Stellaride behind the flames

By myersa81

81.1K 858 172

These are one shots based off of the episode in season six and what happens in each and what I think Stella... More

After the road trip pt 1
Authors note
After the road trip pt 2
Aurthor note
Friendship can turn to somthing else
A fire within
The moring glow
Authors note
Keeping the sercet
Meet the mom part 1
Autor's note
Meet the mom pt 2
Authors note
Meet the mom pt 3
Authors note
Teasting the waters pt1
Testing the waters pt2
First date and meeting the ex-girlfriend
Ex- girlfriend pt1
Putting the past behind me pt 1
Putting the past behind me part 2
Putting the past behind me part 3
authors note
just us being happy
all I care about is Stella part 1
All i care about is stella part 2
Being Detectives for the day
Autors note
Meeting stella's friend
I love you
Dealing with a lot of stuff
Saying the final goodbyes
Learning to move on
Hitting a bump in the road
I can't do this anymore
Working past a break up with a coworker
Authors note
Realize how much i care
Trust your gut
Where do we go form here
Strom on the inside and out of the firehouse
I am here for you anytime
You're the one he needs right now
Better man
New beginnings
Its scary
Badass stella
Push to the limit part 1
Push to the limit part 2
Just the two of us
Happy birthday kelly
Stella is the best
Find your people
Girls on fire part 1
girls on fire Part 2
Girls on fire part 3
A future leader
Set back
Over it
Presure getting to me
Bringing back memories
Change is okay
Happy anniversary stellaride 
Being inspired
You got this kelly severide
You are so strong
Did i pass the test
Im never gonna leave you
My  fiancé
something for the fans
Firehouse is my family
season 10
Where is stella
Are we okay
Helping a fellow firefighters part 1
Helping a fellow firefighter out part 2
You are an inspiration Stella kidd 
Thinking of my past
 i'm scared to lose you 
Leadership disagreement
weirdness before the wedding
The wedding day is finally here
Finale thoughs
Married life
Helping a friend move pasted the hard part
Helping a troubled young girl and her mom
Married fire cops
A proud moment
Leadership differences
Taking the control back
The aftermath 
The missing parts of the aftermath 
We are in this together
Working on our trust again
Doing this on my own
I can finally breathe again

I have something to tell you

374 10 5
By myersa81

Authors note: I know technically the season is over but I randomly came up with this one shot Isn't really  recent season it's based on season four episode 22 where stellaride started to hook up and it's about form season 1 finale where shay wanted a baby and ask  Kelly to be the baby father well instead of her  embryo not sticking it did and they had  a baby girl  they raise her together until shay dies a few months after their daughter was born, now Kelly is raise her alone with help form his dad and his firehouse family

Kelly's pov; so it's been about two  years since we lost shay it was hard at first because I miss my best friend but lucky for me her and I had a little girl names savannah Elizabeth severide on March 4 2014 and she has brought  so much  light after the lost of her mother luckily she looks just like her with her blonde hair and blue eyes. Also she acts just like her too about three months ago I got a surprise by having an old girl that I had something with come to be a firefighter at the firehouse and that was Stella Kidd back then she was married to a bad guy but it's great to see her again about a week ago we kiss for the first time again it felt like magic we are slowly reconnected with each other.

GD= so how is it going with you and Stella
MC= Gabby Leave Kelly alone
GD= what a girl can ask questions
K= ( laughs) it's no big deal Gabby
GD= see I told you Matt
K= but to answer your question Gabby we are just being casual right now
MC= what does that mean
K= we are taking things slow
GD= that's good also did either of us tell you that Kelly and Stella actually knew each other before she came to the fire house
MC= wow I didn't know that
K= yeah I kind of showed up to her house one day and then her husband tried to call the cops on me but luckily for me the cops called him down and that was the end of it until she came to firehouse
MC= Of course that happened to you Kelly did you guys hook up back then
J= we may be kissed but nothing more than that
SE= hey daddy
K= yeah baby girl
SE= can I have something to eat I'm hungry daddy
MC= hey Sav can uncle Matt help you get something to eat
SE= yes you can
MC= come here little girl let's get you something to eat
GD= they are so cute
K= oh yeah they are she loves her uncle Matt the most
GD= oh how cute but don't tell Herman or the others they might get jealous
K= oh yes they will so when are you and Matt going to give Savannah a little cousin to play with
GD= Who knows I haven't thought about it in a while maybe in the future
K= hopefully not too long
GD= yeah so Shay would be so proud of you for how amazing of a job you have done waiting savanna on your own.
K= well I didn't really do it on my own I had you guys and my dad
MC= I bet he loves to be a grandfather
K= oh yeah he loves it
GD= so I know the thing with Stella is still new but since the whole fire house knows about Savannah because she comes around a lot don't you think
K= I know I do but it's still early with Stella I'm nervous to have her meet Savannah
MC= we totally understand that Kelly but
GD= savanna loves everyone and she would love Stella I know that for sure you got to trust something sometimes
K= yeah I do maybe here in a few days I'll introduce them to each other
MC= Take your time Kelly we understand why you're waiting
SE= auntie Gabby come play with me
K= I guess the princess has spoken
GD= oh yeah I better go
MC= oh yeah it's her world and we all are just living in it
K= that is for sure.

Gabby and Matt stayed for about two more hours and then go home, I put Savannah to bed about an hour after they left over the next few days I start thinking about what Gabby and Matt were talking about how many Stella should meet Savannah soon I do care about Stella a lot maybe it's time, right now it's the end of shift and everyone is getting ready to head home

S= hey you
K= hey you what's up
S= so are we hanging out today and if so my place or yours
K= yeah we can hang out today but let's go to my place this time
S= all Why I got to stop and grab something but I'll meet you there
K= all right see you at my place in about 20to 30 minutes
S= all right

I leave work and head straight home

BS= Who is home Savannah
SE= daddy's home ( runs to him)
K= hey baby girl did you have fun with grandpa today
SE= yes we did
BS= i'm glad you're home now because I know how to go to the grocery store and she didn't want to really go with me
K= Why did you want to go to the store baby girl
SE= I wanted to be here when you got home because I missed you
K= well I miss you too how about you go with grandpa then when you get back me and you do something fun
BS= how does that sound savannah
SE= okay let me go get my shoes on then ( she leaves)
K= hey dad take your time at the store with her
BS= okay why is that
K= well I'm having Stella over and I'm going to tell her about Savannah finally
BS= OK I understand I'll do my best text me when you're ready for us to come home
K= all right I will
SE= OK I'm ready to go grandpa
BS+ all right let's go get some ice cream
K= you better bring some back for me
BS= no way go get some yourself
SE= i'll bring some back for you daddy
K= that's my girl
BS= have fun Kelly
K= I will be good for grandpa Savannah
SE= I will daddy
BS= she always is

They leave for the store in to get some ice cream so I get my Safari and the house ready for Wednesday, I'm a little nervous but I think it's finally time I tell her about Savannah. About 10 minutes later a knock comes at the door

K= ( opens door ) hey there you are
S= hey sorry I'm late
K= it's no big deal
S= well I bought some beer to make up for it
K= well that's a good thing come in ( she does)
S= wow this place is nice
K= why thank you
S= you're welcome so do you wanna watch a movie or what
K= I would love to watch a movie but first I have to tell you something
S= oh God I hope it's nothing bad
K= Oh no it's not I promise
S= OK that's good
K= so has Gabby or anyone at the firehouse talk to you about Shay
S= yeah I've heard so much about her how everyone they say she was a great friend
K= yes she was especially to me
S= yeah I heard that too
K= well me and Shay were super close like we lived together and we were more like brothers and sisters then anything
S= That is what everyone said
K= so about three years ago she had this strong feeling about wanting to have a child but the only problem she had was she only liked girls
S= because she was a lesbian
K= Yes so she started to start searching this firm donors to get her a chance to have a child but after a week she gave up
S= oh man that must suck
K= it was but then a few days later she came to me and asked me to be her sperm donor
S= let me guess you told her no
K= Well at first I was shocked but after thinking about it for a few minutes I decide that I'll be Her sperm donor to have a child
S= oh really that seems pretty amazing of you to do that for her
K= yeah so about 10 months later me and Shea had a beautiful baby girl named Savannah Elizabeth
S= wait you had a little girl how sweet is that
K= The reason I bring this up because we are starting to hang out more and more and I don't want to keep secrets from you anymore
S= well thanks for telling me
K= you're welcome also I know we are just starting whatever this is but I care about you
S= I care about you too Kelly
K= so I was wondering if you would like to meet my daughter
S= I would love to meet her only if you are completely fine with it
K= yeah I'm ready for you guys to meet
S= that's great so is she here hiding
K= no she isn't she went to the store with my dad they should be home soon
S= well until they get back tell me all about here

Over the next half hour I tell Stella all about savannah and what makes her special my dad texted me when they arrive so I went outside to meet them

K= hey there is my angel
SE= hey daddy ( runs to him )
K= where you Good for grandpa
BS= she was the perfect angel so is she ready to meet
K= yes she is hey baby girl
SE= yes daddy
K= so you know how you have a lots of aunts and uncles at the firehouse that you love so much
SE= yes I do when can I go see them again
K= how about next shift
SE= okay daddy
K= so savannah there has been a new firefighter that has joined the firehouse that you haven't meet yet
SE= oh really I can't wait to meet him when I go and visit the firehouse in the next couple days
K= um actually the firefighter is actually girl not a boy
SE= wait really
K= oh yeah and also you don't have to wait until you visit the firehouse because she is actually inside
SE= wait she is
K= yes she is would you like to go to meet her
SE= yes I would
BS= I will go somewhere so you guys can have some privacy
K= all right Thanks dad
BS= it's no problem ( he leaves)
K= are you ready nugget
SE= yes I am
K= ( inside) so Stella I would like you to meet someone
S= oh yeah
K= Stella this is my daughter savannah
S= hello savannah
K= baby girl this is the new firefighter that works with daddy her name is Stella can you say hello to her
SE= hello Stella
S= it's nice to meet you I heard so much about you
SE= you have
K= oh yeah I told her how amazing you are
S= yes he did
SE= oh wow so are you a firefighter
S= yes I am
SE= that's cool

Over the next few hours Stella and savannah get to know each other by playing with each other, I ended up fixing us some lunch abs we eat some food and then it was time for savannah to go for a nap so we laid her down after she was asleep we headed to the living room to talk

K= thanks for helping putting her down for a nap
S= it's no promo she seems like a great kid Kelly
K= she really is the best
S= well you did amazing job raising her without shay
K= well I did had help form my father and the firehouse
S= I guess the statement about the firehouse being your second family is true
K= oh yes they are so thank you for being totally fine with me having a daughter
S= it's no problem you are a really great father Kelly
K= why thanks so moving forward I want to take things slow especially with having savannah
S= I completely understand that Kelly we will go at whatever pace you want

We slowly got to know each other better and it works our because about 6 years later finally get married and have a few more kids we have savannah Elizabeth, shay Mathew, Kinsley grace and Kaiden Andrew and live happily ever after

Authors note; I hope you like this. a couple things I didn't include in the story is benny lives with Kelly and also once they get married Stella adopts Savannah

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