By mayo_de_quince

205K 16.4K 2.3K

When I woke up this morning, I found myself in a strange room, unfamiliar bed, strangers I've never met, and... More

Noticed: Warning Content.
Volume 1 - The Inception| Prologue: Sudden transmigration.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 1: Meeting the protagonist.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 2: Got myself acquainted with the protagonist.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 3: Begging shamelessly.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 4: Shady business.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 5: Test results.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 6: Who is the hunter and the prey?
Volume 1 - The Inception| 7: GOF Dormitory.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 8: Officially enrolled with a shady deal.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 9: Interrogated by the dean master.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 11: Sealing the shady deal.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 12: Small world.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 13: Your mess, your responsibility.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 14: Change of plans.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 15: It's not the same.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 16: Not my friend!
Volume 1 - The Inception| 17: Teasing in tunes.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 18: By chance.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 19: Reason for trying.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 20: Study the basics.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 21: Alone with the protagonist.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 22: Probing information.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 23: Pretty cute and weird.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 24: The protagonist is a little playful.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 25: Thinking of our future.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 26: Wandering around back and forth.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 27: For the sake of my hermit life.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 28: Losing myself is more than hell.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 29: Ominous signs.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 30: Please not the saliva.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 31: Drowning in darkness.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 32: Summoned by the dean master.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 33: Two birds in one stone.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 34: Nursing like a hmmm?
Volume 1 - The Inception| 35: Soul wanderer?
Volume 1 - The Inception| 36: It's not a hindrance.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 37: Different mindset, perhaps?
Volume 1 - The Inception| 38: Searching in a haste.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 39: A bystander.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 40: No one is listening.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 41: Moral code.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 42: All life is precious.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 43: Almost is never enough.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 44: Beaten to a pulp.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 45: Not a pet but a family.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 46: Good hunting ground.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 47: Building Tension.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 48: Time traveller.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 49: Library and opportunity.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 50: Announcement and fluttering letter.
Volume 1 - The Inception| Epilogue: The making of the villain.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| Prologue: Am I the lunatic?
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 51: Doesn't ring a bell?
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 52: No time to doubt.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 53: Halfling.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 54: A strange blade appeared.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 55: Collision.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 56: Provoked to madness.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 57: One last time.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 58: Pula.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 59: Compensation.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 60: In the middle of the line.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 61: Crave for blood.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 62: Contract sealed.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 63: Nothing to feel guilty about.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 64: Back to the arena.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 65: A treasure.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 66: Rule of thumb.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 67: Not on the same wavelength.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 68: 13 long days and nights.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 69: Sanctuary in mystic forest.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 70: Just this once.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 71: A night's farewell celebration.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 72: Sending letters.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| Epilogue: Who will have the last laugh?
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| Prologue: Returning to the past.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 73: Letter analysis.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 74: Strolling in the festival.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 75: Nothing hurts more like love.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 76: For the sake of my friends.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 77: Impending doom.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 78: Hiding in the bush.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 79: Inspired by the dean master.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 80: For the sake of atonement.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 81: Baiting her prey.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 82: Epiphany.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 83: Battle under the pool.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 84: Initiating the plan.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 85: Babysitting.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 86: Nothing happened here.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 87: Fateful encounter.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 88: 2nd fluttering letter from...?
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| Epilogue: A shocking news...!?

Volume 1 - The Inception| 10: One on one conversation.

2.7K 213 15
By mayo_de_quince

So why am I being interrogated?

I could only think of a possible answer from the novel.

In the book, when the beta lover died, Penelope wanted to punish the Salvador Clan, sentencing them to death.

However, the king dismissed this idea. Because the Salvador Clan is an indispensable force in the military army. Instead, the king exiled Penelope in order to coax the angry Salvador Clan, so they would let go of the issue.

That was how Penelope was described in the novel. It didn't explain how she instigated multiple crimes; nor how Penelope manipulated the original Nasrin.

Penelope only showed up on the day of the wedding of the protagonist; killing her brother with poison as she slowly explained to the dying king all of her crimes that caused havoc in the kingdom. In which the protagonist accidentally heard, and so the protagonist hurriedly told the crowned princess, Cliopatra Kingsley.

Together, the crowned princess and the protagonist brought an end to Penelope's crime, and that's how the bloody novel ended.

Recalling the plot of the damn novel, I couldn't help but take a quick glance at Penelope, and as usual, she was still squinting her eyes at me.

Yet, this time, I no longer felt scared. I felt sympathy for her. Omegas in this world were treated like shit. They had no rights or opinions. It was just plain sad to live a life like that.

Perhaps the reason why Penelope never appeared as a dean master in the book was, because omegas were looked down upon in this world.

Maybe this is also the reason why Penelope always looks like she was ready to kill someone. It's probably her defence mechanism.

If that was really the case, then that's just really sad. I don't know how Penelope became the dean master of this academy, but I do know that her end was just as the same as mine.

So with those thoughts, I have decided on another goal. That is, to prevent Penelope's lover from dying, and to help them with their relationship. In that way, Penelope will not blacken and manipulate or instigate people to do crime. Which in return would also save me the trouble of having that tragic ending.

'Wow, I really am a genius for this,' I praised my brilliant goal.

With a determined mind, I opened my mouth and said, "do you have a lover?"

I plastered a friendly cordial smile on my face, trying to appear harmless as much as possible. However, it seems it had the opposite effect as I saw Penelope frowned, pursing her lips.

With a deadly gaze directed at me, Penelope moved her mouth and inquiringly said, "why?"


Naturally, in order for me to know who to protect when the time comes, or at the very least, I could help try to prevent that situation from happening.

Yet, seeing how Penelope was looking at me suspiciously, it made me realise that getting the information I need wouldn't be easy.

Penelope doesn't know what will happen in the future, and I'm the only one who knows about it. Even so, I may know the plot in the novel, but it doesn't mean I know every single detail.

Due to that reason, I still don't know the identity of that beta lover who caused Penelope to blacken, and what's more, I don't know where to find this person; nor do I know what this beta lover looks like.

Which is why I need to know the information of that beta lover from Penelope herself. Even if it means provoking her to think that I'm suspicious.

Anyway, I think the death of her lover has still not happened yet. According to what happened in the book, Penelope started blackening after the death of her lover and after being exiled from her own kingdom. If I recall, it should have happened four years after the protagonist entered the academy, so that means right now, Penelope hasn't done any crime yet because her lover is still alive.

At that, I turn to Penelope again. "So?" I probed. "Do you have a lover or not?"

"Why do you want to know?" Penelope asked again. Her voice sounded dangerous and low.

A deep sigh escaped my mouth as I reminded myself that nothing is easy in this world. To be honest, I don't know what to tell Penelope so I could gather the information I need.

I smiled helplessly, feeling troubled. "Maybe because of curiosity?" I answered unsurely.

"Curiosity? I don't believe you," Penelope said strongly. Her deadly gaze looked at me suspiciously.

My smile froze and I stiffly turned my head, averting her deadly gaze.

I chose not to respond and she also didn't say anything else. An awkward long silence floated silently in the air, or at least, that's how it felt to me.

Despite my eyes looking at the table in front of me, I still could see Penelope looking at me in my peripheral vision.

"Are you one of the spies sent here by my brother?" Penelope said suddenly, making me glance at her.

Spy? So does that mean the king already knew that Penelope had a lover?

I knitted my brows, feeling suddenly anxious. If the king already knows, then Penelope's beta lover is in danger.

"No, I'm not a spy. Just a student who will become an assistant soon," I replied to clear her doubts.

But it seems Penelope didn't believe what I said as she pursed her lips and frowned.

"Why did you approach Alex?" Penelope probed still suspicious.

"I didn't approach her," I explained. "Professor was the inspector in-charge of my screening test."

"Then how did you suddenly become her assistant?"

My brows furrowed in confusion. Her questions are getting repetitive. "I think I already answered this question," I said.

"Then give me a different answer," Penelope demanded.

Despite feeling confused, I still tried to come up with a different answer. "She offered this job and it looks interesting," I lied as I averted my gaze and stared elsewhere.

"You're lying," Penelope stated, and that hit a nerve.

This time I'm the one who narrowed my eyes on her. I glared at her and she squinted her eyes back, giving me her deadly gaze.

'So what if I'm lying?' I thought to myself a bit annoyed.

I won't and never would I tell anyone that I became a guinea pig in order to enter this academy.

That's just plain embarrassing. That would make me look pathetic. And some things are better left unsaid. Becoming a guinea pig is my privacy, and no one needs to know. Even if I die, I won't tell nor would I ever admit that this happened to me.

I closed my eyes and tried to calm my frustrated heart. Taking deep breaths as I reminded myself that I'm currently inside the wolf's den.

But I just feel really antsy and vex. I don't know why I transmigrated in this world, and of all people, it just had to be that freaking villain in that damn novel.

The more that I think about it; the more I feel frustrated about this situation. Especially because I know what will happen in the future.

I stood up and walked to the window. Without asking for permission, I unlock the window and push it wide open. As soon as I felt the gentle breeze to my skin, my heart rate slowly calmed down, regaining my sanity.

And now I suddenly feel awkward. I lost control of my emotions just now. I was ashamed that I was caught lying. I didn't want to admit the truth; that I'm pathetic for accepting that deal with Alexandra.

However, I was not entirely lying either.

It was indeed interesting since Alexandra is researching dark attributes, and it just so happens that I have a rare dark attribute, in which I feel deeply suspicious about. For that reason, I decided to agree to Alexandra's shady deal. After all, I had to know if it was really because I suddenly got transmigrated in this body, or if there was another reason why.

However, I can't tell that to anyone, since this matter is related to the secrets of my identity. But Penelope is now suspicious and I don't know what she's wary about.

I bit my lip and sighed in resignation.

This woman won't stop questioning me until she gets the information she was fishing for.

Think. I need to think about what this woman wants from me, and I need to think of an answer that wouldn't reveal the secret that I am hiding.

With my thoughts sorted out, I turn to face Penelope again.

"So have you calmed down? Can you finally tell me why you became Alex's assistant?" Penelope asked, staring boredly at her nails.

Slowly, my eyes widened as I connected the dots. "Dean master, your lover, is it Professor AC?" I gasped.

I don't know how, but in the blink of an eye; Penelope appeared in front of me with a dagger in her hand pointed at my neck.

Her red bloody eyes gaze at me deadly. Menacingly deadly. I gulped as I held my breath, feeling the temperature around me drop. My heart chilled and the small hairs on my skin were raised.

"Dean master," I called timidly.

Her red bloody lips moved and opened. "Alex is not my lover...yet," she said hoarsely.

"Oh..." I mumbled as I don't know what else to respond to.

"So you were really sent by my brother, huh," Penelope sneered.

Hearing what Penelope said, I can't help but be frustrated. With a deep sigh, I tried to relax my nerves. I'm still scared shitless with the dagger at my neck.

I tried to remind myself that this woman isn't blacken yet. It means she hasn't lost her reasons and sanity, so I could still negotiate my way out of this situation.

"No, I'm not a spy," I started calmly. "Like I told you earlier, I'm just a student and if you want to know the details of my employment then ask my employer," I explained.

Penelope didn't respond as her suspicious red eyes stared at me. Probably checking if I'm lying again.

"And just to remind you, I'm a daughter of a powerful duke," I added, which I regretted as soon as I said that because now Penelope is growling.

"You're actually using your status to threaten me?" Penelope growled.

'People could growl when angry,' I said to myself, taking a mental note not to provoke this woman again. It's scary.

I took a deep sigh and said, "no ma'am, I'm not threatening you."

It's true. I'm not threatening her. Instead, she's threatening me.

"I'm also part of the royal family, so I advise you to think twice before disrespecting me," Penelope growled again, pressing the blade further on the side of my neck.

Shit. It hurts.

I winced as I took a step back, feeling the sharp cold blade, cutting on my skin, sending tingling pain on my throat.

"Don't move," Penelope warned.

Soon, something sticky and warm was flowing down on my neck. Like a trickling drop of liquid slowly sliding down on the collar of my coat.

I think the cut was not that big, but it still hurts nevertheless.

I swallowed hard, staring in disbelief at Penelope. "I can't believe you're doing this to a student, just what are you suspicious about?" I asked, frustrated.

"You, your whole existence is suspicious," Penelope replied, pushing me hard.

The edge of the window hit my lower back. I grimace from the impact, feeling my back ache from the burning pain.

I raised my hand to signal for her to stop. "Wait, wait..." I said, rubbing my back.

"What?" Penelope asked impatiently.

Rubbing my sore back, I glanced at her and said, "Look, you need to calm down first, what you're doing is basically child abused..."

"Child abused?"

"Yes, this is against the law, you know?" I said, grimacing in pain.

"There's no written rule like that in this kingdom," Penelope muttered.

I gasped in shock and said, "what? There's no law like that?"

I can't believe this world has no law that protects children's rights.

Penelope furrowed her brows and suspiciously said, "you're the duke's daughter, right?"

I gulped nervously.

I tried to look angry as I hurriedly said, "of course I am, why'd you ask anyway?"

"Are you really not sent here to watch me?" Penelope probed again.

'How many times must I answer this?' I said in my heart, sighing exhaustedly.

"Why won't you answer?" Penelope inquired further, pressing the blade of the dagger at my neck again.

I sighed in resignation. "I already told you, I'm not sent here to do this or that by anyone. I only came here to study, and it just so happens that the inspector assigned to me was Professor AC, and if you want to know more details of my employment then you should go out and ask Professor AC herself," I said, knitting my brows together as my shoulders slump down tiredly.

I thought Penelope would ask again and again.

But she took back her dagger, placing it on the sheath that was strap on her right leg. Penelope hid the strap dagger under her red fitted dress.

"So do you believe me now?" I said as I watched her fix her clothes.

Penelope took a quick glance at me. "No," she replied flatly.

After that, the damn woman walked back on the spacious sofa, sitting down with her legs crossed.

"Sit," Penelope commanded, gesturing for me to sit on the sofa next to her.

I frowned, weaving my brows together. "We're not done yet?" I asked disappointedly.

Penelope squinted the lids of her eyes. "Are you going to sit or..."

I didn't let the damn woman finish as I hurriedly walked and sat on the sofa.

Her deadly gaze was gone, but Penelope was still squinting her eyes. I'm starting to think that Penelope has eye problems. Doesn't she feel stressed or tired squinting her eyes all the time?

Well, whatever. That's for Alexandra to solve and to worry about. Suddenly, a small black hole space materialised, floating just right beside Penelope. She stretched her right hand inside the black space, taking out gauze and medicine.

My eyes widened in amazement. What the heck is that? 'That looks very convenient,' I thought as I curiously stared at the black space.

"What are you gawking for? First time seeing someone use a dark attribute?" Penelope said disdainfully.

Dark attribute?

My eyes widened in surprise as I curiously asked. "So you also have dark attributes?"

"Yes," Penelope replied as she scooted closer to me.

And my eyes look at her scared as I subconsciously back away.

Penelope frowned, pursing her lips. "Stay still," she ordered, then she applied some greasy ointment to the wound on my neck.

I winced when the medicine came in contact with the cut off flesh of my skin. "It hurts," I cried, moving my head away, but Penelope grabbed my chin, forcing me to stay still.

"I said don't move," Penelope warned.

"You said stay still, not don't move, and it hurts..." my voice faded at the end as I gulped.

Penelope just glared at me, and that made me shut my mouth. I obediently let Penelope freely clean the wound on my neck.

"So why do you want to know if I have a lover?" Penelope said suddenly as she wrapped the bandage gauze around my neck.

I glanced at her, and Penelope stared back at me. "I'm just curious," I answered, averting my gaze.

"Little liar," Penelope called. "If you don't start telling me the truth then I won't let you go," she warned.

"I...I was..." I stuttered not knowing what to say.

"What?" Said Penelope impatiently as she tightened the bandage on my neck.

'Are you trying to kill me?' I complained in my head but chose not to voice it out.

"Anyway, I don't mean anything bad when I ask you that, and I just thought that Professor AC was probably your lover because of how you interrogated me," I said looking her in the eyes. I was not lying when I said that. It was not entirely the truth, but it wasn't a lie.

Penelope squinted her eyes at me as usual. "Alright, I'll believe you for now, but it doesn't mean that I trust you. I'm still suspicious of why you became Alexandra's assistant, and also, if you behave suspiciously around me or Alex, you know what will happen, right?" The damn woman said, squinting her eyes.

I gulped and nodded obediently as I saluted, "yes ma'am."

Penelope furrowed her brows and said, "you're doing it the wrong way."

Penelope then took my right hand and placed it on my chest, and said, "that's the correct form."

"Yes ma'am," I repeated with the correct form.

Penelope nodded and said, "alright, but you can't tell Alex anything that happened here, is that understood?"

"Yes ma'am."

"What happens here stays here, understood?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Also, from now on, you have to report to me about Alex, and I will not take no as an answer," Penelope said. "Is that understood?"

I took a quick glance at her and saw that Penelope was staring at me expectantly. My heart elated seeing her expectations.

Doesn't this mean I now have the identity to support and protect the relationship between the dean master and the professor?

I kept a straight face even though I felt happy in my heart. "Yes ma'am," I said, suppressing my lips.

"You will become my eyes and my ears, in other words, you're now my slave, do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am, wait, what?"

My eyes widened as I stared at Penelope.

Shit. My life is doomed.

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