By mayo_de_quince

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When I woke up this morning, I found myself in a strange room, unfamiliar bed, strangers I've never met, and... More

Noticed: Warning Content.
Volume 1 - The Inception| Prologue: Sudden transmigration.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 1: Meeting the protagonist.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 2: Got myself acquainted with the protagonist.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 4: Shady business.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 5: Test results.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 6: Who is the hunter and the prey?
Volume 1 - The Inception| 7: GOF Dormitory.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 8: Officially enrolled with a shady deal.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 9: Interrogated by the dean master.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 10: One on one conversation.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 11: Sealing the shady deal.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 12: Small world.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 13: Your mess, your responsibility.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 14: Change of plans.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 15: It's not the same.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 16: Not my friend!
Volume 1 - The Inception| 17: Teasing in tunes.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 18: By chance.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 19: Reason for trying.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 20: Study the basics.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 21: Alone with the protagonist.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 22: Probing information.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 23: Pretty cute and weird.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 24: The protagonist is a little playful.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 25: Thinking of our future.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 26: Wandering around back and forth.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 27: For the sake of my hermit life.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 28: Losing myself is more than hell.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 29: Ominous signs.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 30: Please not the saliva.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 31: Drowning in darkness.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 32: Summoned by the dean master.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 33: Two birds in one stone.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 34: Nursing like a hmmm?
Volume 1 - The Inception| 35: Soul wanderer?
Volume 1 - The Inception| 36: It's not a hindrance.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 37: Different mindset, perhaps?
Volume 1 - The Inception| 38: Searching in a haste.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 39: A bystander.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 40: No one is listening.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 41: Moral code.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 42: All life is precious.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 43: Almost is never enough.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 44: Beaten to a pulp.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 45: Not a pet but a family.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 46: Good hunting ground.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 47: Building Tension.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 48: Time traveller.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 49: Library and opportunity.
Volume 1 - The Inception| 50: Announcement and fluttering letter.
Volume 1 - The Inception| Epilogue: The making of the villain.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| Prologue: Am I the lunatic?
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 51: Doesn't ring a bell?
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 52: No time to doubt.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 53: Halfling.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 54: A strange blade appeared.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 55: Collision.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 56: Provoked to madness.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 57: One last time.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 58: Pula.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 59: Compensation.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 60: In the middle of the line.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 61: Crave for blood.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 62: Contract sealed.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 63: Nothing to feel guilty about.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 64: Back to the arena.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 65: A treasure.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 66: Rule of thumb.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 67: Not on the same wavelength.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 68: 13 long days and nights.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 69: Sanctuary in mystic forest.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 70: Just this once.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 71: A night's farewell celebration.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| 72: Sending letters.
Volume 2 - The Beginning of the End| Epilogue: Who will have the last laugh?
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| Prologue: Returning to the past.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 73: Letter analysis.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 74: Strolling in the festival.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 75: Nothing hurts more like love.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 76: For the sake of my friends.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 77: Impending doom.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 78: Hiding in the bush.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 79: Inspired by the dean master.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 80: For the sake of atonement.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 81: Baiting her prey.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 82: Epiphany.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 83: Battle under the pool.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 84: Initiating the plan.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 85: Babysitting.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 86: Nothing happened here.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 87: Fateful encounter.
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| 88: 2nd fluttering letter from...?
Volume 3 - The Affairs of the Protagonist| Epilogue: A shocking news...!?

Volume 1 - The Inception| 3: Begging shamelessly.

4K 220 30
By mayo_de_quince

'What to do?' This question has been repeatedly asked in my messy head, and only one answer also comes to mind...'I have no idea.'

Despite being totally ignorant of the whole situation; I made sure that on the surface; I look like someone who knows what's going on and absolutely knows what I was doing. Deep inside, I could feel my blaring heart reminding me over and over again; that this is a delicate situation. One wrong move; I will be sent back to meet that person; bringer of death, Lory or also known as Persefoni; her alias as an assassin.

Recalling the face of that sharp maid; weird as it may be; it gave me the push to think of an awe-inspiring idea, and that is; to survive no matter what!

So I must pass this test even if I have to do unscrupulous things. Or perhaps act as a shameless bastard. I have decided that I'll win this test no matter what; even if I have to act against my dignified pride, I would gladly do so in order to survive.

So with a goal in my head, my steps became light as a feather. I followed the inspector with a mission in my brilliant mind, and that is; to trick this person to let me pass the test.

As I tread inside the campus of the academy, I couldn't help but check the facilities. I twirled my head around with a little curiosity sprouting in my heart. After all, this is basically the setting inside a book.

The walls were made out of bricks; paintings were framed and displayed on the long hall. There were even knights clad in armour guarding the entrance of the academy. These things are something I could only see often in movies, or perhaps in museums and historical architecture. They are not anything normal to me.

After a long while of walking, the inspector entered a room, and of course, I obediently followed thinking how to trick this person to let me pass.

The inspector lady didn't seem to notice the mischief in my heart; she turned her body to face me with a professional posture. Her dark eyes glanced at the paper she was holding, and she opened her mouth and started with a professional tone.

"Your full name is Nasrin Urduja," the inspector lady said in a matter of fact tone.

So I could only nod my head and wait for the inspector lady to continue, then with a quick glance the inspector lady stared at me and said, "age is 16, and," she paused.

The lids of her eyes squinted, sizing me up with narrowed eyes. After a long while of being scrutinised, the inspector lady nodded her head.

As if she just confirmed something, the inspector lady started scribbling something on the paper as she continued to mumble, "definitely not differentiated yet."

When I heard the inspector lady say, not differentiated yet, I was reminded again that this world is truly different from where I came from.

This world has second-genders; the second gender was composed of Alpha, Omega, and Beta. Most of the time, differentiation starts at the puberty age, and after differentiation, the body will take physical transformation.

Both alpha and omega will start having sharp senses, exuding scents that attract each other to mate. On the other hand, nothing much will change with a beta's body.

Out of all the second-gender, alpha's physical body was said to be genetically stronger than the rest.

Compared to the two second-genders, beta is the most ordinary out of the three, but in terms of physical ability, a beta person is much more capable than an omega's physical body.

However, omega might be physically weaker than the rest of the second-gender, but in fact, omega are still much more capable than beta or alpha when it comes to magic.

After all, an omega has a higher amount of mana compared to other second-genders. Not to mention that an omega has a much higher mental capacity and was said to be more genetically intelligent than the rest.

Despite having a biassed opinion towards omega; because I know that I will differentiate to an omega in the future based on what happened in the novel; but still, deep inside my heart, I wish I could just differentiate into a beta. The least I want to become is to transition into a possessive alpha.

Even though beta is the most ordinary out of the second-genders, they are still the most stable between alpha and omega. Beta might not have any higher mana or stronger body, but in fact, they are more capable of deciding things in a rational mind.

Because when an alpha is under rut or an omega is under estrus period; all they could think about is to mate the opposite second-gender, and a beta person doesn't experience any of this.

As a woman who grew up aromantic and asexual in my original world, I don't want to behave like an animal in need of an alpha's pheromone; nor do I want to become a possessive wolf like an alpha.

Also, if I don't differentiate into an omega or alpha and just become a completely normal ordinary person, then perhaps I might not experience that tragic ending?

However, these thoughts were quickly erased in my head, because I know that I will not be able to control what type of second-gender I differentiate to. These things happen in natural ways, and just like how people can't stop an earthquake from shaking; the same thing could be said with these second-genders.

"Well then lass, ready or not, your individual screening test will now begin," said the inspector lady.

Hearing what the inspector lady said, I quickly focused on the matter at hand, shaking the worried thoughts that were always invading my head.

I gaze at the inspector, nodding my head at her affirmatively.

"Good," the inspectory lady said, taking a ball of crystal inside her satchel bag.

The crystal ball was transparent and clear; something that I often saw or used by scum wanna be seers, who makes money by trying to predict the future or the lovelife of others.

"First of all, lay your hand here on top of the mana crystal," the inspector lady uttered, looking at me impatiently.

The inspector lady's face was saying: 'hurry up, I still have more things to do.'

As someone who wants to pass this exam, I naturally followed and hurriedly laid my hand on top of the crystal ball, but just when I was about to directly touch the crystal; I stopped and stared at it for a while.

I actually have no idea what this crystal ball does, and as someone who just got transmigrated in this body, I'm a bit cautious towards everything in this world. Although I know the events that will happen in the book, it didn't explain every little detail, so I don't know what this crystal ball can do.

So with a curious questioning gaze, I glanced at the inspector lady and said. "Miss, what does this crystal ball do?"

"What? You don't know?" The inspector lady said, a little displeased.

'Will I ask if I know?' I replied complaining in my head, but I didn't say that and instead I gave her a little awkward smile, appearing a little helpless. "Well, I'm a bit ignorant, could you enlighten me, miss?"

Inspector lady stared at me with a bit of annoyance. "Lass, you want to enter this academy and don't even know what a mana crystal is." The red haired woman shook her head, holding her quill pen as she scribbled on the paper.

My heart jumped thinking that the inspector lady decided to fail my test, and the face of that sharp maid came to my mind trying to bloodedly kill me. Not knowing what to do, my brain got fried; all I could think about was to shamelessly beg.

With my knees planted on the ground, I hurriedly appealed for pity in front of the inspector lady; I hugged her legs as I implored. "Miss, don't fail me, I will try my best to learn! Just don't fail me..."

Taken aback by my sudden outburst, the inspector lady widened her eyes and stared at me looking bewildered and shocked.

"Lass, what are you doing? Get up!" Inspector lady said; her face contorted irritatedly.

But I didn't listen to her as I willfully shook my head and refused, however, don't get me wrong. I'm only doing this, because I can't think of anything else on how to persuade this woman to mark my exam as a pass.

I rather beg shamelessly here now than return back to Lory. In addition, what am I supposed to say to the father of this body if I fail here? Should I say that I failed because I don't know what a crystal ball is? Wouldn't that be equal to revealing my identity?

After all, the original Nasrin Urduja won't fail because of a simple crystal ball. The only flaw the villain has is her personality, but since I'm now the soul occupying her body, all the strong points that this body has also faded along with the disappearance of the original soul.

With these thoughts, I became even more determined not to fail this entrance exam.

"Miss, please I beseech you, don't fail me, I'm sure that a person like me also has potential," I said reasonably since I know that the original Nasrin Urduja in the book is indeed capable.

It's just that, I am not the original Nasrin nor do I wish to become her, but I am indeed in a situation where I need to be as capable as the original Nasrin.

Otherwise, I could only go back and meet Lory again, and who knows what could happen when she discovers I failed because I don't know what a crystal ball is. No, let's not think about it. I don't want to think about it.

With those thoughts, I stared at the inspector lady and stubbornly refused to stand up.

Inspector lady tilted her head and said, "lass who said I'll fail you?"

My ears perk up and gaze up to see the inspector's face looking at me amusedly.

"Eh? Aren't you going to fail me because I don't know what a crystal ball is?" I said probingly.

Hearing my question, the inspector lady smiled helplessly and with a gentle tone like a mother, she supported me to stand up and said, "lass, are you so nervous?"

Being forced to stand up by the inspector, I had no choice but to surrender my body and just stand up. However, that doesn't mean I would also give up.

I stared at the inspector lady with resolute mind. "Miss, what can I do so you will not fail me?"

"Don't worry, the test isn't finished yet," the inspector lady answered with a comforting smile. "I still need to test your magic affinity, your physical constitution, and your combat skill. Additionally, you can show me any kind of skill mastery, and I'll judge it based on whether you can grow in Mystic Academy or not."

Instantly, I heaved a sigh of relief hearing that.

"Also, just to remind you, the academy doesn't fail examinees just based on their academic intelligence," the inspector lady stated like a reminder.

I nodded, listening attentively.

The inspector lady grabs her chin as she continues. "Well, it is indeed a bonus, but the academy concentrates on each individual's potential, and of course, their willingness to learn, so what you showed just now," the inspector lady paused.

The inspector lady held her pen as she started recording something on the paper. I gulped as I took a peek at what the inspector was writing about, hoping in my heart that she was giving me a passing score, but before I could even look, the inspector lady had already finished.

The inspector lady then stared at me again with a smile. "I'm giving you a pass on your attitude," the inspector lady said, this time looking at me kindly.

Hearing what the inspector lady said made me release a sigh of relief. The pressure and the burden in my heart has finally dissipated a little. Only a little since I haven't officially entered the academy yet.

At that, I turned my head to the crystal ball and said, "I just need to lay my hand here on top of the crystal ball, right?"

"Yes, and it's not called crystal ball but mana crystal," the inspector lady said, correcting me with a patient smile.

"Oh," I mouthed as I nodded dumbly.

"There are many types of mana crystal, this one," the inspector lady pointed at the crystal ball then she continued, "this mana crystal is a type of magic equipment that would automatically show what type of affinities you have."

I nodded as I tried to keep a mental note in my mind so as to not forget these important things.

For some reason, the inspector lady's attitude suddenly changed for the better, which is favorable for me. My effort of hugging the inspector lady's thigh has come to fruition, but her answer left me ashamed of my actions just now. If I had known that it was only to see my mana affinities, I would not have made an embarrassing show for myself.

Despite feeling embarrassed in my heart, I tried to look optimistic, and so I smiled feeling confident all of a sudden. I stared at the mana crystal and placed my palms on top of it.

Even though I already knew that the original Nasrin have the attributes of earth and wind magic, I still need to abide by the academy's rule and show the inspector lady what attributes I have.

After placing my hand on the mana crystal, the transparent crystal ball suddenly glimmered. I looked in awe as the colours kept changing before me. At first the crystal ball glowed a bright green, brown, and then finally black.

Although I think I know what green and brown mean, I still have no clue why black was displayed in the end, so I turned to look at the inspector lady with an inquiring gaze, but I found that she was looking at me complicatedly.

"Miss?" I called out to the inspector lady since she was looking at me in a trance.

Her intense stare made me feel nervous all of a sudden, which made me think that she might have discovered my secret. 'Am I doomed?'

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