The Gangleader Paction

By AverageClicheGirl42

475K 20.1K 6.4K

It's the middle of the night and it has finally come to your attention that you have mercilessly devoured the... More

Prelude: ➣ Boba with The Author
Synopsis: ➣ The Gangleader Paction
Chapter 1: ➣ You've Been Punk'd
Chapter 2: ➣ Bury You 6ft For Ab-DUCK-ting Me
Chapter 3: ➣ I Didn't Ask To Be A Part Of A Taylor Swift Song
Chapter 4: ➣ Doesn't He Have Anything Better To Do Than Kidnap Innocent Girls?
Chapter 5: ➣ Dead Duck! I'm A Dead Duck!
Chapter 6: ➣ When Voldemort Grows A Nose
Chapter 7: ➣ But He's My Sexy, Annoying, Uptight Gang Leader, Not Hers!
Chapter 8: ➣ I Don't Play Damsel In Distress
Chapter 9: ➣ Stupid Zoo Escaping Through My Stomach
Chapter 10: ➣ I Look Like A Walrus
Chapter 11: ➣ Xavier's Girlfriend
Chapter 12: ➣ Part-time Tycoon, Half-time Gang Leader, And Full-time Asshole
Chapter 13: ➣ They Just Can't Get My Nose Right
Chapter 14: ➣ Two Ghosts In Luigi's Mansion
Chapter 15: ➣ Yes, The Duck Can Cook. Surprise I Know.
Chapter 16: ➣ Happy...I Mean, Gabriel The Cat
A/N: Hold Your Fire!!!
Chapter 17: ➣ From The Deepest, Darkest, Blackest Part Of My Heart
Chapter 18: ➣ Why Couldn't I Be Born Normal?
Chapter 19: ➣You've Got To Be Ducking Kidding Me
A/N - 13 Reasons Why...
Chapter 20: ➢Deformed Snapchat Filter
Chapter 21: ➣ Short Girl Problems
Chapter 22: ➢ Bingo Boingo
Chapter 23: ➢ Anna Oop-
Chapter 24: ➢ Evil Loathsome Little Cockroach
Chapter 25: ➢ Frequent Kidnapping Card
Chapter 26: ➢ Bippity Boppity Bitch
Chapter 27: ➢ My Stupid Feathery Ass
Chapter 28: ➢ What In The Duke Of Hastings?
Chapter 29: ➢ Some Home Alone Shit
Chapter 30: ➢ It Can't Get Any Worse, Can it?
Chapter 31: ➢ Up The Stair, Not Down The Pole
Chapter 32: ➢ Doing The Harlem Shake
Chapter 33: ➣ Giving Fish CPR
Chapter 34: ➣ Looks Like Voldemort Finally Grew That Nose
Chapter 35: ➣ Daffy Duck PJs and Hello Kitty Band-Aids
Chapter 37: Sorrows Sorrows, Prayers

Chapter 36: ➣ Xavier's Ex-Girlfriend

632 33 5
By AverageClicheGirl42

There's probably a conspiracy theory somewhere that the original author became a chalk outline and someone else took over this book cos there's no way in heck She'd update 4 times in 3 days 😩

Dearest gentle reader, I assure you, I died on the inside about 8 years ago so it's still me 😆


"Get off me, Jason," Xavier murmured irritatedly twitching his brow as he sat in the lounge. Jason was seated with about a third of an inch gap between the two as he practically pressed up against his gang leader. Eyeball to eyeball almost in interrogation as Xavier ignored his existence for the past 15 minutes.

"So...did you two like...fuck or something?" Jason questioned in a completely serious tone as he drew his face nearer. I choked on my spoonful of ice cream from where I sat at the breakfast bar at the inquiry while Natasha stood in the kitchen, scrambling her eggs before giving me a knowing smirk.

What the crab nuggets?!

Xavier's jaw clenched in vexation as he cocked his head to the side and glared at it. "We didn't fuck, it was raining, I gave her my jacket, now get the fuck off me before I put a bullet between your eyes,"

Jason's hands went up in surrender immediately and he scooted over from practically sitting on Xavier's No No Square.

This guy was getting more action than I was at this point!

We had driven back to the mansion and just barely stepped foot across the front door when we were ambushed with questions. Since my jacket was a bit thinner, Xavier had given me his coat to avoid getting drenched in the rain as we walked back to the car. It was really warm and smelt so much like him that I felt too selfish to give it back.

Was about to offer it to the Xavier Dante shrine in my closet when Jason practically harassed me about it to the point where I gave it back. Much to my dejection.

"You've never given me your jacket," Jason sort of whined at the situation as he slumped back into the lounge sofa. Wait..was he hitting on Xavier?! I clenched my spoon and furrowed my eyebrows, glaring at the back of Jason's stupid head.

Did I just gain...a love rival?!

"You're not a girl, Jason," Xavier shot back subconsciously as he continued to keep his attention on the TV.

"Well, you've never given me your jacket either," Natasha quipped, a mischievous grin on her face as she called over the joint kitchen to the lounge space a couple of meters away. My jaw hit the floor and I whipped my head back to look accusingly at Natasha too.


Just then Nathan strolled in, towel in his wet hair from possibly taking a shower, "It's cold in here-" He began, cluelessly looking at the thermostat on the wall beside the fridge.

"WELL, YOU CAN'T HAVE HIS JACKET!" I screamed, gripping my ice cream spoon for dear life as I glared at his confused face. Silence befell the whole room as Natasha stifled a laugh and Jason was looking at me with an open mouth, flabbergasted that I was gatekeeping Xavier Dante.

He was mine. Granted they had him first. BUT I'M SELFISH.

Xavier shifted his head over his shoulder and his emerald eyes caught my awkwardly darting eyes with a smirk. Tearing my gaze from his smug look, I stabbed my spoon back into the tub of Ben and Jerry's that was miraculously unopened in the freezer when I got back home.

"Hey, guys, what's the haps?" Gabe interjected the uncomfortable silence, walking in with his cast as everyone's eyes pierced the back of my head from my outburst.

"Xavier's dating Skyler," Natasha answered him nonchalantly, scraping her eggs into her plate with the rest of her meal. At this point, I was going to shove this spoon in my mouth and choke  on it if anyone keeps advancing my relationship with him more than it is!

I was sweating on my seat for the moment he was going to wake up from the effects of the love potion and say 'Ew'.

We had drive home in the warm silence of each other that I forgot to ask him what exactly we were! Did that kiss mean he was my boyfriend now or...did we just marry?

"What?" Gabe's eyebrows raised at the same moment as I exploded.

"We're not dating!" I exclaimed, waving my spoon around like it was a weapon. Knowing me I'd stab myself with it.

Everyone else in the room shared knowing looks at the lack of denial from Xavier himself who sat casually on his sofa. Gabe looked more confused while Xavier fricken Dante continued to watch TV like they weren't accusing us of treason!

Pouges don't date kooks! Especially the Kook King himself.

Who...looked like he was enjoying the unspoken rumors the gang was cooking up right behind him. He really did enjoy my misery, how the heck did I ever develop feelings for this jerk?!

Judging by the emotionless expression on Gabe's face, I couldn't tell what his opinion was if Xavier and I were to have a relationship. Not that it could even happen. I'm still waiting for him to scream 'You've been punk'd' any second now.

Natasha looked eager for me to finally date someone while Nathan literally could not give a flying fuck who was in who's business. The man eats, sleeps, and repeats. Jason would try to plot my death every chance he gets for taking his Oppa, more than he usually does.

And Gabe. I didn't know and it was hard to tell from the absence of a reaction.

Gabriel was the closest to me out of Xavier's 1st division captains. I've spent almost every day with him since I got here. He was my assigned bodyguard and he practically took a bullet for me.

Aside from my feelings for Xavier, Gabe mattered to me the most.

Gabe's blank face materialized into a smile as I caught his eye, I returned him with a grin as he sauntered closer to me, "Have you had dinner before dessert, munchkin?" He questioned, playfully scolding me as he grabbed a seat beside me on the breakfast bar.

I scrunched my nose at him, digging another spoonful of my cookie dough ice cream before stuffing it in my mouth, "I'm not a child, Gabe,"

"She had a cup of 2-minute ramen," Natasha informed him disapprovingly shaking her head. I pouted back at her as Gabe tutted at me like I was some kid that had gotten into the candy stash.

"Want me to make you something?" Gabe asked, leaning his injured arm on the table.  It had been a day and a half since I patched up his wound with a torn strip of my dress and he was already up and about.

This team is full of vampires I swear.

"No don't overexert yourself," I told him, pointing at the cast and sling.

"It's fine I can-"

"Make me something too," Xavier's voice cut in emotionlessly as he continued to keep his face turned to the TV. I furrowed my eyebrows confusedly and glared at the back of his stupid head for his sudden interjection.

Gabe chuckled, shaking his head as if he knew something I didn't, and got off the chair he was seated on. "Alright what do you two want?" My mouth fell open at how he instantly complied with Xavier's request like he was a maid or something!

Gosh, that insolent brat, Xavier! Not that he was any better, walking around with a large slash on his side like it was nothing but a scratch.

Do these people just have extra lives in their back pockets?!

"No! Don't make anything, go sit down, you'll hurt yourself!" I told him, hopping off my seat to block his entrance into the open kitchen. Even with my hands spread on either side of me, he could easily walk around.

Gabe laughed, "I'm hungry too though,"

My eyes darting about the kitchen quickly trying to think of a solution where Gabriel wasn't at risk of popping his stitches, "I'll make something for you!" I declared and the entire room paled at the sentence. Even Nathan sipped his water with a grim look on his face.

Oh, come on! My food's not that bad!

A moment of silence while everyone threw up in their own mouths before a loud sigh came from the lounge. Xavier stood up, hands in his pocket as he ambled to the kitchen, an annoyed look on his handsome features.

Considering the jacket situation, Xavier's turtleneck and jeans were soaked when we got back to the house, so the first thing he did was have a shower. He had changed into a simple plain black tee and comfortable pair of joggers afterward as he towered his full height over my head.

Grey joggers.

Niagara Falls...

"I'll make something," He sighed in exasperation and I just stared at him flabbergasted.

"You're cooking?" Natasha quizzed incredulously as she sat on the third seat at the breakfast bar, munching on her scrambled eggs. Nathan, who had been minding his own business this whole time, turned his attention to his leader in anticipation.

Xavier cast his eyes over his entire team who was looking at him with bewilderment before rolling his eyes with a sigh, "Yes, I am,"

"Can I have some?"

"Me too,"

"Give me some, boss," Jason called from the sofa before bounding up and shuffling to the kitchen. Suddenly everyone was seated on the breakfast bar with napkins around their necks like cartoon characters waiting for a feast.

"Fuck sake," Xavier grumbled irritatedly before shifting his attention to me. I stood in front of him, eyes wide with curiosity. I definitely looked the part of a starry-eyed kid staring at him like that.

I heard the maids usually do the cooking around here but Xavier had given them the day off. So dinner was supposed to be Lunchables for everyone tonight.

"I didn't know you could cook," I told him in bewilderment.

His nose twitched up in slight annoyance as he narrowed his eyes at me, "So you're okay if I injure myself while cooking but not Gabe," he asked me pointedly and my jaw hit the floor.

Wait...was that...jealousy?

The rest of the team snickered at his accusation and I whipped my face around desperately.

"No, wait! That's not-" I began fumbling for words but Xavier laughed, his shoulders shaking as he did.

"I was kidding, I won't move it, it's fine," He leaned towards my face and sighed, tone lowered from his usual arrogance. I narrowed my eyes into slits at him but complied anyway since he did break a door down this morning with that injury, "What do you want to eat?" He asked softly.

If Xavier was as skilled as I was in the culinary arts, my options were limited to a barely fried egg and burnt toast.

"I want the Gnocchi Alla Sorrentina," Jason ordered from his seat on the bar excitedly. Xavier's head snapped in his direction, a dark and icy glare flashing in his eyes replacing the tender look he was giving me seconds ago.

"I'm not a fucking restaurant, asshole," He barked making Jason wither back into his seat. The other looked extremely amused every time Jason gets scolded and honestly me too.

I had to curl my toes to keep the laughter contained in my throat, "Can you make gnocchi alla sorrentina?" I asked suspiciously as Xavier straightened from leaning closer to me. I had no clue what the heck that was and the mere fact that Xavier knew what Jason was talking about already colored me impressed

"I'm Italian Sky, it's embarrassing if I can't" He shot back, arms crossed over his defined chest.

🐥 ------ 🐥

It took Xavier about 30 minutes to place the large tray of steaming tomato, potato, and cheesy goodness onto the large island in the kitchen. The rest of the team and I sat patiently the whole time, drool clinging to the side of our mouths at the smell.

The dish may look like it was from heaven but this could easily be a classic Meliodas dish where I'll be dead at the first bite.

Though throughout the preparation, I couldn't help but sit there and marvel at how elegant Xavier looked when he was cooking. I knew he was of European descent from his unique features but it never occurred to me that Dante was in fact an Italian name.

He could make Italian food just from memory. Plus, that black apron over those joggers made his ass look so nice.

The second Xavier let go of the tray, it was cut into 5 carefully measured sections before we all scraped it clean. Leaving none for the guy that actually made it.

God, it's brutal out here.

The dish looked amazing, not to mention the smell of it. I had never had any of Xavier's cooking before but judging from the way the team was going to sell their soul for it, I was convinced it held the map to the One Piece.

Xavier leaned in front of me, elbows on the table as he watched me hovering a forkful of the dish close to my mouth expectantly. Blowing on it, I shoved it into my mouth, staring at the ceiling to avoid his grassy green eyes concentrating on my reaction.

Holy...mother of ducks.

It was a mix of velvety, delicate potato and pasta heaven with each bite. I was at a loss for words. Xavier could cook, incredibly well at that too. "It's so creamy," I closed my eyes and whined blissfully, kicking my feet at the uncontained excitement.

You know what else was creamy?

The mozzarella. I don't know what you were thinking...

It just kept getting better with every mouthful. When I went to scoop another fork load, my eyes instantly locked with Xavier's as he smiled at me. I felt my heart pound in my chest with how close he was and the soft look in his eyes made my stomach flutter.

"It's so good," I told him, referring to the half bite left on my fork, "This is amazing,"

"Is it?" He asked coolly. Before I could give him a response, Xavier's hand clasped around mine as he guided my fork in the opposite direction to me. I froze, watching the fork that was in my mouth seconds ago be pulled clean from between his pink lips.

"It's not too bad," He declared absentmindedly. My heart beat quickened as Xavier's gaze lined with mine again casually and silence encapsulated the room. His hand was still holding mine, gripping the empty fork as we both watched fixedly at each other.

He was so pretty, the fact that he could cook was just adding to the list of reasons why I was simping hard for him.

Ugh, I want to kiss him again so badly.

Miss Girl is down bad right now-

The sound of a fork violently clattering the china plate from beside me snapped me out of my trance and Xavier immediately straightened up. We turned our attention to the rest of the team as they stared at us, mouths wide agape and a dumbfounded look on their faces.

Oh, crab nuggets.

Jason had even dropped his fork out of shock.

🐥 ---------------------------🐥

After dinner, in which Xavier ate half of my plateful, he refused to clean the kitchen and walked his way upstairs, leaving the rest of the team and me to stare at our licked-clean plates.

"Skyler's turn to do dishes," Jason pointed at me hastily and bolted up the stairs before I could protest.

Nathan had already left before Xavier did, leaving Natasha, Gabe and I left. I frantically looked at the other two as they avoided eye contact, whistling awkwardly at the ceiling.


"Fine," I sighed, slumping my shoulders on defeat. Natasha gave me a thumbs up and a big grin as she took her leave up the stairs.

"I'll help," Gabe told me reassuringly and my eyes went up like a 100 watt bulb. Only to realise he might as well be practically useless since I wasn't going to let him get his sling wet.

"I can do it," I said dejectedly and he chuckled. "You can't get your sling wet,"

"Alright I'll dry the plates instead," he offered and I nodded. Granted I've never cooked a decent meal in my life, I knew how to do chores since I had to look after myself after my mom passed.

Pulling on the dishwashing gloves I turned the tap on to fill up the basin. There was a mountain of pots and pans Xavier had used that needed cleaning too.

"So..." Gabe began, standing close to me at the sink as I squirted the liquid soap into the basin of hot water, "Is he your boyfriend now or...?"

"Wha-" I choked, dropping the whole bottle of soap into the sink at the question. Chuckling nervously I reached into the water, pulling out the practically empty soap bottle. "We're not dating...what are you talking about-"

Gabe guffawed loudly, "You're such a terrible liar munchkin,"

I pouted, knowing he was right. But at the given moment, Xavier and I weren't dating. Actually I didn't know what the hell we were.

"Don't worry, I knew from the get go,"

"You did?" I questioned incredulously; swirling the water around to work up the bubbles. "He hated my guts till like a couple of hours ago I swear,"

"It's pretty obvious, I called it when he punched Jason over the soup thing," he shrugged nonchalantly. I remember the soup episode, Jason somehow managed to make it out alive that day.

Darn him.

Wasn't so damn obvious to me though! Gabe's eyebrows raised when he realised how clueless I was, "Are you serious? Everyone knew! Except Jason maybe but he's more clueless than you,"

"How the heck?!"

He shook his head with a sigh, "You want me to spell it out for you?" I was going to need him to charter me a map to this new discovery.

"Please do,"

"Xavier is hard to read, that's true. But when you've known him for so long, you realise the little things have changed. He's never protective with anyone like he is with you," he poked me right in the forehead, pushing my noggin back.

"I'd hardly call having a gun to my head 'protective'" I replied sarcastically, quoting the word with my pink dishwashing gloves on.

"Are you seriously blind to the way he looks at you?"

" he wants me dead?" I told him as a matter of fact. Gabe face palmed himself hard with his good hand. "Up until a couple of hours ago - actually no, I still think this is a prank,"

Sorry, is everyone forgetting this man TRIED TO KILL ME?! SEVERAL TIMES?!

Gabe tutted, "You're an idiot. Do you not see how soft he is with you compared to like...everyone else?"

Xavier's eyes looked more tender than usual when he speaks to me nowadays. But now that I think about it, that gentle look in his eyes seems like it's always been there. Granted it was behind a cold facade, it seemed somewhat no different.

Xavier had every chance to leave me for dead, but he never did.

"I'm happy for him," Gabe added, a warm smile on his face as he stared out the large window pane featured in front of the sink, facing the stars. "I didn't think he'd ever care about anyone other than Stella of course,"

Who in the...

Xavier's ex-girlfriend maybe?!

I stared at him with my stomach twisting, my mind racing at the thousand and one thoughts shooting through my head. Oh no, this was the plot point where Xavier has a beautiful girl he was in love with as a kid and his heart still belongs to her!

Great! Not only did I have the entire gang to fight off but now I have an ex-girlfriend to compare to as well?!

"His dog,"


"Stella is his family's Doberman,"

What the fuck.

Gabe burst out laughing, clutching his stomach with his good hand at his own joke. While I stared at him with my jaw on the floor and the fury building up in my eyes. If he wasn't already injured I would've hit him hard.

"YOU JERK!" I cried, splashing some water at him as he swerved out of the way with no effort at all.

"You two are so jealous of other people, it's so funny!"

🐥 — 🐥

I wanted to feature a cute wrap-up chapter before the epilogue. I mean I guess it is an epilogue in a way...maybe. Just because there were some major plot holes I have to fill up with Fenty Beauty Foundation.

I have made a start on the epilogue but I'm kinda reconstructing the ending so you'll have to wait till I make my indecisive mind up.

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