Steven universe adventures 2

By Ro1052003

14.9K 93 417

Steven and his friends are back! Their traveling the world helping other animals that need it. And now with t... More

New friends
Friendship vs strength
Thats what friends are for
Kindness and sacrifice
Battle on vorison mountain
Clash of time and space
Welcome to alamos
Darkeai's warning
From alamos town to nightmare town
Battle of the titans
The town is saved
Malenion festival
Turn of events
Butler true color
Rise of zombie groudon
Unfortunate events
Meet shaymin
The reverse world
On the train
Saving an enemy
Celebis forest
Ferry ride
Jungle forest
Enter iron masked marauder
Saving the forest
Steven meets god
Before the exlipes
Changing history
Meet Zoura
Saving zorauk
The Vision
The migration
Unexpected reunion
Join the migration
The spider and the butterfly
Team rocket means buisness
Welcome to the crater
The best of the best
Darkness is coming
Tapu council
To raptordon
In the nick of time
The pokemon of black and white
Medichi bros. Circus
Baby jumbo
Circus disaster
Dumbo soars
Unexpected show stopper
Elephant heist
A year later
Not so proper introduction
Robot chase
Hedgehog vs egghead
Best friends forever
Destiny apporaching
Meet hoopa
Ghidorah's ghost
The prophecy
Approachimg darkness
Off to dehara tower
Night time ambush
Closer than expected
Before the eclipse
The eclipse
After the eclipse
A new future
Reamimated pokemon
Pokemon hills
Steven meets the genecect
Genecect invasion
Genecect nest
Making peace
Princess diancie
Meet diancie
Mammoth manipulation
Mall mayham
Through the jungle
The bird of destruction
Mega abution
Meet volcanion
Helping magearna
Nebel plateau
A dinsoaur's revenge
Gaining ones trust
Reef city
Meet oscar
Sad day
Goofy goobers drunk
Oscar bets it all
Underwater disaster
Shocks and scares
Discoveries and sit downs
Now that we're men
Saving the sea
Welcome to fula city
Festival chaos
Meeting Zeraora
The okoyan jungle
Finale teaser
Finale part I
Finale part II
Finale part III
Finale part IV
Finale part V
Finale part VI
Finale part VII
Finale part VIII
Finale part IX
Finale part X
Finale part XI
Finale part XII
Finale part XIII
Finale part XIV
Finale part XV
Finale part XVI
Finale part XVII
Finale part XVIII
Finale part XIX
Finale part XX
Finale part XXI
Finale part XXII
Finale part XXIII

Protecting the jungle

63 1 6
By Ro1052003

The next morning Steven and his friends go through the forest asking questions to the local animals about where the biotop facility was and eventually they find it. Koko hoped they would have answers regarding his parents. Kolo looks around while Steven and his friends are toured by sharan around the facility as dr zed enters

Dr zed; sorry for the wait. I'm the head of the facility. My name is zed. You have a question for me?

Steven: yeah. I'm Steven and these are my friends. And this is Kolo

Zed is surprised by the amulet around his neck as latias shows the picture father zarud gave them

Latias: we're looking for this couple right here. We believe that they used to work for you

He takes the photo and looks at it

Steven: we think they could be koko's mom and dad

Zed: where did you get this?

Steven: in an old laboratory in the jungle

Zed: then...then that's Al?

He looks right at koko as everyone is surprised by it

Zed: the two In the picture are chrome and phossa molybdenum. They sure to run this lab. And the child they are holding is there son Al. They were the leaders of the hearing spring research facility. You see, the spring was always considered an urban legend that was part of the ancient titan kingdom centuries ago when humans and titans coexisted. Although a large number of research labs perused it, but could never find it. However, these two were able to discover it in the heart of the oboya jungle. They obtained a water sample, a historic record!

Sharan walks up to him

Sharan: is it true?

Zed: correct. That pendant definitely belonged to the molybdenums. Sharan, scanner, Al, would you mind?

Koko backs away

Zed: what's the matter?

Steven: ya see, KOKO was raised for the last 10 years by Pokémon

Zed: he was what?!

Latias: yeah, so he doesn't exactly truest people yet

Zed: unbelievable

Shanon gets a magnifying glass and gives it to zed who scans the pendant around koko's neck, and it was a match

Zed: then that means, that there is something I need to tell this child. Mr and Mrs molybdenum are not here in the lab. Ten years ago they died

Steven: what?

Zed; yes. There was a car accident, the two were lost along with all their research, their son Al was missing. We assumed he was dead too, but here you are! Alive! Nothing less the miraculous

The group look to koko who was saddened by this revelation. They came all this way for nothing

Steven: I'm sorry koko

Sid: ya know, I lost my parents too. Well technically they moved away without leaving a forwarding address

Manny rolls his eyes

Sharan: Doctor

Zed: what did you fine? Put it on the screen

Steven: what?

Zed: it seems all the data we thought was lost was stored in Al's pendant. Nearly all of it is corrupted accept for-

They look up to see the screen

Zed: the tree of life

Everyone was amazed by its beauty but koko was downright horrified because that was where zarude lived

Steven: what is it koko?

Zed: could he have a clue to its whereabouts?

Latias: that's right. The jungle is his home

Zed: Al, if you know something you must tell us. Do it for your parents dream. Do it for them!

Koko shakes his head No and heads off

Zed: Al

Steven: koko

The group follow koko while zed looks to the screen. With Steven and company they catch up to koko

Steven: well come with you

Koko just storms away into the jungle with the group following him as fast as they could. Koko kept running and running until he made it to the tree of life. He then looks at it with sorrow. Meanwhile the others were out of breath

Steven: man. Koko is fast

Sid: hey Uber tracker, ya catch anything?

Diego: aside from you and the possums, nothing smells different so no

Bumpy: man. First we find out your friends parents are dead then he runs off. What else could go wrong today?

Her question was answered in the form of a hit on the forehead. She looks around and hears voices coming from a hole in one of the trees. She peeks an eye in to see who was in there

Bumpy; hello~

She then got poked in the eye with a stick as the person inside revealed itself to be

Gladys: dag Babbitt I'm trying to sleep!

Sid: granny?! Your alive!

Latias: so this is where you dissipated to after we left nebel Plateau

Gladys: hey fats! Wanna get me outta here?

Manny raises his trunk and wraps it around her waist and pulls

Gladys: oh come on! Pretend I'm a dessert! That should motivate ya!

Mommy yanks and pulls her out retitling in Gladys landing on her grandson

Steven: I can't believe this, you've been sleeping here for half a month?!

Gladys: Eh I slept through the entire Covid-19 pandemic

Gladys walks off but falls into the river shocking everyone

Gladys: thanks for drawin my bath Sidney!

Sid: granny! Grab my paw!

Gladys: no way! This is my first bath in decades!

And it showed as she emitted a smell so bad it killed everything around her, including a shark

Latias: how old are you?!

Sid; quick! Somebody do something!

Manny grabs him by the neck and tosses him into the river. Sid then grabs Gladys and swims to shore, all the while Gladys kept hitting him with her cane. Eventually they make it to shore with Gladys covering herself

Gladys: what're you peeping toms all looking at?! Lady can't take a bath in peace? Eyeballing me like a rump roast

Bumpy: how long exactly is the life expectancy for a female sloth?

Manny: ugh. She'll outlive us all, ya know that right? Yeah that spiteful ones live the longest

They all press forward to find koko. Back with koko, he was thinking to himself

Koko: all of those people know who I am. Why was I left in the forest? Was it because I couldn't be with them anymore? Was it because they had to leave me there?

He looks to see a small little object in his shirt and looks at it

Koko; what is this?

Suddenly out of nowhere he heard an explosion as avian creatures fly out of a huge puff of smoke the explosion came from. Koko looks to see zed in some sort of hovering machine with a large robot following behind

Koko: it's him!

See stop in front of the massive tree and looks with awe of its majesty with a pair of large vehicles behind him with the scientists coming out

Zed: there it is. The healing spring and the tree of life

Koko comes out and lands right behind him making zed turn to face him

Zed: Al, you've made all this possible! No hard feelings

That's when he realizes the golden thing was a tracking device! He had lead them right to the zarude's home! This was all his fault!

Zed: you wouldn't understand

Sharon: please. We never wanted to have to do this! We're so sorry

Kolo lunges at Zed only for him to grab a test and stab him in the heart . He then grabs him by the throat and smirks

Zed: soon, apex will have enough power to destroy the titans and prove to be the world and humans, not animals are the superior species. Put him in chains and have him come with us. I'd love for him to have a front row seat of our triumphant glory

The scientists shove koko in a cage and put chains on him and gag him so he couldn't yell and screech with Sharon watching in horror. They then pressed on destroying everything in sight as all the animals flee the area. Suddenly a lightning bolt hits koko's cage making everyone look to see Steven and his friends there

Steven: Zed! What are you doing?!

Zed: forgive us. But we decided to use you. How could we not when we finally found what we've been searching for?

Koko looks in surprise that his friends came back as latias who was invisible unlocked their cage, removed the chains and gag and got him out. Suddenly their ariados blast at them all webbing them with Sharon watching in absolute terror

Steven: what are you doing?!

Zed: I beg your forgiveness

They then proceed to shove them all into their vehicle and as they continue their way, they banged on the walls as hard as possible as Steven gets the idea to let out a distress call to anyone who was willing to help. Koko caught on and let out a lid yell that reached father zarude. The rest of the clan hears as well as they see the explosion headed for the tree

Strong zarude: what do you think that was?

Elder: I don't know. But you should go and see

Strong and old zarude head forward to investigate. Meanwhile Steven and company try their best to get out of their confinement but to no avail

Steven: don't worry koko, well stop Zed and save everyone here, including your dad and the jungle!

Manny: he's right! This family doesn't give up that easy! We have to keep trying!

Meanwhile strong and old zarude are overlooking the ordeal and spot father zarude across from them

Strong zarude what is all this?

Father zarude: that's what I want to know

Old zarude: there here for one thing and that's the tree of life

Strong zarude: I want the rest of you to report to the elder

Old zarude: what about you?

Strong zarude: I'll stop them in their tracks

The zarudes accept for strong and father leave

Strong zarude: how's about joining me for a little rampage just for old times sake?

Father zarude: good idea. If we don't they'll tear our home apart

Meanwhile the group continue to try to break out and eventually they burst out of their webbing. Meanwhile Sharon Was just behind the door as she opens the door as sid charges causing him to fall out to the dirt

Steven: Sharon! Your helping us?

Sharon: that's right. I'm terribly sorry for what we did. If we're gonna stop Zed we'll have to hurry

They nod as they press forward to follow and stop Zed. Meanwhile strong and father zarude charge at the machine and attack with all their might but were just toys compared to them, but they didn't give up as they have it their all. Meanwhile koko gets out of his human cloths and goes on ahead to help his father with the others behind

Zed: continue forward! Pokémon are no more than animals. Just expendable worthless beasts that run from real danger

But kolo comes up from behind and kicks zed off his hovering device And in front of them

Kolo: don't you lay a finger on my father!

Father zarude then collapses to the ground with koko rushing toward him

Koko: daddy! Are you okay?

Father zarude: why did you come back?

Zed: you always get in my way!

Strong zarude: you two get out of here!

Strong zarude gives it his all but was useless to the machine, but thankfully Steven and latias show up as they slice the robots hand clean off as they and the rest of the gang show up and stand across from them

Steven: Doctor! Think about what your doing!

Zed: I am not interested in the miserable thoughts of a latios!

Strong zarude: you know that one?

Father zarude: not too well

Koko: he and the others are my friends

Father zarude nots as he unleashes a barrage of blasts from his mouth at zed, when the smoke settled, they were gone

Later we see strong and father zarude with the others with them

Strong zarude: elder, the ones destroying the forest are humans. My wounds are insignificant, but I can't say the same for him. I don't know why but these creatures that are liked by the humans actually caught alongside us. The ones koko called friends

Elder: first and foremost we stop the destruction of the jungle

Strong zarude: right

We cut to zed closer to the tree

Zed: I can feel it's power. I have the location of the healing spring. Do a scan of the tree

One of the scientists do so as they see an x ray to see energy inside

Zed: shoot the anchor into the tree! Now!

They do so as everyone watches

Feather zarude: there taking this to the extreme

Strong zarude: their gonna rip the tree open!

Zed: finally! Biosyn apex manta core and diotop will have all the energy to power their mecha and take control of the world once again, and put all those who defy us...out of their misery

Back with the zarudes strong zarude looks to the others with determination

Strong zarude: we can't just sit around quietly in defeat! Those of you who are willing to fight, follow me!

Father zarude: you think you could win against that thing? If you fight them head on you'll kill yourselves!

Strong zarude: we are zarude! We are the strong ones! We are the voice of the jungle! We are not afraid of anyone! The jungles life blood! Lift up your voices!

All the zarudes roar and shriek and charge forward for battle with everyone else joining but father zarude stops koko

Father zarude: take your friends and run! You can't win this!

Koko: but what of the other animals of the jungle?!

Father zarude: I can't bare to lose you too!

Koko: I know that. That's why I fight!

They all head forward while father zarude lays there

Father zarude: I should've known. How can I protect everyone of the jungle? Protect our home? Protect everyone! How can I protect koko?

He then remembers when the rufflets mother pecked on him and flies him away all just for helping him. He remembers how he said that if the time were to come...

Father zarude: if the times were ever to come, you have to fight!

Back with Zed he remembers when he and chrome had a discussion about humans and animals having the same life force

Zed: their Just stupid beasts! My path right right. Everyone else can die!

The rest of the zarude charge forward to fight with Steven and his friends with them

Steven: leave now Zed!

Zed; never! I've come to far to surrender because of some stupid animals! I'm sorry al but your parents made the wrong decision...and they payed the ultimate sacrifice...with their lives! Your parents wanted to stop for stupid beasts like them and I put them out of their misery for it. I made sure they were gone so that I may finish what they failed to do! I'll never give up! And with all the energy from the tree, the titans will finally die! Humans will be the dominant species again!

Steven: your talking about war!

Zed: and it shall start with YOUR EXTINCTION!!!!

He blasts at the zarudes with all he's got forcing them to retreat. Meanwhile father zarude finds shelter from the storm with many jungle animals there

Father zarude: would you please give me a hand? If this continues well lose everything. I'm asking all of you for your help

Rhino: beat or berry hoarder!

Diatryma: you cause too much trouble already!

Father zarude: your right. I don't have the right to ask anything of you. But I have to do my best to help koko. I'm his father, and I must do something. No matter what happens I must do my best to protect koko. You are the friends koko is so proud of. He says that your strong and fast, he says that your the best of creatures of the jungle. And he says you stick together no matter what. I know the zarude can't survive by ourselves. But if you all could combine your strengths with the zarude, then maybe we can protect koko and the jungle. Please

The animas looks to one another with concern for him. Ultimately they make their decision

Meanwhile the zarude give them their all but Zed keeps beating them

Zed: is this all you've got! Your just a bunch of stupid, useless, pathetic, irritating good for nothing animals! Humans are the dominant species of this planet! Not you! You shall all fall by our hands if you think a bunch of worthless baboons, a pair of dragons, an immature boy, three insects, a dinosaur, an anthropomorphic porcupine and a couple of ice age beasts can stop me?! YOUR NOTHING!!!

Steven and latias charge but Zed seats them away like flies


But then suddenly, out of nowhere came a rumbling sound, and suddenly, deep in the forest, a stampede of animals charge through the foliage, father zarude riding on the back of a sinoceratops as they all charge

Koko: dad!

Strong zarude: water raises the trees

Old zarude: the light shines down and turns trees into jungle

Elder: of course. The trees are the animals of the jungle, and he is the light

Many of the zarude still standing proceed to pound their feet like drums

Zarude: do you hear it?
The sound of stomping feet.
Do you hear it?
The many voices
The jungles life blood! Lift up your voices

All the animals charge forward and give it their all. The many animals of the jungle give it all they have and attack the machine with all their might

Elder: all the jungle beasts, their fruits circulating life blood. And for the first time, the jungle breaths. Does this mean we were mistaken?

Zed fight aback with his might but together the jungle beasts were stronger, and father zarude have it all his might, and he co to use to fight with all he's got, ripping one of the machines arms off

Zed: none of you know when to quite! But I'll take care of that!

Steven: no one's taking koko's family twice!

The zarude and koko take father to the spring to get healed up, but the waters weren't glowing, meaning it's power was weakened. Back with the others everyone have it all their might as they linked the machine down giving them all of their most powerful moves, but not even laying a scratch

With father zarude and koko, he looks at him very weakly

Father zarude: I'm sorry. I was a failure being a father, and there you go making that face

Koko: why are you still taking like that?

Father zarude: I've wondered for a long time, whether I was capable of being parent or not. But now...I'm glad you are my son...

With that he rests on the tree for the last time...

Koko: dad, no! DADDY!!!

The zarude Lowe their heads in sorrow as koko denies it

Koko: I have to do it. I have to use dads move to he's him!

Elder: koko. That's impossible. You heard it from his mouth. Your a human

Koko: No. I'm a zarude. I'm my fathers son and I will save my dad, I know I can do it! I'm the only one who can!

He concentrates as hard as possible, and through his determination, something happened, the power of the jungle flowers into him, everyone watched and in awe as the lifeblood of the jungle flowed through him as. With the scientists they see the control system on the machines back as Steven charges forward in his mega form and prepares to use dragon pulse with strong zarude calling out to the others to help. With koko, the aura vanished as father zarude finally wakes up, making koko give him a big hug. Steven then harnesses enough energy for dragon pulse as everyone else keeps the machine busy. Steven then uses dragon pulse on the co took system destroying the machine, but when the smoke cleared Zed was gone. For he had escaped and was now on the run

Zed: I will not give up! Not until the healing spring is ours!

But then he looks to see koko chasing after him toward the falls. Koko then pounces on him and strangled him with everyone watches. They then see Zed lunge into the water but koko grabs him and helps him up

Zed: let go! If you think I'll end it here!

Koko then ties the rope to the end and leaves him there and returns to father zarude

We cut to the next morning with everyone cleaning up. Man and nature working together to fix the forest with the zarude watching in awe seeing how the jungle belonged to everyone and everything. Father zarude then heads down to see koko whom rushes up to him

Koko: you feeling okay dad?

Father zarude: yeah. See for yourself

They look to see the clan on the trees with Saran standing across from them

Saran: oh great voice of the jungle, we give you our deepest apologies. I promise to you that we will restore the jungle, even if it takes us years to do it

Strong zarude and the other zarude tale bones for their wrists and turn them into gold aura that floats to the ground helping the forest as as trees grow from the ground like that

Steven: cool

They proceed to continue planting trees to help heal the jungle as  the zarude help out as well. All the while five figures Watch in disgust, the least holding a vile of healing spring water leading the other four into the jungles depths

Later we see a few weeks later to see Steven and his friends preparing to leave

Koko: are you really leaving?

Steven: unfortunately yeah. There's a ship at the docs headed to alola and we're getting onto it. There's gonna be a big reunion with our human friends that we've met on our travels. But we'll be sure to visit you soon

Father zarude: your always welcome to our jungle. For we are all the heart and voice of the jungle

The group proceed to head off with father zarude and koko returning to the troop. Steven looks to see them wave goodbye as they head to the docs to alola. But then they hear footsteps and they see koko catching up with them

Steven: koko?

Koko: I'm going too

Steven: really? Your gonna go on your own journey?

Koko: yeah. I've thought about it for a long time. I want to help both people and animals bond; like the ancient civilizations did with the titans from centuries pass

Steven: and your dad was okay with it?

Koko: my dad knows I was serious so he allowed it. I'm old enough to make my own choices. I'm both a human and a zarude. I hold the heart of the jungle

Everyone smiles as koko shows him having his bag packed and soon they see a geyser of healing waters for the tree and are in awe by how it was flowing again. They then see all the jungle creatures across from them seeing them depart

Father zarude: go out there and give it all you've got. But come back soon. The bridge between man and nature, you can all halo create it. I know your can. After all, you are my son, and I'm proud of you

They smile as koko leaves waving goodbye to the gang. They all proceed to smile as they continue their way to the docs. Steven then feels a breeze and then looks to see a sight he never thought he'd see

A celebi! As pink as rose petals

Steven: celebi?

Celebi: your on your way young prince. You'll know what to do when the time comes

Celebi then flies over his head

Steven: hey! Where are you going?!

Celebi: expect to be given a small package by the next full moon!

With that she flies off to the heart of the jungle

Diego: Steven! Let's go!

Steven then catches up with his friends as they continue their adventure

Meanwhile in his dimension arceus was watching with great pleasure

Arceus: he is closer to fulfilling his destiny

He uses one of his plates to observe a few others in their lives, one was Owen Claire and Maisie, the other was Danny sawyer and the others at New York, the other was SpongeBob and fini guarding the chest and the other was an elephant on a work farm

Arceus: you'll all have your part to play, to fulfill your destiny. To restore the balance between man and nature

He then looks to a picture of a small girl holding a magic sword surrounded by light

Arceus: including you, daughter...

Arceus: of she-ra, knight of the titan throne

Meanwhile in the outskirts of the okoya jungle, we see leaves rustling as a Ring portal opens and a yellow two-tailed fox pops out, which is revealed to be an anthropomorphic , and he is reading the energy levels from Sonic from a small handheld device.

Tails: If these readings are accurate, he's here. I found him! I just hope I'm not too late.

Tails uses his tails like a helicopter to fly over the forests and towards the docs

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