze at Alexandra who stares at me expectantly. After signing the contract, Alexandra is finally presenting her true colours in the open. Her face displayed an evil grin; Alexandra is just probably demanding to tour me, so she could smoothly abduct me to her laboratory, and I'm not ready for that torture yet.

So I turned to look at Penelope. The damn woman was giving me the usual squinted eyes. Probably still highly suspicious of me, and she also probably haven't given up on making me her slave. Which means she's also a no.

I glance at Alexandra again. Then I turn to Penelope and then my eyes glance at the red haired woman once more. It continued like that for a few more times before I finally settled my eyes on Alexandra's naturally evil face.

I kinda had doubts deep in my heart that this professor is bad news. However, from the moment I met Penelope, Alexandra suddenly became kind in my eyes.

Despite having a twisted mind, the red haired woman is undoubtedly more easy to talk to than Penelope, and additionally, she at least didn't use brute force to make me accept that shady deal. I voluntarily accepted that deal for my own reasons.

After a while of looking back and forth at the two, I finally decided on who to go with.

I plastered a smile towards Penelope who smirked when she saw my gaze went to her. I suddenly had the urge to roll my eyes but decided not to. Instead, I ceremoniously said, "Dean master, it was nice meeting you, and I am honoured that you suggested the idea to personally tour me around the academy, but..."

I then turned my gaze to the red haired woman who was giving me a choose me look. I plastered a smile at Alexandra and she grinned back expectantly.

"But Professor AC is my employer and I'm her assistant, so..." I trailed as I looked at the two who both seated at the sofa together.

Penelope is as usual squinting her eyes at me. While Alexandra is looking at me with expectations.

"So since both of you insisted on giving me a tour, I figured...why don't the three of us travel together instead?" I finished with a bright smile.

I haven't forgotten my role yet. I have to play the matchmaker for these two, and what's more, I need to watch them both for different reasons.

Seeing that there's an opportunity to play the role of a matchmaker, I decided to go along with the flow. Not to mention that I could maybe sneakily escape, right?

Penelope seemed enlightened with what I said as she quickly turned to look at the red haired woman beside her. "I agree with Nasrin, the three of us should go together, Alex," she said. Her red bloody lips curved to a smile.

Alexandra, on the other hand, seemed to not like the idea as she knitted her brows and frowned. "Err...that I think is not..."

At first, I had no idea why Alexandra was so scared and tense around Penelope, but then I recalled how that crazy woman threatened me with a dagger and wounded my throat on my neck, and instantly, it made me understand why.

So, seeing how Alexandra seemed hesitant, I quickly added my true intentions. "Well, how about we reschedule this plan for tomorrow?"

Penelope glared her eyes on me. Probably displeased with the plan I suggested.

I only shrug as a response since the energies in my body have all been sapped and dried to drought. I feel drained, my head aches in palpitating pain, and my back hurts like an old hag. My neck is starting to sting and I feel cold. In other words, I need to rest and get away from these people. I have no energy left to play the matchmaker.

So I turned to look at Alexandra who heaved a sigh of relief; she hurriedly nodded in agreement. "I am in line with this arrangement."

Alexandra then plastered a business smile to Penelope. "Well, Penelope, the lass and I shall go now, see you tomorrow?"

Penelope pursed her lips but still nodded her head as she muttered, "fine, I'll be expecting your faces tomorrow morning."

Alexandra and I both obediently nodded our heads to Penelope. Afterwards, we both left in haste. Our feets race to the wooden door like horses.

I walked out of the room as silent as I could. I didn't glance at Penelope again; I could feel that she probably had her eyes peering at the back of my head.

However, I'm not interested to check and glimpse if Penelope is indeed looking at me; my only thoughts for now is to escape this room of hell.

After Alexandra and I finally walked a distance away from that room, we both slowed our pace as we caught our breath.

Alexandra glanced at me agitated. "Lass, that wound on your neck, I know that Penny did it."

I stared at her in surprise. "So you do know," I mumbled.

"Of course, Penny has been overprotective of me ever since we were both a kid, but I didn't expect that she would go that far and injure your neck..."

Her inner eyebrows crossed upwards as she awkwardly continued, "I hope you won't think bad of Penelope, she can be hard and difficult but she has softness in her heart," Alexandra explained with a restless smile.

I stared at her for a while and didn't say anything.

Despite thinking of me as an object for experiment, Alexandra seems to still have human decency. I don't know whether Alexandra was bothered because the guinea pig had been damaged, or if it was because she was concerned if the guinea pig thought badly of Penelope. Or perhaps both.

I'm not sure.

I suppose I would never be able to understand how their thought process works, but seeing how Alexandra cares greatly for Penelope; it made me realise how judgemental I was towards these people and to this world.

Seeing the guilty expression on Alexandra's face, it made me feel complicated.

My brows knitted as I averted my gaze and stared forward. "It's fine, like I said, it's only a scratch," I replied in a flat tone.

I don't blame Alexandra, and I won't blame Penelope either. However, Alexandra knew about Penelope's personality, yet she still left me alone there voluntarily. Saying that I'm not disappointed and upset would be a lie.

Anyhow, I'll act like nothing happened since I still have a goal to achieve. I need to prevent what happened in that book. That is to prevent Alexandra from dying, and to look out for Penelope's blackening.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not doing all of these things out of kindness. I'm not a good person, but I'm a decent human being. As a decent human being, I can't ignore these events that might or might not happen in the future.

What's more, this is all for the sake of my smooth sailing ending. My thoughts became more complicated as we walked slowly along the hall in silence.

In my peripheral vision, I noticed that the red haired woman still seemed quaking in jittery, so I opened my mouth and started. "So..."

"Hmm?" Alexandra replied as she glanced at me.

I curved my lips then said, "about you and the dean master..."

"What about it?" The red haired woman replied back, intrigued.

I smiled and teased, "childhood sweethearts?"

Alexandra snorted. "I'm a beta, lass," she replied flatly.

I raised my brow at her. "And what of it?"

Alexandra smiled bitterly and shook her head. "Nothing, let's go, I'll send you to your dormitory."

Seeing her sour face, I decided to shut my mouth and walk in silence. It seems Alexandra still hasn't realised Penelope's true feelings for her. That's probably why Penelope warned me not to tell this red haired woman.

I sighed exhaustedly. It looks like it's not going to be easy to play the middle-man.

So I didn't bring up the topic again and Alexandra also didn't mention it. Instead, we discussed things the academy and my responsibility in the workplace. Alexandra shared some tips for me as a new student in the academy, and I listened attentively since this will help me with my future plans.

Shortly after.

We arrived in the dormitory building at last.

Alexandra said that the building was called Greenhorn Alpha Female Dormitory or GAF for short. It was a dormitory solely for undifferentiated future female alphas.

After arriving at the dormitory, the red haired woman bid me goodbye. Alexandra told me that only undifferentiated alpha can enter this building, so I told her that I can manage on my own from here.

I entered the huge structure alone. Like any other castle-like buildings, it was made out of stone bricks, but there was no red carpet under my feet or chandeliers on the ceiling.

It didn't look luxurious, but it didn't look cheap either.

The floor was made out of smooth stone marbles. The light came from the lamps posted on the side of the walls.

It looks the most ancient of the many establishments I've seen so far. Well, Alexandra did mention that this building had been here ever since this academy was founded 400 years ago.

According to Alexandra, this academy is the oldest academy in the empire, and it was also the most respected academy. After all, the founder of the Mystic Academy was also the founder of the Maple Kingdom. Which means that the academy was founded on the day that the empire was founded. That's how prestigious this academy is.

After staring around, the curiosity in my heart felt satisfied. There were people wearing green coats that guided me and other students inside the dormitory. They made us line up in a long line. Took our body measurements then gave us a corresponding size of our uniform. Afterwards, they made us write our information then they finally assigned where our rooms are.

My room number was GAF-D:0515. It means Green Alpha Female Dormitory, on room 05, and on the 15th floor. Before I left, the green coated lady said to me that I already have a roommate in my assigned room.

So I took my luggage and walked up the stairs, and because they don't have elevators or escalators, it took me quite a while to reach my room.

By the time I arrived in front of my assigned room, I felt my legs wobbling from the many stairs I climbed. My breathing was heavy, and I felt the irregularity of my heart rate.

I inhaled and exhaled, taking deep air in my lungs. Soon after that, my breathing was normal again. So with a calm heart, I plastered a friendly smile on my face to greet my roommate with the intention of making a buddy.

While thinking of what to say as a greeting; I knocked on the door and prepared for a cheerful and bright conversation.

Knock. Knock.

The door slowly opened, and a female wearing princely suit came into view. She had emerald eyes, long golden blonde hair, and smooth porcelain skin. The girl stood tall at the height of 5 feet and 8 inches tall. But I'm still one inch taller than her, which made the other party raise her chin a little.

I offered my hand and said, "hi, I'm Nasrin, your roommate, it's nice..."

"What's your status?" The girl interrupted, looking at me, lifting her chin even more with scrutinising emerald eyes.

Status? Does she mean physical constitution?

Scratching my cheeks lightly, I felt a little embarrassed as I answered with an awkward smile. "Uh, I'm still undifferentiated, but according to my results, I..."

"I didn't ask you about your physical constitution, I ask your status, are you trying to mock me?" She interrupted again, irritated.

"Oh...status? What status?" I replied; no clue on what this girl is asking about.

She sneered. "Social status, that's what I meant, airhead."

My brows furrowed at the girl's rude tone. Just based on her clothing style and personality alone; it seems that this girl is someone from a rich background. Probably a rich pampered young miss.

But as far as I know, the academy doesn't let noble or rich students use their identity in the academy. However, it seems some students still can't leave their status behind after entering this campus.

With crossed brows, I squinted my eyes at her and said. "Is that important?"

The girl arrogantly smirked as she raised her chest. "Of course, I'm a royal princess after all, I can't let just anyone become my roommate."

My eyes slowly widened. "Princess?" I gasped unsurely.

Her smirk deepened seeing my reaction, the girl folded her arms in her chest and said, "Yes, I'm Princess Cliopatra Kingsley, so what's your status, Oaf? Are you qualified to become the roommate of this princess?"

I stared at Cliopatra dumbfoundedly.

The moment I stepped into the vicinity of this academy; I met the protagonist Kendra. When I entered the academy, the inspector assigned to me turns out to be the beta lover that led to the blackening of Penelope, who instigated the original Nasrin in the novel. And now my roommate turns out to be the princess and the female partner of the protagonist. How small can this world be?

For a moment, it left me speechless and unable to react, but soon, I pulled myself together.

I opened my mouth and was about to speak, but I was interrupted with another voice.

"Clio, have you forgotten that you can't use your identity as a royal princess in this academy?"

A cold familiar voice uttered suddenly.

"Who dares call me Clio, show yourself and receive your punishment," said Cliopatra, seething in anger.

Cliopatra and I both search around.

From the shadowed parts of the corner, a silhouette of a woman slowly came into sight, and there appeared a woman in red, clicking her heels on the marble stone floor advancing to us slowly.

I gaze in horror looking at Penelope, who sauntered step by step towards us.

When did this bloody woman get there? Most importantly, what the hell is Penelope doing here?

"Au-aunt, what are you doing here?" Cliopatra said nervously.

Penelope ignored Cliopatra, and instead, those red eyes narrowed in my direction. Her red blood lips curved to a smirk.

I swallowed, feeling cold, sweating from anxiousness.

After that, Penelope then glanced at Cliopatra. "What are you waiting for? Get the luggage inside."

"Ye-yes aunt," Cliopatra said, taking the luggage in my hand then she hurriedly walked inside; as if trying to escape from the bloody woman.

Which in turn left me alone with Penelope again.

I gulp when Penelope turns to look at me. She approached stopping just right in front of me; inches away from my face.

"Little liar," Penelope called.

I knew Penelope wasn't going to stop until she gets what she wants, but I didn't expect that she would come searching for me.

I stared at her tiredly. "What are you doing here?" I said in a feeble voice.

"You know why," Penelope replied.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and took a deep sigh. "Penelope, it's a no, I don't agree," I said.

Afterwards, I attempted to enter the room, but I was blocked by Penelope's hand.

"Take this," Penelope said, shoving something on my hand.

I narrowed my eyes at the flat transparent thing. It was a small rectangular, flat, and transparent crystal. It had a long string hook on its side and can be worn like a necklace.

"What is this?" I said suspiciously.

Penelope rolled her eyes. "It's a communication device called manaphone," she replied.

My brows creased as I squinted my eyes on the thing called manaphone. "Uh...thank you for this device, but...I don't know how..."

When I look again, Penelope is nowhere to be found.

Huh? Where did she go?

I look around, roaming my eyes as I search for Penelope. But she really disappeared.

I knitted my brows. I thought Penelope would forced me to become a slave. It turns out she just came to give me a manaphone, and she didn't even explain to me how to use it.

What am I supposed to do with this manaphone then?

With a deep sigh, I decided to enter the room and just rest. However, as soon as I entered the room, my eyes widened in shock at the stupefying sight inside.

Dirty clothes and crumpled papers on the floor, on the bed, on the table, on the chair, on the lamp post, and everywhere. The room looks like it hasn't been clean for a whole month. I swiftly slid my index finger on top of the table and saw thick grey dust.

"Make yourself at home."

I heard the other person in the room say in a casually lighthearted and relaxed manner.

With a heavy sigh, I pinch the bridge of my nose trying to pacify myself with all the bullcrap motivations I could think of, but deep inside I know...

'This life isn't going to be easy.'

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